Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 25

by L M Lacee

  Pulling up at the pump she and the girls got out. While the girls searched for sweaters in their back packs. Ocean stretched the kinks out of her body as she scanned the area.

  Everything looked okay, several cars sat in the parking lot adjacent to the gas station they appeared empty. Once dressed the girls came to her she sent them inside the gas shop and cafe to purchase gas and food. She knew they were hungry again, so she gave them instructions to get food and her just coffee. She handed the money over to Paige saying. “I need the letter Paige. I need to make sure your grandfather’s information reaches the right people.”

  As her hand automatically sort the letter in her back pocket she asked with a trace of fear in her young voice. “How do you know who the right people are?”

  “I just know where we are going! I believe that there may be people who stop people like the ones that wanted you and Kadee.”

  Paige bit her bottom lip and sighed. “Maybe he was wrong, maybe he sent us away for no reason. He was old.”

  Ocean smiled. “He was old and he did love you and Kadee and he believed the Goddess when she told him to send you away. He was not wrong!”

  Paige hung her head, and Ocean let her think on it. Finally, she withdrew the letter and handed it to Ocean tears in her eyes. “It is all I have of him.”

  Ocean took the letter and cupped the young girl’s cheek. “No sweet girl, you and Kadee, have much more than this one bit of paper. You have all the love and memories in your heart and soul of him. He loved you and taught you to love. That is a fine legacy to leave behind.”

  She kissed her forehead and hugged the teenager as the other flung her arms around them both saying. “Yeah Paige, he loved us heaps.”

  Ocean hugged them both then released them. “Now think about this. With this piece of paper you and your grandfather will stop any more young girls having to leave their homes in the middle of the night. You are all heroes. So girls what do we do now?”

  At their puzzled looks she said. “I am guessing you and Kadee want to stay with me?”

  The girls sniffled back their tears and grinned, Paige said. “Yeeah! Can we? Grandpa wanted this, said you were the one for us.”

  “And maybe!” Kadee said. “You could maybe, teach us about shifters and lions maybe?”

  Ocean grinned, “Yeah I can do that or at least find someone who will. So go get food and coffee and I will feed little miss here while you are gone.”

  “Does she not have a name?” Paige asked.

  “Not yet!”

  “Oh!” Kadee asked. “Is there a reason for that?”

  “Yep! I haven’t found one for her yet!”

  “Oh okay, will you tell us how you got her?” Kadee asked.

  “Yep when we get rolling again.” They turned to walk away, lighter in their steps, Ocean said. “Stick together and go to the bathroom, no more stops for a while.”

  Both girls turned around and walked backwards and called out. “Yes ma’am.” Then turned around and raced into the gas shop. A few minutes later a young woman emerged and came over. “The girls said you needed gas?”

  “Yes please full her up.” Ocean requested as she picked up the baby and took her to the passenger seat and started her on her bottle.

  “Cute baby!”

  “Thank you.”

  A woman came over and Ocean could scent cat. She hoped she was right. It would mean she was getting better. Huh practice!

  “Morning, how are you?” The woman asked, she was older than Ocean maybe forty, forty-five years old. A few more lines on her face, work roughened hands a nice face to photograph, Ocean thought. “Fine thank you and you?”

  “Good, those your girls in there?” She pointed towards where the girls had gone. Careful now, Ocean kept one eye on the baby and the other on the woman leaning against her car in a semi relaxed pose.

  “Yes are they alright?”

  “Yes, flirting with my boys, seem to be enjoying themselves.”

  The young woman finished and Ocean thanked her before she walked back into the shop. When she was out of sight the woman straightened and asked Ocean in a voice laced with tension. “Are you going to Dragon’s Gap?”

  Ocean smiled as she raised the baby to her shoulder. “We are. You?”

  The woman stuck her hand out. Ocean took the offered hand and shook. “Yes, we are, my name is Ruth.”

  “Hi, I am Ocean.”

