I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 3

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I Gave My Heart To A Jersey Killa 3 Page 9

by Tina J

  “Did he tell you he was married and not interested?” I waited for this bitch to lie.

  “He didn’t...” I went to open my mouth and Haven stopped me.

  “I know for a fact he’s not gonna lie about being married because this nigga strung out on his wife.” I sucked my teeth and Monie looked at me.

  “Anyway, you’re fired and if you got an issue with what took place here, I’m sure I can find the video with you stalking him.”

  “Haven, you know I need this job.” She whined.

  “Not my problem. Beat it.” He walked off with her running behind.

  “Why didn’t he press the red button to open the door?” I asked because its there.

  “He always knocks a few times first and then he’ll press it.” She grabbed her things and stood in front of me.

  “You’re not strung?” Monie questioned and stared at me.

  “Maybe I should...” I pushed her gently to the balcony.

  “You should what? I dare you to say it.” I was in front of her with my hands under her shirt.

  “VJ, we’re out in the open.”

  “So. You’re my wife and no one can see anything.” She moaned a little in my ear.

  “You know I love when you...” I stopped her from speaking.

  “Hold on.” I moved her away from the balcony and zoned in on the dance floor.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “That bitch is here.” I went towards the stairs and turned back around to grab Monie. I couldn’t take a chance of anyone bothering her.

  “Baby what’s going on?”

  “Hurry up. It’s Latifa.” We both moved through the crowd. When we made it to the spot Latifa was at, she was gone.

  “Let’s go.” I gripped her hand tighter and had her following me out the door.

  “I don’t want you going anywhere alone again. Do you hear me?” I walked to my car and hit the alarm. I waited for her to get in and searched the parking lot. No Latifa in sight but I’m gonna find her and put her six feet deep with Freddy.

  “We’ll pick your truck up in the morning.” She nodded and put her seatbelt on.

  “Yo! How you know I was here anyway?” I asked and pulled off.

  “The chick who took your card told me. She said your husband is here and thirsty ass Tamara tryna hit on him.”

  “You know Tamara?” I questioned because if she knew her, why was the bitch hitting on me?

  “Not really. I know she’s been working here for a minute and hear stories about her.”

  “How the other chick know I’m your husband?”

  “We’re on Ariel’s Instagram page.” She showed me the pictures Ariel had on her page.

  “Oh. What if I didn’t want her to call you?”

  “VJ, I’m not about to play this game with you. How did you say it? If you ever mess up, we’ll be on some murder suicide shit.” I busted out laughing.

  I loved my ride or die wife but she’s gonna hate me tomorrow because I’m about to really show her who’s boss in the bedroom.


  “Everything ok?” Ariel asked waiting for me in the bed. We had just finished having sex when the manager called me in about Tamara. She explained how the girl at the front told her, some guy was drunk, went to VIP, Tamara followed him and all hell broke loose. I told them to handle it because my ass was tired.

  Unfortunately, she called me back because Tamara wanted to press charges and all this other bullshit. However; when I get there, I find out it’s VJ. I knew then, Monie was lurking and it must’ve been her who whooped Tamara’s ass.

  I meant what I said about VJ being strung out on my cousin. He has to be in order to be her first, get her pregnant, marry her and then kill two people for her thus far. Ain’t no man doing that for just anybody.

  Being strung doesn’t necessarily mean it’s about the sex. Even though it’s been some shit every time we’re around one another, you can tell in his actions and words how in love with Monie he is. He caters to her, fought me over her and the fact he didn’t want her to see death is another factor. Yea, I let Ariel see me torture my ex sister in law but when she asked to watch me kill her, I shut it down the same as VJ. Some have the stomach for it and others don’t. Plus, Ariel sees enough at her job and I’m not about to be the cause of nightmares

  “I fired Tamara.”

  “Why?” She rolled over and laid on my chest. I explained what happened and she agreed Tamara had to go.

