Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4)

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Love like Yours Series (Box Set #1-4) Page 74

by Nicole S. Goodin

  “This is amazing,” I told her genuinely.

  “You don’t think it’s too high school?” she asked as she screwed up her adorable little button nose.

  I shook my head. “I think it’s perfect.”

  “I brought this with me too.” She smiled as she pulled out the Polaroid camera I’d seen her snapping pictures with earlier in the day.

  “Did you get some good shots today?” I asked.

  She bit down on her lip. “A couple,” she answered vaguely.

  “Can I see?” I prompted.

  I could see her thinking about whether or not she was going to let me see them.

  “Turn back a page,” she instructed and gestured to the book I was still holding.

  I flicked the page back and smiled as I took in each image. I was in every single one of these pictures. Even the one of the city’s skyline had my hand pointing something out in it.

  “They’re all of me,” I commented, my heart beating fast in my chest.

  “Yeah...” She cleared her throat and I knew she was embarrassed.

  She’d been taking pictures when I hadn’t even realized she had her camera out.

  I smiled when I reached the selfie she’d insisted we take at the top of the track. We were lying on the picnic blanket, my arm was around her and her body was curled against mine. Our smiling faces looked back at me.

  I tugged the photo gently off the page. “I’m keeping this one.” I told her.

  “Hey!” She swatted my arm. “Now I’ve got a gap.”

  “Take another one.” I suggested as I reached over and tucked the photo into my bedside drawer.

  “Fine.” She pouted.

  I stacked up her books and sat them down on the floor next to the bed, still thoroughly amused that she’d bothered to bring them all with her.

  I tugged her arm and she fell on top of me, her back against my chest, the camera still in her hands.

  I swept her long, dark hair out of the way. “There. Take a picture.”

  “I look like I’ve just had hours of sex,” she protested.


  “Good,” I growled. “Maybe I’ll keep this one too.”

  “Fiend.” She giggled.

  “Take the picture, Lex.”

  She held her slender arm up in the air, the lens pointed at us. “Say cheese,” she instructed.

  There was no way I could resist the temptation of her neck right next to me.

  Screw the smile.

  I tucked my face into her neck and nuzzled, breathing her in. She giggled right as I heard the click of the camera.

  “You were supposed to smile,” she scolded me with all the authority of a bag of cotton candy.

  “I couldn’t help it,” I replied by way of defense, still kissing the soft skin along her jaw.

  She pulled the small photo from the back of the camera and waved it around, waiting for the image to process.

  She giggled again as I found a sensitive spot on her neck and she wiggled free from my hold.

  She tucked the camera back into her bag and sat back down next to me, cross-legged on my bed.

  I’d never seen a sight so perfect. Having her here felt so right... seeing her in my shirt, hair mussed and eyes bright...

  I could get used to this.

  If only that were possible.

  I pushed all thoughts of her leaving out of my mind. I was jumping the gun, something I always did.

  Only this time it feels right.

  I leaned up and kissed her lips softly.

  She closed her eyes momentarily, savoring the contact.

  I took the opportunity to snag the photo from her hands.

  “Well that was a dirty trick,” she grumbled.

  I laughed lightly and turned my attention back to the Polaroid, the image was appearing before my eyes. I swallowed deeply as it became clearer.

  She’s so beautiful.

  She was stunning. Her bright blue eyes looked right at the camera, her smile was mid laugh and as genuine as they came, her dark hair was splayed across my chest and I was utterly absorbed in her, my eyes closed, like she was the center of my universe.

  It was perfect. We couldn’t have taken a better picture if we’d tried.

  “I’m definitely keeping this one,” I choked out, still clutching the photo in my hand.

  “Let me see,” she murmured, holding her hand out for it.

  I held out the picture for her to take.

  She gasped as she looked at it.

  “I know,” I replied to her unsaid words.

  She looked up from the photo and stared at me, her eyes full of passion.