  Ruth said. “My boys and I are Jaguar and we are with a few others, we got here but we sort of ran out of luck. It almost seems like we were waiting and then you and your girls showed up, and it just feels right somehow!”

  Ocean said. “Seems like this is the day for strange and exotic things to be happening.” The woman called Ruth gave her a confused look, Ocean grinned. “Don’t mind me. Strange things have been happening to me lately, so I will put this down as another one. I know where to go from here. Would you like to follow us?”

  Ruth sighed her relief. “That sounds great we have three cars all together.”

  Ocean smiled and finished up feeding the baby. “It is still a drive. Unfortunately, I have to stop for this one but if we time it right, one of those stops could be for lunch. We should still get there by late afternoon. Not to be rude but do you all have money for food and gas?”

  Ruth grinned. “Oh sure, more than enough.”

  “Oh good. So Ruth how did you know?”

  Ruth seemed to understand what she was asking, she smiled as she asked. “New to this?”

  Ocean shrugged. “In a roundabout way, still learning what a shifter can do. So short answer. Yes.”

  Ruth laughed. “Well your girls scent lion.”

  “See I thought that too.”

  “You scent like something I have never come across before.” Ruth told her.

  “Yeah, I get that a lot. Where are you from?”

  “We all come from New Orleans. You?”


  “Well, you are a long way from home?”

  Ocean nodded. “Aren’t we all?”

  Ruth sighed as she watched her sons leave the shop, when they saw her they waved and went to the car. “Yes, we are.”

  “Alright then, it seems the girls are finished flirting with your boys, so when they make their way here we will be on the road.”

  They smiled at each other. “We will be ready to go.” Ruth waved her thanks as she returned to her car. She pointed to the three vehicles that had been empty but were now jammed packed with kids and belongings one of them even towed a large covered trailer. Ocean bet it was filled with household items.

  She looked at their cars and then hers and realized she was grossly under prepared for this adventure, just as well she had money. Sighing she watched the girls come out carrying drinks and bags of food. Paige said as she passed Ocean her coffee. “I paid for the gas as well, is that okay?”

  She grinned. “Thanks Paige.”

  When they had taken their places in the car, she told them about the woman Ruth and the cars that were following them.

  Kadee said. “Yeah, we were talking to her sons, they said they had been here since last night waiting. You think they were waiting for us?”

  “Yeah as weird as that seems, it is what I think. So if you are all buckled up, let’s hit the road.”

  “Yeah because that is the only weird thing about this whole adventure.” Paige muttered.

  Ocean grinned. “That’s the spirit. Call it like you see it, adventure sounds good.”

  Both girls grinned. Ocean put the truck in gear and headed out onto the highway for the last stage to their new home. Dragon’s Gap.


  S ome hours later Ocean and the trio of cars who were following her drove down the dusty road until they came to an intersection where a young, teenage girl stood by the side of the road.

  Ocean pulled her truck to a stop and lowered her window. The teenager smiled wide and asked. “Hey how you all doing?”

��We are fine.”

  “So do you have young?”

  “I am guessing you mean a baby?”

  “Oh sorry, yes a baby?”

  Ocean smiled. “We do, she is a day old.”

  “Wow! She is real young. Well, you go left under the trees, then follow the signs.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Hi!” She said to the girls who grinned in return. Kadee said. “Hi, I am Kadee and she is my sister Paige.” She pointed to Paige in the front seat.

  The teenager nodded then told them. “My name is Joy, see you around.”

  “See yah!” The girls called back. Ocean eased her foot back on the gas and steered the truck to the left. In her review mirror she watched the other cars slow and stop and Joy talk to them. Then the first car rolled on taking the left hand road behind her.

  “She was nice. I hope everyone is as nice as her.” Kadee said as she looked out the windows.

  “I am sure they are.” Ocean murmured.

  “Do you think they have schools here?” Asked a worried Paige.

  “Oh sure it is a real town with shops and everything!” Ocean said and crossed her fingers she was right.

  “Oh my goodness look Kadee! It is a tunnel of trees.” Paige squealed in awe.

