Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 39

by L M Lacee

  Conor stood and helped her to her feet. “Well, I will take them for a run. They need to learn some lessons that cubs would know by their age.”

  “What about your meeting?” Ocean asked, he shrugged, “I will be back in time.” He grinned at her saying. “You should have a peaceful morning they should sleep when we return. Learning to be a lion is exhausting.”

  “Oh, goodie but you still owe me?”

  “What do you want?” He asked eyeing her with trepidation.

  “An hour to shoot some photos when you get back.”

  “Done.” He agreed as he kissed her and left followed by the young lionesses who both brushed by her in goodbye.

  Ocean smiled at the thought of having a camera in her hands again. Then picked up by now a grumbling Parker and looked out the window and saw Conor as his lion, with the two young lionesses following sedately behind him. “Now that would make a great photo.” She murmured to herself and sighed. “Next time.”

  She was startled as she watched Conor power into a run as it seemed the two little lionesses were. Suddenly they took off like rockets after him. Ocean laughed as she changed Parker telling her she too would be able to run like her sisters one day. She wondered what it would be like to fly the skies, to soar among the clouds. The views would be amazing, she spent some time thinking how she could photograph as a dragon. Smiling, she fed Parker her bottle and once she was settled in her bassinet she went to shower, thinking pancakes sounded good for breakfast. As it was Birdy’s day off she was nominated as cook.

  After a happy breakfast where both girls did not once snipe at each other but were fill of excitement of finally shifting and running with their dad, the Leo.

  Conor had to leave for his meeting after sending both girls to bed for a nap which they happily complied with. As they scampered up the stairs Conor kissed Ocean and assured her the girls would not shift again today. Their other halves were in need of rest as much as the girls would be, which pleased her thinking of a peaceful morning.

  Sadly an hour later she would gladly have taken two snarling lionesses than the arguing teenagers that he had left her with. Only the promise of an hour to herself when he returned stopped her from finding a dungeon and locking them in. She settled for bitching to Ciana on the phone, figuring that was what sisters were for.

  When Conor arrived at Reighn’s conference room, he was surprised to see Storm and three other people with him. He scented a cheetah and tigers. “Good morning.”

  “Morning Conor!” Storm greeted him as Fin walked in with Queen Scarlett and King Elijah and their guards, he greeted each one of them as well. Then Storm introduced the three who were with him.

  “This is Joseph Ian Michael, known as Mitch and his lovely mate Sara. I know you all have heard Sage mention both Mitch and Sara. We found them and Mr Harris here on our way home last night.”

  Conor grinned as he shook hands with the couple. “I actually know Sara, we met many months ago. How are you?”

  She grinned and bowed her head in response to his smile. “Fine, glad to be home.”

  To Mitch he said. “I have heard of your exploits, welcome both of you to Dragon’s Gap.”

  Mitch too bowed his head in respect to the Leo as he said. “Thank you Leo, as with Sara it is great to be home.”

  While Storm introduced the couple to the Queen and King. Conor turned to the older male waiting patiently. “I know of you Warren Harris. We do not have many Cheetah’s here.”

  “Leo!” He said softly and bowed his head. Conor waited while Storm introduced Reighn, Sage and Charlie, as the three of them entered from Reighn’s office. Conor asked. “Why cheetah Harris, did you not find your way to Dragon’s Gap when you heard I was here. I would have helped you?”

  “I cannot say Leo. I think I was so confused by then all I wanted to do was keep on running.”

  “To what?” Sage asked the male, who was still handsome for his age in the way of shifters. He had light blonde, almost white hair with black streaks. He had eyes that were shuttered and a dark brown. His body was lanky and wiry like a cheetah’s she supposed. He looked beaten down, like life had not been kind to him and yet she knew from Reighn, he had a lovely, kind mate waiting for him. His answer was unexpected and left her a little stunned as how to answer him. “To sanity, Lady Sage. When one knows they can shift, yet is unable to, it becomes like a sickness and the animal side of us goes stir crazy.”

