Trust Our Tomorrows

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Trust Our Tomorrows Page 8

by Carrie Carr

  Stunned from the weight, Lex struggled to breathe. She was grateful the mud cushioned her, but the burning pain in her bent knees and lower back made it difficult to think. She was surprised when Lorrie appeared above her. "Lorrie?"

  "It's okay, Momma." Lorrie started frantically trying to dig Lex out with her hands.

  "Shhh." Lex tried to comfort her. "I'm okay, just stuck," she wheezed. She felt the heifer exhale one final breath, then stilled. "Damn. Lorrie?"


  "The cow's dead. I'm going to need you to go back to Mine, and try to drag her off of me, okay? We can't hurt her anymore."

  Lorrie sniffled and nodded. "Okay. Should I try to catch Mac? I couldn't hold him, Momma. I'm sorry."

  Lex awkwardly stretched her arm out and patted Lorrie on the arm. "You did perfect, sweetheart. Letting Mac go so you could control Mine was the right thing to do."

  "Okay." Lorrie wiped a muddy hand under her nose, trying not to cry. "I didn't fall off, either."

  "You're a good rider." Lex coughed as she tried to take a deep breath. "I need you to help me get out from under this heifer, okay? So be real careful going back to Mine. When you get there, I want you to pull from that other side, so the cow will roll off me."

  Lorrie nodded. "'kay." She crab-walked across the mud and was soon back in the saddle. It took a little maneuvering, but she got Mine into position. "Ready, Momma?"

  "Yep," Lex yelled as loud as she could. She braced her hands on the cow. As Mine started to pull, Lex pushed with all her might.

  The carcass slowly rocked until it flipped over onto its other side.

  Lorrie stopped Mine as soon as she saw Lex was free. She leapt from the saddle and raced out into the mud once again. "Momma? Are you okay?"

  "I'm fine, sweetheart. You did real good." Lex hadn't moved, but at least she was able to breathe freely once again. "Untie the rope from the cow and hand it to me, okay? I don't think I can walk out of the mud just yet."

  "Okay." Lorrie quickly did as she was asked, even going so far as to help tie the rope around her mother. "Are your legs broke?"

  Lex tried to keep from scaring her. "No, they're just stiff from how I was sitting. And it'll be a lot easier to pull me out than to try and help me walk."

  "Oh." Lorrie made certain the rope was fitted properly under Lex's arms. "Is this right?"

  "Yep." Lex gave her what she hoped was a reassuring smile. "I want you to have Mine pull real slow. Don't stop until I'm out of the tank, no matter what, all right?"

  "Yes, ma'am." Lorrie hugged Lex and hustled back to her horse once again. "Ready?"

  Lex wrapped her hands around the rope and nodded. As the horse backed up, Lex was pulled forward. She bit her bottom lip to keep from screaming as her body unfolded. Rotating onto her side, Lex closed her eyes as she was dragged from the mud.

  Lorrie stopped Mine once Lex was free of the tank. She untied the rope from her saddle and got down to check on her mother. Dropping to her knees, she brushed her hand across Lex's face, which was damp with sweat and tears. "Momma?"

  Although it hurt, Lex rolled into a sitting position and pulled Lorrie forward. "It's okay, sweetheart. You did perfect." She held the crying girl close, shedding a few more tears herself.

  Once they both settled down, Lex gave Lorrie a hug. "I'm so proud of you."

  "Thanks, Momma." Lorrie put her hand on Lex's cheek. "Your mouth is bleeding."

  "I'll be okay." Lex kissed Lorrie on the forehead. "But I think I'm going to need some help getting back to the house." She pulled her cell phone off her belt, grimacing at the caked-on mud. "Hope the case protected it." After several shaky tries, Lex finally gave up getting the phone free from the holster and handed it to Lorrie. "Why don't you call the house for us?"

  Lorrie took the phone out of the leather holder and hit the proper speed dial. The phone rang several times before being picked up.

  "Rocking W Ranch, Amanda speaking."

  "Mommy," Lorrie started to cry again at the sound of Amanda's voice.

  Lex gently took the phone away from her. "Amanda?"

  "Lex, what's going on? Is Lorrie okay?"

  "She's fine. We ran into a little trouble out here--"

  Amanda cut her off. "I knew it! What happened? Are you all right? Is Lorrie all right?"

  "Sssh. Give me a second, and I'll tell you everything. But before I get too far into it, do you think you could come get us?"

