I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 3

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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 3 Page 4

by Tina J

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing Ariel. It looks like a small fracture. Who are you sir?” The nurse asked with an attitude.

  “Your worst got damn nightmare if you don’t fix your face.” She looked at Ariel who was shaking her head.

  “You better tell her Ariel.” I wasn’t playing. Who this bitch thought she was questioning me?

  “It’s ok. He’s worried about me.” She tried to diffuse the situation, but the bitch kept going.

  “Ok but he...”

  “Bitch, I will knock your teeth out if you say anything smart. Matter of fact, beat it. She doesn’t need negative people around her.” The nurse looked at me.

  “Please go. I’ll wait for the doctor to come in.” Ariel pleaded with her to leave, where I could care less because I’ll knock her out. The nurse rolled her eyes and I started walking behind her.

  “HAVEN!” Ariel shouted. The nurse turned around.

  “She just saved your life bitch.” I slammed the door.

  “You have to work on your temper.” I waved her off and sat on the side of the bed.

  “How could you cheat on me?”

  “I swear on my mom, I didn’t. When she said it’s been a year, she’s kind of right.” Ariel sucked her teeth.

  “I messed around with her the last year Juicy and I were together but not with you. Marlena is the only person I slipped up with and you weren’t my girl yet, so you really can’t count that.” She threw the tissue box at me.

  “The day I made you my girl, I have not slept with anyone else.”

  “Why were you giving her money?” I blew my breath in the air and explained Sharika’s situation. I didn’t wanna tell her business, but I had to tell Ariel. I ain’t want her to think I’m taking care of other bitches.

  “I knew her son looked familiar.”

  “You know the daddy?” I asked giving her the side eye.

  “No but I feel like I may. It’s as if his face is the exact same as someone I’ve been around. I can’t explain it.”

  “You sound crazy.” I told her.

  “I’m serious Haven. Have you ever seen someone and been like, I’ve seen them before? It’s the same with the kid, only I saw an older version. It’ll come to me eventually.”

  “How are you Ariel?” The doctor asked walking in with the same nurse.

  “Hell no. That bitch got an attitude and is very negative. Send someone else.” The doctor sent her out and another nurse came in

  “Ok. Let’s see what we have going on.” He did an internal exam which I didn’t care for and expressed my ignorance. He laughed and so did Ariel. The other nurse stood quiet as a mouse.

  The doctor said our baby was fine, apologized for the other nurse, and told us we could go in an hour. Her ankle was badly bruised and swollen. They put an air cast on it, gave her crutches and said she didn’t really need it but to have them in case.

  By the time we got home, it was one in the afternoon. Her parents were at the door and I took a seat on the couch. Well her father had me follow him outside to talk as he says. He told Ariel to lay down and relax. She tried to come outside but he forbid it. I need that kinda control over her because she damn sure wouldn’t have listened if I said it.

  “Have a seat Haven.” He pointed to the patio set on Ariel’s porch. I must say she picked out a nice ass house and decorated it nice too.

  I sat and asked if he mind me rolling a blunt. I’ve never had to sit with a chick’s father and I need to calm myself because my temper can get outta control. I don’t need Ariel holding out on the pussy because she mad. Mr. Glover cool as hell and yes, I’ve known him forever but its different now because I’m with his daughter.

  “What’s the problem with you and my nephew?” I shifted my eyes to where he stood. I thought we were gonna discuss Ariel and he bringing up this nigga.

  “What you mean?” I focused back on the task of rolling my blunt.

  “Don’t play games with me. It’s bad enough my son is your best friend and y’all doing some serial killer shit.”

  “We are right?” I started laughing.

  “Now you’re with my daughter, she’s pregnant and I don’t even wanna begin to think if my grandchild will be like you or Brayden.”

  “Grandkids.” I corrected him.


  “You said grandchild and I said grandkids. Ariel having all eight of my kids.” I said with conviction.


