A Bride Under the Christmas Tree: Seven Brides of Christmas Book 3

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A Bride Under the Christmas Tree: Seven Brides of Christmas Book 3 Page 3

by Kane, Sylvia

  “Will do.”

  Shit. I thought maybe she was going to have some news for me about Bella. Or maybe a message, like she lost her phone or my phone number or something and couldn’t get a hold of me. No such luck.

  I went back to Silas, and promptly changed the subject.

  This wasn’t going to discourage me. I didn’t build the best performing hedge fund by being afraid of a little challenge. My diamond, my Bella, was going to be mine.



  I couldn’t believe I hadn’t started Christmas shopping yet. Online shopping wasn’t really for me, so I was sitting with a pad of paper and pen in hand, making my list. What should I get for dad? Hmm. Not another bottle of cologne. Ugh, I just sucked at Christmas shopping!

  I wanted to get everyone something perfect, but I lacked creativity and most of the time I got everyone the usual: cologne, perfume, bath set, blah blah blah.

  There was a knock at the door. And there it was again. Except it was more like pounding this time. I got up and walked up to the door slowly, careful not to make a sound. My heart raced as I looked through the peephole.

  I unlocked and swung the door open.

  “Oh my God! What are you doing? You almost gave me a heart attack!”

  “Well, I wouldn’t have had to, if you only returned my calls!” Nicole pouted. “I was worried about you!” She shut the door behind her, threw her coat down on a chair by the door, and followed me to the kitchen, where I tried to find some snacks and drinks.

  “Coffee, tea? Or wine?” It was Wednesday evening, so hardly prime drinking night, but with Nicole you never knew.

  “Wine. I walked.”

  She didn’t live far, which was both a blessing and a curse.

  “So, tell me, why did you fall off the face of the earth?”

  I looked her in the eyes. I was a horrible liar, but didn’t want to tell her the real reason. I knew she was dying for details about my date, but I didn’t want to get into it. As hard as it’s been, I’ve also ignored Conrad’s calls. I knew I had to call him back eventually, but I dreaded it.

  “I was busy with work. And my mom’s needed my help.” The last part was true. My mom, who lived across town, has been having health issues. My dad was there to help her, but he often worked late. So, when I was done with work, I’ve been going over there to help her with house work and do some grocery shopping.

  “Don’t bullshit me,” she said with a devious smile. “You haven’t worked past five even once since you started. There’s only one reason you’re avoiding me: Mr. Gazillionaire Hottie. You don’t want to tell me about your date,” she said, pouring herself a glass of wine. “Here, you need one, too.” She knew exactly where my wine glasses were, so she pulled one out of a cabinet and poured me a glass. A big one.

  “The date was fine.” I led the way to the living room, where I sank into the couch and turned on the TV.

  She sat down and turned to me, ignoring the TV.

  “Tell me more. You did it, didn’t you? You jumped him!”

  I blushed and hoped she wouldn’t notice.

  “I wouldn’t call it jumping. There was no jumping going on.”

  “Fine.” She rolled her eyes. “You got busy. He fucked you, didn’t he?”

  I couldn’t help but crack up. “We were intimate, yes.”

  “Eeek!” She practically shrieked. “Tell me about it! Was it good?”

  “Yeah, it was.” I bit my lip, remembering the way he felt deep inside.

  “So, when are you seeing him again? And does he have any friends?”

  “I’m sure he has friends, Nicole, but I’m not seeing him again.”

  “What!?” His facial expression was one of pure horror. “Why not?”

  I sighed and took a sip. The wine felt great running down my throat. It warmed my chest.

  “I’m sure it wouldn’t work out. I mean, look at him, and look at me.”

  “What are you talking about? You’re gorgeous. He’d be lucky to have you. And you’re just about the coolest chick in Atlanta.”

  I scoffed. “You’re sweet, but be serious. He’s a rich guy. He can have his pick of anyone he wants.”