  AMANDA PEERED INTO the rearview mirror, checking on her wife and daughter. Lex was sprawled out across the bed of the truck. She had refused to sit inside, saying it would be more comfortable to lie down. Lorrie wasn't about to leave her mother's side, so she was curled up next to Lex. Amanda drove slow in deference to Lorrie's horse, which trotted behind the vehicle. "One of these days, Lex, I'm going to wake up and have totally white hair," she muttered.

  They arrived at the house and were met by Roy. He untied Mine. "I'll take care of her for you, Lorrie." He tipped his hat to Lex. "Mac showed up here about half an hour ago. He's fine."

  "Good." Lex slowly sat up, trying to keep from crying out at her stiffened joints. "Get someone out to the northern tank as soon as possible to remove the dead heifer and fix the pump. No other animals are going to go near the place until then."

  Roy nodded. He'd been able to get things organized, thanks to Amanda calling him before bringing Lex and Lorrie back to the house. "Already sent the boys out with the trailer. I told them to have it running before they left, or don't bother coming back to the bunkhouse."

  Lex laughed. "You're sounding more like me every day." She allowed Amanda and Roy to help her from the back of the truck. "Thanks." Lex started to stand, but her knees buckled. She would have fallen if not for Roy's firm grip. "Damn. I guess I'm going to need a little help getting to the house, too."

  "No problem, Boss." Roy tied the horse to the truck. He put Lex's arm over his shoulder. "Lean on me and we'll get you inside."

  Amanda took position on the other side of Lex. "It's going to take a week to get all the mud off," she teased, trying to keep her thoughts light.

  "I told Momma you were gonna be mad that she got so dirty," Lorrie said, following behind the trio. Her clothes were caked with mud, too. "She said it couldn't be helped."

  "I bet she did," Amanda said. She kept a tight grip on Lex's belt. Lowering her voice, she asked, "Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

  Lex kept her voice equally soft. "I'll be fine. My knees are sore and I probably pulled a muscle in my back. But I promise if it's not better tomorrow, we'll go see Rodney." Dr. Rodney Crews was married to Amanda's sister, Jeannie. He took over the local practice after his partner, Dr. Anderson, retired.

  Amanda patted Lex's stomach. "I'll hold you to that." In a louder voice, she asked, "Lorrie, would you please open the back door for us? And make sure the downstairs bathroom is clear."

  "Yes, ma'am." Lorrie raced ahead to do as she was asked. She clomped into the house, forgetting to take her boots off at the back door. A trail of mud followed her.

  "She's definitely your daughter," Amanda said.

  As they reached the door, Lex paused. "Maybe I should just strip out here and save you the extra trouble."

  "Too late now." Amanda poked her. "Besides, I think that's more of you than Roy wants to see."

  Roy shook his head as he grinned. "I appreciate the thought, Amanda. But I remember seeing her race half-naked across the back lawn when she wasn't any bigger than Melanie."

  Lex groaned. "Do we have to talk about that right now? I'm dying, here."

  "Serves you right." Amanda laughed at her discomfort. "All right, I'll be good. I can get stories from Roy later."

  They were going to put Lex in the downstairs bathroom, but Amanda decided that they might as well get her upstairs, where she could take a shower. She wasn't strong enough to help Lex from the tub, and even though Roy joked about it, Amanda knew that neither he nor Lex would be comfortable otherwise.

; Halfway up the stairs they were met by Ellie, Melanie and a very excited Freckles.

  "Momma, you're all dirty," Melanie said.

  Lorrie hugged Freckles, who had made a beeline for her. "We were trying to save a cow."

  Ellie put her hands on Melanie's shoulders, to keep her away from Lex. "What can I do to help?"

  Amanda was about to brush off the offer when she felt Lex's weight shift more toward Roy. "Could you get the shower started?"

  Ellie nodded. "Come on, Mel. You can help me."

  "Lorrie, could you go clean up in your bathroom?" Amanda knew that Lex wouldn't want her children to see her in such a weakened state. "I'll have your sister come help you in just a minute."

  "Okay." Lorrie trudged toward her room. "Let's go, Freckles." The rat terrier pranced happily beside her.

  Lex sighed as the trio continued up the stairs. "Thanks," she whispered. "The crowd was starting to get to me."