  “Oh, I see.” Sympathy laced through her words. Reighn said. “I have met your mate Mr Harris.”

  Wonder and a smile filled his eyes and face as he asked hesitantly. “She is well?”

  Reighn nodded. “She is both, she is in your town helping me with the new industry there. She awaits your return.”

  He ducked his head and hunched his shoulders. “I am not worthy of her. I cannot believe she waited for me.”

  “Well no, you are not.” Reighn growled. “She is a fine, honest female, and she misses you desperately. Now if your Leo says you may and if you want to. I can make it so, so you can return to her!”

  Warren Harris looked up at Conor and begged him with his eyes. “Leo, may I?”

  Conor smiled. “I insist. Later today, my Lord Reighn will open a portal for you to travel, before then go eat, shop, buy something for your mate and some clothes. I assume you arrived with nothing?”

  “That is true Leo.”

  Conor grinned at the male whose whole body looked as though a weight had been taken from him. “Maybe your mate will only make your life miserable for a few years.”

  Smiling the older male bowed and made to leave but not before Reighn asked him. “What work do you do Mr Harris?”

  “I am an accountant. May I ask what industry is in the town?”

  “Water, pure mineral water.”

  Warren Harris smiled, “I always knew it was there.”

  “Well, you were right.” Reighn told him.

  Conor slipped him a credit card. “You will need that.”

  With a startled thank you, the male left. Sage turned to Mitch and his mate. “Well did you find them?” Meaning Sara’s brother and sister. Mitch smiled. “Yes, Sara and I did Lady Sage. Thank you.”

  “They are alive and well?”

  Sara answered. “Yes both are and they are older and wiser for their experiences.”

  Conor asked. “What do you wish to do? Now you are home?”

  Mitch shrugged. “I have no idea. For the last two years, all we have thought about is rescuing and finding Sara’s family.”

  Reighn smiled. “I have a job for you both if you would see me later we could discuss it.”

  Sara asked. “My Lord does it require travelling?”

  “No, you would remain in town.”

  Relieved she said. “Thank you, both Mitch and I have traveled enough, we would like to settle down and start a family.”

  Mitch took his mates hand in his. “We would like to discuss it with you my Lord.”

  Conor then handed them each a credit card as well. “Go shop for your family and stay at the hotel ‘Welcome.’ It is a good place to stay until you know what you want to do. Tell Ken I sent you. If you need me, the sheriff’s department will locate me or ask for Saul or Kai.”

  Mitch and Sara both thanked him and they bowed to Reighn and Sage, then left. Charlie asked Conor “How many of those cards do you have?”

  Conor smiled. “Enough, there is always someone who needs an extra hand, so I carry cards.”

  “You are a very nice Leo!”

  He shrugged and whispered loud enough for all to hear. “It is Reighn’s money. Don’t tell him.” Which made her and the others laugh except Reighn who sighed, as it was not is money but now he knew about the cards he would make sure Conor received enough money to cover them. In fact he made a note to tell Stanvis to set up a specific account for Conor and issue cards to him.

  “Well, that was nice, let’s get this meeting done. I have things to do.” Stated Charlie.

  Reighn nodded to Sage as Loa closed the doors and Sage cast her silencing spell. “Right where are we?” Reighn asked as they all took their seats and the guards stood against the walls around the room Sparrow took up her customary place with Loa behind Queen Scarlett and King Elijah just as Lars and Stanvis walked in from Reighn’s office.

  Sparrow smiled at Loa’s snort of disgust and mumbled. “Forgot that one.”

  Rumoh made a signal as he went to stand in front of the now closed door. Sparrows. “It happens!” Was a mere whisper.

  Lars and Stanvis sat as Charlie said. “In answer to Reighn’s question. We looked for the male Definiao Kiltern, but we missed him at each location we searched, by hours. Harper is convinced we do have an informer and so am I. Everything points to it.”

  “Okay so no luck with your teams?” Reighn asked, she shook her head no. He then asked. “Conor what about your people?”

  “Whispers and murmurs nothing concrete.”

  “What about you Fin?”