  She swatted at my arm. “And what if he happens to want you? Ever think of that? Have you talked to him at all since the date?”

  “No. I haven’t called him.”

  “And what about him? Has he called?”

  “Yeah. And since I’m sure you’ll ask, he sent texts too, but I’ve ignored them all. Why bother wasting everyone’s time? He belongs with one of those rich heiresses and society girls.”

  “Don’t be silly. You have to return his call sooner or later. Why don’t you just go out with him a few times and see how it goes?” She shrugged and smiled. “You never know, he might be your special someone.”

  * * *

  “Good job on that letter, Isabella.”

  Wow. A rare compliment from my boss. This was new.

  “Now, could I see you in my office, please?”

  I rolled my eyes and mouthed “fuck you” into the phone, but with the sweetest voice I could myself, I told him I’ll be right there.

  I hung up the phone, smoothed down my skirt, and walked around the corner to his office. It was like a typical lawyer’s office. An impressive looking book case in the back, with row upon row of leather-bound books, and a beautiful desk, covered by stacks of paperwork and pictures of his wife and kids.

  “Hi, Mark. How could I help you?”

  “Please close the door, Isabella.”

  What? What was this about? But I didn’t ask. I turned around and shut the door softly behind me. I sat down across from him and tried not to show how puzzled I was. Soft smile, eyes relaxed, no frowning. That was my neutral face.

  “I’ll make this fast. I’m aware that you’ve been fraternizing with a client.”

  I kept quiet as I tried to process what he was saying without getting too upset.

  “You seem to not know what I’m talking about. I’ll be frank. You were seen out on the town with Mr. Conrad Brock, of ICC Capital Corp. As you know, this is against firm policy because of the complications it can cause in the solicitor-client relationship. So, please, I’d appreciate it if you’d stop. And try to refrain, in the future, from meeting our clients after hours,” he said. His lips set in a tight line, and he looked dead serious.

  My head spun and my heart almost jumped out of my throat. Shit! Last weekend! Someone must have seen us out and ratted me out to my boss. I didn’t think I was doing anything wrong—while the policy made sense once I thought about it, no one had expressly stated the rule, so how was I supposed to know? Sure, they hand out those two hundred page policies, but does anyone actually read them?

  My lips quivered.

  “I’m sorry. Am I fired?”

  His eyes softened and he leaned forward. “Not this time. Just be careful in the future, okay?”

  Maybe the monster did have a heart, after all.

  “Sure. It was just one date, anyways.”

  “You don’t have to explain. Just follow the rules.”

  “Sure, Mark.”

  He looked like he was done with his lecture, so I got up and let myself out.

  I breathed a sigh of relief. That was a close one!

  It was all okay, because I wasn’t planning to see him again, anyways. This meeting with Mark just confirmed that it was the right decision.



  I scrunched up another sheet of paper and aimed for the recycling box. With a flick of my wrist, it went flying across the room.

  “Yes!” I hadn’t lost my magic, at least not when it came to wastebasket basketball.

  I spun around in my chair, stood up, and looked out over Atlanta. A whole city. So many women to choose from, yet the one I wanted had disappeared. Okay, so she did eventually text me on Thursday, which was yesterday. She had some excuse about being busy, but I saw right through it, since she didn’t sugg
est meeting up.

  I wasn’t convinced it was over. There was just too much chemistry between us.

  It was Friday just before five, and I was waiting for a courier to show up with some papers for me to sign. Ironically, the documents were being sent by Bella’s firm, since it was my lawyer there who’d prepared them.

  I buzzed my secretary.

  “Yes, Conrad?”

  “Papers still not here?””

  “No, they’re not. What would you like me to do?”

  “Have them hand delivered by one of their staff. We’re only a few blocks away.”


  I was annoyed. I wanted to get out of the office at a decent time, since it was Friday. I didn’t have a date or anything like that, but I wanted to meet with Silas and our other buddy for dinner and a few drinks. Hopefully, it’ll help get my mind off Bella. I sighed. Sweet Bella.

