Cities of the Forgotten

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Cities of the Forgotten Page 15

by Rayne W Grath

  He could hear the others shouting out frantic questions regarding her safety as they rushed into the room, but he held up his hand for silence and said, “I don’t know yet. Quiet now, so I can hear her when she does respond.” Closing his eyes he concentrated on Kiya and followed the tendril of thoughts toward her before he opened the channel with as much push as he could muster and said, Kiya, Can you hear me? Please tell me you are there. For a moment it felt like she heard him, and he could feel their connection solidify, but it seemed to be slipping when he heard her say, “You’re losing it girl. Get a grip on yourself. He’s not here to miraculously save you. You’ll need to save yourself.”

  Aarik channeled more energy into their connection and said, I might not be there physically, but I am with you where it counts. I’ve been trying to reach you for hours. Are you hurt? Where are you?

  When Kiya informed him of her location, Aarik tried to concentrate on her well-being, instead of focusing on why she was being kept in a bedroom, and asked her again if she was alright. He barely contained his anger when she described her duress and missed the rest of the conversation after she stated her clothes were missing. Completely missing her cry for help in escaping, he rattled off pointless questions about her state of undress, like a jealous fool. It wasn’t until Kiya assured him that some female changed her clothes did he realize his blunder, and went about making plans to rescue her.

  “Anna fire up the heli, I’ll use the terracraft to pick her up,” Aarik called out in excitement before he quickly added, “Scratch that, they took it. We’ll have to use the copter to pick her up, but I’ll need the coordinates from the terra Locke podium. Everyone grab what you need, we’re leaving in less than five.”

  “Don’t forget to ask her if she remembers the song,” added Tashina, as she followed behind him with a large handbag.

  Aarik refused to give up as he frantically threw together a rescue mission that didn’t involve anyone he loved dying. He was finding it easier to jump between the two realms as he conversed between those around him and Kiya and barely stopped himself from laughing out loud when Kiya got impatient waiting for the reason why her grandmother would ask such an off the wall question. He could practically see her stomping her foot while she stood there waiting. As soon as the copter lifted into the air, he said, “She remembers the song, but wants to know why?”

  “That sounds like my girl. Tell her it will shield her mind from Th’ael’s control, as long as she continues to sing it,” Tashina answered with a smirk.

  “Which could mean she’ll be very tired of the song by the time we reach her,” added Anna, with a look of concern.

  “Why? What do you mean?” asked Aarik, before he relayed Tashina’s response.

  “The current world record holder for flying around the world non-stop is 67 hours. This baby here is fast, but it could still take us up to twelve hours to find her,” replied Anna, as she maneuvered the craft towards the broken dolmen.

  “I’ll let her know, but I hope it doesn’t take that long,” responded Aarik, as he waited for Anna to shut off the engines and unlock the cabin doors before he passed on the news. Stepping outside, he left the others behind and sprinted towards the hangar bay, stopping only when he reached the podium. As Kiya painted the grueling picture of her circumstances, Aarik gripped the sides of the podium in anger, until the edges of it bit into the sides of his hands painfully. Refusing to let his rage take over, Aarik powered up the podium and scanned the last known coordinates. He prayed Th’ael hadn’t thought to change them before he stole his terracraft, otherwise his rescue attempt would be for nothing and they would be out of time.

  Aarik ran full speed back to the helicopter and promised himself, and Kiya, that he would find her before Th’ael had a chance to touch her. He knew Kiya expected him to wish her luck with her parting comment, but he didn’t have the heart to respond. Leaving the connection open, Aarik prayed he would make it in time where luck wouldn’t be factor in her rescue. Anna must have sensed his urgency because the engines were already running when he rounded the corner and yelled out, “She’s somewhere slightly north of the Bermuda Triangle!”

  Sliding to a stop at the cabin doors, he jumped in threw the door shut before he panted out, “How fast can you get me there?”

