Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 14

by L M Lacee

  “We are?” Sonia asked as she sat unable to believe what she was hearing.

  “Oh yes with training you could be great witches.”

  “Why did mother never tell us that?” She asked Linda who was three years older than her. She shrugged having no answer for her.

  “Maybe she did not recognize the power residing inside of you,” Phoebe murmured, “she may have had no idea what to look for or how to look for it. If you think about it, why would she?”

  “Oh…oh, you are right.” Sonia replied thoughtfully as she looked at her sister who was looking just as thoughtful. Sage said “Come to Dragon’s Gap, train and while you are there look around maybe your Mr Rights, might be there. We have many, many single males waiting for their Miss Right. It could be you!”

  “Should we?” Sonia asked Linda desperately hoping she said yes. Linda looked at Sage and Phoebe then at her sister with her hopeful eyes and grinned. “What do we have to lose?”

  “We will pack.” Sonia said as she leapt from her chair, Sage nodded. “A bag each anything else you need you can obtain there.”

  “What about money we have very little.” Linda said with an embarrassed blush staining her cheeks and those of her sisters. Sage smiled kindly as she asked. “Why do you need money? The witches council looks after all of that as well as gives you a stipend while you are training and plus you are a guest of the Dragon Lady.”

  With a grin on their faces, they almost ran from the room they could hear them racing up the stairs. Sage called out. “And change the robes. We do not wear them.”

  Phoebe asked. “Does the council really do that?”

  Sage shrugged “No but they should.”

  “You are most generous!”

  “So you and Ark, mates right?”

  “Yes, he is most…”

  Sage grinned. “Yes, he is that… all the Battle brothers are most…”

  Fifteen minutes later they were ready and waiting for Reighn and Charlie as they approached the house. “Ladies this is my husband or shadow, Reighn Kingsley. Dragon Lord of Dragon’s Gap.” Sage told them, they both curtseyed as was custom drilled into them from their mother years gone past. Charmed Reighn bowed deeply. “Ladies welcome. This is my friend and brothers shadow Charlie Kingsley, you would have met her sister Harper.”

  Linda said. “We did a very intense female.”

  “She is that.” Charlie agreed. Reighn said. “My dear are you ready to go home?”

  Sage smiled up at him. “I am. What about the others?”

  “They will return when they are finished their required missions.”


  Reighn opened a portal and told the two females “This is the portal to Dragon’s Gap it will not harm you just step through.”

  At their hesitant looks Charlie took one sisters hand as Sage took the others and together they all stepped through. Phoebe waited as she asked Reighn. “My brother?”

  “Is well.”

  “My Radiance?”

  Reighn grinned. “Is at home awaiting you with impatience I am sure.”

  She smiled. “Thank you my Lord.”

  “You are most welcome.” He found he meant it. This Elf was delightful. She smiled wide as she stepped through the portal.

  Reighn gave the town one last look he felt he would never see it so quiet again, big changes were about to take over the place. He stepped through the portal onto his home soil and felt the Gap welcome him once more.

  Sparrow lead Thorn, King of the Elves into the house that the male known as Jenkins inhabited it was a disgusting pig sty of a home. Filth lay everywhere, piled up trash was in every corner of every room it looked like it had never seen a cleaner and the smell was almost over powering.

  Sparrow felt dirty just standing in the room. Thorn looked around at the filth covering almost every square inch of the room he walked into. “Does anyone else live here?”

  “No thank the Goddess.” Answered a faerie with pink hair and wings.

  “This is Birdy.” Sparrow introduced her second on this mission replacing Loa who was with the Queen to the Elven King. Birdy had not long been at Dragon’s Grove having transferred over from the High Queens guard looking for a better, calmer way of life. She was fitting in nicely. Sparrow was even thinking of putting her up as Loa’s second when she left to go to Edith’s.