  There was a knock at my door.

  “Yes?” I sat back down and leaned back.

  “Is it okay if I call it a night?”

  “Sure, go ahead. Just tell security downstairs to let the delivery guy up, okay? They’re coming from the firm Wallace & Thornton. Have a good weekend.”

  “You, too.” She smiled and shut the door. I got up and walked around the floor. It was quiet. There were still a few younger analysts around. Hopefully, they actually had some work to do and weren’t just sticking around for face time, because that would be sad. I didn’t need to see people slaving away in order to appreciate them.

  After making the rounds, I made myself a coffee in the kitchen and took it back to my office. I left my door open, began streaming some Christmas music, and put my feet up on the desk.

  I hoped these documents would show up soon, because my stomach was grumbling and I couldn’t wait for dinner.

  My office phone rang.

  “Mr. Brock?”


  “This is security downstairs. There’s someone here with some documents for you to sign. I told them I can deliver them but they insist they’re sensitive legal docs that must be hand delivered and signed.”

  “That’s okay, let them up.”

  Finally! I could get this over with and get out of here. I shot Silas a quick text to let him know I’d be out of here soon and then I waited.

  I heard the faint ring of the elevator door and fished my favorite pen out of my desk drawer. I was gonna sign these as fast as possible, if they’d let me, but I knew these lawyer types liked to double and triple check that you signed right and then explain everything. Fuck. I don’t have time for that.

  My door was open but the delivery guy knocked anyways.

  “Come in!” I said, without looking up. “Let’s get this done. Thanks for coming by.”

  “No problem,” came the voice from the doorway.

  It made me stop in my tracks. I’d heard that voice before. I’d heard it laugh, moan, and scream in ecstasy.

  My gaze met hers.


  “Yes,” she said stiffly.

  She was cool, or at least she tried to be. But there were some subtle signs that her heart was thumping just as fast as mine was. The hand clutched the folder of documents a little too tightly. So tightly that her knuckles were white. Her eyes darted around the room. They seemed to rest on everything except me. And her hand trembled. The pencil skirt she wore fit her perfectly. Damn, how I’d love to lift it up and make her scream again.

  I let out a breath.


  “Yes, it’s me,” she said, approaching the desk. She began arranging the documents on my desk, opening them to their signature pages. I watched those elegant hands flying around and wanted nothing more than to gather them in my own and kiss them.

  “I see. Well, this is awkward.”

  She sighed. “It is. My boss likes to torture me, I guess. I was just about ready to go home, but no. He plopped these down on my desk and sent me here. So, here I am. Not by choice.”

  Her meaning wasn’t lost on me. It wasn’t her idea. Without a word, I began signing. Signature after signature, her perfectly manicured fingers pointing to the signature lines. Her scent was mesmerizing. Her proximity was like an aphrodisiac. I forgot about dinner and all I could think about was the taste of her pussy and the feel of her nipples between my fingers. The strain of my hardening cock against my pants was distracting and I shifted in my seat.

  I couldn’t let her go.

  “Are you sure these are the right documents? I don’t recall seeing them.”

  I was such an asshole.

  “What? Yes, I’m sure. Mark handed them to me. He said he’s explained them to you. They’re the ones that need to be filed with the Commission.”

  “I see,” I said, meeting her eyes. I put my pen down and leaned back. Her gaze flitted to the documents and back to me again.

  “What’s wrong? Aren’t you going to finish signing them?”

  I examined her face. She was playing cool, but I was willing to bet anything her panties were drenched. Her lips were bright pink and puffy and her pupils dilated. She wanted me, she just couldn’t tell me, which was a shame because by now I was hard as a rock.

  “I’m glad you’re here,” I said, getting up and walking over to my window.

  She cleared her throat. “You must be wondering what happened to me.”

  “You could say that.”