  “We can be there in about an hour and a half, give or take a few minutes, depending on the weather. If you give me the coordinates I’ll be able to give you a more precise estimate,” replied Anna with her fingers hovering over the keyboard impatiently. Aarik rattled off the numbers as he strapped himself in and settled in for the longest flight of his life.



  Kiya decided running at full speed would make it too obvious that she was trying to escape and opted to act as normal as possible while she meandered down the stone hallway, trying to look inconspicuous. She looked from left to right at the hallways she passed by and prayed she was headed in the right direction. When the end of the hallway came into view, panic was not far from setting in. As a distraction, she recalled Aarik’s advice to sing the song her Grams used to sing to her as a child as a precaution. Th’ael might be asleep at the moment, but there was still a chance she could run into one of the other Ah’naki as she pranced around in a nightie.

  Kiya searched her memory for the silly song she always assumed was meant to help her learn her vowel sounds, and sang it as quietly as possible.

  Lazy Daisy

  Forgot to Shield

  Herself from Harm

  They drove her Crazy

  Until she learned to Wield

  A special Charm

  Oh-Oe, Oh-eye, Oh-A Ohmmm

  Oh-Oe, Oh-eye, Oh-A Ohmm

  Lively Daisy

  Remembered to protect

  Herself from Wrong

  Head no longer Hazy

  She’s able to Connect

  And make herself Strong

  Oh-Oe, Oh-eye, Oh-A Ohmmm

  Oh-Oe, Oh-eye, Oh-A Ohmm

  Kiya cut off the song when she heard voices in the distance and ducked inside an open doorway. She hugged the wall while she waited for them to pass by and prayed for two things. The first was that whoever was coming her way hadn’t heard her signing and the second, that she was alone in the room she was hiding out in. Repeating the song in her head as an extra precaution, she tried to discern how many people were approaching. From the sounds of the conversation, Kiya lucked out, because two women in the middle of a heated fight passed by without a second glance her way, but as she was about to leave the confines of her hiding spot, the lights flicked on making her gasp out in surprise. Turning around to face her fate she froze mid-turn when she noticed a woman facing her, toweling off her hair from a shower that looked eerily similar to her grandmother.

  The woman paused mid-scrub and said with a smile, “I thought you’d be out for hours. You must be a quick healer.”

  “Wait…I can understand you. You know me?” Kiya blurted out in confusion, dropping her arms from a fighting stance.

  “Th’ael wanted me to be your handmaiden so he taught me your language. I helped get you dressed when you first arrived. Such strange clothing you were wearing. Wherever did you get it?” offered the woman, as she strolled over to a closet and disappeared inside.

  “My clothes are considered quite plain. If you thought mine were bad you should see some of the stuff people are wearing down the runway these days. Hard to consider it clothing,” rattled Kiya nervously before she paused and added, “Speaking of clothes, do you know where mine went?” Pulling the silky lingerie down again in annoyance, she tried to hide the medallion with her other hand.

  “The master ordered them destroyed, but I hid them. I found it hard to destroy something so unique and made with such fine precision. The material is rough, but the craftsmanship deserved preservation. I am the head seamstress, so I know good work when I see it,” the woman called out from inside the closet, before she emerged in an outfit similar to t
he one Kiya was wearing, but in the colors of an orange sunset.

  “Do you think I could get them back? I’m not used to wearing something so revealing,” asked Kiya reluctantly, not wanting to offend the woman. She used her arms to hide her private parts, tucking the medallion under her arm slyly.

  “I don’t think that would be a good idea,” stated the woman, before she added, “You’ll stand out as you try and make your escape. Even more than you already do with that stolen medallion.”

  “Good point. I want to blend in for as long as possible,” stated Kiya guiltily. Lowering the medallion nonchalantly, she decided the woman in front of her wasn’t an enemy; otherwise she would have turned Kiya in already. Changing the subject, she asked, “Where are we, if you don’t mind me asking? It’s awfully dark and damp in here,”

  “This used to be the great city of At’lantis. Not so great anymore, if you ask me, when no one can reach us. Granted, we’ve only been awake for a short time, but your clothes were a big indicator that the world around us never stopped advancing,” offered the woman, as she pulled out a knapsack and loaded it with a few personal items before she said, “I missed my opportunity years ago to join forces with my brethren and the Watcher’s, and don’t plan on doing it a second time. We don’t have much time, are you ready to get out of here?”

