I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 3

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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 3 Page 2

by Tina J

  “Please be careful.” I kissed her and watched as she took her time walking to the door. We spoke the whole ride and once I got there, I had to hang up and call Mycah. He didn’t answer so I sent him a text and went inside. The cops were gone but Ashley’s car was still there. I walked in and Ashley had tears running down her face.


  “Took you long enough to get here.” My hands went up and when I turned around to see who it was, shocked wasn’t the word.


  “What?” I opened the door for Haven. Neither of us called or sent a text message to the other all week.

  “Move.” He walked past me and sat on the couch.

  “Is my cousin ok?” I folded my arms and stayed quiet.

  “Ariel I’m not in the fucking mood. Is my cousin ok?” He barked.

  “I shouldn’t tell you shit but she’s fine. You gave her a concussion and since she hit her face on the wall, her lip busted.” He put his head back on the couch.

  “You mean to tell me no one told you this entire time how she was?”

  “My phones been off and I haven’t been at work.”

  “What’s going on with you Haven? Are you tryna make your family hate you?” He opened his eyes and looked at me.

  “I don’t care for him since that night in the restaurant.”

  “Haven it was your fault. Look.” I plopped down on the seat across from him.

  “VJ loves your cousin. I mean really loves her and she’s not gonna invite you to her wedding if you don’t stop this shit.”

  “Wedding?” He questioned.

  “He asked her to marry him the night before the dinner and she accepted. Her intention was to tell everyone but you bullied me into taking a test and she didn’t wanna spoil the moment.” I went over to where he sat and lifted his face.

  “She’s never going to forgive you if you don’t make it right with VJ.” He didn’t say anything.

  “He’s about to be her husband so if your plan was to scare him off because we all know per you and the guys in the family; no one is good enough for the women in your family but, he’s not going anywhere.” He chuckled.

  “Mr. Banks gave his blessing. Haven its time you did too.” I kissed his forehead and walked in the kitchen to get my food. I made a small meatloaf with mashed potatoes and string beans.

  “Do I have to be his friend?” I jumped because he scared me.

  “No. You never have to speak but talking shit and fighting him isn’t the way to go. As you can see Monie will stay away and it’s not fair to the family.” I put some food on my plate and sat down to eat.

  “Where’s mine?” I blew on my food and ignored him.


  “Haven, I didn’t know you were coming and I’m still not speaking to you.” I rolled my eyes.

  “How you not speaking to me and we just had a whole conversation?” He went and got a fork out the drawer and started eating off my plate.

  “You know what I’m talking about? How could you tell me to abort our baby?” I slammed the fork on the table and waited for him to answer.

  “If you weren’t gonna be with me, I wasn’t about to let another nigga be around my kid.” I shook my head because he’s really crazy.

  “Did you do it?” I ignored him.

  “DID YOU?” He pounded on the table scaring me.

  “No and stop doing that.”

  “Doing what?”

  “Making me fear you. I don’t like that.” I never wanted to be in fear of a man I’m with. Monie went through it with Freddy and my aunt Maylan did with her ex too.

  “My bad. Come here.”

  “No thanks.” He gave me a look and instead of arguing, I stood in front of him. He lifted my shirt and rubbed my belly.

  “How far are you?” He kissed it.

  “Seven weeks.”

  “I felt the difference over a month ago so that’s about right.” I mushed him in the head and passed him the ultrasound photo.

  “It looks like a pea.” He was turning it upside down.

  “You need to speak with Armonie.” I started eating.

  “I know. You coming?”

  “Haven I’m not dressed and what you need me for?”

  I sent a text to Armonie letting her know we were on our way because I’m not about to let him surprise her. She may not wanna see him right now and I hope VJ not there. If he is, she’ll request to see him elsewhere.

  She didn’t respond so I finished eating. Afterwards, I went to see where Haven was, and he was passed out in the bed. I mean snoring and all. I sent a message back to Armonie and said, never mind we can do it another time because he fell asleep. I ended up getting in bed with him.

