Siren's Calling

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Siren's Calling Page 4

by Alyssa Breck

  From where things stood, her biggest obstacles remained the duo, Corey and Palma, and their lackeys. Corey swam like a dolphin, that was a disadvantage that Alayah had going against her. Palma would gouge his mother’s eyes out if Corey asked him to. The two of them made a formidable team. Alayah noticed a twin in Corey’s camp. They were so identical, she thought it was impossible to tell them apart.

  Omin, her hot boyfriend and ally came close.

  “I heard their mother died right after she gave birth to them.”

  “The twins?”

  “Yeah. Kenel and Bhuv, cunning things those ones.”

  The next test was going to be a fight to the finish. No holds barred. There were rumors that they were going to be issued a level one trident. Alayah was counting on more than the trident.

  “What’s their specialty?”

  “Specialty?” Omin chuckled. “I’d say it’s treachery.”

  “Of course,” said Alayah. “Have you seen Tara?”

  “Nope.” Omin looked around. “Tara, you should watch out for that one.”

  Alayah nodded. A real friend was too good to be true. In the battle to come, she could use some more allies. Omin was there, at least, she had that comfort.

  She caught one of the twins looking at her. Alayah held his gaze. His eyes were large and the color of dried seaweed. He had a perpetual scowl always dancing on the tip of his lips.

  “That’s Kenel. The lesser of two evils,” Omin breathed against her ear.

  “I don’t remember them from the academy.”

  “They are two years older than me and graduated before you finished school.”

  “Why are they here, then?”

  “They want the same thing that we do: to be the commander of the team searching for the Legacy Stone. It will bring honor and money to their family.”

  Alayah looked at her lover. “You don’t seem to want to win this. You could have finished second in the race, but you didn’t.”

  “I’m here for you more than I’m here for me.”

  “Only one of us can win this, though. Will you feel sad if I win?”

  He looked at her with shining eyes. “No. I’ll feel proud.”

  Her eyes fell on his lips and heat blossomed in her lower body at the memories of what they had done the previous night. She wanted to survive this game, so she could do it again. One night with him wasn’t enough. “We need more allies to help us win.”

  “Maybe, but, at this point, everybody wants the same.”

  “You’re right. But I wouldn’t lose anything in talking with the twins, would I?”

  “Just your time,” Omin answered, his hand gripped her wrist. “They are dogs. I see the way they look at you.”

  “Dogs? What does that mean?”

  “It’s a term to describe men who just want to use a woman for sexual favors,” he said, lowering his head to her ear. “After they use her, they brag about it.”

  “Like Corey, then,” Alayah whispered.

  “Just like Corey.” Omin’s face tensed. “I knew he was lying when he bragged about having you. I had my confirmation last night.”

  Alay blushed hard and her stomach twisted and turned. “Are you a dog, Omin?”

  “I’m not. What we did was beautiful, and it just concerns the two of us.” He grabbed her hand and kissed the tips of her fingers. Then, he smirked. “I’ll be one of your husbands, remember?”

  Alayah nodded. “Even if I don’t win today, and I can’t restore my honor amongst these people, I’ll marry you, Omin. I promise.”

  “You just made me the happiest siren in the world.”

  “Don’t be dramatic.”

  “I’m not being dramatic. I would kiss you and make love to you again if we weren’t here.”

  “I’ll make you honor your word tonight, after the games.”

  He winked at her.

  “Now, wait here while I go to assess our opponents. I’ll be right back.”

  Without waiting for him to protest, Alayah drifted towards Corey’s camp.

  The majority of the other participants clustered around Corey who towered in the middle of his team. Curious eyes followed Alayah as she swam over to Kenel where he was making small talk with his twin brother and a female warrior she had not quite noticed before.

  “Hi, I’m Alayah,” she greeted, stretching her lips into a smile and holding up her hand.

  The group went quiet, Corey turned around. Alayah ignored him.

  “Kenel.” He scowled.

