Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 4

by L M Lacee

  Shocked at his dragon’s vehemence he asked. Why? What is so special about her?

  His dragon would not answer, and Andre` was left with yet another puzzle.

  Ciana sighed she could almost read Andre`s mind he probably thought she was crazy. Truthfully she would think that too if some strange woman told her a tale like she just told him. About Goddesses and men with no faces but it was just so nice to have someone to talk to. Even if he did think she was off her rocker. When she finished talking, she asked. “Would you like to see the baby?”

  His dragon was very eager and pressured him to say yes. “I would very much like too.”

  She led him through the apartment. Andre looked around in disgust, the place was clean, and he could see that much but the decor was depressing and stark. “I am so glad I am not living here. It is depressing.” She told him. He could do nothing but agree as he found himself telling her about the apartments.

  “They were used for over flow weekend guest or employees at celebrations but that was many years ago. I do not think anyone remembers they are here.”

  “And yet I was told to come here.” She said.

  “That I will remedy.” His authoritative manner gave her pause for a minute until she spied Elara who was still grumbling in her sleep. “She is still uneasy. I wonder why.”

  He entered the bedroom behind her only to be taken aback at the absolute stark room a single bed with clean old bedding adorned one wall. The chipped broken chest of drawers with one missing drawer leaned against the other wall. Thin curtains were pulled back exposing a large cracked picture window with no opening. The sun shone in, making the room no less depressing. The baby was in the missing drawer pulled out from the chest to make a bed.

  Ciana unaware that Andre` was beyond furious, picked the baby up cuddled her close as she squirmed and grumbled at being disturbed. Ciana said. “She really doesn’t like the sun, but I read somewhere that babies need sun for their skin or liver or something so I make sure she gets a little each day.”

  She walked over and offered her to Andre, who gently took and held the precious bundle. He fell under her spell immediately as did his dragon. When he looked down into grey eyes that blinked at him, her little rose bud of a mouth pouted and she blew a milk bubble at him. Ciana leaned in and laughed. “I think Elara likes you Andre`.”

  As he looked at her with a small smile, she ducked her head with a slight blush and said. “I named her that because when I was young. I met an old gypsy. She was wonderful and her name was Elara. She said it meant moonlight. When I received Elara, she was like a brand-new moon.”

  He reached out and brushed a hand down her plum colored hair. “I think it is a fine name. A name to be proud of. You chose well Ciana.” Her blush deepened at his praise. Before he could say anything more, a thunderous banging interrupted them. Someone was pounding on her door.

  “What the hell!” Ciana said as Elara let out a high-pitched wail. Andre` pushed the small baby back in her arms growling. “Bloody idiots!”

  Then he was storming from the room. Trying to soothe Elara, Ciana raised her voice to ask Andre`. “What is happening?” But she was talking to his back. She hurried to catch him, only to see him throw open the door and start talking. His voice was so low it was more growl than words at the people that crowded in the doorway. All but an older couple stepped back as he snarled and Ciana was positive she saw flames. She shuffled her and Elara back into the bedroom. “So not for us little one, this is getting weird.”

  Elara hissed and grumbled and Ciana was sure she was warmer than she had been. Maybe too much sun she thought. But what made her own body hot she could not work out. Her head started to pound as though there was something banging on it. Her stomach felt fill which was also weird as she had not eaten since breakfast. Ciana wanted to scream out. What the hell was going on? Instead, she whispered. “You know what Elara. I think we will just sit down here by the wall and think about this.”

  Backing as far from the closed bedroom door as she could get, Ciana slid down the wall until she was sitting. She looked down into the scrunched up, annoyed face of Elara and started to rock, the way she liked. Soon Elara was back to the grumbling noise rather than wailing.

  Listening to her body waking up. Ciana remained silent, usually she sang to Elara but all her attention was on what was going on inside of herself. Elara was quiet. Her eyes started to change color. They were going from grey to a deep silver. If Ciana could have seen her own eyes, right then, she would have been surprised to see the same color in hers.

