On the Plus Side (Chubby Girl Chronicles Book 1)

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On the Plus Side (Chubby Girl Chronicles Book 1) Page 6

by Tabatha Vargo

  Soon, we were settled into the movie theater with our popcorn and drinks, watching the previews. I wasn’t as nervous anymore, but I couldn’t help but notice the few females who kept looking at Devin. It made me feel like they were looking at us, and I couldn’t help but feel like they were wondering what the hell he was doing with me.

  We sat and watched the movie. I felt like a dumbass every time I jerked when the scary killer jumped out of nowhere. Whenever I’d jerk, he’d reach down and squeeze my knee. I loved it. It was like he was reassuring me that he’d protect me if the killer jumped out of the screen. I’d never had anyone treat me that way before. It was a small action, but it was huge for me.

  His deep chuckle vibrated my shoulder as I covered my eyes when things got too bloody. I loved a good scary movie, but some things were too much.

  There was one point when we stuck our hands in the popcorn at the same time. I pulled my hand back like it was full of snakes, and he flashed his “I know you want me” smile.

  When we got up to leave, he held my hand and I felt like I was in high school again. Holding hands wasn’t something I’d ever experienced before tonight, and it made me sad to think of all the things I’d missed as a teenager. I’d be sure to make up for all those lost things now, though.

  He opened the car door for me, and I slid in. He smiled before shutting the door and making his way around to the driver’s side.

  “So where to now?” he asked.

  “Wherever is fine with me,” I answered.

  “Are you always this easy?” he asked, before he busted out laughing. “You know what I mean… not like that. I mean so easy to get along with.”

  It took me a minute to catch on to what he was saying before I started laughing, too.

  “I know what you mean. Okay, fine—um—what about putt-putt?”

  “Now that’s more like it! Be prepared—I’m the putt-putt king!”

  The rest of the night was a blur. We had so much fun. I was so comfortable with him. We laughed and picked at each other. He ended up not being very good at putt-putt after all and that was comedic in itself. He spent most of the night being a complete gentleman: holding fences open for me, getting me something to drink, holding my putter while I pulled my hair out of my face. It was amazing.

  Later, after I’d won like three rounds, we decided it was getting late and left. We talked the entire drive back to my apartment. He asked me questions about myself, and I could tell that he actually cared about the answers—he wanted to get to know me.

  He answered my questions as well.

  “What grade’s your sister in?”

  “Jenny’s in tenth grade. She’s a handful, that’s for damn sure. I swear she’s got the mouth of a forty-year-old sailor. Just the other day, she got in trouble at school for calling her math teacher an old bitch.”

  I laughed. He had no idea how lucky he was to have a sibling that he was so close to. Something about having a baby sister around really appealed to me, even if she did act like a boy.

  “Tell me about your dad. Are you guys close?”

  Apparently, his dad, Herald, could charm the pants off any lady in town and fix an engine with his eyes closed.

  “Sounds like you’re a lot like your dad.” I smiled.

  “No… I’m not.” He didn’t smile back.

  Dropping the subject of family when he seemed to get tense, I changed the subject to classic cars. I watched as he very animatedly talked about his favorites. He was absolutely adorable when he was accidently being himself and not the sexy playboy.

  All in all, it was one of the best nights of my life. I was sad when I saw that we were parked in front of my apartment. I didn’t want the night to end.

  I spent most of the night staring at her tits like I was some wet-behind-the-ears punk. This was not working out in my favor so far. I was supposed to be the one seducing, but her innocence was making me wild. Biting her lip was her nervous tick and I swear to God every time she did it, I wanted to bite it, too. It made me uncomfortable as shit, and that never happened to me.

  Another surprising thing about Lilly… she was a blast. I was shocked by how much fun I had on our “fake” date. There was no alcohol, drugs, or sex involved, just good ole friendly fun, and it was throwing me off my game big time. I laughed more with Lilly than I had with any other girl and I meant real laughter, not the bogus shit I’d throw out to appease a girl before I fucked her.