  His twin, so much like him except the scowl, smiled at Alayah. His eyes, glassy and as cold as death, he stretched out his hand, Alayah took it.

  “I’m Bhuv.” The smile was nowhere near his eyes. “You are afraid of losing?”


  He turned to the group, “Hey, everyone, look who’s come to join the team. She doesn’t wanna get whupped in the finals.”

  Laughter erupted all around the alcove.

  Alayah colored fiercely. She turned around and started swimming away, but Kenel held her hand.

  She turned to face him.

  “Pay no mind to my brother,” he said.

  Alayah trembled with embarrassment. She tried to break free from his hold. Kenel locked eyes with hers. His gray eyes reflected much assurance.

  “Please, stay.”

  Alayah relaxed.

  Kenel added. “Why did you come here?”

  “To mingle.”

  “You should watch your back,” Kenel whispered. “Some of us aren’t impressed by your beauty and your magical powers.”

  “Are you one of those?”

  Kenel smirked. “I like strong women, but I’m not here to make friends.”

  “You know you won’t win if you team up with Corey to defeat me, don’t you?”

  “Not this year. But the winner won’t participate next year. He or she might even die in the quest the elders want to pin on one of us.”

  “So, you don’t want to win.”

  His smirk turned into a lopsided grin. “What would you give me in return for helping you win?”

  Alay sneered at his implied proposal. “Is that what Corey is offering you? Are you proposing to me the same deal or is it just because I’m a woman?”

  “W-what? No!” Kenel’s grin dropped into a frown, and he cringed. “I’m not into men.”

  “If you value your junk, don’t ever talk to me like that,” she warned.

  The cocky siren male swam back and rushed to his brother’s side.


  Alayah squinted at the group and noticed Corey whisper something in Palma’s ear, and then he came towards her.

  “What do you want, Alayah?”

  “Nothing. I’m done talking, and I’ll leave your underlings alone.”

  “Really? And what were you talking about with Kenel?” He raised his voice. “About how you’re going to cheat again?”

  Silence settled into the alcove as everyone watched the confrontation. Alayah steeled herself for what she thought might move from words to physical combat. Corey towered above her, his broad shoulders spanned what seemed to be the length of a mile. He was dead wrong if he thought he could intimidate her.

  “I did not cheat, and you know it.”

  “Of course, I beat you yesterday when you couldn’t cheat. But you had some help in the maze of reeds, didn’t you?”

  “Why would you say that? The only times I saw you there, you tried to kill me. Remember?”

  Corey smirked. “My point exactly. To prove to everyone that on your own, you are nothing!”

  Alayah now trembled with anger. “I arrived second, and I won the first game. We are tied, so stop with the arrogance because I’m not impressed by you, and I’ll never be.”

  “Whore!” Corey spat.

  “You wish, don’t you? But I’ll never be yours.”

  Corey’s hands reached for her neck, but Omin showed up and pushed him back.

  “If you touch her, I’ll
kill you,” he threatened.

  Corey’s eyes widened, and he looked from Omin to Alayah. “Why are you protecting this bitch? Don’t you know what she did to me?”

  Omin folded his arms. “What did she do to you? Refuse to be one of your wives and sleep with you? Should she be put to death because of that?”

  “She-she…slept with me.”

  Omin held his hand in the air. “No, she didn’t. You lied. You just wanted to humiliate her like you always do to anyone who doesn’t bow before your greatness.”

  “Do you believe her instead of me? She wanted to use me for her own purposes and dumped me once …”

  Omin arched an eyebrow. “Dumped you? Wasn’t it the other way around?”

  “She cheated on her exams, and she was kicked out of the academy. She shouldn’t be here competing,” Corey growled.

  With a raised hand, Omin confronted Corey. “Enough, Corey. I’ve had enough of your tantrums. I witnessed you trying to kill her in the reeds. You pushed me back when I was weak, but I’m no longer out of breath.”