  I beckoned her to me with a crooked finger.

  The photo fell to the bed as she rushed towards me on all fours, looking like the sex vixen she was.

  I tugged her into my lap and clasped her face gently. “It’s just you and me, little bird.”

  “I like clingy. I like double texts, phone calls, good morning & goodnight texts. I like knowing someone cares. I like knowing they try.”

  - Author unknown

  13. Lexie

  “How’d it go?” he asked the minute I settled back into his beautiful car. Colt drove a white Mercedes... I liked it, it suited him... it was a hot car.

  I still can’t believe he let me attempt to drive it.

  Good.” I smiled brightly, holding up the bag I’d been given in the pharmacy. “All sorted.”

  “Did you take it already?” he asked.

  “Nah, she recommended I take it with food so I don’t get sick, so I’ll take it at lunch.”

  He reached over and tugged on my buckled seatbelt before starting up the car and indicating to pull out into traffic.

  “Why do you do that?” I asked him curiously. I’d noticed he’d done it each time I’d put it on. “Is it broken or something?”

  He glanced at me out the corner of his eye, shooting me a look of disapproval. “Do you really think I’d let you use a faulty seatbelt?”

  Not judging by the look on your face...

  I shrugged. “Why do you keep checking it then?”

  He stopped at a set of lights. “Just making sure you’re safe,” he replied, a slight blush staining his cheeks.

  I didn’t know what to say to that. What I’d thought was some odd quirk was actually a really sweet, unexpected gesture.

  I reached out and gave his knee a grateful squeeze. “Where are we headed?” I asked, looking out the window at the unfamiliar surroundings.

  “Harrison’s,” he replied.

  My heart dropped.

  “Oh, okay... well I left my bag at your place,” I confessed awkwardly. “We’ll have to stop in and get it.”

  He laughed and reached for my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine. “Did you think I was kidding when I told you I wasn’t letting you out of my sight?”

  I frowned. “But then...”

  “We’re going to Harrison’s for two reasons,” he explained. “Number one, to get the rest of your stuff... and number two, because I’m a little afraid of what Quinn might unleash on me if I steal all of her time with you.”

  I smiled wide. “You make a good point.” Today was Sunday and probably the last day I’d have to spend with my friends. El and Q both had work tomorrow; running a business didn’t happen on its own.

  “Wait, why do we need my stuff?” I quizzed him. I was staying at Harrison’s...

  Wasn’t I?

  He shot me a sheepish grin. “Well I guess I should actually ask you and not just assume... but, ah... I was wondering if you maybe might want to come and stay with me?”

  He wants me to stay with him?

  “The club is closed until Wednesday anyway... and I can just go in and do the bare minimum this week.” He ran a hand through his hair and I could tell he was nervous. “So I’m free as a bird... and everyone else will be at work all day...” He trailed off, waiting for my reaction.

  “You really want me to stay for anot
her five nights?” I asked in surprise.

  It wasn’t nearly enough time, not with how perfect yesterday, last night and this morning had been, but it was all I had. And I wanted to spend it with him.

  “Shit yes I do,” he confirmed without a moment of hesitation.

  “Then I’m in.” I squeezed his hand. “Shot gun not being the one to tell Q.” I sniggered.

  He chuckled, his eyes on the road. “Don’t worry, babe, I’ll protect you.”

  I knew he was just teasing, but it was true. He’d taken me to the pharmacy and I knew he felt genuinely terrible about the situation we’d gotten ourselves into. He’d fussed over me, made sure I was comfortable and content all morning, and last night too.

  We’d stayed up late, watching a movie in bed, so tangled up in one another it was hard to figure out where one of us ended and the other began.

  I must have fallen asleep during the movie, because I woke this morning, the clock telling me it was half past nine, to the smell of bacon cooking and coffee brewing.

  It was heaven.

  The fact that Colt had been cooking in nothing but an apron and a pair of boxer briefs just made it all the more appealing.