  Slowly as she rocked, she heard a sound like a deep growl and froze. Then she heard it again. She looked down at Elara and realized that the sound was coming from her own throat. Frightened but a little awed Ciana extended one arm and watched silver scales appear where her skin used to be. Her fingers folded in on themselves and became grey claws.

  Looking down at Elara, she was worried the baby would be scared, even though she was only six weeks old. Ciana was stunned to see scales eclipse Elara and right there in her arms her daughter shifted, and she found herself holding a tiny grey dragon. About twenty-six inches long from her snout to the tip of her tail. She was grey all over except her belly which was a very dark grey almost like graphite in color.

  Ciana turned her arm underside up and saw unlike Elara she was silver all over the color reminded her of the silvery moon. When she spoke her voice was deeper and had a definite growl to it. “I don’t know why this is happening or what is happening? But I swear, I will not let them take you from me.” The baby dragon that was Elara snuggled into Ciana’s chest and sighed as though she was home.


  A ndre` turned when he realized Ciana was not in the room, he sighed and rubbed the back of his neck then looked at the healer and asked. “Healer Melinda, can you tell me why Miss Walker is here and not at the center?”

  Melinda grimaced as she told them. “That faerie Polly told her to come here.”

  Andre` nodded. “I understand that but why when you found her here did you not have her removed to the center?”

  “Well, I think we are fill, it was a very heavy day. The baby was not an emergency so when I could get here, I did.”

  Sharm asked as he entered. “What was the result of her examination?”

  “Ahh! She refused to be examined.”

  “The hatchling refused?”

  “No master Sharm the female would not allow me to examine the hatchling.”

  “You lie healer Melinda. You were rude and disrespectful to her and she retaliated by telling you to piss off. I think the term was!”

  Edith smothered a laugh as Andre` eyed the Healer when Melinda burst out. “She was rude, she tried to tell me her baby was a dragon. A female dragon that shifted. She said she had scales and her eyes elongated as if that is possible.” She laughed but no one joined with her. “It is impossible!” She shouted.

  “There is where you are wrong! Ciana Walker is Goddess touched, her daughter is quite possibly a female dragon but as you did not test her or believe her mother, we do not know. Do we?” Andre` snarled at the female.

  “She never said.”

  “Again you lie. She told you enough to give rise to suspicions. As a healer you should have at the very least investigated.” Sharm stated.

  Melinda spoke through her clenched teeth. “She should have just given her to me.”

  “The hell she should have!” Roared Andre. “This!” He growled as his dragon rose to the surface pointing at Melinda. “Is all your fault. Yours!”

  Melinda subsided as he stated. ”You left her here, with nothing and no way of getting help.” He turned to Rene’ and Sharm. “Did healer Melinda report to either of you that this hatchling may be a female.”

  At their shocked looks it was obvious she had not. He said with wonder in his voice. “The first I have heard about in hundreds of years and yet!” He pointed at Melinda again, his voice turning hard. “You told no one and you le
ft her and her mother unprotected and alone. You failed her. You failed her hatchling but mostly you failed your Master Healer and Dragon Lord not to mention dragon kind as a whole.” Looking at all the people around him. He demanded. “I want to know how this could happen.”

  Melinda sighed frustrated at their stupidity anyone could see this was a ploy to garner their sympathy by the female. A female dragon seriously! Goddess touched! Were these people delusional? Are they that desperate to believe anyone off the street could be a female dragon? It was like all the females that said their dragons were talking to them. Apparently even Lady Verity was heard saying the same and as for that idiot Ella. Well look at her all airs since she bonded with Lord Keeper. Telling everyone her dragon talked to her. If it was true then, Melinda’s dragon would talk to her. She at least came from a noble family. As her Sire told her, if female dragons were meant to talk they would have been doing so long before now. It was preposterous and almost heretic speech and yet it looked like the first family was buying into it. She did not understand why? A female dragon that could shift. Impossible!

  Sharm, standing with Edith was white with rage and disbelief. Rene` and Verity stood looking at the female unable to believe she would have neglected to do her duty.