  “I’m a better warrior than you,” Corey snarled as he squared his shoulders and tried to tower over Omin. “Don’t push your luck.”

  Omin towered over him with squinted eyes. “Alay is my girlfriend. Don’t push your luck, Corey.”

  “W-what?” He looked from Alayah to Omin and then back to Alayah. “You picked him instead of me? Are the rumors true then? You are a couple?”

  “That’s none of your concern,” Alayah said with folded arms. “You ruined my life once, but I’m not letting you do that again. We’ll see who’s the best in the arena.”

  Omin smirked at Corey before Alay grabbed his arm and dragged him swimming after her.

  Chapter 8

  Out in the arena, they could hear the celebration going on. It was an interlude to give the contestants time to prepare for the fights. Alay listened as the audience chanted the names of their favorites.

  Meanwhile, Corey strutted around the alcove after having disappeared for a while. Proud of hearing his name, his hands rose and fell in rhythm with the crowd’s cheer. If she could help it, he was about to experience the surprise of his life by losing to her.

  The Supreme Leader’s voice came on. “Ladies and gentlemen, please.”

  The noise reduced to a murmur, but the anticipation was still thick in the arena.

  Alayah thought of an astral inspection and quickly dumped the idea. This time, she was going to let herself deal with whatever came with as much honesty as possible.

  “This is the final test for our warriors. It has been a good show of speed and skill, now it’s time to witness strength, valor.” The leader pointed at the Trident. “Who will qualify to wield this sacred weapon?”

  The crowd screamed the name of their favorite: Palma, Corey, and Alayah.

  The leader smirked. “Let the warriors take their place in the arena.”

  With that said, the warriors entered and assembled in the area. Each held his own trident. Alayah hovered beside Omin.

  Tara had suddenly showed up as soon as they exited the holding area.

  “Are you all right?” Alayah asked her as she noticed Tara’s haunted expression and the bruises on her arm.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Who did that to you?”

  “I was training,” she muttered. Her eyes moved and fell on Corey. He smirked, and the girl jumped slightly and averted her gaze.

  Alay’s blood boiled. “Did he touch you? Don’t lie.”

  Tara’s surprised face aimed at Alay. “He promised I would be one of his wives,” she mumbled.

  “In exchange for what?”

  The girl gulped. “I thought he … He was mad. He had been rough before but nothing like this time.”

  Alayah sucked in a breath. “Did he force himself on you?”

  Tara lowered her voice even more. “I told him to stop, but I had already agreed to meet him, and I wasn’t able to escape. It’s Corey. Who am I to say no to him?”

  Alay gripped her trident harder. “Bastard. Fucking bastard.”

  Omin’s hand touched her shoulder. “They are staring at you. Stop the chatting.”

  “I’m sorry, Alayah.” Tara’s hands shook as she held her trident upside down. “I have to do this.”

  Alayah looked at the rest of the warriors. Corey held his trident the same way, and so did Palma.

  They had teamed up against her. She could feel it in her core. She was on her own. Omin’s touch woke her from her thoughts. He was still on her side, wasn’t he? She looked at him with his eyes on the other opponents.

  “You’ll do what you need to do to win. I’ll help you as much as I can, but I’m not that strong when it comes to magic. I’m not fast enough, either.”

  “I know,” Alayah mumbled. “I’m glad you are here with me.”

  “Then don’t you dare start doubting yourself,” he said, looking at her.

  Alayah nodded and faced the other opponents. She glimpsed Kenel sneering from down the line. No one was going to steal the honor of finding the Legacy Stone from her. Completing that quest was her only chance to restore her reputation and be part of the siren army.

  The elder spoke again. “The warriors will be divided into groups and pairs will be chosen from each group to battle until all losers are eliminated.”

  After a moment, he added, “No retreat, no surrender. If you must prove you are worthy to lead our army, you must be a fearless warrior.”

  The crowd cheered.

  Roaring, the elder shouted, “Let the tournament begin.”

