Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4) Page 10

by Nicole S. Goodin

  I laughed loudly at his concerns. “Maybe.” I shrugged. “I guess you’ll find out.”

  He shook his head and laughed at me. “Tuesday night. I’ll pick you up at six-thirty.”

  “Eager are we?” I teased. I was actually quite excited for this date.

  I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a disaster.

  I looked back over my shoulder to where El and Law were sitting on the couch together.

  Now that... that is the kind of disaster I want to avoid.

  “Maybe it won’t work out. But maybe seeing if it does will be the best adventure ever.”

  - Author unknown

  21. Lawson

  “Hey,” Ellerslie breathed as I sat down next to her on the couch. The way that she instantly angled her body in my direction made me smile.

  “Hey, beautiful. I’m sorry for going off like that. Are you okay?”

  She blushed and grimaced. “I’m really sorry you had to see that. Not exactly the impression I was hoping to make today.”

  Trying to make an impression, huh? She sure as hell is making an impression on a certain part of me.

  “What were you hoping for?”

  She met my eyes. “I’m not really sure what I want.” I knew we weren’t just talking about first impressions anymore.

  She must feel this too.

  I gave her a cocky grin. “I know what I want.”

  She smacked my arm lightly and softly laughed. “Keep it in your pants, cowboy.”

  We sat in silence for a few moments. “You’re still married?” I asked softly.

  She looked down to her hands and twisted the thin chain around her wrist. “Not if I could help it. He’s digging his toes in. It’s all about money, I’m starting to think that’s all it was ever about.” Her voice cracked a little at the end, and I wanted nothing more than to find this tosser and kick his ass for what he’d done to Ellerslie. The way he had destroyed her confidence and sense of self-worth made me want to do the same to his face.

  I reached over and carefully took over the twisting of her bracelet. She just watched me move the delicate chain through my fingers as I twisted it around and around.

  I blew out a deep breath. “I would really like to hurt him.”

  She chuckled. “Get in line. Quinn’s been on the warpath the past few months. She mentions frequently that she owes him a kick in the balls.”

  “Well then, I’m glad you’ve been in safe hands.” I smiled.

  “I’m hoping now that I’ve told Reeve, he’ll be able to sort the divorce out quickly... I just want it behind me.”

  “I’ve only just met him, but I can see he’d protect you with his life. He’ll take care of you, Ells.”

  She smiled when I mentioned her brother, and I saw some of the tension leave her body. “I know he will.”

  It was irrational for me to wish that I could be the one to fix her problems and take her fears away. I needed to remember that we weren’t together.


  Hell, we probably weren’t even friends yet.

  Take it slow.

  I placed my finger under her chin and turned her head so she had no choice but to look at me. “He’s an idiot. He’ll wake up one day and realize that a woman this sweet, intelligent, and sexy isn’t going to come along twice.” She blushed furiously at my praise, and I had to use every bit of my self-control not to lean in and brush my lips against hers.

  “Do you want to kiss me?” Her bold question caught me off guard.

  I pulled my gaze from her full lips and looked into her eyes. “Hell yes I do.”

  She squirmed in her seat and her tongue darted out to moisten her lips.


  It would be so easy to lean in and taste her, but I knew it would be the wrong thing to do right now.

  “I’m not a hearts and flowers kind of guy.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Her response confused me, but she looked completely serious. “My heart can’t take any more pain, and flowers – they just die anyway. I don’t need hearts and flowers.”


  This girl was offering the perfect arrangement. This was what I was good at – what I knew... no strings attached.

  So why does it feel so wrong?

  It has to be because it was her. Ellerslie wasn’t just another girl. She was different, someone to be worshipped and loved.

  Why doesn’t she see that?

  “Don’t get me wrong, Ellerslie. I want you. Bad. But I don’t think this is gonna be a good idea. You don’t seem like a casual arrangement type of girl.”

  She laughed a short bitter laugh. “That’s because I’m not. I have no clue what I’m doing. But it’s all I have left to give.”

  “You deserve more.”

  “I tried more. Look how that worked out for me. Let me worry about what I deserve.”

  It went against everything I was feeling, but I knew I couldn’t walk away from her completely.

  “I want to take you out. I want us to know each other, as friends. I’m betting we’ll be seeing a lot of each other, and I want to know you.” She smiled and I continued. “I’ll make you a deal, I don’t know where this is going to go, but for now we’re friends, okay?”

  “Okay.” She nodded thoughtfully. “Sounds perfect. I know we’re not dating, but I want to know if you meet someone, friends talk about that, right? If you can do that, then we have a deal.”

  I wanted to tell her that I never had, and probably never would meet someone that was worth giving her up for, but I decided that was getting too heavy for day two.

  I nodded in agreement. “Deal.”


  I dragged out staying at Ellerslie and Quinn’s place well into the afternoon. I was surprised at how much I had enjoyed spending time with this little group of people. I usually spent all my time in the office, on the job site or checking in on the restaurant.

  Work, work and more work.

  I had my boys here, but I didn’t spend all that much time with them. I was starting to think I needed to spend more of my time like this, enjoying the company of good people, rather than just building my business.