  I sighed softly thinking about it.

  He’s gorgeous.

  His body was perfect – in my opinion anyway. He was lean and toned and firm in all the right places. His body was like a well-oiled, fluid machine. He called it a runner’s body. I was shocked that running was the only thing he did to keep himself looking that good.

  Colt had a body that looked like it was built to do bad things.

  “You think she’ll flip?” he asked as he turned into Harrison’s drive.

  He startled me; my mind was back in the kitchen with a half-naked Colt.

  “I’m not sure.” I shrugged. “She’ll either be all for it, or dead set against it. There’s not a lot of in-between with Quinn sometimes.”

  “I think she’ll be cool.” He decided as he pulled the car to a stop.

  “Only one way to find out,” I mused.


  “Hoooonnnneeeyyyy, I’m hoooommmmeee,” I called out as I swung the front door open.

  Colt chuckled behind me.

  I reached for his hand and tugged him along next to me.

  “Get in here you little horn dog, I want details,” Quinn yelled from what sounded like the kitchen.

  I snorted out a laugh. If Quinn had a filter, she very rarely used it.

  “Maybe I’ll wait in the car,” Colt deadpanned, pretending to turn and head back out.

  “Not happening, Hunt, we’re in this together.” I tightened my grip on his hand and dragged him with me into the kitchen.

  Quinn’s eyes lit up when she saw I wasn’t alone. She was sitting on the bench, sucking on a lollipop and Harrison was throwing some toppings on a homemade pizza base.

  Thank god one of them can cook.

  “Well hello there,” Quinn drawled. “How is the happy couple this morning?” she asked, a curious gleam in her eye.

  “We’re both good,” I answered quickly. I knew Quinn was sounding us out. She was looking to see if we’d deny her ‘couple’ label or not. I wasn’t fazed by it, and judging by the size of Colt’s grin, neither was he.

  “Sealed the deal bro... knew you were smarter than you looked,” Harrison taunted his brother.

  “That’s quite the compliment coming from the domestic goddess over there,” Colt threw back without missing a beat.

  “You can talk. I’ve seen that apron you wear,” Harrison retaliated.

  I nearly choked on my next breath as dirty thoughts of Colt making my knees weak wearing that very apron filled my mind.

  I felt my face blush scarlet as I coughed and spluttered.

  “You okay, Lex?” Colt asked, obviously concerned with my sudden outburst.

  I coughed again. “I’m... fine,” I spluttered.

  He frowned and tried to rub my back.

  “I’m good,” I said, more clearly now. “Ugh, I just... it just... went down the wrong way,” I explained lamely.

  Quinn was looking at me with an amused smirk.

  “So what’s been happening?” she asked casually.

  Sex, sex, more sex, eating, some more sex...

  “I’ve just been getting to know your girl here.” Colt looked down fondly at me as he answered her.

  I smiled back up at him. It was hard not to. Colt had this... presence. He was bright and glowing.... he exuded happiness and light. All I had to do was look at him and I wanted to smile too, he just had that kind of an effect on people.

  “I can see that,” Q replied, her voice amused.

  I could feel a full interrogation coming on.

  “Skippy,” Harrison warned. “Leave them alone.”

  I laughed.

  Quinn pouted. “No one left me alone when I was falling in love with you,” she grumbled to him.

  Falling in love?

  I’m not falling in love... am I?

  I didn’t know the definite answer to that question and that realization was more than a little frightening after only such a short period of time.

  “So, ah... the reason we came by... is... I... umm...” I stumbled through my words.

  “Spit it out, Lex,” Quinn prompted.

  For God’s sake, I’m a grown woman.

  “I’m gonna stay with Colt for a bit... Is that okay?” I asked nervously. I felt like a teenager asking her parents if she could spend the night at her boyfriend’s place.

  Quinn and Harrison exchanged knowing glances. Quinn held out her hand to him with a shit-eating grin on her face.

