Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 16

by L M Lacee

  “Let me see if I have this right. A female cannot do what she wants, only if she has the permission from the males of her family or her king?” Charlie asked Phoebe, who nodded. “That is so.”

  “Well, I can see that changing!” Olinda mumbled. Phoebe nodded making Olinda jump as she realized she had spoken out loud when Phoebe told them. “I would like to see that change also, many of our females would but until King Thorn proclaims it, the law will stand.”

  “Just out of curiosity what happens when there is a Queen?” Sage asked.

  Phoebe shrugged, “She submits to the king and follows the rules like all females must, it is the law.” She could not help it. She let her eyes slide towards Ciana sitting silent beside her and saw a frown marring her face. She knew Thorn’s conquest of the female was not going to be as smooth a road as he thought it would be.

  The gates of the training yard opened and Thorn lead in his twenty warriors all large muscled and oiled, stripped down to the waist they looked impressive. Thorn saw Ciana sitting among the spectators, and he tightened his body making his muscles bigger he turned towards her and bowed at the waist. Ciana her face devoid of expression inclined her head to the Elven King. “Ciana I think you have an admirer.” Verity murmured.

  “So it would seem.” She murmured back and knew he was much more than an admirer.

  “Did they grow?” Olinda asked Phoebe as her eyes widened in fascination. Phoebe nodded as she saw all the females waited for her answer. “They did, it is called battle mode, elves have the normal form and when enraged or going into battle they will enlarge to almost twice their normal size. Are you shocked?” Olinda laughed a pure happy sound which made all those close to her smile. “Shocked, no, we live with dragons a morphing Elf is nothing.”

  Phoebe’s eyes laughed. “Of course I should have realized.”

  Olinda gave her arm a pat. “Don’t worry sister we stick together all us non dragons and as Verity and Ciana made a noise she hurriedly amended that to, all us females that is.”

  Just then the gates re-opened to admit the dragons and shifters. Lining up with Reighn were all his brothers, the three Battle brothers as well as Finlay and two of the unicorns from his team, Jordan and Ethan Reading.

  “Olinda did they volunteer?” Sage asked.

  “Of course they did, they could not put their fool hands up quick enough.”

  Causing everyone to laugh quietly at her exasperated tone. Sage looked along the line and saw King Elijah and his guards. Rumoh, Dumoh as well as Conor and his half-brother Saul, who were accompanied by Grace’s sons George and Ivan.

  Sage asked. “Grace, are those your boys?”

  “Of course as with the Unicorns they were first in line.”

  “Seriously you would have thought they would have had enough.” Claire muttered.

  “Boys will be boys, no matter the age... get used to it Ladies.” Verity stated as Grace nodded her agreement as her sons mates Tayla and Krista slipped into seats apologizing for being late. “Sorry we are late, the cubs took longer to settle than usual.”

  “Oh my Tayla look at them standing there all ready to battle. Yummy.”

  Tayla looked to where Krista was pointing, “Oh my!” She fanned herself. Sage nudged June. “Someone will get lucky tonight!”

  June laughed as Sage grinned she turned to the bears and reassured them.

  “That is okay Scarlett is just coming as well.”

  As Queen Scarlett, Sparrow and Loa along with Birdy took seats next to Verity. “I know we are late, morning sickness is not fun.” Scarlett moaned. Edith grumbled. “I know, hate it!”

  Ella tutted with sympathy. “Ladies come and see me afterwards. I have something new for you to try.”

  “Thank goodness.” A pale Edith mumbled.

  “We were just saying the males all look impressive.” Verity told them.

  “Were we? I did not say that.” Harper whispered to Charlie who grinned and said. “You are just mad because they won’t let you play.” Charlie nudged her shoulder as she replied with a pout. “Well yeah, it would have been fun.”

  Frankie asked no one in particular. “Do I hear whining?”

  Harper snarled loud enough for them all to hear. “There was no whining. Miss whiner!”

  “And yet I was sure I heard it!” To cut the fight off Sage said. “Challenge them!”

  Phoebe burst out laughing then slowly stopped saying between laughs. “Oh my Goddess please allow me to watch when you do?”

  Harper grinned. “I just might, we have enough female warriors.”

