Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 30

by L M Lacee

  Conor said. “This is a fine place for lion cubs to learn to run and be lions.” Paige looked up at him and asked in her soft way. “Will you teach us?”

  Conor looked down into the blue eyes of his new daughter and knew he stared at a ‘First.’ “Do you know who you are?”

  Ocean moved closer but did not interfere she felt Kadee shift closer to her and placed her arm around her shoulders.

  With those simple words Paige felt something shift within her mind and felt her lion who slumbered under drugs, stretch. Her face whitened as she nodded her eyes brightened and a spark blossomed to life in the soul of her and her lion. Paige whispered as her eyes turned amber. “I am like you!”

  Conor nodded. “Yes little one, you are.”

  She smiled, but a look of fear entered her eyes, he took her chin in his hand and lifted her face to his and in a voice that came from the gods he intoned. “We together will lead our people into the next era of changelings, do not fear what is to come. You have been gifted parents and family that will make your burdens lighter.” He kissed her forehead. “Remember my daughter you are not alone.”

  She hugged him. “I was so scared to tell, that I always felt different, like there was more to me but I could not find it.’ She shrugged. “I just felt weird all the time.”

  Conor smiled. “I know how that feels but we will not allow you to be anything other than what you are, a young girl with potential that has a lion that is still sleeping. It is years until you will be called on to fulfil your destiny.”

  “What if she doesn't want to be a First?” Kadee asked.

  He looked at her with a sorrow in his eyes as he told her. “Sweet Kadee, Paige has no choice, destiny is destiny, like your mom and I We are drawn to each other even though we are not of the same species.”

  “Oh, so will she get as big as you?”

  “Again that is destiny and genetics.”

  “Eww Paige, you could be a mammoth female lion!” Kadee laughed as Paige pulled from Conor’s arms and growled at her sister. “Shut up Kadee.”

  Which made her laugh harder and dance out of reach of her sister. Conor raised one eyebrow when he asked Kadee. “Are you saying I am a mammoth?”

  Kadee stilled, then looked up into his smiling eyes and grinned cheekily. “Yep!”

  He growled deep in his chest and made a grab for her letting her dance away as she screamed with laughter.

  Paige grabbed her hand, and they ran towards the house in the distance. “We will meet you at the house.” She called back to Ocean who called out, “Okay wait for us there, and don’t go in.” She looked at Conor she knew what a First was there was a short explanation in the information packet Kadee read to her the previous night. “So she is a ‘First?”

  “Yes.” You know what a ‘First’ is?”

  “Yes it was in the information packet we received.”

  Conor looked at Claire. “Really I wonder how that found its way in there.”

  Claire smiled and shrugged. She would not tell him Reighn had said to slip a mention of it in.

  His eyes clouded over. “Her life will be very different from Kadee’s and what I imagine she hoped it to be.”

  Ocean sighed. “I am thinking her life has been turned upside down in such a short space of time that this will just add another complexity to it. But she seems resilient and well grounded. Plus she has you and me now.”

  He smiled as he nodded. “That she does as well as family, loads of family.” That smile of his made her toes curl in her shoes, causing Ocean to feel heat prickle over her skin. She looked past him and nodded as she asked. “Any idea who they are?”

  As he turned with Claire, they saw Frankie and Joy bouncing their way onto the property. Claire laughed “She even walks like her now.” She remarked as she looked up at Conor who grinned, to Ocean she said “That is Frankie, Sage’s P.A and Joy.”

  “Oh, we met her yesterday.” Ocean recalled, “Teenager… talkative?”

  “Yep that is Joy.”

  Frankie had started talking before she reached them. “Hi, we came when we heard you where here.”

  “Where is Johner?” Conor asked expecting a horde of dragons’ overhead any minute.

  ”Don’t worry Conor. Johner knows where we are he dropped us off up the road so we did not frighten the girls. Although now I see they are not here.” She turned to Joy and grinned. “Yes, Joy you may go and find them, do not get into trouble your mom will kill me.”

  “Aww! Frankie what trouble can I get into?”

