Genesis (Prophecy Rock Series, Book 1)

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Genesis (Prophecy Rock Series, Book 1) Page 10

by T. Sae-Low

  “Do we follow them, Rad?” asked Gama.

  “I didn’t think we’d need to use our weapons on the first day of our mission, but we need to know why Gokstads are almost at the edge the River Fate. Which direction did they go, Gama?” asked Raden.

  He could see the trail of footprints disappearing off into the tall grass bearing north. “That way, and it looks like about five different sets of footprints.”

  Raden studied the prints. “Watch your backs. Let’s move.”

  They followed the trail until it disappeared into the side of a small hill, surrounded by a thicket of white oaks. The remains of another fire were evident, but the prints seemed to stop altogether.

  “I can’t find where they went from here,” said Gama. “Either they covered their tracks expertly, or they’re still—”

  Whoosh! An axe came flying out of the bushes, aimed at Kara’s head. She managed to catch it out of the corner of her eye and blocked it out of the air with her sword. Another axe flew through the air and ricocheted off of Gama’s shield.

  “They’re still here!” yelled Gama.

  That’s when two Gokstads revealed themselves at the top of the hill, about fifteen feet above them; they leapt down and knocked Raden and Kara off of their horses. Armed with axes and shields with the Gokstad Valknut emblazoned on it, they were gigantic men with the apparent strength to prove it. The one with the yellow ponytail swung his axe with such force that when Raden managed to deflect the blow he still backpedaled ten feet. This wasn’t a fight he could win based on pure strength alone. Panic began to settle in. How am I going to survive this battle? he thought.

  The other giant had a massive orange beard pony-tailed at the bottom and wielded a large axe. He swung, left and right, raining blows down upon Kara from every direction in a blitzkrieg of bloodlust. Kara knew her quickness was her salvation and had deftly dodged every blow thus far. But how long could she keep it up?

  Gama found himself squaring off against two Gokstads, smaller than the other two behemoths, but he was still at a distinct disadvantage. He was still mounted on his horse when he charged directly into one, knocking the Gokstad to the ground while Gama swung his broadsword into the other, cracking the enemy’s helmet in two.

  That’s when the third Gokstad leaped out of a nearby tree, catching Gama from behind. With his axe wrapped around Gama’s neck, he pressed the shaft tightly against Gama’s throat, choking the life out of him. This one was strong, and Gama couldn’t do anything offensive while the enemy was behind him. He was running out of air when he shifted his weight, and threw himself off his mount, sending both of them crashing hard into the ground with a loud thud.

  The fall had succeeded, and Gama inhaled a fresh breath of sweet-tasting life. It was short lived though, as the other two Gokstads had regained their faculties and charged. They piled atop of him, raining punches and kicks into every part of his body. The world went black for a second, blows to his face and body kept knocking the wind out of him, but finally he managed to call out for help. “Ripper!”

  The two smaller Gokstads instantly disappeared into a heap of flesh and guts. The remaining one, who had managed to choke Gama before, didn’t last much longer. His body bifurcated so quickly that he didn’t even manage to let out a scream.

  “Thanks, Oli, I would’ve been dead without you.” He patted her on the head. “Good girl.”

  Oli stood there, transformed at a moments notice from a seven-pound pup to a three hundred pound beast. Razor-sharp teeth and claws, her body scarred from previous battles, Oli was a changeling. One of a few remaining changelings in the empire, and evidence that the One’s magic still remained strong in the world.

  Kara was beginning to see a pattern in her Gokstad opponent. He was strong, but he had no technique, just mindless rage and barbarism. He attacked in threes, right, left, and downward swings. As the battle progressed and his frustration grew, the interval between each swing had grown as well, most significantly after the final downwards attack. This was the moment Kara knew she needed to attack.

  The Gokstad was breathing heavily from his onslaught, but before he could take a respite, Kara kicked a rock that bounced off his forehead, enraging him so predictably into another attack. Here he came, a swing to the right… she ducked; a swing to the left… she rolled; and finally the downward swing. As he brought down his axe, she rolled in between his legs, cutting out his right calf. The Gokstad instantly collapsed onto his right knee. Before he could turn around to find her, Kara was already on his back, sword halfway driven into the back of his skull. He shuddered as the cold steel melted through his flesh, moment by moment, inching closer to the ground. By the time her sword had made it out his mouth, the Gokstad was already dead.

  Raden struggled to control his nerves. He had some experience on the battlefield, but never against such a large opponent. He forced himself to focus. He needed to figure out a strategy to defeat this enemy, or the mission was doomed. Raden wasn’t as evasive as Kara was, and knew he couldn’t use the same strategy that she did. He blocked his attacks with his shield and sword, but was constantly on the defensive. If he was going to end this battle, he needed to strike, and do it soon before he exhausted himself. He quickly glanced at his surroundings. Behind him, he noticed the large tree that one of Gama’s enemies had emerged from and backed his way towards it, allowing the enemy to pursue. He needed to time it just right. He watched the enemy’s axe slash before him, every swing seeming to move in slow motion as he analyzed it. When his back bumped into the tree, he knew it was time. The Gokstad swung again, hoping to knock Raden’s head off in one blow. Raden anticipated this and raised his shield, not to block the attack, but rather to redirect his enemy’s momentum into the tree. The axe lodged itself into the trunk so deep that the Gokstad was startled by the stillness of the moment. He looked down at Raden, and could only watch as Raden drove his sword into his stomach. The Gokstad collapsed onto his knees, hands splayed out to each side, head downcast, in a position of utter defeat.

  A strike to the stomach was deadly, but not immediate. Raden knew he needed to keep his opponent alive long enough to question him. Gama, Oli, and Kara regrouped around Raden.

  “Are you guys alright?” Raden stretched his shoulders out, trying to decrease the tension within them.

  “Yeah, I’m good. I got two of them, but the third one sucker punched me. Bunch of cowards I say. Oli here took care of the rest for me.” Oli shifted back into her smaller form, before jumping up into Gama’s arms.

  “And you, Kara?” Raden stared at her, examining every inch of her face and body, checking for the slightest of injuries.

  “I’m fine.”

  “You’re bleeding.” Raden reached out his hand, caressing her blonde locks out of the way. He wiped away the blood on her forehead, revealing a small cut. Kara reached up, placing her fingers atop Raden’s.

  “It must’ve been from the axe they threw. I thought I blocked it, but it must’ve ricocheted.”

  “Let’s wrap it up before it—”

  “I’m fine, Raden, really… I am.” She smiled briefly, putting Raden’s mind at ease. He nodded in agreement before returning to the injured Gokstad.

  Raden took a deep breath, reinvigorating himself for the task at hand.

  “Why are you out here, so far from the Vicedonian territories? The Vicedonians position their Gokstad colonies on the perimeter of their encampments. We know this as fact.”

  In between each dying breath, the Gokstad responded in Nordic, laughing and smiling to himself all the while.

  “I think he’s saying his final prayers, Raden,” suggested Kara.

  I don’t have time for this, thought Raden, his emotions running high. “Why are you out here! Or I’ll end your life before you can finish your prayers to your God!” Raden shouted as he pointed his sword at the Gokstad’s neck.

  The Gokstad coughed up blood as he stared deep into Raden’s eyes. “We… run… from… Vice… donians…�

  “Your allies? Why would you run from them?” Raden demanded.

  “From…” the Gokstad began a coughing fit, choking on his own blood, signaling his end was near.

  “From what? From what?” Raden insisted.

  “From… Candi… date.” The Gokstad uttered his final words before slipping into the next world.

  Chapter 11


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