  Sparrow nodded. “Count us in.”

  “Please me too!” Phoebe pleaded. Harper with a bit more thought wondered if she could pull a team together, she was fairly sure she could find enough females and with Phoebe, Charlie and Sparrow it would be a hell of a team she would think on it later as Olinda asked. “Should we whistle or clap.”

  “Girl no! Where do you come up with these ideas?” Edith asked her.

  “Books.” Called out Charlie.

  Well...” Harper grinned as Olinda smiled and Frankie asked. “Are you sure we cannot. I mean look at them. Hubba bubba!”

  They were impressive Reighn looked good Sage thought as with all the others lining up with him he was bare chested, muscles gleaming with oiled bronze skin showing. Phoebe cleared her throat as she looked over her shadow, she had intimate knowledge of every piece of his fine body to distract herself she asked. “Why would you wish to clap or whistle?

  “It is what is done at games of sport on earth.” Charlie told her.

  “But this is training!”

  “Yeah, you keep on thinking that elf girl. This is combat without weapons.” Claire announced with a smile to take the sting from the words as she eyed Lars.

  Oh man her shadow looked strapping, all oiled up and ready to battle.

  Grace said. “You have to admit they all make a sight to behold.”

  “That they do.” Verity agreed. There was no more time for chat as the doors to the viewing stand opposite were suddenly opened and males walked in.

  “Oh wow! This will be a show like none other.” June told them.

  “I wonder how they all found out.” Olinda asked of no one as she watched Frankie duck her head and she wondered no more. Dragons and shifters all filed in and filled the rows of seats on the terraced stands. Harper spied Clint as he walked in with several other youths. She had expressly forbidden Joy to attend. Much to her dissatisfaction. If the whining she heard before she left to go to school was any indication.

  “Are Rene` and Andre` here?” Grace asked Verity who nodded.

  “Of course.”

  “Males they always know.” Stated Krista.

  “It is like a bell goes off in their hind brains.” Agreed Jacks as she slipped into her seat behind Ciana. She said to Sage. “Sorry I was late, another petitioner was annoyed.” Sage nodded and gave her a sympathetic smile. “It’s okay, we are going to have to do something about that. You cannot keep doing it.”

  “I know but who? It takes a calm personality and one who does not have personal interest.”

  Ciana asked Jacks who she had met when she first arrived and liked a lot. “What is it you do?”

  Jacks, in a few short sentences explained the position at Ciana’s thoughtful look. She asked slyly, thinking that Ciana or what she knew of her would be ideal for the job. The dragons could not accuse her of favoritism or taking sides. “Why? Are you interested?”

  Ciana smiled in return. “Very much so.” She did not miss the worried look Phoebe gave her but she knew she was not cut out to be a non-working queen. Thorn would have to accept it or leave her. She ignored the pain that shafted through her heart at that thought.

  Jacks grinned “Please see Reighn.” Sage looked at Ciana and after minute nodded what she saw in Ciana’s eyes was enough for her to agree. “Yes, I will set the appointment for two this afternoon in his office.”

  “Thank you both.” Cian
a smiled to herself.

  Ciana and Phoebe were introduced to the faerie Queen and the bears. Ciana was fascinated as she looked around her so many different species all in one place it was amazing.

  “I have twin boys if you need any advice.” Talya hesitantly offered Ciana. Olinda smiled as she told Ciana. “Me too, as you know I have twins. Tayla is invaluable. She knows everything. I swear I could not have survived this last few months without her help, and she never growls if you do not get it the first time. Like some grumpy bears.” She stared at Edith while the others tried not to laugh as Edith growled. “Look female how many times do you need to know how to tie a bib around a sweet baby’s neck so you don’t strangle him?”

  “Apparently ten!” Grace murmured so they could all hear, causing the held in laughs to escape.

  Ciana hurriedly said. “Thank you Tayla. I would appreciate some time.”

  “How about afternoon tea at my place.” Sage offered as she turned back around to look out over the arena. “In fact ladies please all come for afternoon tea so we can meet properly as we are all family. We should at least get to know each other. It is us that will be leaning on each other as the days go on plus there are things we must discuss. Like bonding parties!”

  June raised her eyebrows as Sage nudged her and whispered. “Girl what are you up too?”