  Kadee asked just as awed. “Oh wow! Look it is amazing. How do you think they made them do that?” “Maybe its magic!” Paige giggled.

  Ocean was trying to keep her concentration as they passed through a barrier of some sort. It was like fingers running over her entire body making her want to scream and laugh at the same time. She would have liked to say it hurt but before she could decide it was painful they were through it and she breathed out in relief.

  “Are you okay?” Paige asked as she looked at Ocean and saw her hands clamped to the steering wheel.

  “Yep, just the barrier was tricky.”

  “What barrier?”

  “Oh…Oh! Never mind sweetie, must have been my imagination. Ocean frowned, now why had she felt a barrier and they had not. That was something to think about later, right now her attention was on where she was driving. They drove through or more rightly around a town and along a cobblestone street towards a building that looked like an old town hall.

  She assumed this was where they were meant to be as several cars were lined up in front of her. A female stepped out from between the cars and Ocean heard both girls draw in their breaths. “Oh Paige look, she has pink hair.”

  “And lovey pink and red wings.” Paige whispered back as she turned to Kadee and both girls laughed with glee. “Wings!” They said together.

  Ocean smiled when the female with wings made hand gestures indicating Ocean should take her car around behind the building. As she parked the female floated up to their car. Ocean lowered the window not as fast as Kadee apparently. “Hi, what are you? Am I being rude asking? Oh my goodness you are beautiful and have wings, which are really beautiful too.”

  The female smiled and answered her. It seemed a teenager was not something new for her. “No, it is not rude depending on how you ask. I am a faerie, and it is nice to meet you and thank you. I think my wings are beautiful too. My name is Birdy and if you go through the glass doors you will be in the center.”

  Just then the baby murmured. Birdy looked in the window. “Oh, you have a little one. Do you need a healer?”

  Ocean nodded as she got out. Birdy smiled and said. “Well go through the doors turn right then third door on the left.”

  “Thank you Birdy.” Ocean said. “I am Ocean Walker these delightful girls are Paige and Kadee.”

  “Welcome to Dragon’s Gap.” The faerie greeted them. As she turned to go Ocean asked her. “Is there a hotel in town?”

  “Yes, I can book you a room or two.”

  “Thank you, we only need one with two beds. Are you sure? I can do so myself.”

  Birdy smiled. “I am sure, your phones will not work here. We have our own network. The hotel is down off the main street, turn left and two streets over. It is called, The Welcome.”

  “Cool name.” Paige said as she and Kadee got out.

  Birdy smiled. “I agree. I will leave you now, if you get lost just ask someone, they will guide you to the hotel. Oh, what name do I book it under?”

  Ocean was reaching in for the carrier. “Walker, three people and a baby.”

  “Done, again welcome to Dragon’s Gap, family Walker.”

  “Thank you!” Ocean replied. The girls waved and called out. “Goodbye.”

  Ocean carrier in hand smiled as she closed the door. The faerie flew off and the girls stood wide eyed looking after her. Then they looked over and saw several lions stop and stare at them, the girls moved back against the car. Ocean moved slightly in front of them and stared at the lions in return.

  The lions let out several roars and ran off, the girls let out the breaths they had been holding. “Well, that was scary.” Kadee said shakily.

  Ocean turned to her. “Do not show them fear ever! Even if you feel it, keep your faces calm and as still as you can and if they move towards you, scream loud and long and keep on screaming.”

  Paige asked. “What good will that do, they are lions?”

  Ocean smiled and pointed up as several shadows were seen above them. Both girls’ jaws dropped open. Paige squeaked. “Are they…”

  Ocean almost giggled at their looks. “Yes dragons, they will hear and come to help you. Come on girls lets go.” She moved and they stumbled after her as they went through the glass doors their eyes still skywards.

  Ocean stood outside the wooden door and knocked, the girls stood at either side of her, she could feel them trembling. “Girls I swear it is okay, we are safe here. I know it is hard for you, but you have to trust me in this.”