  Frankie made a face that had Ocean worried until Claire whispered. “That is her thinking face.”

  “Really, it is disturbing.” Ocean whispered back.

  “Uhuh!” Was Claire’s only comment. Conor choked back a laugh at the conversation. Finally, Frankie said. “I can think of lots of things that I would get in trouble about, so my advice do none of them.”

  Joy nodded, smiled at the other adults and started to run off, only stopping long enough to hug Claire then Conor and say, “Love you.” To which he replied. “You too sprite.” Making her giggle as she continued past Ocean, with a quick wave. She hooted with delight and ran to where she could see Kadee and Paige who seemed to be waiting for her.

  Conor still smiling told Ocean. “I train her as well as several others. She is wolf and was abandoned. Joy is Ace and Harper Battle’s claim. Do you know what that is?”

  Ocean looked toward the running girl and nodded. “Yes, Kadee read the booklet. It was in there.”

  “Oh, did you?” Frankie shimmered as she moved closer to the three adults, her eyes took in Ocean knowing she was Ciana sister and Andre`s daughter. It was strange neither female looked like Andre` yet you knew he was their father, it was the feeling they had around them. Frankie worried that the three would never form a family, and they needed too, not just for themselves but for the dragon nation, especially the females. If Ocean didn’t open up her heart to Andre` and Ciana then the gift from the Goddesses would falter and wither away.

  Ocean looked so much like Ciana it was scary because when Frankie looked into Ocean’s lavender eyes they were so unlike Ciana’s calm quiet eyes. Ocean’s eyes were not comfortable to look into.

  “I helped write it.” Frankie told her.

  Claire told her. “You did a good job although Kadee has ideas for somethings you missed.”

  Frankie’s whole body stilled. “She what?”

  “Apparently we missed somethings.”

  “Huh, well I will talk to her.” She stuck her hand out to Ocean. “Hi, I am Frankie Kingsley, shadow to Johner Kingsley. You just met my niece Joy?”

  Ocean took her hand and felt the tingle of magic snake up her arm, she smiled as she replied. “I did, she is delightful.”

  Frankie’s eyes widened, Ocean had not reacted to the tingle on her skin and Frankie knew she felt it. “You are not worried about what you feel?”

  “No, should I be?”

  “Yes, most people are.”

  “Well, I am not most people.”

  Frankie grinned as she said. “No, I can see that.” She released Ocean’s hand and wanted desperately to shake out her hand. It was as though Ocean had left an imprint on her skin, it felt weird and nice at the same time. Now she sort of understood what other people felt when they first touched her. Before she could stop the words she blurted out. “What are you?”

  Ocean’s lips smiled but her eyes were watchful as she answered. “Dragon and human apparently!”

  Frankie nodded, but she doubted that the female was telling the whole truth or maybe like her she did not know, either way, she needed to talk to someone.

  Conor asked Frankie. “Although it is always a pleasure to see you, why are you here?”

  “Oh...oh, well Joy wanted to come. She has the rest of the week off school, due to some problems with the buildings. I think they have to be enlarged or something…”

  “Frankie!” Claire stopped the halt of words.

p; “Oh sorry.” Frankie sheepishly said. “Joy sort of nagged to come see the girls and I wanted to well…”

  Claire cut in. “You wanted to see inside Reighn’s old home?”

  “Well yeah, I mean don’t you want to know what kind of pad the male had as a teenager. Like is it a typical bachelor place.”

  Claire laughed out loud. “Frankie, you know it won’t be. It is seven hundred years since he lived here. And even then Lady Verity said he hardly stayed here. It was more an inheritance from his grand dam’s side.”

  “Oh… so no pizza boxes or cans of opened beer with pool tables then?” She sounded so disappointed Ocean felt sorry for her as Conor said. “Never mind Frankie, shall we go find out anyway?”

  Frankie’s face transformed from sad to happiness in seconds as she shimmied with pleasure. “Okay can I ride with you Conor?”

  “Sure you can.”

  Ocean looked around and breathed deeply getting a small scent of Conor, Claire and Frankie but mostly she breathed in clean crisp air. “This is delightful. I think I love it.” She looked up into the amber eyes of Conor and asked. “Do you like it?”