  Sage whispered back. “I need my own network. The males take too long and look at the wrong things.”

  “Okay, I am in.” June nodded as Claire lent nearer and whispered. “Me too!”

  A roar went up when a male as tall as Rene’ and as just as old walked into the arena. Verity gasped. “Oh my Patrycc is here.”

  “Who?” Someone asked.

  Verity whispered. “My brother Patrycc Maythom,”

  “Oh wow the redeemer. I so want to meet him.” Edith sighed.

  “Goddess that means Clint’s brother must be here!” Harper said as she looked around. Then her eyes finally landed on Clint and saw his head turn towards a tall blonde male who walked in the door. She watched as her boy stood and slowly moved towards the male then she held her breath as the male spotted him and a wide grin split his face.

  Her boy was rushing to him. They embraced, her throat closed up as she saw the male pull away a little and stare at Clint while he talked. Through her tears, that she refused to let fall she saw they were almost the same height. Her eyes followed them as they moved towards the seat Clint just vacated. Charlie felt her sister’s pain and said quietly as all the females stopped talking feeling the atmosphere change. “It does not mean he will leave you sis.”

  Harper her eyes bleak said. “Yeah, he will and why should he not, they are family. He deserves his family like we all do.”

  Verity reached over and took Harper’s face in her hands and squeezed her cheeks. “We are family missy and do not forget that!”

  “Yes ma’am.” Harper said between squashed cheeks.

  “Good.” Verity let her go then Harper moved her jaw from side to side while Charlie tried not to snicker. Having being on the receiving end of cheek squashing a time or two herself. Frankie said. “Clint needs you don’t forget that his brother may be home but no one said he was staying.”

  Sparrow eyed the newcomer Harper was talking about and felt dizzy, she felt her heart beat fast and her face paled. “Sparrow are you well?” Edith asked her a little panicked at the suddenly pale faerie that never seemed to be anything other than calm. Ella moved quickly to her. “Sparrow what is it? Are you ill?”

  “No …no, it is… oh, this is not good.”

  Scarlett looked at Sparrow then across the arena and smiled as she took her hand and said. “There is nothing to fear dear one it is normal.” Her words made everyone more curious as they looked to where Scarlett had and saw nothing out of the ordinary. “Is it my queen, are you sure? I feel light headed as though I have flown a training course with a dragon after me.”

  “Oh my dear your light has arrived. It always feels like that.”

  Sparrow’s eyes widened as she took two tries to clear her throat. “Okay…okay, that makes sense I suppose.”

  “Who?” Olinda asked. “Do we know him?”

  Queen Scarlett nodded towards Hayden. “That young male next to Clint.”

  “Hayden!” Yelped Harper. “Your light is Clint’s brother?”

  Sparrow sighed. “It would seem so.”

  Edith grinned and nudged her. “Sparrow go say hello.”

  Frantically she shook her head. “No…no, I think I will take it slow.”

  Verity agreed. “Yes, that is the best way. Hayden is a very nice male, but he has been through some trauma. Maybe it will be well to speak to my brother Patrycc and then Hayden.”

  “Good idea.” Sparrow said releasing the breath she did not remember holding. “Very good idea.”

  “Okay…” Harper was unable to finish as just then another great roar went up as Reighn and Thorn stepped to the middle of the arena to face Patrycc.


  “Nephew how are you?”

  “I am well. You?”

  “Pleased to be home.”

  “Good, my Dam will be happy.”

  “Yes now who are you fighting…sorry training with today.” Reighn cocked an eyebrow up at the not so subtle slip of his Uncle’s tongue he was as surprised as everyone else here to see Patrycc. His father was to have refereed. Reighn knew Hayden and Patrycc were coming home but not so soon. “Is Hayden with you?”

  “He is up in the viewing stand with young Clint.”

  “Ahah! Harper will be sorry.”

  Patrycc shrugged as he said. “We will see, now introduce me to the Elven King.”

  “King Thorn of the moon Elves this is my Uncle Patrycc Maythom. Redeemer, brother to my Dam.” Reighn introduced Thorn to Patrycc. Thorn clasp the other males arm. “Redeemer?”

  “King Thorn please call me Patrycc.”