  “Unless you want her to have ten.” I shrugged my shoulders.

  “However many kids you want ain’t gonna happen if you can’t make amends with her cousin.” I went to speak but he cut me off.

  “Regardless of him swinging off on you first at the restaurant, you need to respect him standing up for her, the same as you do for Armonie. Now y’all dealt with the restaurant issue, him and your cousin fell in love, have a baby, are about to get married and what do you do? Go and ruin their happiness because you can’t be quiet around him.” He sat across from me.

  “How would you feel if your daughter came and said her boyfriend’s cousins did all that to her.”

  “Well first of all, I’m not having girls and if I do, she can’t have a boyfriend until she thirty. That’s settled.” I lit the blunt.

  “Are you from this planet?” He asked with a serious face.

  “Sometimes I ask myself the same question.” I blew smoke out and stared in the sky.

  “Look, I’m not here to lecture you but he’s my nephew and nobody in my family or yours feel like dealing with your attitude or smart mouth at family functions. You’re either gonna stay quiet, or I’m telling Ariel you not only cheated on her but got another bitch pregnant. That’s settled.” He slammed his hand down on the table and snatched the blunt out my hand.

  “She won’t believe you.”

  “Ariel knows her daddy won’t lie to her.” He had a grin on his face. I stared at this man and knew he was right.

  “You wouldn’t do that.”

  “Try me.” He blew smoke and started coughing a little.

  “What kind of weed is this?”

  “The kind yo old ass shouldn’t be smoking.” I tried to snatch it away and he moved back.

  “I doubt we’ll ever be cool, but I’ll stay quiet from now on. And I’m telling Ariel what you said.”

  “Never in a million years would I think you’d be a snitch.” He said and I had to laugh.

  “Hell yea I’m snitching to her about that. What if you really do it and she try and leave me?” I thought about it.

  “You know what. I’m not gonna tell her and when she comes up missing because you lied, don’t get mad.” This time I snatched the blunt and took a pull.

  “Haven did you eat today?” Ariel’s mom peeked out asking.

  “No. Your daughter didn’t feed me.” Her mom loved me since we were kids too.

  “Ariel Glover. How can you not feed him?” I heard her yell and shut the sliding door.

  “Snitching ass nigga.” Her pops said and finished the blunt with me.

  When we got inside, Ariel’s parents left to go to the store because Mrs. Glover said she’s making us dinner. I couldn’t wait. Her mom can cook her ass off.


  “Haven watch my foot.” I whispered as he slid me to the edge of the bed and dove in.

  “Ssss. Fuck!” I gripped the sheets, arched my back and came hard. This is the first time he and I had sex since the melee at his grandmother’s dinner.

  “I’m about to put another baby in you.” I laughed at his silliness.

  Haven gets on everyone nerves; including mine but we have more good days then bad. Actually, they’re always good except the time I caught him in the office getting head and when he’s bothering VJ.

  “I love you Haven and I want us to work but you have to stop. Oh shit...” He hit a certain spot to make me lose my voice.

  “You like that huh?” I nodded and bit down on my lip.

��Yesss. Oh God yes.” My legs started shaking and he didn’t stop there. Haven had me in every position possible as long as it didn’t affect my foot.

  “Ah shit Ariel.” He let go and collapsed on the side of me. He used his index finger to turn my head towards him.

  “I love you too and I’ll try and be a good man to you.” I gently kissed his lips.

  “You know the type of man I am so don’t expect miracles. I won’t cheat on you and I’m always gonna have your back.”

  “I don’t want you perfect Haven because then I’ll be bored.” He started laughing.

  “I fell in love with the aggressive, arrogant, ignorant, serial killing reaper and I only want you to be who you are.”

  “Why I gotta be all that?” He smiled.

  “It’s who you are baby and I love it. Just stay away from VJ and he’ll do the same.”

  “Why does he keep coming up?”