  “Unfortunately the same as Conor. Our plan has not produced fruit yet, but it is early days still!’

  “What about you Sage?”

  “Sadly my pregnancy is interfering with my looking so no luck either.”

  “Where is Andre`?” Elijah asked, suddenly noticing he was absent.

  “Chasing down some information, he received this morning,” Fin told them.

  “Anything we should be concerned with?” Reighn inquired. Fin shrugged. “I do not know my Lord he did not say.”

  “Alright!” Reighn nodded, he turned to Storm. “Brother what of your people, and how did your hunt go?”

  “Other than finding Mr Harris and the Michaels’?”

  “Yes, I would assume you would realize that.” Reighn bit out between his teeth.

  “Testy! You need a males’ night.” Storm grinned at his brother as he heard him growl under his breath.

  “I need something …”

  “So Storm, what did you find?” Cut in Sage as Reighn started to growl.

  Storm threw a large soft leather bound book on the table. “This! It is supposedly a journal from one of Definiao Kiltern’s main web masters. He ran several webs apparently. We found him in a burned out warehouse, barely alive, looks like Definiao is clearing house or he is as crazy as we suspect and is killing those he suspects of betraying him.”

  “Did this male betray him?” Queen Scarlett asked Storm, who smiled. “Eventually. He gave us that, it is in code.”

  “Damn it.” Elijah picked it up and squinted as he looked at the scribbled pages. “What language is this?”

  Storm shrugged. “No idea. I was hoping you knew?”

  “No, sorry, nothing I have seen before. My light what of you?” He asked Scarlett. She looked and shook her head. “No sorry.”

  He closed it and placed it back on the table. Reighn drew it to him as he said. “No matter, we will have Keeper and Olinda look at it, but not today. Monday will be soon enough! Anything else Storm?”

  “Yes.” He nodded to the book. “The male said, inside that was the name of our traitor.” There were several gasps as Fin asked. “Did you believe him?”

  Storm’s smile was predatory. “Oh yes, there was no doubt.”

  “Well!” Reighn frowned as he passed the book to Fin who flipped it open and scowled, then he passed it to Conor who glanced at the pages and then shut it, he held it up to see if anyone else wanted a look at it.

  None did, so he passed it back to Reighn. “Well then, Monday, I will have Olinda and Keeper look at it. We are secure here, right?”

  Fin and Conor nodded as Storm said. “We are as tight as we can be.”

  Reighn said. “Alright, no traffic until Monday. Dragon’s Gap is closed for the next two days, we re-open at midnight Monday. Let’s give everyone a breath until Tuesday. Then we will convene a full meeting and hopefully Keeper and Olinda have deciphered the journal. If not, I will contact the Elementals. How is that?”

  There were no disagreements to his plan so the meeting broke up after no new business came up.

  Conor walked to Reighn and asked. “What job are you going to offer to the Michael’s?”

  Reighn sat on the edge of the table as he answered. “I was thinking mayor jointly of the town I just acquired.”

  “Huh!” Conor looked off into the distance as he thought about that. “Yeah, it is a good idea. They would like that. They are both alphas and she is half human so she will relate to the humans. It will work well, they are both personable people.”

  “As well as very smart and honest.” Sage told them. “I had them investigated when I took over the retrievers.”

  Reighn grinned. “I was sure you had, my dear.”

  “What of the brother and sister?” Sage asked Reighn. Conor answered for him. “If they wish to remain here let them know they can see me or Claire, we will find them a place to work and live.”

  “Alright, I will send Mr Harris home today with the sheriff and his wife. Now Thorn is back, it may be safer for him to not be here.”

  Conor nodded. “True, well I am off!” He smiled as Queen Scarlett and her guards Sparrow and Loa arrived. “I promised Ocean an hour to shoot some photos.”

  “How are your girls?” Sage asked.

  Proudly he told her. “They shifted for the first time today!”

  “Oh my!” Sage said with a large smile as Reighn clapped him on the back. “Congratulations, did it go alright?”