  “If you will call me Thorn.” They both inclined their heads. Patrycc quietly said to Thorn. “I knew your grandfather if you would like to learn of him. Please come and see me.”

  Thorn took a breath in. “I am in your debt he was, we believe a great male!”

  Patrycc agreed. “He was an honest Elf. He worked tirelessly for your clan and the enlightenment of all Elves.”

  “I would appreciate learning of him.”

  “We will do so then. Now nephew what are you doing here?”

  “It is to be an exhibit only. We wish to compare techniques and find out where we complement each other.”

  “So wrestling and hand to hand skills.”

  Reighn nodded. “That is what Thorn and I agreed on. Yes.”

  “Shall we pair them up?”

  “Agreed.” Thorn said as he looked over Reighn’s people, spotting Conor a slow smile grew. “I would like to test myself against that male there standing by Storm. Reighn looked toward Conor who stood relaxed while he talked to Storm. “Are you sure he is lion?”

  Patrycc sucked in a breath as he looked at the male they were discussing. “Nephew we need to talk later.”

  “Yes uncle.” Reighn agreed without turning from inspecting Conor who stood tall at almost seven foot, bronzed with sharp amber eyes that were surveying the ranks of males opposite him. Thorn’s smile was an anticipatory grin now as he said. “Yes, I am sure.”

  Patrycc with no small amount of trepidation said. “Done, you may go first then we will pair up the others after.”

  Thorn looked at Reighn who asked him. “Who do you advise I go against?”

  Thorn indicated his brother. “Tayne.”

  “Any advice?”

  “Yes do not take it easy on him. He is well schooled but he will not listen, it is most annoying.”

  Reighn smiled. “I understand.”

  Patrycc, seeing the talking was over stated. “Good after your bout I will call for pairs, good luck gentlemen.” In a louder voice he said. “Rules; keep it clean I will call a halt when and if nee
ded otherwise fight clean.”

  Reighn and Thorn shook hands and went back to their ranks. “Finally.” Hissed Harper, “I thought they were never going to get to it.”

  The females all smiled or laughed at her exasperated tone. Reighn with a nod at Thorn, smiled at Conor when he reached him who cocked an eyebrow as Reighn told him. “The King requested you.”

  “Did he now?”

  “Are you are up for it?”

  A smile spread across Conor’s face as he said one word. “Indeed!”

  Patrycc called Thorn and Conor forwards, “Warriors this is test of courage and ability you have a choice wrestling or hand to hand?”

  They both picked hand to hand. “What does that mean?” Olinda asked Harper.

  “Karate, judo whatever style or discipline they wish to use.” Edith told her, at their looks she shrugged. “I looked it up last night.”

  “Boxing?” Asked Charlie.

  “Yep, why?”

  Just then the males squared off against each other and Patrycc held his arm between them. He counted to three then dropped it and moved back. Instantly the males struck out at each other. Conor dropped the Elf to a knee with a leg sweep Thorn countered from his position on one knee a one two punch to Conor’s solar plexus. Conor moved back from the Elf allowing him to rise. Thorn grinned and waved him closer. “Too cocky.” Charlie mumbled.

  Conor stepped in and with one punch dropped Thorn to the ground out cold. Sharm stepped over and raised the Elf’s eyelids, tapped his face and then called over two males with a stretcher. They loaded the King onto it and ran from the arena. Conor looked at Patrycc who signaled the fight was ended with, “Conor wins!” The stands erupted in roars of approval. Phoebe said. “Those who never saw that coming raise your hands.” No one did. “He always has to push.”

  Ciana grinned as they carried the King from the field. Several of the Elves shuffled closer to Conor who stood his hands by his sides relaxed. Reighn said in his deep voice from where he stood waiting. “Your King like all of us knew the rules. He chose Conor to test himself against. Now who is next?”

  From there it was a relatively sedate contest each participant tested themselves against their opponents with differing techniques, with differing results. The spectators had a good time, and the participants mostly found themselves evenly matched. Reighn predictably won his bout against Tayne. Especially when the Elf lost his temper and threw wild punches at Reighn who eventually got bored and dropped him with one punch. Much as Conor had done earlier to Thorn. After just over two hours the training bouts were over and everyone left either sore or happy.


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