  Spending more time with Ellerslie wouldn’t be a bad thing either.

  I had turned into a bit of a drifter. I had been based out here for years, but I found myself spending more time in the various cities we had construction underway in and living out of a suitcase most of the time. It wasn’t a life I particularly enjoyed, and when Quinn had told me she was moving here, I made the decision to hire some new project managers. I had already found two men perfect for the job, and it was proving to be the best decision I had ever made.

  I wouldn’t have to spend much more than a night away for at least the next six months. I was now going to have more free time than I’d had in the past ten years, and I had a pretty good idea how I was going to be spending a hell of a lot of it.


  I kissed Quinn on the cheek as I walked out into the elevator. Colt, Reeve, Lisa and I were getting a cab back to our vehicles. “Thanks, Q, this was good. I actually haven’t had this much fun in a long time.”

  Quinn grinned. “I know right. We’ll make a repeat date, I’m excited already.”

  I chuckled at her. That was my sister – looking forward to the next good time, even when she still had a hangover to show from the last one.

  I looked for Ellerslie. She was leaning against the wall a couple of feet away. “Thanks, Ells. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  “What? What’s happening tomorrow?” Quinn looked back at El.

  Ellerslie shrugged her shoulders. “I have no idea.” Her eyes sparkled. “But I can see I’m gonna find out.”

  22. Ellerslie

  The next two weeks passed in a productive blur. Work was finally settling into a state of normality, Quinn had immediately hit it off with Macie, and hired her on the spot.

  Thank god for that.

  But the best part? The best part of it all was Lawson Pie

  He had dropped by our floor, even though it was higher than his, every single damn day. I knew what he was doing, and I knew that it was working. He had made sure that when he wasn’t invading my thoughts, he was here, invading my office. Whether he was leaning against the glass looking out over the water, lounging on the couch, sitting on my desk, or reading from my laptop over my shoulder. He was everywhere. His scent lingered long after he left and I could have sworn he was using extra cologne before he came here with that very thought in mind.

  The line between friends and... more than friends, had never been so hard for me to navigate. I knew that all this flirting couldn’t go on much longer, I just wasn’t sure what the fallout would be once that line was crossed.

  I glanced at the clock above my door.


  Lawson had been here every day at 12.00pm.

  Only 15 more minutes.

  I knew I shouldn’t be looking forward to it as much as I was, but denying it would only be lying to myself.

  I knew what would happen when he arrived; he would pick a spot, open the lunch that he had brought for the both of us, and begin his questioning. We had been taking turns – yesterday had been my turn to ask him about himself. We had started with our favorite movies, books and places. I knew all his, and he knew mine. Over the days, the lines of question had gotten deeper, more intense. He had wanted to know about my family, my past relationships, although he seemed to know that Baxter was off limits. I had answered him honestly and without hesitation.

  We were friends, right?

  I knew that he had finished school in the small town where he and Quinn had grown up, and that he had gone to work in a little local construction business. He had developed a passion from there, and had worked himself near into the ground to learn the trade, and study at the same time towards qualifications in business management.

  He eventually moved out to the big city and found himself launching Pierce Contracting. It had opened up his horizons to projects so large, he’d never even dreamed it would become a reality. His offices in our building were full of staff, ranging from architects, engineers, designers and project managers. He had huge crews of builders, electricians, plumbers and other trades working on a variety of projects all over the country. He ran an extremely impressive operation.

  I also now knew that he owned the restaurant where we’d had dinner that first night. I had nearly died of embarrassment when I found the receipt in my bag the next day. I had insisted on paying for everything, and was extremely confused to see I had only been charged for one drink. Then I’d found the note on the back.

  ‘Better luck next time, sweetheart.’

  I had eventually gotten it out of Quinn that the sneaky little bastard owned the place. The frustration of being tricked was quickly replaced by a feeling of admiration for how well he clearly ran his business – the food, atmosphere and service had been second to none.

  Weston’s voice through my intercom broke my thoughts. “Sex on legs approaching.”

  I laughed out loud at him, he was not shy about his obvious appreciation for Lawson’s physique.

  His voice crackled through again. “Oh god, I would do that in a heartbeat.”

  I pulled open the door separating me from my now drooling assistant. “Good god, man, get a bib already.” Weston looked at me and we both busted out laughing.

  If Lawson had ever heard West and his insanely inappropriate comments, he hadn’t mentioned it. Although today I couldn’t help but notice the way his lips curled up into a smug smirk that told me he’d heard exactly what had been said.

  I feigned surprise at his presence. “Mr. Pierce. That’s every day for two weeks. Are you going for some kind of record?”

  He just winked at me and nodded at Weston. “How’s it going, West?”

  “I can’t complain Mr. Pierce, the view is outstanding today.” My jaw dropped and I pulled my eyes from Lawson to look at my smart-ass assistant. He smirked at me and gestured out the window. “That water really sparkles today.”

  I narrowed my eyes at him as I hurriedly pulled Lawson inside my office. I pushed the door shut and leaned against it. “I’m sorry about him, he’s... he’s... just... Weston,” I finished lamely.