  I put my hands in my pockets. I had to do something with them, otherwise they might end up all over her. Her gaze darted to my groin momentarily, and then she looked down, her cheeks bright pink.

  “I had a great time, don’t get me wrong. I just thought maybe it went too fast. And my boss doesn’t appreciate it.”

  I frowned. “Your boss? What does he have to do with anything? You and he are not—you know…”

  She gasped. “Oh, hell no!”

  “I didn’t think so, sorry.”

  She stepped closer. “He says it’s against policy, and—”

  “Is this guy for real?”

  Bella nodded, biting her beautiful lip. The lips I wanted to kiss.

  “Besides, this was a mistake from the beginning. Don’t tell Delilah, but I only joined her service on a dare. I didn’t think it would go this far.”

  “How far? This far?”

  I grabbed her around the waist and pulled her close, and brushed her lips with mine.

  “Conrad…” she moaned.

  My lips covered hers again and I’d never tasted anything sweeter. Except maybe her pussy.

  “I want you, Bella. More than anything.”

  I backed her up until her ass was pressed against the wall. With one hand, I grabbed the hem of her skirt and pulled it up. Fuck, the feel of her skin under my fingers was like magic.

  She kissed me back. Hard.

  I pulled her top over her head. Her tits were practically spilling out over the top of her bra, and before long they were on the floor along with her top.

  Fuck that dinner Silas. I was skipping straight to dessert.



  I was lost. Lost in his kiss, lost under his touch, lost in lust.

  If I was being honest, the thought of being with him again did cross my mind when Mark told me to haul my butt to Conrad’s office, but I tried my best to talk myself out of it. As soon as I saw him behind that desk, looking gorgeous, rugged, and sexy, I knew it was game over.

  The way his fingers rubbed my clit made me want to…there are no words.

  His chest pressed against my tits as our kiss deepened. He pulled the seam of my thong to expose my pussy and I thought I would burst.

  “You’re so wet for me, baby-doll. You want that cock in your tight little pussy, don’t you?”

  I squirmed as he pushed one finger into me, and then another. My heart raced as he attacked my tits with his mouth and fingered my pussy.

  I wanted to feel him in me again. It had been almost a week since our date and I wanted it like crazy

  He undid his shirt and lost his pants, and when he whipped off his underwear, I knew I was in for another treat. It was so thick and huge, even bigger than I remembered!

  “I missed you. And your pussy,” he groaned as he turned me around to face the wall. My tits pressed against the cold wall and the sensation felt so fucking good.

  I turned my head to the side. That’s when I realized the blinds were up and anyone in the neighboring office tower could see us if they happened to still be working. Fuck it. I didn’t care. In truth, it kind of turned me on.

  Conrad grabbed my hips and with a firm grip, he pulled my ass backwards so it was sticking out and ready to take him.

  I felt the head of his cock between my pussy folds and bit down on my lip as he pushed it in, inch by inch, until he filled me completely.

  “Fuck, Conrad.”

  “Tell me how much you want it, Bella,” he growled as he began thrusting.

  “I want it.”

  “Again. Do a better job.” His voice was low and commanding.

  “I want that cock. Fuck me!”

  I felt him go deeper with every thrust, stretching and filling me. My forearms supported me against the wall as I took all of him. He grabbed a handful of hair and pulled gently, not too hard, and kept plunging into me over and over again.

  When he reached around and palmed my tits, it was too much, and with a tremor of my body and a moan, I came.

  “Fuck, yes. Come on my cock. I wanna feel your sweet pussy coming.” He leaned over my back and crashed his mouth onto my neck, giving it a bite and a kiss.

  “Conrad, keep going. I’m still coming,” I whimpered as I felt the incredible jolts of orgasm shake my body.

  “Bella, I’m filling that pussy right now.” I felt his hands grip my ass and waist as his hips rocked back and forth powerfully a few more times. He groaned and buried his face in my hair, leaving soft kisses on my head and back.

  “Come here,” he said, and turned me around to face him.


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