  I don’t forgive him just yet but I’m not gonna lie and say I don’t miss laying under him.


  RING! RING! I moved outta Haven’s embrace to answer my phone. I don’t know why I kept the old-fashioned ringtone. It’s loud as hell.


  “Hey Ariel. Carmen called out for the 7-7 shift for tomorrow. Do you mind covering?” My boss asked.

  “Ok. I’ll be there but I’m taking off for the next two days because it’s my day off.” I told her after looking at the clock.

  “Ok. Thanks, and good night.” I hung up, set the alarm for 5 am and went back to bed.

  The next day, the alarm went off and it felt like I only slept an hour. I swear this baby had me tired all the time and these early morning shifts were killing me.

  I got dressed, left Haven a note and headed to work. I text my boss this morning and she said I was working in the emergency room. It’s where Carmen was scheduled. I couldn’t wait for my dad’s building to be done, and I could make my own hours.

  I stopped at Dunkin Donuts on the way to grab a sandwich and coffee. I wasn’t about to be there with nothing on my stomach.

  “Good morning.” I spoke to everyone and put my things away so the overnight staff can fill me in on the patients.

  “Can we get a nurse outside. A woman brought her son in claiming he suffered a seizure.” Everyone looked at me because I’m the only 7-7 staff here so far. It was 6:45 so they were about to leave anyway.

  “I’m going.” I walked out in search of the woman and noticed the security guy picking a kid up from someone’s car.

  I held the door and asked if he were the one who had a seizure? She said yes and I had security bring him straight back. Usually a doctor would come out but like I said, shifts are changing and he’s not in an active seizure now, so I’ll handle the triage part before the doctor comes.

  “Hey lil man. Not feeling good huh?” His eyes were barely open, but he shook his head no.

  “I’m gonna be right outside calling my friend.” I nodded and took the little boy’s shirt off and passed him a gown. I placed the thermometer in his ear and noticed his fever was 103.2, which is enough to cause a seizure.

  “I need some Tylenol in here right away and can one of you bring me the cart so I can do bloodwork?” I shouted out the door and kept my eye on the kid.

  “Ok. He’s on his way.” His mom said and walked back in the room.

  “How long has he had a fever?”

  “He wasn’t feeling well last night. I checked on him this morning and he was shaking; his eyes were rolling, and he had foam coming out his mouth.” Another nurse came in with the cart and Tylenol.

  “Did you call 911?” I asked.

  “Did you see him pull up in an ambulance?” The woman got smart and me and the nurse Maria turned to look at her.

  “Ma’am, I asked because some people contact 911 and leave. Then the ambulance is sitting at the house waiting for someone to open the door.” I looked her up and down.

  “And make that your last time getting smart with me. I’m trying to help your son.” It took a lot outta me to remain calm. I understand she’s probably scared for her son but no need her to snap on me.

  “It’s gonna hur
t sweetie.” After Maria gave him the Tylenol to bring the fever down, she held his arm while I took his blood.

  “Good. My friend is here, and I don’t think he’ll be happy to know you got smart when you’re supposed to be working.” She walked out and I went to find her until Maria held me back.

  “Who the fuck she think she is?” I whispered. Her son had fallen asleep and I didn’t want him to hear me talking about his mom.

  “Don’t get yourself worked up. You know she must be miserable.” We laughed.

  “The hell you call me for, I ain’t his daddy.” I heard the voice and turned my head. I lifted the rail so the little boy wouldn’t fall off.

  “Stay here for a second.” I told Maria. I didn’t wanna walk out and the kid have a seizure and fall over.

  “I’m not sure if I’ll have a Co-pay or not and I don’t get paid until Friday.” This woman stood in front of Haven sobbing. Was he sleeping with her?

  “Where the fuck is the money I gave you?” At this point everyone was staring.

