Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 45

by L M Lacee

  Keeper’s gift allowed him once inside a person’s mind to disguise his presence by using the persons own thought patterns to hide within while he searched for information. Just like he was able to use their own shields against them, so while they thought they were keeping him out they were in fact keeping him in.

  While Ace would ask Definiao questions and they listened to the males answers. Keeper would mine all the relevant information of Definiao’s mind as thoughts came to the surface about accomplices and hidden bank accounts, other people who had been turned into sleepers awaiting activation and what his actual plan had been.

  Also, he would search for information leading to someone other than Definiao being the master mind, which Reighn felt he would not find but it was better to be safe, rather than sorry. Definiao sat comfortably he knew it was only a matter of time before his people broke him out of here, if they had actually arrived as they were meant too.

  He just had to bide his time, as long as he kept his temper and was patient he would not have long to wait. It was a shame he would lose Loa’s help but there were always casualties in war, she was just one of them. She could be replaced, he had many if not as good as her, and they were acceptable and with training could be turned into weapons. He would miss her devotion.

  Ace leaned back in his seat as he got comfortable. The male was, he supposed handsome, he thought. Harper calling him a pretty boy was accurate but he was muscled and carried himself well, he had training.

  Ace smiled and said. “So let us begin, I will not insult you or ourselves by pretending you do not know who we are. After all, Loa would have briefed you fully.”

  “She did. Where is the Dragon Lord?”

  “Not here!”

  Definiao smirked. “Was he too afraid to face me?”

  Both Keeper and Ace laughed, causing Definiao to scowl at their mirth. Ace told him. “Our Dragon Lord has more pressing matters to attend too. Contrary to what you believe or what you want to believe, you hardly register on his radar!”

  Definiao affected a bored look as he fumed, how dear that dragon ignore him, the instrument of his demise. Casually so as not to alert these imbeciles to his anger he smiled and stated. “You lie! He is too afraid to face me, knowing I am the better male the stronger leader. Is he hiding in his castle or behind the skirts of his witch? If he was a strong, discerning leader like I will be, he would demand to face the one instrumental in the near death of his brother. And his brother’s shadow as well as the death and destruction to his people.” He laughed a high pitch laugh with a trace of madness in it, then suddenly stopped. He eyed both males as he told them. “If you think what happened at the High Queens court was a random act. You are wrong, that was all of my choosing. In fact I have waged war against the Faerie council and your so called Dragon Lord and his precious territories before he was even the Dragon Lord.” Definiao could not help boasting.

  So perfect was his accomplishments he had sown the seeds of discontent and mistrust throughout the Dragons kingdom. Like all seeds he knew they would grow and finally he would take his rightful place as overlord of earth. As was his destiny.

  Keeper relayed the male’s thoughts to Reighn and Ace, along with. The male is delusional!

  Ace nodded letting Keeper know he heard before he told Definiao in a bored voice. “Our Lord knew, he just did not care!”

  Definiao laughed. Ace thought he detected a little, more crazy in it. He watched the male closely even though he knew Keeper would let him know if he was pushing him too far.

  Definiao repeated himself. “You lie, the Dragon Lord knew nothing. He is not that clever, my plans have been long in the making and are complex, a mere dragon could never decipher them.”

  Keeper told Ace and Reighn. He is hoping if he stalls us long enough he will be rescued.

  Does he say who he is waiting for? Reighn asked.

  No, just that his people will come for him or he hopes they will, he is unsure if they are here.

  Thank you. Reighn opened his phone and connected to Conor. “My Lord what can I do for you?”

  “We may have a breach. Definiao seems to think he will be rescued.

  “I see.”

  “Send in the troops.”

  “It is done my Lord, our people are out patrolling. They have detained no one so far.”

  “Good, remain on patrol until further notice.”

  “Done, we have set up schedules. If Johner is there, we will need him.”