  “Because you two are the reason things are hectic within the families. Oh, and you still need to apologize to Monie.” I picked my phone up and sent her a message to call me. I haven’t spoken to her in two days, which is weird. I put the phone down, got as close to Haven as I could and fell asleep.


  RING! RING! I answered my phone on the nightstand.


  “Umm. Hello, I’m trying to reach Haven.” I looked at the phone and realized it was his and the name read Sharika.

  “Sharika, I’m not sure why you’re still contacting him when he’s told you on various occasions, he has someone.” I felt Haven’s arm on my stomach.

  “I know but my son...”

  “Your son has a father Sharika and frankly I don’t appreciate you tryna force him off on my man. And then you’re asking him for money. Money that’s only for me and our future kids.” I sat up.

  “I understand but he’s been here in the last two days and I’m not sure what he told you, but we’ve been intimate and...” Haven snatched the phone out my hand.

  “And bitch you better run because when I find you, I’m gonna cut your got damn throat for lying.” He hung up and turned on his back.

  “I know you weren’t with her.” He had his arm across his face.

  “Not the point Ariel. What if you didn’t know? The bitch has to go. I don’t need her stressing you out.” I smiled and kissed his chest.

  “This is what happens when you give these women what I get.”

  “Ssss.” He silently moaned when I kissed above his hairline.

  “No one has ever gotten what you did, not even Juicy. Shit Ariel.” I spit on the tip and flicked my tongue in and out the slit.

  “Her pussy nowhere near good as yours and we barely fucked. She has good conversation and decent head, that’s it. Got damn.” I swallowed him whole and made him remember why I’m the best.

  “We need a shower.” I told him after he let me taste him. Last night we went straight to bed after sex.

  After we got out and put clothes on, I called Armonie back since she responded.

  “Hey boo.” I Face Timed her instead. She was lying in bed but it wasn’t her bed.

  “Hey. Hold on. VJ sleeping.” She pulled the covers off and walked out the room.

  “Where are you?” I asked.


  “Virginia?” Haven questioned. I didn’t even know he was in the room.

  “Is that my cousin?” I gave her a duh look.

  “You know ain’t no other man here.” She laughed.

  “I forgot you’re with the reaper.” She put her hand up in quotes.

  “Anyway. Why you in Virginia?” She started explaining and I could see aggravation on Haven’s face.

  “Then, Latifa admitted to being the one who tried to kill me.” That shocked me.

  “WHAT?” Haven jumped up and started pacing the room.

  “When we were getting ready to come here, she jumped out her car at a stoplight.” Armonie told us.

  “Was Legend with you?” Haven asked and Armonie shook her head yes.

  “I’m gonna kill her whole family.” He grabbed his keys and I grabbed his wrist.

  “Calm down Haven.” I didn’t need him being reckless when everyone is outta town. He can take care of himself, but I still wanted him to stay in.

  “Freddy’s dead.”

  “How?” She turned her head and smiled.

  “My fiancé did it.” He leaned down and kissed her.

  “Hey cuz.” He spoke and went to the bathroom. I could see how slow he moved.

  “He’s gonna be fine Ariel.” I guess she noticed how upset it made me to see him like that.

  “After we go to this party tomorrow, we’ll be back and hopefully all this will be over.”

  “What party?” Haven asked and we listened to her explain some plan they had to get this Raheem guy and Mecca.

  “I’m not comfortable with you going Armonie.” Haven voiced his concern and I had to agree.

  “He doesn’t want me to go either but I’m going.” She folded her arms and I could see VJ in the background shaking his head.

  “Did you take the medicine?” Armonie asked and left the phone on the table to get it for him.

  “I’m not taking it tomorrow Monie. It makes me drowsy.”


  “I need to be alert Monie and even if I take it in the morning, the effects are still too much.”

  “You know it’s a no-win situation.” I told her and she started laughing.

  “I know and he’s right. I can’t have him getting hurt again.”

  “No, he can’t.” I said.