  Frankie stood angrily tapping her foot, she had not known what was going on. Polly had not reported to her about any female and hatchling being sent here and why she had directed her here was something that needed finding out about. She sent a text to Johner to have Polly found and questioned. This smacked of a conspiracy did someone know the hatchling was able to shift and if they did. How?

  She was liaison for the castle for another few days as June, Fin and their daughters were at the Pixie Luminary learning about their two little girls. She would be relieved when they returned home.

  Andre` pointed at Frankie. “Who are you?” He so wanted someone to yell at other than the incompetent healer.

  Frankie smiled. “Dude! You are so like our papa Rene’ are you brothers?”

  Rene’s lips twitched at his brothers wide eyes and bewildered look as he cautiously answered. “We are.”

  Frankie nodded. “So cool. I bet you are younger. Like my girl Harper and Charlie. I am Frankie, temporary castle liaison. I am usually Sage’s P.A. I am guessing you know who that is. Anyway June you don’t know her but she is bonded to Finlay Slorah. Who is, as we all know Ella. My friend’s uncle. Which in itself is a whole other story that I think we have no time for now. Although I am sure you would know Fin, everyone seems too. They, June and Fin have half pixie, half faerie girls and have gone to the Luminary which is what a Grove is called for Pixies. Anyway I am like doing her job until June comes back. So dude stop pointing that finger at me. It is rude I do not like rudeness.”

  Andre dropped his finger quickly; he was unsure if she would bite it or not, plus it was very rude as she stated. Frankie nodded when his finger was removed from her face. “I did not know the Lady Ciana and her hatchling were here if I had, I would never have allowed it to happen.” Frankie stopped talking and stared at him. He stared back, finally asking. “You know Joy don’t you?”

  “Of course I do she is my delightful niece, we hang together often.”

  “Are you finished?” His dragon snarled at him in annoyance. She is like little wolf Joy. I like her.

  Then a voice that reminded Andre` of someone from his past said from the doorway. “Did I hear tone?”

  Rene’ sighed as Sharm shook his head, Verity and Edith just grinned. Melinda sank into a chair her head down in her hands. She knew if she came out of this with her life she would be lucky. Everyone knew the Easton sisters as they were known were deadly and it was suspected they were the Dragon Lady’s assassins.

  The fact this was true but not acknowledged did not stop the rumors and after much debate Sage and Reighn and the family had decided to let it stand. Harper and Charlie did not care, in some way it was true except it was very seldom they actually killed anyone they mainly taught others how to. That is not to say they would not protect their family.

  Harper strolled in, hands in the pockets of her black cargo pants. She and Ace returned late last night from the High Queens court. She hugged first Verity then Rene’ and ended up beside Frankie. “Where the hell is my hug?” Edee asked with a laugh in her eyes. Harper looked her over and kicked up her top lip. “Never happening female!”

  Edith grinned evilly. “We will see.”

  Harper half-heartedly sneered. “Don’t hold your breath.”

  She looked over at the slumped healer her eyes hardened a little, she did not like Melinda. They had crossed words several times in the past. Then she looked to the tall male that stood beside Rene’. Huh! So this was the famous Andre`, the guys all talked about. “So whatcha all doing here?”

  Frankie went to answer but Edith shook her head no. “Frankie no!” She subsided as she said. “Oh okay Edee.” Which made them all smile at the forlorn tone. Edith in a few sentences told Harper what had happened. Harper’s expression became more annoyed the longer she listened she turned to Andre`. “No wonder you are pissed she…” She pointed to Melinda. “Is an elitist or just a misguided idiot.”

  Melinda’s head came up and her lips were drawn back in a grimace of anger, Harper looked at her and asked softly. “Really, you want to contest that? After what you have done here today and what I know of you?”

  Melinda gulped at the deadly calm voice and she slowly shook her head. Harper nodded. “No, I did not think so!’ She looked at Sharm then Andre saying. “Melinda will have a report on your desks by sunset today, isn’t that right Melinda?” Melinda nodded in agreement.

  Harper smiled. “Good.” She looked at Andre`. “You black sheep of the family will not take this shit out on Frankie!”