  Chapter 9

  In the first round, Alayah was paired to fight another female warrior. She was an amateur with weapons. Alayah bounced her around the arena skillfully, taking care not to go in too hard.

  The girl, short and angry, tried to box Alayah into a corner with several bolts of hydroelectrically charged water. Alayah deflected them easily as she swam in circles around her opponent, all the while building a wall of water around her. Soon, the bolts of charged water were bouncing off and pelting the other warrior.

  Alayah made a hole in the water and escaped, leaving the other female in the ball of water where the bolts of electricity stunned and put her lights out.

  The first bout was won.

  Omin headed out into the battle quadrangle. “Way to go.”

  She smiled at him and let him hold her in his arms and turned her around. “Everybody is watching us.”

  He chuckled and put her down. “I would kiss you, but it would shock the audience.”

  “I’ll have something to look forward after the last fight,” she teased as they swam to the alcove.

  He patted her head.

  “Congratulations on your victory. I watched before I had to fight against my adversary.”

  Omin nodded with his hands folded behind his back. “I was paired with a fish-looking female warrior. She was fast.”

  “Yes, you had a hard time getting a bolt through the fantastic acrobatics of the woman.”

  He rubbed the back of his neck. “The crowd seemed to like her more than me.”

  “Yes, especially when she pinned you down with her trident and pushed herself against you.”

  He frowned. “Were you jealous?”

  “She should be more careful. If you didn’t win, I would have to take care of her.”

  Omin threw his head back with laughter. “She was no match for my strength. I shook her easily and sent her flying through the water with several bolts to her belly. The fight ended after that.”

  “Yes, you are big and strong, and she should have been smarter.”

  “I’m sure you would beat me.”

  “Only if I need to. I’d rather make love to you than fight you. You are too soft on me.”

  “Don’t tease, darling. There are still a lot of fights to watch.”

  Smirking, she leaned against a banister and watched the other warriors fight.

  Omin leaned down and whisper
ed in her ear. “Study your opponents. You are smart enough to figure out their weaknesses.”

  After kissing Alay’s cheek, Omin swam away and left her watching her opponents as the tournament wore on.

  Fighters got eliminated, and the audience rose to their feet every time their hero—Corey—won a bout. He sent three warriors out of the competition in minutes, sending the crowd into a delirious scream every time.

  Corey would go in with his trident turned upside down and with its base pummel the other fighter before knocking them out on the ocean bed. Alayah thought she might adopt that style in her next fight when she saw Tara knock down a bigger warrior with that tactic.

  “Where did you learn to fight like that?” Alayah asked her after, but she only shrugged.

  The sudden change in attitude did not surprise Alayah when she caught Palma wink at Tara.

  The warriors were getting eliminated every minute, and there was just a few remaining in the fight. The third round ended; about ten warriors remained. Alayah knew that the battles would become fiercer and the rivalry deeper.

  Alayah battled next with a warrior built like a whale. He moved slowly, but every time he brought down his trident on Alayah’s own, it felt like being struck by five Coreys. The shock from the charges sunk a ball of shockwaves around Alayah that threw her off balance. The young siren knew she had to stop trying to match him pound for pound. She was getting stunned every time, and if she wanted to win this tournament, she had to end this fight in the next few seconds.

  The male warrior drew the crowd’s admiration, and the audience chanted his name.




  In the audience, and in the split second before deflecting Oner and his trident, Alayah saw the Supreme Elder stand up. He smiled at her.

  Alayah escaped Oner’s next onslaught. She drew back a few steps, stuck her trident in the seabed, then began moving the water around her. She formed a large ball of water, and when Oner swung his trident, Alayah trapped it in the ball of water.

  With her other hand, she bent another ball and slammed it into Oner, knocking him flat on his back. With his trident stuck in the ball of water, Oner had only his magical armband. Still, Alayah was already fashioning another wall of water around him, and before he could use his armband, he was boxed in. The young siren then charged the water up.


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