  He smiled his toe curling smile. “What I see, I find pleasing to my eyes.”

  Ocean like Claire and Frankie knew the male was not talking of just the land, flustered she cleared her throat before she said. “Okay then, let’s go.”

  The house when they pulled around the curved driveway was exactly as Kadee stated. A castle, granted not as large as the Dragon’s Gap castle but a castle all the same. “Oh my!” Claire gasped, “I had no idea!”

  “What the hell!” Ocean said at the same time. Eyes wide Claire shook her head. “He never said it was a castle just that it was his place and you can buy it.”

  “Well!” Ocean pointed to the three girls standing in awe looking up at the castles stone wall and turrets. “How much does he want for it?”

  “So you are going to buy it?”

  Ocean gave her a look of disbelief. “Can you honestly think I can say no to them?” They both looked towards where the girls stood as all three turned to them. Their faces weathered in smiles, eyes shining in hope. So excited they almost vibrated with it. Kadee yelled. “Told you, a castle!”

  Claire laughed and agreed. “Okay a dollar!”

  “I beg your pardon?” Ocean placed all her attention on Claire who quietly said. “Your cousin wants to sell you and your family this castle and land for one dollar.”

  Ocean chewed her bottom lip and squinted up at the top of the castle wondering if it was accessible. “Call him and tell him I cannot accept charity. I have some pride.”

  Claire was marshaling all her arguments when the next words from Ocean made her thoughts stall.

  “Tell him I will pay ten dollars.”

  Claire carefully clarified. “Ten dollars?”

  “Yep! Not a penny less.”

  “Okay.” Stifling her laughter Claire pulled her phone out and messaged Reighn, his reply was not long in coming, she read his text and told Ocean. “He said deal.”

  Ocean smiled. “I thought he might. Ten dollars is ten dollars after all!” She and Claire burst out laughing as they exited the truck. Conor looked over at her and smiled, his mate was delicious, and especially when she laughed he asked. “What is amusing you two?”

  Frankie moved to stand with Claire. “Yeah what is so funny?”

  When the girls had joined them Claire stated. “Ocean has brought the property. Girls you are home.” They along with an excited Joy cheered and hugged everyone there. Conor smiled. “Did the Dragon Lord drive a hard bargain?”

  Ocean pulled her face into a frown when the girls stopped cheering and looked at her as she answered Conor. “He did, but I told him ten and not a penny more. I was quite firm.”

  Claire mouthed. ‘Ten dollars’ to Conor causing him to laugh and say. “Well. Good for you.”

  The girls not sure why they found this funny asked Frankie who smiling whispered what had happened.

  “Let’s go inside before the girls break the door down.” Ocean stated.

  The girls whooped with delight and hurried to the door. Claire waited until Conor lifted out the carrier with Parker inside as Ocean grabbed the baby bag. Claire handed him the key to the front door. He looked up at the two fifteen foot tall, iron strapped wooden doors which would allow a fully grown dragon to pass through without bringing down the house. “I would hazard a guess these are at least five inches thick if not more.” Conor murmured.

  “Why would they want them that solid?” Joy asked as she smoothed a hand over the golden wood.

  “To stop marauders.”

  “What are they?”

  Conor grinned at the inquisitive girls as he answered Paige’s question. “Enemies, that wanted to get into the house.”

  “Like pirates?” Kadee asked. Conor looked her over she was a cute girl, she would be a lovely lioness.

  “Do you like pirates Kadee?”

  Before she could answer Paige sighed as only a sister could when she told him. “She is crazy for them.” Kadee ducked her head as she toed the pebbles under her feet. Conor reached out and ran his hand over her hair when she looked up at him he told her. “You should talk to Andre` he was a pirate once upon a time.”

  Kadee’s eyes widened as she asked in hushed voice. “Really a real-life pirate and Andre`… our grandfather Andre`?”

  Conor cocked an eye at her. “Yep, with an eye patch and all. He captained his own ship.” Conor looked at Ocean and saw a relieved expression come and go. He reasoned she was probably pleased he did not belabor the point of whom Andre` was.