  “Dammit,” Harrison mumbled. He reached into his pocket, and pulled out a brown leather wallet. He counted out fifty dollars and slapped it into Quinn’s waiting palm.

  Quinn giggled gleefully and slipped the bills into the back pocket of her jeans.

  “What the hell was that all about?” I asked when it became apparent that neither one of them was going to provide any explanation for their transaction.

  “She bet me fifty bucks you’d have fallen for his charms already,” Harrison explained as he slid the pizza he’d made into the hot oven.

  Quinn smirked. “He thought you’d be able to hold out at least two days.” She rolled her eyes, as though the thought was ludicrous.

  Shit heads...

  “I don’t know whether to be flattered you had so much faith in me, Quinn, or wounded that my own brother didn’t think I’d be able to get the girl,” Colt joked, not the least bit bothered by their little exchange.

  “So anyway...” I interrupted their little ball-busting session. “I’m gonna go grab my stuff...”

  “Oh no you don’t,” Quinn replied quickly, jumping down from the bench and making a beeline for me. “I’ll let you go without a fight, but not until later. I need girl time,” she begged.

  I looked over at Colt and he smiled and winked, telling me silently that he was more than happy to stay.

  I was relieved. I wanted to spend time with Quinn too, but I hadn’t expected him to be so comfortable here.

  “So what’s for lunch?” I asked with a grin.

  “Yesss!” she replied. “He makes the best pizza, you’ll love it.” She tipped her head in Harrison’s direction.

  I half listened to her rambling on about the secret ingredient Harrison added to his sauce until Colt tugged me into his arms.

  “The pill,” he whispered in my ear.


  “Should I just take it with dinner?” I whispered. I really didn’t want to attempt to sneak it in here right now – not with hawk-eyed Quinn around.

  He smiled and nodded in agreement.

  “Come try this,” Quinn called to me from the cooktop.

  I squeezed Colt’s bicep and gave him a soft kiss on the lips before going to see what all the fuss was about.


  “So... on a scale of one to ten, just how smitten are you?” Quinn asked, with a look t
hat said ‘don’t even bother trying to lie to me’.

  I bit down on my lip nervously. “About an eight and a half,” I admitted.

  “Eight and a half out of ten... way to go, Colt,” she announced.

  I shushed her. I didn’t want him to hear us talking about him.

  “Relax.” She rolled her eyes. “They went out to the garage to look at Harrison’s new deathtrap of a motorcycle.”

  I let out a relieved breath. It wasn’t that I didn’t want Colt to know how much I liked him, but I was worried I’d frighten him off if he heard that, this early into our relationship.

  If I can even call it that...

  Quinn laughed. “He wouldn’t run scared you know.”

  I narrowed my eyes at her – sometimes it was like she could read my mind.

  “No?” I asked cautiously.

  She shook her head. “He’s not one to shy away from feeling things, Lex, if anything he probably jumps in too quickly.”

  Disappointment coursed through me. “So this kind of thing is normal for him?”

  Quinn’s eyes softened. “Not at all.”

  I relaxed slightly.

  “Shit, I’m sorry if I made you think he does this sort of stuff all the time...”

  I raised my eyebrows at her. That was exactly what she’d made me think.

  “I think he’s just very open to finding love,” she amended. “I’m not saying that he falls in love with every person that he meets,” she reassured me quickly. “But I do think that he gets ahead of himself, and leaves himself open to being hurt, but he has good intentions.”

  “So I’m not just another notch on his bed post?”

  She huffed out a laugh and shook her head. “He’s not like that.”

  I nodded my head. I guess this wasn’t really new information to me, Colt had told me as much himself. It was just different hearing it from someone else.

  “I think when he’s met someone that he really does love, he’ll realize the mistakes he’s made in the past,” she added with something that sounded like hope in her voice.

  “Is this too weird?” I blurted out. “You know, me seeing a guy you’ve dated?”


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