  Lawson stepped towards me with a predatory gleam in his eyes and chuckled.

  “Don’t you play innocent with me, Miss. Rush, I know all about how you and your assistant talk about me when you think I can’t hear. Don’t think for a minute that I don’t know the filthy things that come out of your mouth, pretty girl.”

  I gaped at him as he grinned and turned to move to the couch. “You’ve heard us?” I squeaked.

  “Every day.” He held up the sandwich he brought me. “Chicken salad?” It was my favorite, and I knew he had gotten it from the delicious little deli down the road. God, the man was too perfect for his own good.

  I blushed from the embarrassment of both having been caught, and from him knowing exactly how to please me.

  With food anyway.

  “My favorite. Thanks.” I gave him a small squeeze on the bicep as I grabbed the sandwich and plopped down next to him. His arm was rock-solid, and I instantly regretted the contact. Now I couldn’t help but wonder what the rest of his body would feel like under my touch.

  I bet it’s all rock-hard.

  I quickly shook my head to try to clear my thoughts. “Thanks for bringing me lunch. Again. If this tradition is going to continue then we’re gonna have to start taking turns at bringing food.”

  “I’m not giving you much choice here. I show up uninvited, so I bring the food.”

  I gave him a grateful smile. “You’re always welcome to have lunch with me, Lawson.” I saw him swallow his mouthful of sandwich slowly as I said his name, almost as though he had to remember what to do with the mouthful of food. It gave me a burst of satisfaction that he seemed to be as lost to his reactions as I was to mine in his presence.

  “Come have a drink tonight.”

  I shook my head lightly. “I can’t, I brought Quinn to work today.”

  He gave me his megawatt, charming smile. “Well isn’t it lucky that she’s meeting Colt and us across the road after work then?”

  I raised an eyebrow at him. “Do you always get everything you want?”

  I’d expected him to joke with me but instead his expression turned serious. His eyes were smoldering with intense emotion. “No, Ellerslie. Not everything.”

  I felt my face heat as I looked down at my sandwich, I wasn’t sure I would ever get used to the way he had been looking at me. I felt like he could see through all my faults and insecurities and see the real me. It made me feel vulnerable and exposed. But I couldn’t deny that I enjoyed it too. He was the most interesting man that I had ever met.

  “We’re friends. Right?” I asked.

  “We are.” He went back to eating his sandwich and I could have sworn I heard him mutter under his breath about it being the hardest friendship he’d ever had.

  I decided to change the subject. “You never told me about your relationships.” He stiffened next to me and I risked a peek up from my sandwich. His expression was one of pure disgust, and the anger I could see in his eyes scared me a little. I pretended to rearrange the last piece of my sandwich in the hope that he would calm himself down. When I looked back up he had slipped an easygoing smile onto his face – but his eyes still revealed the truth.

  Lawson Pierce was hiding a secret.

  “Oh no, pretty girl,” he said with a shake of his head. “Today it’s my turn.”

  “She was brave and strong and broken all at once.”

  - Anna Funder

  23. Lawson

  I leaned back in my chair and looked out at the view from my office window. It wasn’t nearly as nice as the view from Ellerslie’s or Quinn’s, but it wasn’t bad.


  I hadn’t known what to say when she’d asked me about my past relationships. What could I say? />
  Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, I got completely screwed over by a vindictive bitch that I thought I loved... and ever since then, I’ve kept women in my bed but not my heart?


  Ellerslie would be sure to love that. I was sure she’d realized that I was hiding something from her – she was a smart girl and I’d been an open book about every other aspect of my life. There was just something about her that had me spilling my guts about myself. I had told her things that weren’t necessarily secrets, but that no one else knew about me.

  I wanted her to be the one to know me best.

  But more importantly I wanted to know her. I couldn’t wait for midday each day so I could spend time asking her questions, listening to her tell stories and watching the responses she gave.

  I hadn’t had the balls to ask her about her divorce or ex-husband yet. It was a shitty situation – I didn’t want her to feel worse about it than she already did. I knew I would eventually need to ask her about it, I needed to find out when she would be a free woman again. I was determined not to put too much pressure on her while she was still married. If she was ever going to be mine, then I needed her to be mine in every sense of the word. I didn’t want some stupid prick staking any claim to her.

  I glanced at my watch.


  I had asked Ellerslie to meet me in the lobby at 5.45pm so we could head over to the bar together. I knew it was only early evening, but I still didn’t like the idea of her walking around on her own. She triggered a protective instinct in me that was usually reserved for only my mother and sister – that alone said a lot about how strongly she had taken a hold of me.


  I entered the lobby – Ellerslie wasn’t there yet. I walked across the tiled floor and leaned against one of the sectional walls. I would be able to see her as she stepped off the elevator, but it was likely she wouldn’t spot me straight away.

  I loved watching her when she didn’t realize I was looking. Everything about her held me captive. The way she ate, the way she absently curled strands of her long blonde hair around her finger, the way she cocked her head to the side when she tried to figure something out and the way she tapped her foot to the beat of any music that played.


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