  “Oh wow!” Kadee almost swooned right then and there and turned to Ocean and begged. “Mom can you talk to him for me and ask some questions please?"

  “We will see.” Ocean told her trying not to be annoyed with Conor. It was not his fault he did not know how she felt about Andre`. Shoot, she did not know how she felt about the male that was supposed to be her father. Sighing she said to take her mind off her thoughts about something she could do little about at the moment. “Getting old here, open up the door.”

  Conor grinned. “As you wish.”

  Using the large iron key. He said. “We will change this.”

  “Just as well that will be hard to put in my jeans pocket.” Ocean mumbled to Claire. Which seemed to be the funniest thing Joy and Kadee had heard for a while. As they laughed while the three girls scrambled through the door way. When Ocean went to pass Conor, he bent down and whispered. “Welcome home mate.”

  She sighed and looked into his amber eyes and returned just as quietly. “You too mate.”

  She nipped in before him. Only to come to a halt in what was a very large imposing entry way, that was a delight to the senses. A large cathedral ceiling reaching what Ocean thought was maybe thirty feet tall, greeted them. Hanging from the center was a huge elaborate chandelier it was exquisite, each prong holding a light was molded in the shape of a dragon. “Oh, I love it.” Ocean sighed.

  “You think it is electric?” Paige asked. Kadee scowled at her. “Of course it is. Why would it not be?”

  “This is a really old home, maybe he never got around to doing it. He has not lived here for years.”

  “Seven hundred.” Frankie muttered as she looked up at the beautiful wooden ceilings.

  “See?” Paige told Kadee who opened her mouth to respond as Conor ended what he could see developing into an argument when he turned the lights on. “We have electricity.” The girls all ahh and oohed as the lights sparkled.

  Ocean looked around at the stone floors and the sweeping staircase that rose up to the next floor. The banister was a beautiful rose colored wood that was highly polished and gracefully guided the steps upward. The walls were covered in plaster board and needed new paint.

  “That seems sad.” She indicted the covered stone walls, “We should take all that off and have the stone. What do you think?” She asked Conor who nodded and in his deep voic
e agreed. “It seems a shame to cover what has stood for years.”

  “Okay so that all comes off.” Like the others Ocean noticed all the doors leading into rooms were in need of refinishing. The girls looked at her and Ocean smiled. “Go…go look and find a bedroom each.”

  Claire yelled out as they started to run up the stairs. “All the mattresses are new as are the linens so you can all move in today plus there is meant to be an entertainment room somewhere.” With cheers of happiness the girls continued up the stairs.

  “Really entertainment room?” Ocean asked with raised eyebrows.

  Claire nodded. “I think it was an enticement.”

  “Huh!” Was her only comment.

  Conor looked around. “It needs updating.”

  “It does, do you know anyone?” Ocean asked as he grinned. “As a matter of fact, I do. Let’s do a walk through and make a list of what needs doing, then we can see who we need to call.”

  Frankie pulled a tablet from her backpack. “Come on let’s go.” So the four of them walked around the ground floor as Frankie tapped away on her tablet. The other three pointed out work that would need to be done. They walked into the large, great hall or lounge and stopped at the opulence that greeted them. “Oh my!” Frankie gushed. “Isn’t it great?”

  “Well, that is one word for it!” Ocean commented as she looked up at Conor. “Change it or leave it?”

  Without hesitation he rumbled out. “Change it and quickly.” Just then the girls arrived back. “So we found our rooms and an entertainment theatre for games and movies. Conor, it is fabulous!” Kadee told him. Conor grinned “That is great.”

  But the three girls were not listening to him they were taking in the whole golden room. “Wow! Someone liked gold huh?” Joy nudged Paige who agreed. “A lot!”

  The adults all agreed with Joy everything in the room was gold, other than the large stone fireplace that covered one full wall. Everything else, wooden floors, painted walls, furniture there was not one fixture or wall that was not colored gold.

  “This is definitely for change until then, let’s not use this room.” Ocean murmured.


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