  “Good work. I will send him. Keep everyone safe Leo.” Reighn shut down his phone and looked at his brother. “Okay Johner you are needed.”

  “I assumed so.” With a kiss to Frankie and an admonishment to remain with Reighn, he departed rapidly from the room.

  Ace asked Definiao. “What is it you wanted to do Definiao? Why this long range war? What did you hope to accomplish?”

  Definiao lent on the table his hands clasped together as though he was sitting having a nice talk. “The people of this world need guidance, they are going to be inundated with other beings that have no right to grace our lands. Especially without rules, and this Dragon Lord you all protect will just allow them to return here. Before we know it we will be overrun with them. Their wants and needs will strip the world once again of magic. Look what happened last time this happened, your females were the ones to suffer and still do, to this day. What or who will be next, maybe it will be the shifters ability to shift or yours that will be taken away. I can change all of that!”

  Keeper asked. “You think you can give that back to them and keep the world from becoming a magical waste land again?”

  “I do not think it. I know it, I believe I was chosen to do so. I am the only remaining survivor of my family. Why, because I was chosen to succeed where they failed. I alone can save the people of earth and the magic.”

  “What of Loa?” Ace asked, “Is she not of your line?”

  “Loa?” Definiao gave a laugh filled with derision. “She could not even form two sentences until I found her hidden away. Everything she is today, is because of me. It was me who taught her to fight, who taught her to climb the ranks. Without me, she would never have got to where she is now.”

  “In a cell calling for Combaal!” Ace told him.

  Definiao smiled. “Such a clever puppet. There is none that can best her, I taught her well.”

  “Yes!” Ace agreed as he rubbed his chin, “She is very brave and quick, not many would call for combat by trial. She must be very secure in her abilities to do so.”

  Definiao beamed with pride. “Of course, there are none that can best her. Loa is a merciless adversary.”

  “You taught her well then?”

  “I did, I excelled at her training.”

  “So you will not call for Combaal?” Keeper asked, off hand as though the question meant nothing. Definiao narrowed his eyes at the question, he thought about the implications and saw nothing to worry about. “Why would I not, my cousin is half the warrior I am.”

  “Oh sure… sure you are fairly fit and you look in shape but Loa trains every day.” Ace agreed with him or so it seemed. “No better for you to go to trial. I mean if you called for Combaal it would force Elijah to have to accept the challenge and…well!” Ace shrugged. “You know?”

  Keeper smiled when he told Ace. You have him!

  Ace silently laughed. Really it seems too easy?

  Keeper replied. That is what he is thinking, he knows the laws well. He knows if he bests Elijah in combat he will be free but remember he is convinced his people will release him long before that. Ahh! I see this is part of his plan to walk free he thinks there is none that can beat him.

  Definiao sat and again thought out the logistics of calling for Combaal. He had told Loa to do so, while he would be spirited away by his rescuers leaving her behind but now as he thought about it. He realized there was not a faerie who could beat him, certainly not that flop of a pixie Elijah. He knew Ace was right. Elijah would never allow anyone
but himself to have the reward of combat with him, pride was all the King thought of. Elijah would have to show he was better as a Pixie, how else to do that but to beat Definiao in combat.

  Elijah was no match for him and if his people released him before the trial, it would not matter if he called for Combaal. He would walk free but if they could not, he would still be free. As was his right as the winner of the battle. Either way, he Definiao Kiltern last of his line. Overlord of Earth would win and would be free.

  “I call for Combaal!” He stated with a smirk, knowing Elijah would be informed immediately.

  Keeper said. “We need you to formally ask, for the records.”

  Delfinioa sneered at him. “Yes, I am sure you do, as will your precious Lord and Faerie court.”

  When they did not answer him, he said. “Very well. I Definiao Kiltern demand as is my right. ‘Combaal!”

  Keeper as Fin had done with Loa, stated in formal address. “Let the record show Definiao Kiltern demands the archaic form of trial known as Combaal.”

