Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 6-7 Plus A Christmas Surprise Page 47

by L M Lacee

  Desperate Definiao hissed. “Three hundred million!”

  Conor frowned as he asked. “Just out of curiosity, where are you going to get that kind of money from, we seized all your accounts?”

  “Impossible!” Definiao scoffed. “There is no way you have them all.”

  “And yet we do. Loa was so very helpful. I bet you would be surprised at how much she knew and the records she kept.” Conor looked passed him to Keeper who signaled that they had found and seized the last of Definiao’s hidden accounts.

  Within days Conor knew they would have all the money and have found all the people he had used or wanted to use. Thankfully, they were sure once Definiao died his control over these people would cease.

  In the last twenty four or so hours all the information Loa had given them had been checked and double checked for validity. She may have been a traitor to her race and friends but she kept her word, for her it was a point of honor. Conor was not sure Sparrow or any of the faeries saw it that way, he did not. As far as he was concerned, she was a murderer and traitor and she had been in his home as a friend. He knew that wound for all of her friends would take time to heal.

  Definiao thinking Conor was distracted, suddenly moved circling Conor who turned slowly keeping him in his line of sight. He would not put it past Definiao to try something devious.

  He was proved right when Definiao grinned and asked. “Did your little mate tell you of the fun we had, while we waited for you to arrive?” Conor remained expressionless as Definiao laughed. “Ahh, I see she did not. I am sure she also did not tell you. She was not always drugged. Should I tell you how I so enjoyed the little, sweet noises she made as I took her over and over again.”

  Conor said nothing and kept his face devoid of the rage he and his beast were feeling.

  Definiao laughed. “Would you like to hear Lion, how she begged for more, how she told me I was the only one to satisfy her. Your little mate could not get enough of me. I call her my little sweet plum, all sweet and juicy.”

  Conor could feel his lion stir. Do not let him see he is getting to you. You know he did not touch her!

  Maybe mate is too scared to tell us? Growled his lion.

  Conor laughed. No, you know better, she would tell us, Sharm told us she was untouched.

  Conor then asked his beast. Have we dallied enough?

  Yes kill him and let us wash this day off.


  With that Conor took one step into Definiao’s body and clamped his large hands around the males head. Definiao started to scream and struggle, punching into Conor’s ribs as he screamed. “No…no!”

  Conor twisted and snapped the male’s neck almost twisting his head off his body. He growled, Beast!

  Sorry, he annoyed me more than I thought he had.


  Conor dropped the body, then he turned and bowed to the Royal seats. Turned again and looked directly into Ocean’s eyes, placing his hand over his heart. She stood and placed her hand over hers.

  He then started the silent walk from the arena. This was not a time for rejoicing, as with Sparrow silence was their applause. It was a gruesome and archaic form of justice that no one wanted to be involved in or witness. Conor was not the only one who was glad this day would not be repeated.


  C onor stayed in the shower way longer than was necessary. He knew his family and friends were in his home. He just was not able to face them yet. He wondered if Sparrow was having the same feelings of guilt and anger. He stood with his hands braced on the shower wall and his head lowered. He closed his eyes allowing the water to pour over his back.

  Cool, small hands slid around his wet torso, he felt her body press to his back. “Why are you in here?”

  “I needed time, this seemed like the right place.”

  “I see. Are you hiding from them, yourself or me?”

  He hung his head lower as he finally said what had been in his heart since she had been kidnapped.

  “He took you.”

  Ocean kissed the smooth skin and felt his shiver, she whispered. “Yes they did.”

  “I did not protect you, I failed.” His voice rumbled out filled with his lion.

  Ocean smiled against his warm skin. “No you saved me. Always you save me from being alone, from being like her. You give me freedom to be me. You saved me. He did none of those things he said he did. He never touched me, you know this?”

  Conor turned and looked down at her. “How do you know what he said?”