  "No problem, love." Amanda guided them into the bedroom. "Roy, if you'll help me get her to the bathroom, I think Ellie and I can take it from there."

  "Sure thing."

  Barely through the doorway of the bathroom, Lex's legs started to go out from under her.

  Roy got a tighter grip around her waist. "Hang on, Boss. Almost there." He helped her lean against the double sink, while Amanda bent to remove her boots.

  Ellie came over to relieve Roy. "Mel, why don't you go check on Lorrie? I bet she has a great story to tell you."

  "'kay." Melanie started to leave the room, but stopped to look at Lex. "Momma, are you sick?"

  Lex tried to stand up straighter. "I'll be fine, sweetheart. After I get in bed, do you want to come read me a story?"

  "Sure!" Melanie bobbed her head up and down. "I got a new book that El gave me. We can read that."

  "Sounds great."

  Amanda stopped what she was doing and gave her youngest a kiss. "Make sure your sister puts her dirty clothes in the laundry room and her boots on the back porch." If Melanie was put in charge of such an important detail, they'd have more than enough time to take care of Lex.

  "I will," Melanie promised as she raced out of the room.

  Roy laughed at her exuberance. "Glad I'm not Lorrie." He gave up his position to Ellie. "If you folks have things handled, I'll finish with the horses and run on to the house."

  "Thanks for everything, Roy." Lex closed her eyes as Amanda tugged on her socks.

  "Anytime, Boss." He leaned close to Amanda so as not to be overheard. "Let me know if you need help getting her to the doc, or anything else."

  Amanda squeezed his arm. "I will, thanks." She waited until he was on his way down the stairs before she started on Lex's jeans.

  Lex swatted at her hands. "I'm not an invalid."

  "I know. Just stay still." Amanda unbuttoned the muddy pants and slid them down Lex's legs. She paused halfway down, concerned. "Your knees are pretty swollen."

  "Yeah. Got bent backward when the cow fell over on me. It hurts," Lex said quietly.

  Ellie stood silently by, lending her physical support. Although Lex was leaning against the sink, she still needed help standing upright while Amanda undressed her. "You know, Lex. I think I'm going to have to buy you a rabbit's foot or something. You get into the damndest messes I've ever seen."

  The comment got its desired effect, as Amanda laughed. "If you do that, I'll make her wear it around her neck." She started to unbutton Lex's shirt, when Lex grabbed her hand. She looked into the sheepish eyes and sighed. "Ellie, would you mind waiting in the bedroom? Miss Prude is getting all shy."

  "Come on, Lex. I'm a nurse." Ellie leaned closer to whisper in Lex's ear. "Do you really want to put the extra stress on Amanda?"

  "No," Lex grumbled. She released Amanda's hand. "I get to bathe myself, don't I?"

  Amanda kissed Lex on the cheek. "Only if you want to take away my fun." She turned to Ellie. "Could you check on the girls for us? I'll holler if I need help."

  "As long as you're sure." Ellie slowly stepped away from Lex, who seemed to be standing fine on her own. "I'll close the bedroom door to give you some privacy."

  "Thanks, Ellie." Lex gave her a weary smile. "Maybe if I'm really lucky I can talk Amanda into joining me."

  Ellie comically covered her eyes. "TMI, Lex." She laughed as she left the room.

  Amanda poked her wife in the stomach. "You're evil."

  "But hopeful?"

  With a martyred sigh, Amanda started to unbutton her own shirt. "It would be easier to get you clean," she theorized.

  Lex's only answer was a pleased grin.

  Chapter Six

  AMANDA STARED AT the poster on the wall, wrinkling her nose at the detail. "I really didn't need to see the inside of a stomach," she muttered. She was doing whatever she could to keep her mind off the group of people huddled in the tiny examination room. With her, Lex, Dr. Rodney Crews and his nurse Laura scattered about, there wasn't enough room to turn around.

  Rodney patted his annoyed patient on the leg. "It's only a precaution, Lex. A second opinion."

  "I don't care." Lex crossed her arms over her chest and glared at her brother-in-law. "No one's coming near me with a scalpel."

  Rodney sighed. "I'm not saying he will. But I'd feel a lot better if the orthopedic surgeon looked at your knee." He turned to Amanda. "Will you please try to reason with her?"

  Amanda was torn between siding with Lex or doing what was best for her. "Can't we wait and see how she's doing in a week or so? Lex should know better than anyone how much pain or discomfort she's in. She can't cause any more damage to her knee if she waits, can she?"