  “Who are you?” Demanded Andre`.

  Rene’ said. “I know you heard us all mention these Ladies on Sunday when you attended family day. Unfortunately, they were away.”

  This caused Verity to softly growl even though they all had legitimate reasons for not being there, she did not like it. Rene’ said with a look at his shadow. “Frankie is as you know Johner’s shadow. Harper is Ace’s shadow, and they are related to Storm’s shadow Charlie who you did meet on Sunday. Harper is our seeker.”

  Andre` eyes opened wide. “I see, so you were the one to call me home.” Harper raised her eyebrows at him and said softly. “Was I or was it family and past time for you to remember who and what you are to your family and to our society. You are needed.”

  He sighed as he looked at Rene’ and Verity. “Maybe it was that.”

  Harper said. “So where are we? Not you Frankie!”

  “Seriously!” Frankie pouted. “I could get a complex.”

  Edith smirked. “You! I highly doubt it!”

  “The young female Ciana still suffered and from my point of view, it is that females fault.” Andre` pointed again to Melinda. “Also, it smacks of laziness from the castle liaison. She obviously is not up for the job.”

  “The point!” Verity said sharply. “Is that June is obviously understaffed. This is an aberration, not the normal, would you all agree?”

  They all agreed. No one argued when Verity used that tone. Andre` said. “I will reserve my judgment until Ciana and her daughter are safe and well, somewhere other than here.” He gave the room a disgusted look to emphasize his point. Verity gritted her teeth as she glared at her unrepentant brother in-law. “You can glare all you like, my dear Verity but you have not heard and seen what I have!”

  Rene’ growled at his brother. “Enough you have made your concerns known.” Andre` and Rene’ shared a look and Andre` bowed slightly to Verity. His voice soft and not with the mocking undertones he was known for in the past. “I apologize, sister.” She accepted his apology with a smile, her body relaxing.

  “Therefore!” Verity continued. “We will fix this, so it does not happen again. For that to happen. June will need some help. Frankie please make tha
t happen before she gets back, ask Claire to find some people that will work well with her.”

  “Nothing her wolf would consider prey.” Harper mused as they all looked at her, she said. “What? Like you were not all thinking the same thing.”

  Frankie said out the side of her mouth. “Rude!” Then to Verity she said demurely. “Yes Lady Verity.”

  Verity eyed them both and said in tones of extreme patience which they both had heard often since coming to the Gap. “Also dear, please ready the Cherry apartment for Andre`, Miss Walker and her daughter.”

  Andre` stilled as he wondered. What was little Verity up too? His dragon chortled in glee but would not answer. Frankie blinked and almost squealed when she looked from her to Andre`. “Lord Kingsley and the Walkers?”

  Verity smiled at the high-pitched voice. “Yes my dear, all will make sense soon. Now run along and take charge like you do and we will talk later.”

  Frankie looked at Harper. “Do you know what is going on?”

  “Why the hell would I know? I just came in because you were here.”

  “Aww! Harper...”

  “Do not friggin start and no I am not putting money in that stupid swear jar, Edee!” She called back over her shoulder as she walked from the room with Frankie bouncing along behind her. Andre looked after them both. “Who does she remind you of, brother?”

  “Who Frankie?”

  “No, the one named Harper.”

  Rene’ shrugged. “I have no idea but now you mention it, she is like someone from my memory. Who?”

  Andre smiled and said softly. ‘Mama!”

  Rene’ drew in a breath and denied his statement. “No, she does not! No… No!”

  Andre` laughed at his brother’s adamant tone. “Yes, she does. I would wager she is just as deadly and brother she has the same eyes.”

  Rene’ stared at his brother and said. “Bloody hell!”

  With that, all eyes turned to the tall medic who had sat slumped in the only lounge chair. Edith was rubbing Sharm’s back while he vibrated with anger, trying to calm him and his dragon. Anger and sadness filled Sharm with despair. He turned to his father and asked. “How could I be wrong twice? It was bad enough to have not known what Donald was like and his betrayal but this… this is not...”


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