  Ocean rolled her eyes. “Oh please, a male like that, against you. He had to say something and the viler, more disgusting it was, the bigger the chance you would lose your temper.” She hugged him. “He had no idea who he was messing with.”

  She took his face between her hands. “I know this is wrong. A male died but thank you. I will not fear walking in town, being on my own. I will not fear for our girls. Because you and Sparrow made it safe for us. You protected us. I love you!”

  Conor kissed her. “I love you my mate.”

  Ocean smiled then said. “Do not become swallowed by what-if’s. I have learnt that the what-if’s are just that and they serve no purpose. Now as I am wet and you are wet, and we are both naked, you should show me once more how much you adore my body.”

  She grinned at him and blinked, in what she hoped was a sultry fashion that was until Conor cocked an eyebrow and asked. “Do you have water in your eyes?”

  Pouting Ocean snarled. “No you…” The rest was lost under his kiss.

  “Maybe they fell over or something.” Kadee worried as she looked up the stairs. Joy frowned as she too looked up the stairs “Maybe your dad fell asleep.”

  “Well, he could have. I know he and mom have not slept for the last two nights.”

  “Oh because they were at the stone apartment?”

  “I guess, the bed must have been uncomfortable.”

  “Why?” Joy asked as she bit into a red apple while she handed one to Kadee. “Because there was a lot of noises from their bedroom, like they were trying to find a comfortable part of the mattress. I think mom fell out once too!”

  Joy shrugged. “I do that sometimes, when I roll over too much.” They jumped when Andre asked. “What are you two doing here?”

  “Granddad!” Both girls yelled with fright. “We were going to see where mom and dad are but thought they may be asleep.” Kadee told him as Joy grinned.

  Andre` smiled at the innocence of the two girls. “I think your mom and dad just need a few minutes together.”

  “Oh, they are cuddling. Lions need lots of cuddles.” Kadee told Joy. “I read that and told mom.”

  Joy nodded wisely then asked Andre` why he was looking for them.

  “I came because I wondered if you want to help me with a BBQ seeing as you are not in school. I thought we could cook out. I have never done it before. Paige said you helped your grandpa often.”

  Kadee smiled as she said. “I did, it is easy. I will help you. Joy do you know how to BBQ?”


  “Well, let us go then.” Andre` said as the girls ran ahead of him. Claire looped her arms through his. “Nicely done granddad.”

  Andre` looked down at her. “Thank you. Was that Young Sparrow and her shadow Hayden, I saw walking in.”

  “It was they came for family, loving and a BBQ apparently.”

  Andre` grinned. “Well they are in the right place.


  S aturday morning the day of the big party dawned with clear skies and the promise of warm weather. Due to the amount of young and teenagers now living at Dragon’s Gap, Lady Sage had decreed that the party would start at midday and go until it finished or when people passed out from exhaustion.

  Kadee was so excited it was her first Dragon’s Gap party. Even though it was really a bonding party for her mom and dad and aunty Ciana and uncle Thorn, granddad Pat, and grandma Grace as well as Sparrow and Ha
yden. They did not want to be called aunty and uncle because they were too young. Which Kadee thought was wrong. Paige said they were really old, like older than mom. It made no sense to her.

  She sighed and smiled, she was glad this week was over. It had been a bad week. People died, her mom nearly died. Her dad was sad. People had been angry and Loa had been a bad person, which was really sad because Birdy had liked her and Kadee thought she was nice.

  But there had been some good things too. Like she and mom, Paige and Parker had a new last name now. It was their dad’s name, Towers. She really liked it; Kadee Towers lioness, healer. Yep it was a good name. And today was the day she would have her first class in healing with uncle Sharm who told her after she had been tested that she was exceptional. And it was party day. Then tomorrow was family Sunday.

  “Dear Goddess shut up. I can hear you thinking from over here.” Paige groaned as she placed a pillow over her head.

  Kadee grinned. “Can’t help it. I am so happy. Party day and healing class.”

  “Well try to think softer. Please!”

  Kadee giggled. ”Sorry not going to happen. To happy.”