  “It was only two thousand and...” I cut her off.

  “Haven you gave this woman two thousand dollars?” His eyes got big as hell.

  “Yes he did and he gave me five before, not that it’s your business. Why are you listening to our conversation?” All I could do is stare and he did the same.

  “Haven why are you acting like we never slept together? It’s been a year and...” The bitch was rubbing it in.

  “You cheated on me?”

  “Ariel.” He reached out for me and I backed away.

  “Cheated on her?” The girl covered her mouth like she said too much.


  “Stop running Damien.” I heard a lady shouting to her kid and didn’t move fast enough. He ran straight to me and I fell face first on the ground.


  WAA! WAA! I rolled over to my son crying his head off. When I got off the phone with VJ, I ended up taking a nap with my son.

  I looked down and his binky fell on the side of him. I placed it in his mouth, and he quieted down. I knew it wouldn’t last long because he was wet and probably hungry.

  After changing him, I picked my cell up and walked downstairs to get a bottle. As beautiful as the house is, I could do without all the steps. Granted, it’s brand new and where VJ says we’d grow old in, but I may have to sleep downstairs when we older.

  I fed my son, burped him, turned some baby show on and put him in the swing. I sat on the couch and picked my phone up to see if VJ called. When I noticed he didn’t, it made my instincts kick in ASAP. He never goes an hour without calling and based on the time we hung up, it’s been two. I didn’t tell him I was taking a nap so it’s not like he gave me time to sleep.

  I called his phone and there was no answer. I dialed him again and again and still no one picked up. There’s no way he wouldn’t answer for me. My gut was telling me he’s in trouble. I could go down there but I wouldn’t know where the building was because he was in the hospital all that time. When he got out, he was home and then came here with me.

  “Don’t panic Monie. Don’t work yourself up.” I said to myself as I tried to think of what to do next.

  “BRAYDEN!” I shouted to myself. I dialed him up quick.

  “What up Monie?”

  “When’s the last time you spoke to VJ?” I asked already throwing some clothes on.

  “Before he left for Virginia. Why?”

  “Somethings wrong Brayden.” I sat on the bed putting my sneakers on.


  “I spoke to him the entire way to Virginia because he wouldn’t let me go with him. He hung up to call Mycah and check on the office. I fell asleep and when I woke up, he still hadn’t called. Brayden, I called his phone back to back and it’s no answer”.”

  “Shit.” He cursed.

  “I told him to let me go. Somethings wrong Brayden.” I started crying.

  “A’ight. I’m about to go down there.”

  “I’m coming.” I was downstairs putting Legend in the car seat.

  “Monie he’s not going to want you there if...”

  “NO! I’m going. I’m dropping Legend off to his mom, so I’ll meet you over there.” He blew his breath and agreed.

  I still had VJ’s bag packed from earlier so all I had to do was stick some clothes in it. I locked the door and strapped Legend in the back seat. I used the Bluetooth to call my dad.

  “What’s up?” He answered cheerfully.

  “I’m going to Virginia with Brayden.”

  “For what?”

  “VJ went down there because someone broke in his office. He hasn’t called me or answered my calls. I can feel it daddy. Somethings wrong.” I felt myself going into a panic.

  “Ok. Hold on. Relax Monie and tell me what happened.” I explained and he agreed somethings off. They knew how VJ felt about me and he would’ve definitely answered the phone.

  “I’m calling Colby Jr and Jax. They’ll go with y’all.”

  “Brayden’s...” He cut me off.

  “They’re going. Whatever’s going on may require more help.”

  “Ok.” He hung up and called me back a few minutes later to say they’re on the way to his house to meet me.

  I stopped at a red light and reached behind to put Legend’s binky in his mouth. He always wanted it but spit it out a lot too.

  “Where you at now Armonie?”

  “At the light on...”

  KNOCK! KNOCK! I rolled my window down and sucked my teeth.