  “What were they doing at the club? Well Monie because I thought they weren’t speaking.”

  “I had to bang on the VIP door in order for them to open it so I’m sure you know what they were doing.” I don’t even wanna think about any of the women in my family having sex and here the damn door was closed and so were the curtains.


  “Good?” I questioned.

  “She thought he’d leave her.” I started laughing.

  “If his ass hasn’t left her after all he’s been through to be with her, he ain’t going nowhere.”

  “Oh, like I was gonna leave you.”

  “Yea right.” She waved me off because we both know she’s not going nowhere.

  “Would you say yes if I asked you to marry me?” She lifted her head and looked at me.

  “If that’s a proposal...”

  “Man relax. I just asked a question. Ain’t nobody proposing.” She punched me in the chest.

  “You didn’t answer the question.” I put my hand behind my head and stared. I’d never thought she and I would link up. All we did is argue and bump heads. Now look. She’s about to have my babies and be my wife.

  “You’d have to ask.” I mushed her in the head.

  “Haven, I don’t want to answer yes and you say oh, I wasn’t gonna ask because you have a smart ass mouth.” She laid back down and moved closer to me.

  “Yo. If you move any closer, I’m gonna fall off the bed.” I heard her suck her teeth. I laughed and thought about the ring I’m gonna have to buy.


  “Haven!” I turned to see Sharika standing with her son outside the mall. I blew my breath in the air because I already know she’s about to get on my nerves.

  “Sit over there Ant.” She pointed to the bench by the door.

  “Are you really not gonna help me anymore?”

  “Did you graduate high school?” I asked.

  “Yes why?”

  “Because I’m tryna figure out why you don’t understand the word no.” I stared down at her.

  “I’ve seen them together. Do you know he brought her a truck? The bitch is rolling in diamonds and I saw her at the salon on Broad street.” I stopped her because that’s my aunt Venus shop.

  “First off, you’re a got damn stalker.” She sucked her teeth.

  “Second, how do you know what he brought her? Wait! Let me guess. Instagram.” She gave me a fake smile.

  “Why is she posting those things? It’s like she’s taunting me.”

  “How the fuck she taunting you and has no idea who you are?” She couldn’t answer.

  “Did you approach her at the shop?”

  “No. The owner would probably beat my ass.”

  “She would.” It was my turn to give the phony smile. My aunt Venus don’t play that petty shit.

  “You need to get a life and let the boy meet his father.” I tried to walk past and she stopped me.

  “For what? Her to try and be me? No thanks.”

  “Sharika let me ask you this.” She was about to walk away and stopped.

  “Are you really mad at the woman, or mad the woman is getting everything you wanted?” She smirked.

  “I’m mad the bitch is tryna be me.”

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” I grabbed her by the arm and moved to the corner.

  “The woman don’t know you and you’re assuming she wants your life. Look, I don’t know what type of crazy meds you’re on, but you need to up the dosage because y
ou out here bugging.”

  “Take your hands off my mom.” Her son yelled and came running over.

  “Boy you know not to try me.” He stopped short.

  “Exactly. Take your mom home and make sure she takes the medicine her doctor gave her.”

  “Haven don’t tell him that.”

  “My bad. Tell your mom to go to the doctors because she needs crazy people meds.” I mushed him and turned to her.

  “Haven why you mush that kid?” I turned and saw Monie walking up with VJ and Legend was in the stroller. He stood off to the side while she and I spoke.

  “Man, this bitch crazy.”

  “Hi. I’m his cousin Monie.” She reached her hand out to shake and Sharika gave her a look.

  “Do we know each other?” Monie asked and pulled away.

  “Is there a problem with my wife?” Now VJ came towards her. She damn near shit on herself and tried to hide her son.

  “The hell wrong with you?” I asked.

  “No problem.”

  “What’s wrong ma?” The little boy asked.

  “Yo, who’s his father?” VJ asked staring.

  “No one from around here.”