  Reighn walked in, without addressing Definiao he stated. “The request has been granted.”

  Then before Definiao could say anything he walked from the room, when Definiao looked at the two males who were getting to their feet, he roared.


  Ace nodded and said with a smirk of his own. “Of course, he is the Dragon Lord. You trespassed against his family and people.”

  With that they nodded to the two guards to come forward and unhook the stunned faerie who sat realizing he had been played. As he watched the two males, he knew there would be no rescue. He would be required to fight.

  He smiled, if they thought they had bested him, these lizards should worry. For when he walked from here free, the carnage he will reap on them after this humiliation would leave them with nothing. He will take everything from them. Before now he would have been willing for the Dragon Lord and his family to be banished only. Now they would die, all of them when he became overlord.


  L ater that evening Sparrow went to the cells beneath the castle where Loa was kept.

  Rumoh stepped out from the first room as she entered the corridor. “Commander what do you need here?”

  “Just a few words with the prisoner Loa.”


  “Rumoh has she fulfilled her part of the bargain?”

  “Yes Lord Rene` and King Elijah with Lady Charlie observing have not long left after taking her statement. They spent most of the day with her. She gave up everything she knew without a qualm. It was as though she was relieved to spill her guts.”

  “Cowards often are, I have found.” Sparrow muttered as she stood looking down the corridor. “I never believed it would be one of ours. You know?”

  “I do! I had it pegged as a shifter.”

  Sparrow snorted. “As did I, what does that say about us?”

  Rumoh grimaced. “That we are as not as enlightened as we think we are?”

  Sparrow sighed and ran her hand through her hair. She looked at him and said. “Did you hear I found my Light?”

  Rumoh smiled, he, like most people liked and admired Sparrow and was glad for her. “I had not heard. Do I know him?”

  She nodded. “Hayden Sorren.”

  Rumoh stilled as he went over what she said and his smile grew. “Yeah, that makes sense.”

  “Why does that make sense?” She asked with a frown.

  “Only a dragon could hope to match you.”

  With a grin of her own, she nodded. “Well okay, I see that.”

  Rumoh asked. “What does he think of all this?” Sparrow shrugged. “Justice is justice. Dragons are simple that way.”

  “Well, that is true. Congratulations Sparrow, whenever any of us find our Light, it is a cause for celebration. Are you having a bonding party?”

  She sighed as she looked at the mischievous twinkle in his eyes, “What do you think? Queen Scarlett and Lady Sage could not arrange it fast enough. After all this is done with. Hayden and I, Conor and Ocean, Ciana and Thorn as well as Lady Grace and Lord Patrycc have been informed a party will take place this Saturday. As there are four couples going, it will be a large one with games.”

  “There are always games.” He said happily. Sparrow snorted again. “Not like the old ones. Edee has the young girls helping to concoct new ones.”


  Sparrow smiled. “That is what I said. Well, that is for later, see you when I am finished.”

  “I will be watching.” Rumoh told her, letting her know she would be on screen.”

  Sparrow nodded then with hands in the pockets of her trousers she continued her walk towards the cell. While Rumoh went back into the room, he was sharing with Dumoh, who lifted his head as he entered. “Great news about her and Hayden.”

  “Do you know him?” Rumoh asked as he retook his seat in front of the screen that showed Sparrow walking. “Yes, I have trained with him and Ace in the mornings. He is a nice guy, good fighter.”

  Rumoh’s eyebrows rose, Dumoh never gave out idle praise he would have to go to a training session and match skills with this male.

  Dumoh told him. “He has taken over from Fin at Broadswords.”

  Rumoh was surprised and showed it. “Fin will not go back, now we have caught everyone?”

  Dumoh shook his head as his eyes also followed Sparrow on the small screen. “No, he is to take over the investigative unit. The Dragon Lord has decided that it is needed.”

  “What will happen to Lord Andre`?”

  “I don’t know, we will see I am sure.”