  She had to be one of the coolest chicks I’d ever been out with. The fact that she loved slasher flicks was good enough for me, but she was a badass at putt-putt, too! You couldn’t beat that shit with both hands. Most girls would whine about sitting through a dude movie, but not Lilly. She smiled and did the cute, jerking thing every time the killer jumped out. I used those little jerks as a reason to reach down and touch her. Damn, she was growing on me, and it sucked ass.

  The things we had in common were unreal. I never thought in a million years that I’d be so comfortable with a chick so fast, and while her tits were fucking amazing, I wasn’t thinking about banging her every five seconds. I actually enjoyed her company. It was kind of sad that we couldn’t stay friends after all this was done and over with. This was never supposed to end well… I knew that when I started. She’d hate me when I just suddenly never talked to her again… that was expected. She wasn’t my friend—she was a job.

  When we pulled up to her apartment, I got out and opened her car door for her. The seat belt had pulled down her low-cut top, and a hint of a light pink bra peeked out. Not the black, lacey, zebra bullshit like the bras Renee and the other skanks wore, but just a soft baby pink that suited her so well.

  She had to lotion her hands like ten times a day. That was the only explanation for hands as soft as hers were. I could only imagine how soft the rest of her was. This was my thought process as I held her hand up the sidewalk to her door. I felt a hint of sadness when she pulled her hand away to dig through her purse for her keys.

  She pulled them out and fought with the lock for a few seconds. Her hands were shaking so bad that the keys were actually jingling. The poor thing was a nervous wreck. She probably thought I was going to kiss her goodnight since that was what happened on normal dates. At least that was what I’d heard… I had never really dated.

  At the beginning of the date, she was nervous, and it was cute, but after she got comfortable with me, her nervousness melted away. Once she started having fun, she was more than cute. Her happy smile illuminated her face, and she glowed. I really liked that glow. I hated that she was nervous again and for some uncomfortable reason, I wanted her to smile... I wanted to make her glow.

  Reaching out, I put my hand over hers to stop them from shaking. I let my fingers linger over hers longer than needed as I slowly took the key from her and unlocked her door.

  “Thank you,” she said as she looked down and tucked her hair behind her ear.

  When she looked up again, she smiled and her blush made me feel warm. Realizing that I was losing track of the situation, I shook myself.

  “You’re welcome. I had a lot of fun tonight. I hope we can do it again.”

  “Me, too,” she said.

  I was about to tell her goodnight… maybe kiss her on the cheek and make a run for it, but again, she surprised me.

  “You know… my roommate’s still out if you want to come in for a few.” She peeked up at me through her dark bangs and nervously nibbled her bottom lip.

  I unconsciously licked mine with the thought of nibbling on her lip, too. She looked so innocent and sweet with her flaming cheeks. My throat suddenly felt coated with a strange thickness as I swallowed hard.

  Did I really want to go inside her apartment? What was she offering anyway? And if she were offering herself, would I be able to say no? Did she realize that by asking me into her place, she was practically saying she wanted to do it? Probably not—she was way too innocent for that.

  “Sure,” I blurted out.

stepped into the apartment, instantly surrounded by a homey, down-to-Earth place. I wasn’t sure what I expected to find—maybe an oversized palace with crystal chandeliers? Instead, there were big, comfy couches and pictures on the walls. It screamed ‘home sweet home’ and I found myself relieved that she didn’t live in one of those ritzy apartments that were so perfect you were scared to sit on the couch and fuck up the throw pillows.

  “Make yourself at home. I’m gonna run to the bathroom real quick. The remote is on the coffee table. Turn on whatever you want. I’ll be right back.”

  I sat on the big, fluffy couch and relaxed for a few while flipping through the hundreds of channels. Damn, what I’d give for the expensive cable.

  Finally, I made it to the Discovery channel and a really cool heart surgery caught my eye. The narrator was walking me through the entire process as the chest was opened and the heart was exposed. I watched half disgusted and half amazed.