  “I can only be thankful for that!” Thorn said with distaste as he looked at the male that was trussed up and tied to the large lounge chair. It looked as though the faeries had used all the rope in the house. He spied several cattle prods and lent down and picked one up off the table. The faerie named Sparrow said. “He tried to use that on my warriors he was not quick enough as we were warned about what it could do. Of course as we have never seen it in operation before…” She said with a frown as Thorn pushed the button on the side and a spark ignited on the end. “We had to test it out.” Thorn’s eyebrows rose as the implication of what she was saying registered. “Really?”

  Very solemnly she nodded. “Each one of us, several times just to get the idea, of course!”

  “Of course.” He did a quick survey and counted seven faeries and a little part of him felt sorry for the male until he looked into his hate filled eyes and remembered how he callously and with malice sliced and stabbed his brother in the back, then kicked him down the hill. He motions to the faerie standing near him to remove his gag. She asked. “Are you sure? He spits.” Thorn tossed the stick to her. “Then hit him with that if he does.”

  She smiled. “Okay.” She primed the stick proving Sparrow had not been kidding. They had tested it and the reaction from the male was further proof as he tried not to flinch while the faerie cut away his gag.

  Thorn said. “I told you that you would regret it if and when you met me outside of the iron bars, did I not?”

  “You did, you fucker do your worse.” He snarled. “I am not scared of you or your abominations.”

  “Is he talking about us?” Birdy asked.

  Sparrow shook her head mock sorrowfully. “He is!”

  Thorn grinned, he was amused at the banter, which surprised him. He was sure there would be nothing he would have found amusing about this whole situation. “I am sure a male as worthy as you is not afraid, why would you be?” Thorn replied to the males lying statement, they could all smell his fear as he watched Thorn with an intensity that bordered on manic... Thorn said. “I hold you directly accountable for the hurt to my warriors and the near death of my brother. For a male that is trusted to uphold the law of your land you are a disgrace. There is no reason for you to remain alive. You have no value to humanity and I fear for all living beings if you do so.” With that he placed one finger over the male’s heart and chanted words hardly heard but felt.

  A short spell that only took a small amount of power to cast. Thorn knew he was drawing on his own innate power to create the spell and would pay for the casting later. To the faeries he said. “Release him, and we will leave this vile place.” They all looked at him, he nodded and Sparrow walked up behind the male and knocked him out saying. “I do not understand, I thought you wanted revenge?”

  Thorn smiled. “I have had it, he will be dead as soon as night falls fully the spell will ensure that. Until then he can stay unconscious.”

  “And if he wakes?” Birdy asked.

  “No one can help him. I swear. Now let us leave and bring the sticks we will need to study them.”

  They gathered up the five cattle prods they had found when they searched the house and walked after Sparrow and the Elven King to meet Andre` and Lars who asked. “All taken care of?”

  “Yes.” Sparrow told him. Thorn looked at the sheriff and asked. “I see you are leaving?”

  “I am, we have been asked by the Dragon Lord to go to Dragon’s Gap. Are we going to have a problem?”

  “What do you think? We will no longer be in your town now will we?”

  Thorn’s sarcasm or veiled threat was not lost on t
he male or any of the others. Cathy looked at her husband and knew he was responsible for this, that phrase sounded like the bull he spouted occasionally. Lars said quietly in warning. ”He and his mate are under the Dragon Lord’s protection.”

  “Well then is he not lucky!” Thorn stated before turning from the male. Andre` hid his smile from all those there, he knew he was going to have to diffuse this, but not now as long as the two males stayed away from each other for a while he would be able to work out a solution. But right now he wanted to make sure Ciana was well and meet his new granddaughter. He opened the portal and said.

  “Let us all go home.”


  T he following evening Ciana coming from her shower was so thankful to be home with both babies. As she towel dried her hair she looked at the girls in their new bassinets that Blossom had arranged while they had been gone. Was it only a day ago? It seemed like days since she left with Andre` to go rescue some elves and her baby girl. “You are so adorable.” She whispered to them both and they were, with their soft fuzzy white hair and same creamy pale skin, although the so far unnamed girl had blue eyes with lavender flecks as opposed to Elara’s grey eyes with lavender flecks. They both sported long eyelashes and a snub nose each with rose buds lips in soft chubby faces. They were beautiful.