  “We do trust you.” Paige told her. “It is just that there are Dragons here!”

  “Dragons!” Kadee agreed with a tinge of awe and fear in her voice.

  “Why are you so surprised? It is called Dragon’s Gap. You are lions, we saw a faerie and other lions and you both scented wolves when we got out of the car.”

  Both girls shrugged and looked at her like she had two heads. “Yeah but that’s sort of normal, kinda.” Paige explained.

  “But dragons are not normal.” Kadee and Paige said together.

  “It would depend on whose point of view you were taking.” A deep voice said from above them. They both looked up and up some more, a male stood in the open doorway, he was tall, real tall and big. Both girls scrambled back behind Ocean with a startled. “Eeek!”

  Ocean just kept herself from laughing as both girls with huge eyes, stared at the giant of a male that had opened the door while they had been questioning her. Ocean grinned at the male. “Hello, I am looking for a Healer.”

  Sharm grinned down at the trio. “Ahh well, that would be me, I am Sharm Kingsley, healer and doctor. Please come in?” He opened the door wider, and Ocean and the girls walked in. Ocean with confidence the girls hesitantly, making sure to stay behind her.

  “I am Ocean Walker. These are my girls, Paige is thirteen and Kadee is twelve and this is my baby, she is almost a day old.”

  Sham smiled and let a little of his energy flow from him a calmness settled over the small party of females as they walked deeper into the medical ward.

  “Well, that makes it all perfectly clear.” He said with a smile.

  Ocean grinned. “As clear as mud, I know. So if you could look at the baby, I will explain?”

  “No problem.” He showed her where to place the baby and as Ocean did, a tall beautiful, white haired woman entered the room with two little bear cubs following behind her. “Sharm darling, Tayla and Ivan’s little ones are going back to their parents, they wanted to say goodbye.” She looked up from her phone, realized they were not alone and blinked several times. Then Edith smiled and said. “Hello.” She looked at Sharm as he mind sent to her. My love it seems Andre’s other daughter has arrived.

  Oh, she looks just lik
e Ciana. Wow! So similar!

  Twins are like that.

  Was there tone?

  Sharm bent over the carrier a smile in his eyes for his shadows question, he unstrapped the baby not wanting to look at Edith, knowing he would laugh out loud. Ocean and the girls both said hello back to her, Sharm introduced her. “This is my shadow or what you may know as mate, her name is Edith.”

  The two bear cubs came scrambling to the girls who had promptly sat on the floor exclaiming. “Oh my goodness, you are the cutest cubs ever.” Then proceeded to have their arms filled by bear cubs who climbed all over them and made small bear noises filled with happiness, the girls were smitten.

  Ocean grinned as the girls fears and suspicions melted away. She found her hand in the grip of the woman’s and felt the bear looking at her.

  “Hello, you are?”

  “I am Ocean Walker. I have been traveling to Dragon’s Gap for a few months now. I finally made it.” She laughed gently as she looked at the girls.

  Sharm said. “With a few extras it would seem.” “Destiny!” Edith intoned. “Is a strange Goddess, I have learnt.”

  “There is truth in that!” Ocean agreed as the girls were occupied with the cubs, Ocean quickly explained to Sharm and Edith how she came to be the guardian of the three girls. Once that was told, they turned their attention to the baby who lay asleep in her carrier.

  Sharm gently lifted her out and placed her on the examination bed. Edith placed her hand over the baby’s chest. Ocean gave her a questioningly look, absently Edith answered. “I found I can tell age and species of any given person. It is a unique gift.”

  “I am sure it is. When you are done with her, can I ask you to tell me what I am?”

  Stunned Sharm and Edith stared at her. “You don’t know?” Sharm asked.

  “No, my mother was less than forth coming, don’t look so appalled. I have come to terms with it. Being here has stirred the want to know up again, if you know what I mean?”

  “Yes, I do, this place does that. I believe it is in the air or the magic that is all over the place.” Edith said cryptically.

  Sharm said. “Ocean you are half dragon, your father is here as well!”


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