  “Bitch his dad is from around here. You just said...” I barked.

  “Bye Haven.” She rushed off with her son and kept looking back.

  “Is that your baby?” Monie asked and both of us waited for him to answer.

  “Hell no. I don’t know that chick, but her son looks familiar as fuck. Like I’ve seen him before.”

  “Ariel said the same thing.” We looked at Sharika rushing to her car.

  “Did she say who is dad is?” He asked and Monie looked at both of us.

  “Nah she don’t know either. She said it’ll come to her one day. A’ight I’m out.” I walked off to go into Tiffany’s.

  I made an appointment to look at rings and Sharika had me five minutes late as it was. I’m definitely gonna ask my girl if she remembers who the boy’s dad is because you would’ve thought her ass seen a ghost when VJ walked up.

  “Hi. Mr. Banks.” The man shook my hand and took me in the back.

  “Ok, so you mentioned the type of ring you wanted, and this is what we’ve come up with. These are as close as we can get.” He pulled out two cases of rings and all of them had high ass price tags. I guess Ariel is worth it. I mean she did purchase her own house and now has me living with her. She doesn’t have a mortgage, fucks me real good, about to have my kid and run an entire hospital. I’d say she’s worth these prices.

  “This one.” I lifted a big ass heart shaped ring similar to the one Cardi B has but it’s a light shade of blue.

  “This ring costs...”

  “I don’t care how much it cost. Put it in that Velcro box thing and wrap it up.” He nodded with a smile and twenty minutes later I was walking out with a damn engagement ring. I need a drink.

  Colby Jr.

  “Shit Ciara. Your pussy feels good and different.” I had my side chicks’ legs on my shoulder as I continued giving her the business. Yup, this is the same one who informed me about my girl cheating.

  “I’m pregnant Colby.” She moaned out and I should stop but I couldn’t. It’s a possibility the baby is mine.

  After she mentioned Jacinta cheating and showed me proof, I ended up staying the night with her. I was hurt like a motherfucker hearing my girl dipped out but even more hurt, it was with someone close or should I say, I brought on and became close with.

  Ciara an I fucked off and on for days with no protection. A few times I didn’t pull out and now here we are.

  Ciara was an ok looking chick. Nothing too fancy about her but she was loyal and never once, stepped outta line when Jacinta was around. No one knew about our affair except family and that’s because I brought her over a few times. My mom had a fit because she was cool with my girl but my father and uncles didn’t care one way or another. It’s funny because Ariel and Armonie liked Ciara more and told me to leave Jacinta hundreds of times.

  Jacinta loved me at one point, I guess. She was Spanish with a great body and I was her first sexual partner. I taught her a lot and to know another man received the same pleasure didn’t sit right with me. I know what VJ meant when he said, another man will never envision what it’s like to have his wife in bed. He’ll be the only one to ever know.

  I never expected Jacinta to step out and had she not, I probably would’ve married her. Not sure I would’ve stopped cheating, but she’d have my last name.

  “Make me cum Colby.” I put Ciara’s legs down, pressed my lips against hers and gave her what she asked for. I had no business releasing inside her. She did mention being pregnant, so it really didn’t matter at this point.

  “How far are you?” I rested my body next to hers.

  “Four weeks.” I knew then it’s definitely a possibility the child could be mine. We’ve been fucking without protection for about that long or longer.

  “A’ight.” I rolled over and picked my phone up to find an abortion clinic.

  “My appointment is tomorrow.” I turned to look at her. I didn’t know she made an appointment already.

  “I’m not ready for kids Colby and neither are you.” I didn’t disagree.

  “Then why aren’t you on birth control?”

  “I’m gonna start the pill after tomorrow.” She sat up.

  “I know it’s asking a lot but can you take me?”

  “What time?”

  “First thing in the morning. I have to be there by seven to sign in and do the paperwork. The actual abortion is scheduled for 8:15.”