  “So how are you and my cousin doing?” She asked and I turned the camera to Haven who was rolling a blunt.


  “Good. I’m excited for my new baby cousin to come.” She was all smiles and I saw Haven doing the same. I loved how she didn’t hold a grudge towards Haven, but I knew she would let him have it in person.

  “Let me get off the phone Armonie. I promised my mom she could come to the doctors with us today.”

  “I thought you saw the baby already.”

  “I did but it was because I fell. My actual doctor’s appointment is today.”

  “Ok. Call me later. I need to take care of VJ.”

  “Yes you do.” I heard him say.

  “Bye.” I hung up and saw Haven with a blunt hanging out his mouth and packing a suitcase.

  “Where you going?”

  “We’re going to Virginia.”


  “After the doctor’s appointment, we’re going because if something happens to her nigga, she’ll never be the same.”

  “Wait! You’re going to help VJ?” He turned around.

  “Correction. I’m making sure my cousin will be straight.” I put my head down smiling. He won’t say it, but I think this is his way of making up for the shit he’s done. I just hope this ends all the drama.


  “I’m finally about to get my position babe.” Raheem spoke as we stripped to get in the shower. He was having a party tonight for his birthday and after he robbed VJ, he had more than enough money to ball out.

  The day of the robbery, I was nervous because he’s never robbed anyone to my knowledge and scared because what it something went wrong? Him and the two guys drove there in a black van at night and broke in. Well they broke in the office and I gave him the code to shut the alarm off. VJ trusted me not to pay attention I guess, so I’ve known the code for a very long time.

  Anyway, Raheem told me they found the safe, set the small bomb off and it opened. He said there were checks, money orders and tons of cash. I remember VJ saying not everyone had bank accounts and others only wanted to pay in cash. With four or five sets of condos, and over 100 units each, I’d say they made off with a lot an that’s just the money in Virginia. He had condos in Maryland too.

  He had me count it and it was over seventy thousand. Once he split it between the three of them
, he passed me off five to get a complete makeover. I mean, he had me purchase different color eye contacts, wigs and he made me lose weight. I wasn’t fat but my face being smaller did make me look different. His thing was for me to go out places with him and I couldn’t without a change.

  I even stopped by my mother’s one day to see if she noticed a difference, and at first, she had no idea who I was. That alone made it believable.

  “Your position?” I questioned opening the shower curtain.

  “Marco Jr. called and mentioned a higher position opening and he’s interviewing for the spot.”

  “Marco Jr.?” I heard that name before but I can’t remember where.

  “He’s from Jersey.”

  “Oh ok.” We finished washing up and stepped out the shower.

  Forty minutes later, I was dressed in a strapless black dress, with some Christie Louboutin shoes, pocketbook to match, hair and nails done with my gray eyes and I even wore one of those bull nose rings to throw people off.

  “You real sexy Mecca.” He licked his lips and ran his hands over my ass.

  “So are you.” He had on a nice suit with cold cuff links and gator shoes. He brought some big diamond earrings and a nice chain to match. We were gonna be the baddest couple in there and no one could spoil our night.

  DING DONG! I looked at Raheem.

  “It’s Lily.”

  “Except her.” I haven’t spoken or seen her since she fought me.

  “Be nice.” I rolled my eyes.

  “Hey cuz. You look nice.” I couldn’t front. Lily by all means is a bad bitch and her outfit was fire. Didn’t leave much to imagination but still nice.

  “Who this?” Raheem smirked.

  “Mecca.” Lily looked at me again.

  “Hmph. I guess no one will recognize her. You ready?” She ignored my presence the rest of the way and vice versa.

  When we pulled up to the club it was semi packed, and a line was forming. The night I met VJ’s cousin in the club, it was packed and people were still tryna get in. Mind you it wasn’t a party; yet the place was jumping. This will have to do because I really can’t take the chance of anyone noticing me.

  Raheem helped me out the limo he rented, and we walked in like the stars we were.


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