  “I have no idea what to call you little one, your sister is called Elara and I need to find something as lovely as that for you.”

  She finished drying her hair and rummaged in her closet for jeans and a sweater. Once dressed she picked up her hair brush and made her way towards the kitchen only to stop when she heard male voices. One she knew belonged to Andre` the other she did not know but felt the awareness from the timber of his voice glide over her skin causing it to pebble.

  “You need to give her more time.” Andre` said, and Ciana could tell he was annoyed she wondered who he was talking to and about. The other male agreed. “I know my Lord I just wished to make sure she and little Mona arrived safe.”

  “They both did. I was unaware you had named her?”

  Ciana could make out the amused tone of the male as he answered. “I did not, the witches told me the male who delivered her to them gave them her name. It means moon.”

  “I see you wish for me to tell Ciana this?”

  “No if she chooses differently, it will still be a good name I am sure, after all, she chose Elara which is as beautiful.”

  Ciana felt herself blush at his compliment and felt silly for it. “Yes, she did my daughter has much to contend with.”

  “I understand my Lord but she is my Radiance what you call shadow. I cannot remain distanced forever!”

  She heard Andre` sigh and imagined him pinching the bridge of his nose as he explained. “She was raised human she barely understands this life and all the implications of it.”

  “I also understand that but my Lord you were meant to prepare her for my coming, are you saying you have not done so?”

  Andre`s voice became a little cold. “I have not she is my daughter she has enough to worry about.”

  “And yet I am her intended.”

  “Yes, I know. Leave it with me I will talk to her tonight.”

  “Thank you we are to train with dragons’ tomorrow morning, I would like it if she was there.”

  “I will see what I can do.”

  “Thank you my Lord.”

  “Good eve King Thorn.”

  Ciana listened as the door closed behind the male her hairbrush forgotten in her hand as she walked out to see Andre` staring off into space. “Want to tell me what that was all about?”

  He looked over at her and sighed. “Not really but I will.” She had to smile at his look of consternation. “It sucks being a parent huh?”

  “Until now I would not have said so!”

  “Well, why don’t you tell me who he is and why he thinks I am his shadow?”

  “This is a conversation I do not wish to have but as I am forced too. Let me get us drinks.” With that he walked into the lounge and started to pour whiskey into two glasses as Ciana walked in behind him. She quickly brushed her hair then made herself comfortable in an armchair and listened as Andre` told her what he had left out when he told her of his visitation with the Sun Goddess. He told her who Thorn was and why he was sent to find the baby and then finally he told her who Thorn was to her, but stressed their bonding could only happen with her consent. No one, he forcefully assured her, could make her join with Thorn regardless of who they thought they were. He would not allow it, not one dragon would allow it to happen. When he had finished, she had sighed and smiled at him saying. “I can see the horrible position that placed you in, finding out you had daughters and granddaughters then to have to tell me I am half of a couple. Seems unfair to me.”

  Andre` nodded. “To me as well. But it is done now, you need to take your time see what kind of male this King is. Talk to his sister she will be honest. Then and only then if you think he is worthy of you allow him to court you.”

  “So no jumping into bed with him then?”

  Andre` watched the humor come into her eyes. He was learning a day or two ago he would have leapt up and snarled at her words, now he drank the rest of his whiskey and grinned. “No my daughter… no bed jumping unless you feel my wrath at him will serve a purpose?” He queried as he cocked up an eyebrow. Ciana laughed as she placed her glass on the coffee table and stood. “No I think we don’t want to see that. Well if you do not mind I need to walk for a few minutes and let this all settle. Blossom is here for the girls if I miss their next feed.”