  Opening her mouth to respond, she closed it again when she realized the words were stuck in her throat from the shock of the woman’s words. Trying again, she cleared her throat and said, “Fuck yeah! Show me the way!” When she noticed the woman regard her with scrutiny she added, “My Grams always said, ‘Everything happens for a reason’ and I always thought I was a believer, but now I know I’m a damn disciple. Sorry, my mouth has a mind of its own sometimes. What I meant to say is yes. Please lead the way.”

  “I took no offense. I was trying to interpret the meaning of fuck. I’ve never heard it before. What does it mean?” asked the woman, with a tilt to her head as she threw the knapsack over her shoulder and walked towards Kiya, and the doorway, with her hand out.

  “Well, I guess it depends on how it is being used. It’s a very versatile word in the English language. Most use it as a swear word or to emphasize something we want,” explained Kiya, leaving out the sex part, in order to not confuse the woman any more than necessary, as she handed over her stolen medallion reluctantly. Watching the woman place the medallion in her knapsack reverently, Kiya followed her out of the room and whispered, “By the way my name is Kiya. What’s yours? I can’t keep calling you the woman in my head.”

  Turning around the woman curtsied and said with a smile, “My name is Audrei and I want the fuck out of here.”

  Kiya couldn’t help but smile in response. Chuckling in return, she reached for her hand and clasped it firmly. Shaking her hand with all the social norms of today she stated, “Pleasure to meet you, Audrei. Do you happen to know where the Terra Locke is?”

  “Yes, it’s outside, I’ll take you there. Just please don’t speak to anyone and keep your head down. It’s early enough that no one will be expecting you to be up walking around. So we might be able to pass you off as another Thrall. If we do get stopped, don’t say anything. Let me do all the talking. Your speech and accent will be a dead giveaway that you are not from around here,” explained Audrei, picking up the pace as she led them toward a stairwell at the end of the hall.

  Kiya couldn’t help asking a clarifying question as they headed up the stone stairwell, “Earlier you said no one could reach you here. What did you mean?”

  “After the uprising Rh’ael sunk the city underwater to prevent further attacks. I haven’t seen the real sun in ages. Granted we have been asleep for most of that time, but I grow weary of the fake glow,” explained Audrei, before coming to a halt at the top of the stairs. She pointed towards the sky and sneered her disgust.

  “Sunk? You’re saying we are in THE ATLANTIS...AND that it is somehow below the surface of the Atlantic Ocean? How? How is that possible? Are you living in some kind of dome underwater? How deep are we? Do we need to worry about getting the bends when you take us to the surface?” sputtered Kiya nervously.

  “I know not of how the Ah’naki accomplish most of what they do, but you will see for yourself what it looks like as soon as we get outside. For now, stop talking and I will try and answer your questions when we are free from prying ears. We are about to enter the pyramid and will most likely run into some guards,” Audrei replied impatiently, before grabbing Kiya’s hand and dragging her out of the confines of the stairwell with a small sense of urgency.

  The cavernous room they emerged into reminded Kiya of the Luxor Temple. If the larger-than-life pillars throughout the room and the stone statues between them were any indication. Keeping her head down, she longed to pelt Audrei with questions, but bit her tongue as they approached the stone steps leading out of the pyramid. She prayed their luck would hold out as they ascended the stairs with quick steps.

  Audrei stopped abruptly and, pulling a dark scarf from her bag, she draped it over Kiya’s head and said, “Keep your eyes down and follow behind me. We’re nearly there.” Picking up her pace, Audrei guided Kiya behind her once again and as they passed through the archway leading outside, she stared straight ahead with determination; like she was daring anyone to question her purpose for leaving the pyramid.