  It wasn’t long before she came back, dressed in a cute pair of pink and black flannel pants and a black, razorback tank. It covered her completely. Really, there wasn’t anything sexy about the outfit, but those pink bra straps were really visible. For some reason I didn’t fully understand, I was turned on.

  I shifted on the couch and used a pillow to cover my crotch… just in case.

  I’d never in my life found a big girl attractive, but Lilly was a different kind of big girl. She was thick in the right places and had the most beautiful long hair. The desire to run my fingers through it followed me around all night. At one point during putt-putt, she pulled her hair up into a messy bun so she could see to play, and I wanted to beg her to let it down again.

  Her hair was swept up right now, and I wanted to ask her to please take her little hair ribbon out. The thought of that long hair lying on her shoulders and those pink bra straps peeking out was doing it for me.

  “Find anything good on?” she asked as she sat beside me on the couch and propped her fuzzy, slipper-covered feet on the coffee table.

  Since when were fuzzy slippers fucking hot? Damn, I needed to get laid in the very near future.

  A horrified expression crossed her face when she realized what I was watching on TV. Apparently, she only liked fake blood and guts.

  “Oh my God… what are you watching? Eww… turn it, turn it now!” She covered her eyes.

  I jokingly pulled at her hands and laughed.

  “Oh come on, Lilly! I thought you liked blood and guts?” I continued to playfully pull at her hands.

  She fell back onto the couch to get away from me, and I followed her as she plucked the remote from my hands. I tickled her to get it back. Once I got it, I leaned back and held it out of her reach. She unknowingly squashed her tits against me as she attempted to get it back. I enjoyed it almost as much as I enjoyed picking at her. I was laughing like I was twelve years old again, back when my life was simple. Real heartfelt laughter, like before, and it felt good.

  During all the playing and tickling, I’d managed to pin her down on the couch. I held her arms above her head by her wrists and once she realized that she was good and captured, she stilled beneath me. Her breathing was hard and deep as she smiled innocently up at me. She felt amazing—all soft and welcoming… sweet. I wasn’t sure if it was the playful fighting or the fact that I was lying on top of her, but my breath quickened.

  We were so close that I could feel her heart beating against my chest. I moved in and rested my forehead against hers while I breathed her in. Vanilla and cherries—the mouthwatering scent matched her sweetness. I bet she tasted just as sweet as she smelled. This close, her skin looked even softer than I originally thought, and I felt the sudden need to touch her. I released one of her wrists and stroked her dimpled cheek with my thumb.

  I’d thought before that kissing her wouldn’t be an issue. I was never more wrong. I wanted to… badly. This realization sent me into a mini panic attack, but instead of giving in and freaking out, I focused on my thumb against her amazing skin and calmed myself. My reaction to her was scaring the shit out of me, and it didn’t make any sense. I wasn’t technically attracted to her, but I was. I was attracted to her, not her tits or her ass, even though they were truly luscious, but her. This had never happened to me before, and I wasn’t sure I liked it. Actually, I fucking hated it.

  She made me feel different. I didn’t want to be asshole Devin—I wanted to be sweet. Like one of those pussy-whipped men you saw following their woman around, buying tampons and shit. I almost laughed at the absurdity of my situation. I didn’t want to pretend to be a nice guy for Lilly… I actually wanted to be one. Not for any other reason but that she deserved all the sweetness I could give.

  I fought with myself internally over kissing her, but somehow with her, I was winning and losing at the same time. Puffs of warm breath struck my mouth as she breathed in and out. I looked down at her lips, and my inner struggle increased. Just the thought of touching those plump lips with mine gave me an immediate reaction. Before I could stop myself, I brushed my lips across hers. She sucked in a deep breath and held it.

  I wasn’t a rocket scientist, but I knew females, and this girl wanted me to kiss her, probably more than any other girl I’d kissed. She wanted me, and instead of being aggravated by it, I liked it. Her responsiveness to me was a major turn on as it stroked my ego.