  “Hate you so much.” Paige grumbled as she dragged herself out of bed. Wrapping her blanket around her she walked passed Kadee who was still snuggled down in her bed beside Joy, who was finally asleep. It had not been an easy night for Paige.

  First Joy had cried in her sleep for hours and then she had vivid dreams that kept intruding on Paige and now Kadee with her loud thoughts. Just made trying to sleep in here impossible. Paige debated smothering her sister… or slamming the door. Sighing she realized her mom and dad loved Kadee and slamming her aunty Harper’s door this early in the morning was not a good idea either.

  Usually sleepovers at Joy’s family home was fun especially with uncle Ace, who loved the games she did. And watching aunty Harper trying to figure out what Kadee and Joy were laughing about was just plain funny. She padded soft footed to the balcony. She could have used the other bedroom but she liked the balcony off the lounge. It probably had something to do with her being a lioness. She reached the lounger and snuggle down and scowled at the lightening sky.

  The sun was not even up properly yet, if she was tired for the party she would sit on both Joy and Kadee… she vowed.

  Harper stood looking at the scowling teenager and smiled. “Bad night?” She asked as she moved quietly onto the balcony. She made Paige scoot over and threw her rug over them both.

  “Yeah!” Paige sighed as she laid her head on Harper’s shoulder. She loved her aunt Harper, secretly more than her other aunts. She found Aunty Harper comfortable to be with. Harper asked now. “Want to tell me about it?”

  “You can’t help and you might get mad.”

  Harper smiled. “Nah! Its Saturday, party day!”

  Paige growled. ”Yeah so I heard. That is all Kadee can think about!”

  “So what, you don’t want to go to the party, after all the work you girls and all the other kids have put into it with the new games as well as the Ferris wheel and merry-go-round and that dunking tank?”

  “Yeah, I do but Joy doesn’t. She misses Axl, she cried in her sleep last night and then she dreamed of him. It was annoying.”

  “What? The crying or the dream?”

  “The dream. Will Axl really read her poetry? Does uncle Ace read your poetry?”

  Harper laughed then said. “Dear Goddess no. Okay I will fix this. You know they are bonded right?”

  “Yeah it must be hard for them?”

  Harper sighed feeling sad for the two as she told Paige. “Yeah it is but they will manage. Time moves on and dragons and wolves are long lived. They have plenty of time in the future.”

  “Although, is it weird she is bonded to her dads brother?” Paige stared up at Harper from where she had slumped beside her.

  “Eww! Seriously why do you say things like that? Do you girls have a competition to see who can make me crazy first?” Harper demanded of the teenager. Paige did not want to tell her that Frankie had thought up the competition to see who could make Harper cry in horror, so she shook her head and apologized quickly. “Sorry, did not think.”

  Harper grumbled but said no more. Although now the thought about Ace and Axl was in her mind she would not be able to shake it easily, damn girl.

  “I don’t think we can kill him or her.” Paige said.

  “Thought about it, did you?” Harper asked with a smile in her voice. Paige grinned in return, this was why she loved her aunt she got her instantly.

  “A tiny bit.”

  “So what else?”

  “Aunty Harper I am scared.”

  “Of what. Is it that boy who was hanging around yesterday? Because I can talk to him?”

  Paige laughed. “No… not him, of this thing inside me.”

  “What your lion?”

  “No the other thing.”

  “Oh I see.” Harper looked out at the lighter sky. “Well sweetie, it is not really a thing is it? It is you. I think you need to see your granddad Pat and dad, both of them understand this and you are not meant to be afraid of yourself.”

  “Yeah I know. Maybe I should take up a sport or something?” A little baffled at the change of topic. Harper asked. “Well, what do you want to do?”

  “I don’t know. I could box I suppose. Like mom does.”

  “That does not sound, like you like that idea?”

  “Nah not really.” She looked at Harper. “I do like blades a lot.”

  Harper grinned. “Well I will see what I can do, maybe classes.”