  “What the fuck you want?”

  “Who is that?” I heard my father asking through the Bluetooth.

  “How the fuck are you alive? I thought I killed you.”

  Same day…


  “You thought you killed me?” I repeated the words Latifa said outside my window.

  “Armonie who is that?” I could hear my father going off in the background.

  “It was you outside the hospital?” She stood there with her arms folded and a smirk on her face.

  “You don’t deserve to be here. My brother suffered a lot at the hotel when your little boyfriend beat him up.”

  “Oh, the same boyfriend you tried to fuck but had his friend instead?” I gave her a disgusting look.

  “You tried to kill me, because my man beat your brother up for hurting me. Yet, it was ok that Freddy almost killed me with the beatings?” She sucked her teeth.

  “ARMONIE BANKS!” My father asked again but my focus was on the woman standing in front of me. I went to open the door and my son crying, stopped me.


  “Whose baby is that?” The bitch tried her hardest to see through the windows. The tint was extremely dark so she couldn’t.

  “Don’t you worry about it.” I told her.

  BEEP! BEEP! Cars were honking for me to move out the way.

  “Next time I’ll make sure you die.” She shouted before running to her car behind me.

  I did the best thing for me and my son at the moment and that’s pull off. I couldn’t take the chance of beating her ass and someone jumping in my truck with my son, nor could I risk his life or VJ’s, who no one knew right now if he were ok or not.

  “I’m ok daddy.”

  “Who the fuck was that and she said something about being the one who tried to kill you.” I blew my breath because I knew once he heard who it was, it’s gonna be a problem.

  “Freddy’s sister.”

  “Say no more.” The phone disconnected as I drove to VJ’s parents house. His mom stepped out looking nervous.

  “He’s going to be fine Monie.” She hugged me and walked around to get Legend. His father stepped out and so did Brayden, and VJ’s other brother Valley. Yea it’s a lotta V’s in their family.

  “I’m driving with Monie.” I turned and saw Vanity getting out a brand-new Bentley truck.

  “Ugh, we driving your truck.” I pointed and started laughing

u have no idea the amount of gifts Antoine showered me with.” She said smiling. This woman was deeply in love with her man. I thought I had it bad for VJ, but she had me beat.


  “Because now that I’m here, he wants to get married and have kids.” She smiled as she continued talking.

  “Damn Girl. You strung his ass all the way out.” I said checking out the truck.

  “You got my brother the same.” And it hit me again that he’s missing.

  “Shit. I have to pick my brother and cousin up. Y’all ready?” I asked, kissed my son and all of us jumped in our rides.

  “I found out who tried to kill me.” Vanity snapped her neck to look at me.


  “Latifa?” She asked confused.

  “Freddy’s sister.”

  “Get the hell outta here.” I shook my head

  “Nope. I couldn’t find out anything from her because Legend was in the truck and I rushed to get here. But don’t worry. When we get VJ, I’m coming back for her.” I spoke firm about getting Freddy’s sister.

  She’s never liked me and I have no idea why nor could I care less. She’s one of the women who knew her brother had a hand problem and sat back watching. Never intervening and basically blamed me for getting him angry. It’s sad when a woman can watch another suffer and not do anything about it.

  “Damn.” I said and saw the few cars in front of my parents’ house.


  “We going down there deep.” I stepped out and everyone started coming out the house. Brayden pulled in behind me.

  “Monie, I think you should stay here.” My mom said and walked towards me.

  “I can’t mommy. I need to see for myself he’s ok.”

  “You sure because his family’s going and so are your brothers and cousins.” She pointed to the other cars.

  “Yes. I’ll be careful. I promise.” She hugged me.

  “Let’s go.” Colby Jr said and walked over with his best friend Nayquan.

  “Hey sis.” He embraced me in a bear hug, and I introduced him to Vanity. He licked his lips.

  “She’s taken.”

  “Don’t be a hater.” Vanity joked.


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