  What was it about this crazy, carefree, chubby girl? She was nothing like the usual girls I screwed. For one, she wasn’t blonde, or blue eyed, or tall and skinny for that matter. Except this one girl was slowly breaking all my rules and instead of dropping my boxers, I wanted to drop a few Devin walls for her—I wanted to let her in.

  Taking a deep breath, I went in for the kiss. I was so close I could feel the warmth of her lips against mine when she stopped me.

  “Wait,” she whispered against my lips.

  Whispering had never made my skin burn before. This girl was making me insane. It had to be because she was forbidden. That was the only reason I could come up with. She was off-limits and for a man like me who had no limits with women, it was frustrating. To think, I had actually laughed when the subject of kissing had come up with her mom. What a dumbass I had been.

  I waited, perched on top of her and ready to feel her mouth against mine. With her eyes still closed, she spoke in the most seductive whisper I’d ever felt against my skin. Her lips brushed against mine with each word, making my groin muscles tingle.

  “I know I’m probably ruining what could possibly be the most perfect moment in my life, but please…” She stopped and opened her eyes.

  I fell into her deep brown pools and nearly drowned. Holding my breath, I waited for her to finish her sentence.

  “Don’t do this unless you mean it,” she finished.

  I wasn’t sure what she was asking me for. I wasn’t sure what I meant. I just knew that I wanted to kiss her. It wasn’t going to mean anything. A kiss was a kiss. It wasn’t my fault that women turned such meaningless things into big, dramatic issues, but the fact of the matter was, Lilly wasn’t kissed often, if at all, and this was going to mean something to her.

  She would probably remember this moment for the rest of her life. Meanwhile, in three months, when all was paid and my car had a new paint job, I’d never think of her again. What kind of man would I be if I kissed her knowing these things? Then again, since when did I give a rat’s ass about things like consequences? Especially consequences for some chick I’d never have to see again soon.

  That was my final thought before I gave in, closed my eyes, and pressed my lips to hers.

  Her mouth was every bit as soft and sweet as it looked. She let out a little moan that made goose bumps cover my arms. I pressed my body closer to hers as I slid my arms behind her shoulders and pulled her closer to me. The kiss got deeper as our bodies got closer. I opened my mouth and ran my tongue along the seam of her lips, urging her to open her mouth. She did without even one question, and I slid my tongue in.

  The swee
tness that engulfed my mouth was nothing short of amazing. No woman should be allowed to taste so delicious. I couldn’t get enough, so I let go of her shoulders with one hand and slid it up the back of her neck, digging my fingers into her hair and pulling her face closer to mine. I tilted my head to the side and before I knew it, we were in an all-out spine-melting kiss.

  I couldn’t think of anything but the fact that I wanted her. It started out as an innocent kiss that I wanted, but now I had to have her. I broke the kiss and both of us took a much-needed deep breath. Pushing her legs open with my knee, I fit my body between them as I repositioned myself on top of her.

  I knew what I was doing was against the rules, but all the best things usually were. Kissing her again, I then moved away from her lips and pressed soft kisses down the side of her neck. Vanilla and cherries filled my senses.

  “You smell so good and you taste even better. Damn, baby, you feel so good,” I whispered against her neck.

  Sweet-talking wasn’t my thing, but the words seemed to come on their own. She’d turned me into some blabbering romancer.

  Her innocent responses and delicate touch were too much. My cock was so hard that it was beginning to hurt, and that tiny ounce of pain brought a little bit of common sense back to me. I had to stop. If I didn’t, I was going to ruin my shot at the money before I even got started.

  I pressed my hips against her one more time just to get one more feel of her through our clothes before I pulled away. At least, I thought I was going to pull away, but as I was about to, she slipped her hands down my back, grabbed my ass, and pressed my hips deeper and harder against her. She let out a little sound that made me throb all over.

  I hated clothes, but I loved them because if it weren’t for our clothes, I would very well be having sex with this woman. I could not, under any circumstances, let it come to that. For the first time in my life, I prayed that a female would stop me. I needed her to say no, because quite honestly, stopping wasn’t something I was capable of anymore.


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