Genesis (Prophecy Rock Series, Book 1)

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Genesis (Prophecy Rock Series, Book 1) Page 43

by T. Sae-Low

  In a matter of days, Xander managed to reorganize the entire area of Lake Raphia into a resource-producing factory for the Vicedonian war machine. Within the city, all women, children, and elderly were safely harbored inside Castle Raphia where they received a steady stream of food and work. Clothing, blankets, garments, and other items were all produced within the castle walls.

  The remaining men, including Georges and his comrades were trained in Vicedonian warfare and now stood guard, defending their own city. What better motivation to have than to protect your own family and loved ones? With a small contingent remaining in the city, the rest of the men, numbering close to five hundred, were relocated to the battle camps bordering the lake. They were assigned guard of the western border, the closest edge to the Dark Forest. Xander knew General Yagar was not foolish enough to do what Aric had done. He would not risk the sanity of his men for a high-risk counter attack. Five hundred, though small, was enough protection for that area.

  Steropes’ unit had been completely decimated after the battle. His ten thousand troops cut in half. Of that half, a quarter remained critically wounded, leaving him close to four thousand troops to defend the entire eastern border. The Wild Woods would make it difficult for the Renzai armies to surprise them, but still, Steropes had his reservations. The southern border was now protected by the reinforcements that Xander had brought with him. An assortment of the Second, Fourth, Fifth, and Sixth Legions, they provided the necessary skills to operate the city. The Second Legion brought their heavy artillery, the Fourth consisted of engineers and builders, the Fifth were hunters who proved essential in tracking Aric’s movements, and the Sixth specialized in healing and medicine.

  Xander had brought four thousand troops with him; half were now under the command of Arges, while Steropes led the other half. Xander remained in charge of the entire operation. An army of about eight thousand troops was nowhere near the amount needed to hold Lake Raphia. Xander needed to find reinforcements. He knew where the closest soldiers were, but bristled at the thought of having to talk to that man. As fate would have it, Aric was the only person this man would possibly listen to.

  Aric spent most of his time down by the training grounds. It was the only place that seemed to help pass the time without resorting to the bottle. Xander had forbidden him from consuming any more wine and threatened soldiers with imprisonment if they indulged him. Xander was in charge now and had already skillfully reorganized the entire city. Xander had told his younger sibling he was needed for a special mission, but Aric still had his doubts.

  “Aric, I need to talk to you, my brother.”

  Aric couldn’t hear Xander. The sound of clashing steel filled the air, drowning everything else out. Aric’s opponent consistently backed away, blocking attacks but never offering much offense of his own. Truthfully, none of Aric’s opponents fought to their fullest capabilities, worried about the repercussions of accidentally harming their prince. Aric could sense it as well, and the thought only fueled his anger. He rammed his shield into his opponent, sending him toppling to the ground. Aric was on him in an instant, battering him with endless blows. The sparring match was over, but Aric continued his attack. Surrounding soldiers were unsure whether to intervene or not.

  “Separate them!” Xander ordered.

  The soldiers pried Aric off his fallen opponent.

  “Get your hands off of me! I’ll have your heads on pikes if you dare touch me again!”

  “Aric!” Xander shouted.

  Aric finally noticed Xander’s presence. Breathing heavily, he bent down and picked up his sword, placing it back in its scabbard. “What do you want, Xander?”

  “I’m here to talk to you about your mission.”

  “Oh, right. The ‘special mission’ to Major Kymon.”

  “I did not lie to you when I told you that. You are the only one capable of accomplishing it.”

  “Let’s have it, Xander. Let’s get this charade over with.”

  Where their father would’ve shunned Aric for his lackadaisical and condescending attitude, Xander still felt pity.

  “Listen, we are vastly low on soldiers here. We have barely eight thousand troops defending this entire city. I know for a fact that the enemy will come back with an army of no less than twenty thousand troops. It’s not a matter of if, but when. And when they come back, we will all be done for.”

  “So what would you have me do about it?” Aric retorted.

  Aric’s temper was rising quickly, so Xander grabbed him gently by the shoulders. The way he had always done when they were younger.

  “I need you to go to Sargatum and speak to Major Kymon. He has an army of ten thousand troops camped there. They’ve controlled Sargatum for years now, giving the Vicedonian Kingdom the best intelligence on any movements made by the enemy. But the fortress is defensible without that many troops. With an army of two thousand he could still maintain hold of the base. I need you to go to him and convince him to send us eight thousand of his troops.”

  Major Kymon was not well liked amongst the Vicedonian leadership. He had been part of the king’s war council for many years before being thrown off for disobedience. An ill-tempered man who only sought his own gain, Major Kymon had obtained his seat on the war council through bribery and nepotism. His eldest cousin, General Constantine, had recommended him, and though bribery was never proven, the accusation stuck with him regardless. King Maximus, though hesitant to allow the appointment to stand, relented due to Major Kymon’s victories in the field. An outstanding warrior and leader, his skills on the battlefield were unquestionable. For that reason alone, he was allowed to remain. Debate about skills and strategies were not Major Kymon’s strong suit, though. His quick temper frequently escalated to scuffles with other captains during meetings. His final act of defiance came when King Maximus had ordered Major Kymon to halt his advance during the Battle of Thymbra. Kymon refused the order and pursued the enemies deep into the Thymbrain Caves. The pursuit had broken the Vicedonian defensive line and cost them the battle. Ill natured, stubborn, and impatient, Major Kymon had few friends amongst the Vicedonian high council. However, one person he was fond of was Aric.

  “I have not seen Major Kymon in many years. What makes you think he’ll listen to me?”

  “Because he has always been fond of you, Aric, ever since you were young. I believe it’s because he sees himself in you. If he’s going to listen to anyone, it’ll be you. Talk to him. Convince him to send us his troops. With those extra soldiers, we can maintain possession of Lake Raphia, Aric. A battle that began under your leadership, do not forget that. Lake Raphia is vital to winning this war. You gave us Lake Raphia… you can give us this war.”

  Aric thought for a moment. The battle for Lake Raphia began under my leadership, but if not for Xander, I would be dead. Aric was torn; he was glad to be alive, but humbled by Xander’s help. A part of him resented the fact that Xander had, once again, saved the day. The people of Vicedonia will learn of Xander’s heroics, and marginalize Aric to the recesses of shame. He was going to refuse, but the mission suddenly presented Aric with an interesting option. This battle, though, it is not truly over. Xander may have intervened, turning the tide in our favor, but I still have a chance to finish what I started. To come back at the helm of an army of eight thousand troops would secure this battle for Vicedonia once and for all. Only I can pull this off. The battle for Lake Raphia will end in victory for Vicedonia because of me. That is the truth.

  “Will you go, brother?”

  Aric touched the scar on the bridge of his nose, wincing at the pain. “I’ll go, Xander.”

  Chapter 44


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