  “Ooh yeah.” Paige grinned happier now.

  “You know Paige you are not meant to be hearing everyone, right?”

  “I don’t, only Joy and Kadee, Kelsey and Parker. Not that she thinks much, just about food and wet diapers. Funny really. Of course there is Molly and Kammy.” She looked at Harper. “Oh I see. Yeah okay, who do I see about that?”

  “You see your Uncle Rene` he will help you shield your mind to stop the dreams and thoughts entering your mind. Then you will not hear how happy Kadee is.”

  Paige eyes widened. “You heard that too?”

  “The whole world heard her!” Harper groaned, “Why else am I up already. If I am tired today I will make that girl do the dunk tank. It will serve her right if the water is cold.” Paige laughed as she snuggle down next to her favorite aunty.

  Around the time Paige was having her heart to heart with Harper. Ocean was having a somewhat surreal discussion with an Elemental.

  Why dragon Ocean, mate to the Leo, have you called me here to your dreamscape?

  “I wish to ask you two questions!”

  I see and these questions could not be better answered by your Goddesses?

  “Maybe but I do not trust them.”

  You do not trust the Goddesses?

  “No they have given me no reason to!”

  I see, well ask your two questions and then I will ask two of my own.

  “Agreed.” Ocean was not sure but she thought she heard a laugh from under the hood of the robed male.

  “First question, I am going to assume you know who and what my daughter is. So my question is why?”

  A hard question to answer. She, who you have named Parker was born from necessity. One, to help someone redeem her honor and two, to give her to you and the Leo so she will be raised in this environment. Three, an Elemental born of human and shifter. Of earth, a bridge between all and earth.

  Ocean thought about that for a moment then nodded. “Okay, second question. If Ciana and I are the lock and key and the sun and moon dragons are here. Why have the females not transformed yet?”

  Belief holds them to a shape. Make just one believe and all will.

  Ocean smiled. “I thank you.”

  Now my question. One. If he cannot do it, will you?


  Two, Why?

  “He will do it, he has the strength and fortitude.”

  We ho
pe your faith in the Dragon Lord is justified.

  “It is!”

  Ocean rolled over and snuggled down into Conor’s warmth. “Mate don’t ask males into your head without prior warning, it irritates my beast.” He rumbled in his early morning voice that sent shivers down her spine.

  “Sorry.” She mumbled. “I did not think it would work. Calling them to talk to me.”

  “Reighn told you that you had the potential of a Dragon Lord.”

  “Guess I believe him now.”

  “So no more early morning visitors.”

  “Okay let’s go back to sleep. We have another hour before we have to get up?”

  “Or we could cuddle. You know I am a lion and as a lion. I need lots of cuddles.”

  “Oh good, I like our cuddles.’

  “As do I.”


  O cean sighed as Kadee once again was yelling at her to hurry.

  “It’s time…Its time, mom hurry its time. We will be late!” Ever since she had returned from her morning healing class, she was trying to get them all to hurry. She herself yelled. “Kadee we cannot be late to a party that goes on all day!”

  “That is what is so great about a Gap party.” Saul announced as he came in from the kitchen.

  “Oh, are you sure Uncle Saul?”

  “Yes. I am sure, are you really going like that?”

  “Like what?”

  He looked down at her feet where she had no shoes on. “Oh no I forgot.” She wailed as she raced up the stairs. Paige waited until she was just out of sight before yelling. “We are leaving!”

  They heard her scream and a thump. Paige laughed. “She fell off the bed trying to put on her shoes. So funny.”

  Conor told her. “You have a warped sense of humor just like your aunt Harper!”

  Paige growled. “She woke me up early this morning.”

  Conor yawned. “I know the feeling.”

  Many hours later, the party was in full swing. People had come out in droves to wish the couples well and to unite against the horrendous week that Dragon’s Gap had just experienced. The Elves were seen enjoying the atmosphere of their first ever Dragon’s Gap party.


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