  “I will remain in as well, go I can see you will need to think about what I have told you. Remember as you ponder the implications of this,” his tone softened as he kissed her forehead and looked down into her upturned face which was rapidly becoming dear to him, “You will always be my daughter.”

  Ciana smiled back and hugged him. “And you will always be my father. See you soon.” She told him as she walked from the lounge and let herself out of the apartment leaving a humbled old dragon behind.

  She will search him out. His dragon told him.

  Yes, she will, it is in her nature to solve problems and this is a problem for her.

  His dragon sighed wishing they had longer with their new daughter. Should we follow her?

  No, this is what it means to be a parent. I think we are supposed to let her go and hope she comes back.

  He will take her away. His dragon mumbled sorrowfully.

  Andre` smiled. No, I think my friend our Ciana will not allow that to happen, she is home and home is with us!

  Ciana walked the main street of Dragon’s Gap after escaping the walls of the castle. It was as though her body knew where it needed to be. Rather than fight the impulse she allowed her feet to carry her along until she came to a coffee shop. There he was sitting at an outside table as though he knew she would come to him, and perhaps he did. Maybe this was her intended destination after all. She was unsure how she felt about that. Part of her was tired of being someone else’s puppet and the other half was intrigued in the beautiful male standing waiting for her to decide to join him or not. “Hello!” She greeted him as he bowed slightly then straightened replying. “Hello, please allow me.”

  He pulled her chair out and waited while she sat then retook his own. Ciana looked him over he was gorgeous, tall and muscular with bright blue eyes and shoulder length white almost silver colored hair. “So I heard you talking to my father.”

  “Yes, I wished to make sure you and the babe were well.”

  “We are, so her name is Mona?”

  “If you wish to call her that. I am thinking it is a divine name.”

  “Oh from the Goddess?”

  “Yes, you believe in the Moon Goddess?”

  Ciana smiled. “I had talked with her before I came here.”

  Thorn sat back in his chair amazed. “You have spoken to the Goddess. It is truly a blessing our coming together.”

nbsp; “One could say that I suppose!” Ciana muttered.

  Before Thorn could ask her for an explanation a waitress came over and he was able to study Ciana as she placed her order. She was lovely with her purple and red striped hair. He was most enamoured of her lavender eyes that sparkled and held silver lights a small straight nose and sweet mouth that begged for his kisses. As did her small, compact body that made his hands itch to touch her smooth skin. She was everything his heart desired in a radiance. He was so wrapped up in his speculations of the female sitting across from him he did not realize she was watching him. The waitress had left a minute or so ago. Ciana was amused at the intensity of his stare with anyone else she knew she would have felt uncomfortable but with Thorn she felt excited. “So you are a King?”

  “I am king of the Elven moon clan.”

  “So if I am your radiance…”

  “You are.” He quickly stated.

  “If…” She stressed the word. “I am. What does mating with you make me?”

  “My queen you will rule by my side.”

  Oh… Well, we may have to discuss that.”

  Thorn almost leapt from his chair as he asked. “You are willing to be my radiance?” Ciana smiled at his eager question. “I am willing to talk about it.”

  Disappointed Thorn sighed inwardly, of course his radiance would not submit easily.

  He returned her smile and told her. “That is all I ask. Now let us talk of other things and get an understanding of who we are.”

  Ciana agreed as the waitress brought her coffee and cake. So while the sun made its descent to the earths rim, Thorn and Ciana spent time discussing their lives, the Goddesses and the moon hatchlings. Thorn told her how he desperately needed his people to live here to find their home and she told him how she desperately needed to find her sister.

  Finally as the moon rose Thorn escorted Ciana back to the castle and her apartment where with a courtly bow over her hand and a kiss to her cheek he left her a little bedazzled and a lot perturbed.

  Thorn, on the other hand, felt his soul lift knowing he had finally found his radiance. So with a light heart he went to give his blessing to his sisters bonding to a dragon.


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