  Kiya barely stopped herself from gasping out loud as the magical bubble protecting them from the water and elements surrounding them entered her peripheral vision, only clouded by the veil she wore. She barely noticed the guards on both sides of the entrance. Instead, she called out for Aarik, testing their connection for moral support, Holy shit! Unless you have some kind of submarine in your repertoire, I don’t think you’ll be able to get me out of here. I’m in a freaking bubble under the sea. On Atlantis, I might add! Hello? Are you there? Grateful she was able to keep her cool and that the guards paid them no mind, she followed behind Audrei meekly.

  Sure, now you tell me! Aarik answered sarcastically, before adding, I was starting to wonder if they were using similar technology to hide it, like good old Sam is doing at Area T. Satellite imagery shows nothing but open water at the coordinates Th’ael left on the podium. Had me thinking he changed the coordinates on us. Either to send me on a wild goose chase, or to my certain death if he assumed I had another terracraft at my disposal. Now it appears he didn’t need to because he knew I would have no way of getting to you. Can you see the surface from where you are? Could you swim out? We’ll be there in less than fifteen minutes by Anna’s estimation.

  I don’t know let me ask, answered Kiya, snickering out loud when she heard Aarik rumble out in jealousy, You’ve been there less than a day and have already made friends? Who are you asking?

  Not that it’s any concern to you but, yes I made a friend. Who, I might add, is able to help me. Where are you right now? Huh? Don’t give me crap about befriending someone to save my ass, cursed Kiya, before she added, Audrei is leading us to the terracraft now. In fact I think I see it ahead of us. Can I ask her now?

  Sorry. That was rude of me. Yes of course. Go ahead and ask her. Aarik said in apology before adding with a growl, You did that on purpose. Trying to get a rise out of me only proves you still want me.

  Tugging on Audrei’s hand, Kiya pointed to her mouth when she got her attention and prayed the hand symbol was a universal language easily interpreted. Audrei smiled and said, “I didn’t think you had it in you, but good job staying quiet. As you can see, the terra Locke is up ahead, so make your question quick. I wouldn’t put it past Th’ael to have guards watching the terracrafts.”

  “Do you know how far down we are? Can we swim out? I have someone on the surface that can pick us up,” said Kiya in a rush.

  “Ha. Swim. You are funny,” Audrei said with a laugh and then must have realized Kiya wasn’t joking when she sobered and said, “Um, no. With the Origin Passageway down, the only way out is on a terracraft.” Pulling the medallion from her knap
sack, she handed it to Kiya and added, “No worries though. You can get us out of here with this.”

  “Right. Well, unless you have the power to turn on the podium and medallion, we’re not going to get very far with that,” stated Kiya in a hopeful tone, grabbing the medallion reluctantly.

  “I am sorry, Kiya, but I was not made to power the podium. I thought you could. How were you thinking of using it in the first place?” asked Audrei, with a look of confusion.

  “I took this from Diego in a fit of panic and never really got around to figuring out how I was going to use it. I know, pathetic right, but didn’t want to get here and wish I had one. I mean one could already be powered up…..If we’re really lucky, we’ll just go wherever it takes us?” Kiya said with fake enthusiasm, trying to hide the worry evident in her voice before she added, “Got any better ideas?”

  Frustrated to have it made so close only to fail, Kiya relayed their circumstances to Aarik and hoped he had something up his sleeve, Only way out of this sunken island is via terracraft, so unless you have a way of getting down here to power it up or another idea I hadn’t thought of, I believe I’m stuck. When Aarik continued to be silent, Kiya added, Please give Grams my love and tell her I’m sorry I failed.

  Don’t be ridiculous...and...don’t give up on me quite yet. I might have another idea. Any chance you can get your hands on a medallion? pondered Aarik.

  No need. I already have one. Long story short, I kicked Diego in the nuts and stole his. What do you have planned? asked Kiya, before she looked over at Audrei and said, “Can we peek inside and see what we’re up against? We shouldn’t throw in the towel or start to worry over something we assume might be an issue.”


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