  “True!” They stopped talking as Sparrow reached the barred cell where Loa sat on her bunk watching her approach.

  “Why?” Sparrow asked in a neutral voice. She had spent time since the interrogation deciding how she would approach Loa. Her first instinct was to just beat an answer from her. She soon discarded that idea, mainly because she promised Queen Scarlett she would not and unlike Loa she did not break her promises. So she decided she would go with disinterest, knowing Loa’s pride would dictate her answers.

  Loa looked into the face of a female she had befriended, granted it was for her own agenda and not because she particularly liked Sparrow. Although she admired her leadership abilities. She was as her cousin Definiao had told her, a means to an end that was all. Loa shrugged as she stated. “He is blood!”

  “And we were what, a convenience, a means to an end?”

  “Yes of course.” Loa got off the bunk and moved closer to the bars that separated them. “I had my duty, my mission.”

  Sparrow looked away, felt her throat constrict in anguish. Then hardened her resolve to get an answer, the problem was, she was not sure what question she wanted an answer for. “Is it all so cut and dried for you. How is it you can betray your vows to the High court, your vows to Queen Scarlett? How can it be so easy?”

  “Because it is easy to lie in a corrupt society and Sparrow do not fool yourself, they are corrupt, unable to move past the old ways. We need young fresh ideas to help safeguard this world.”

  “This is not you talking. These are your cousin’s words.”

  “You fool!” Loa mocked her. “Who do you think fed him those lines? It was me!” She hit her chest with her closed fist. “I am the push behind the male. He was nothing until I came into his life.”

  Sparrow heard the boast behind the lie and sighed. “Even now you lie.” She shook her head. “I did not really know you at all, did I?”

  Loa laughed it almost sounded manic but Sparrow was seeing behind what she said and showed, Loa was not disturbed, she was proud. “No, the mighty commander had her eyes blinded and her ears stuffed with her own ego and saw nothing.”

  “At least I saw your cousin for what he is. You know he outed you, called you a casualty of war. That there were many puppets like you for him to control.”

  She then hummed with amusement before she pointed out.
“You picked a good one to follow. The overlord, tell me Loa were you to be the over lady?” And she laughed harshly. “Who’s stupid now?”

  Loa backed away from the bars, her face contorted in despair at the ring of truth in Sparrow’s words. She whispered. “You lie!” But knew she did not.

  Sparrow shrugged as she asked. “Why would I have too? I don’t care enough about you to make one up.”

  “Who is to meet me on the battlefield?” Loa asked desperate to think of anything else but her cousins’ betrayal. Sparrow looked at her and wanted to find pity for the obviously distraught female but could find none. “Guess!”

  Then she walked away as casually as she had arrived, when she came level with the room the guards were in she called out. “Rumoh, Dumoh. See you later!”

  “You as well Commander.” They both called out as they watched the prisoner lie back on the bunk and curl into herself, her back to the bars.

  “Not harsh enough!” Dumoh stated.

  “Sparrow will kill her.” Rumoh told him.

  “I know, still can’t find it in my heart to feel for her.”

  “Me either.”

  Hayden leant against the cooling stone wall of the castle as he waited for his shadow to emerge from the cells.

  “You lost son?” Ace asked as he came to rest beside him. Smiling, Hayden shook his head. “Nope. Waiting for Sparrow.”

  Ace looked to the door she would come out of and nodded. “Did she go to talk to her?”

  “Yep, she wanted answers.”

  Ace pulled on his bottom lip. “Think she will get any?”

  “Maybe but not the ones she wants. This has shaken her.”

  “You need to have Lord Patrycc talk to her.”

  Hayden squinted at him. “You think he could help?”

  “He helped us. Why not her?”

  “Good idea. So why are you here?”

  Ace rubbed the back of his neck. “Need an answer to a question?”

  Hayden frowned. “From me?”

  “Don’t see anyone else here?”

  “You know, you and your shadow are very much alike.”


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