  "No, not unless she does something new to it. But I'd still advise a consultation with Dr. Needham." Rodney pointed his pen at Lex. "One week. And you have to use the crutches. Keep as much weight off your leg as possible."

  Lex grinned. "Sure." She started to climb off the exam table when Rodney stopped her.

  "I mean it, Lex. Use the crutches. Or else."

  With her feet on the floor, Lex towered over him by several inches. She looked down into his face as she tucked a crutch beneath each arm. "And exactly what will you do?"

  Rodney winked at Amanda before staring into Lex's eyes. "I'll sic Martha on you."

  The smirk on Lex's face disappeared. "You wouldn't dare."

  "Watch me. After all, I'll see her on Thanksgiving." Rodney tucked Lex's chart under his arm and adjusted his glasses, trying to ignore Amanda and Laura's laughter. "In all seriousness, the crutches will help. Maybe even enough to put off a trip to Dr. Needham. But I honestly think the consult would be in your best interest." He gave Amanda a hug. "Give Jeannie a call. We've missed seeing you both."

  Amanda kissed his cheek. "I will. Thank you." She took the prescription from a chuckling Laura. "Come on, honey. We'll get this filled before we pick up the girls from school."

  Lex paused at the door. "Thanks, Rodney. We'll see you in a couple of weeks." She followed Amanda out of the office and down the hall.

  "I'll kick his ass if he--" The slap on her stomach silenced her. "What?"

  "I swear, Lex. You're worse than the kids." Amanda tried to keep the smile off her face, but wasn't very successful.

  "I thought that's why you married me." Lex waited for Amanda to hold the door open for her as they left. "Hey, can we get the prescription filled at the store? I want to get some ice cream for the girls."

  "Yes, we can, my oldest child." Amanda sighed, secretly pleased that Lex seemed to be content to follow Rodney's advice, at least for the time being.

  "MILD SPRAIN, MY ass." Lex stretched while she stood next to Amanda, who was studying the different flavors of ice cream. Her back had stiffened up due to the use of the crutches and she was more uncomfortable than ever.

  "You could have waited in the truck," Amanda chided, not bothering to look at her. Less than half an hour after they'd left Rodney's office, Lex was already complaining. It actually made Amanda feel better because she knew Lex wouldn't grip
e if she was feeling too bad.

  "I hate waiting in the truck." Lex pointed at one of the cartons closer to Amanda. "One of those, please." She adjusted the crutches beneath her arms.

  "Big baby." Amanda placed Lex's choice in the cart and added one of her own. "We'd be done already if you had, you know."

  "But then I couldn't help you," Lex teased, as she dropped another container of ice cream in the shopping cart. "I think we need more hot fudge, too."

  Amanda laughed. "How about sprinkles?"

  "Ooh, yeah. Almost forgot about those."

  On the next aisle, the cry of a child caused both women to become silent.

  Amanda looked at Lex. "I'll be right back." She left Lex with the cart and disappeared around the corner. She felt her heart begin to pound when she saw Jerry Sater lying on the floor with his hands covering his head.

  Jerry's mother stood over him. "Quit your whining and get your ass up," Susan said. She grabbed him by the arm and jerked him to his feet.

  "Mommy, please. I'll be better." Jerry tried to break free of her grasp.

  "Stop it!" Susan slapped his head with her open hand. He cried even louder. "I said shut up!"

  Amanda pulled Jerry away from his mother and stood between them. "Have you lost your mind?"

  "Get away from him. It's none of your damned business what I do with my son." Susan reached for Jerry.

  "I don't care who you are, you can't hit a child," Lex interrupted. She stood next to Amanda, presenting a united front. "And shouldn't he be in school?"

  Susan's face scrunched into a nasty scowl. "You two dykes have no room to talk. At least I'm not ruining my kid by being a pervert." She snapped her fingers low, as if calling a dog. "Jerry, over here. Now."

  Still crying, Jerry stepped around Lex and Amanda. He wiped his runny nose on the back of his hand and kept his eyes on the ground.

  "Stop that sniveling, or I'll give you something to cry about." Susan turned her attention to the couple a few feet away. "If you come near me again, I'm calling the cops. Come on." She roughly twisted her hand in Jerry's shirt and led him away.

  Lex stopped Amanda from following. "Hold on, sweetheart. You can't do anything."


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