  “Perfectly. They are perfect. I left them quiet and peaceful.” He smiled as he said. “No more arguing from the girls. We should have a calm, happy home.”

  Scarlett asked kindly. “They are arguing?”

  He sighed, “So much, who knew girls could make that noise. But now they have shifted all should be well.”

  Scarlett looked at Sage with a lifted eyebrow, she returned the skeptical look. They knew it was not going to be that simple. Conor excused himself to return home. Scarlet said to Sage. “What do you think?”

  “We need to talk to Grace.”

  “Oh, good idea will you call or me?”

  “I will.” Sage told her then they turned to Sparrow “Now what is this about Hayden and you sneaking around at night that I have heard about?” Sage asked as Scarlett grinned widely at the disconcerted Sparrow. Loa had told her about the problems they were having telling Harper she and Hayden were bonded and he was moving out. Scarlett had spoken to Sage and here they were about to sort out her friends life. She loved being a queen.

  Sparrow sighed, as she found herself the center of attention, she made eyes at the unrepentant Loa as Charlie moved to where they stood. “What is going on?”

  Scarlett told her as Charlie cursed, then looking at Sparrow, she shook her head. “That sister of mine, always making life difficult.”

  Sparrow by now was slumped down on a chair. “He will not tell her, she is upset apparently.”

  “That is ridiculous!” Scarlett said. “You will have too.” Sparrow’s face went through about ten different expressions before settling on one that read helplessness. “How do I do that?”

  “Like this?” Charlie opened her phone and when Harper answered, she said. “Hayden and Sparrow are bonded. He moved out two nights ago.” She listened for a minute, then snarled into the phone. “Get over it. You whack job.” She closed her phone. “See simple! All taken care of. She wishes you happiness!”

  Sparrow looked at her smiling face and asked.

  “Oh well okay. Should I go see her?”

  “Why? She is not your mother or his. She is a pouty female, and I think I will go tell her that!” She hugged Sparrow. “Congratulations for you and Hayden cannot wait for the party.” With a wave to the others, she left to tackle her sister literally!

  Reighn stood with Elijah and Storm, they watched Charlie walk determinedly from the room. Reighn looked at Storm and asked. ”Are you not going to follow her? She is your shadow?”

  Storm looked at him and snarled. �
�What am I, a girl now?”


  C onor’s hope of a quiet and peaceful home, lasted until he opened the front door, to be met with yelling and crying. A desperate Ocean walked into his opened arms as she begged. “Kill me now!”

  An hour and a half later Conor wanted death, a quick death. After he had explained what happened at the meeting and she told him what occurred here, he had sent Ocean out for the promised hour to shoot photos. Assuring her he could manage. She had left and he tried… he really did try, to believe she had left with reluctance but he knew better, she had run from here as fast as she could.

  As another wail came from upstairs he knew why. After an hour of listening to crying, yelling and so many, ‘it is not fair’ at the top of their voices. He wanted to dig a hole and then jump in, making sure the dirt covered him. Except he really did love his mate and… crash!

  “What was that?” He yelled, silence met his question. He sighed as he heard the large old door knocker bang loudly several times.

  “Lady Grace, Lord Patrycc. What can I help you with?” Conor asked as he opened the door allowing the sunlight to enter along with the older couple.

  “We have come to offer our services.” Patrycc told him.

  “I see, well please come in.” Just then they heard yelling from above. “It is mine Paige. You can’t have everything.”

  “Claire gave it to me! Let it go, Kadee.”

  “No, you let it go. She gave it to me!”

  “Give it back now!” Screamed Paige then there were a few thumps and bangs and a couple of oww!s, then the loud crying started again.

  Conor looked up the stairs and said. “Boys are so much easier. Why do they have to scream and make that noise and the crying? Dear Goddess you would think they would become dehydrated.”

  “When did it start?” Patrycc asked. Conor turned back to the couple. “When they were told, Joy was not allowed to come over or maybe it was before.”

  Grace asked. “When was that?”

  Conor shrugged. “Two, maybe three days ago, it sort of all rolls into one.”


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