  “You ok?” I asked because we may not be ready for kids but we knew the consequences. I didn’t want children yet but she looked sad discussing it.

  “I’m ok. Just scared. I’ve heard stories and...”

  “And I’ll be right there.” We kissed again and before I knew it, we were back at it.

  The next day, she woke me up at six and both of us started to get ready. She wasn’t allowed to eat or drink but my ass was starving. I picked something up on the way but wasn’t gonna eat it until she went to get the procedure. It’ll be cold but who cares?

  We stepped in and it was one other couple there who looked too damn old to be here. He had to be in his 60’s and she was maybe 30.

  Ciara went to the desk, grabbed the clipboard and filled out the paperwork. I told the lady I’m paying and handled the financial part before she went to the back. A half hour later, Ciara kissed me and was gone.

  “What?” I answered the phone for Jacinta as I waited for Ciara to finish.

  “Where are you?”

  “None of your got damn business.” I took a bite of my sandwich and glanced back at the TV.

  “Colby, what’s wrong? You’ve been acting funny lately.” The bitch had the nerve to ask. I hadn’t mentioned knowing about Will but she should’ve known I’d find out.

  “I’ll be there shortly. Don’t leave.” I hung up and continued waiting.

  Before I went home, I made sure Ciara was comfortable and left her money for food and anything else she needed. The doctor said she had to be on bed rest for at least a week. I told him I’d be the one checking on her, so she’ll follow directions.

  On the way out, I saw an envelope with a doctor’s office name on it. I opened it up and it was the test results from her pregnancy and all the STD’s she’s been tested for. Everything came back normal, which I’m happy about because it’s no telling who else my girl slept with and loyal or not, Ciara could’ve dipped out. She don’t owe me shit.

  I put the paper back in the envelope and went to my house to deal with the next issue.

  “Jacinta where you at?” She must not have heard me because when I went upstairs, she stood in the bathroom crying.


  “I’m pregnant.” It’s like the wind was knocked right outta me. How do I go from getting rid of one kid to possibly having another?

  “Whose is it?”

; “Excuse me?” I wanted to wring her neck so bad.

  “Is it mine or Will’s?” She stood there quiet. I started the shower hopped in and went about my business. When I returned, she was knocked out. I laid on the opposite side of our California king bed and fell asleep.

  “Ssss. Oh damn.” I grabbed Jacinta’s hips and slammed her down harder on my dick.

  “I love you Colby and I’m sorry for everything.” It was at this moment, she admitted in her own way, she cheated. After I brought it up that day, she never said a word.

  I sat up, flipped her over and took all my frustrations out on her. After we finished, I showered and left the house. Call me fucked up but Ciara needed me the most right now. She was able to wash and everything, but I wanted to help her. It’s crazy because I never once considered making her my main and she knew it.


  “GET THE FUCK UP!” I shouted after coming in the house.

  “Colby I’m tired.”

  “Tired of what? Burning motherfuckers?” I felt a sensation in my dick yesterday but assumed it to be a bladder infection or something.

  I went to the doctors and he gave me a medication to help. Today, he calls and tells me I have gonorrhea and need to come in for a shot. I know he had to be bugging because I saw the results from Ciara. So I know the only person who could’ve given it to me is Jacinta.

  I didn’t plan on sleeping with Jacinta but the last few days, she’s woke me up with either head or sex.

  “You going to the doctors.” I didn’t mention anything else.

  “Why you yelling?” She got out the bed, handled her business and I drove her to the damn emergency room because they give you results right away. Doctors’ offices make you wait 24 hours or longer.

  “Ms. Martinez you have gonorrhea and you’re two months pregnant.” The doctor said in a concerned voice.

  “I fucking knew it.” I paced the hospital floor mad as hell.

  “All the other blood test will be back in a few days and we’ll call you if we need to send you other medication. Meanwhile, we have to give you a shot to get rid of the STD.” The doctor told her and left the room to get the stuff. She had the nerve to cry.


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