It's Never Easy: A Boudreaux Universe Novel

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It's Never Easy: A Boudreaux Universe Novel Page 5

by Dani Rene

  Chapter 8


  I want to say no.

  I want to refuse him and tell him where to shove his gorgeous gallery, but when I look into his eyes, I see the agony clearly breaking him inside. I’ve known pain, I’ve known loss, and I see that in his expression as he peers down at me.

  When my mother died, all I wanted to do was crawl into a hovel and die along with her. I wanted to go with her and not come back. I couldn’t understand how people kept telling me to live my life, to move on. How the fuck do you come back from losing someone who was your world?

  “Fine.” I nod. “But there has to be ground rules.” My voice is filled with confidence, but it wavers the second I see Julian’s eyes glint with emotion that grips my heart right in my chest.

  “I never liked rules,” he tells me, and for a moment, I’m sure he’s going to lean in and kiss me. It’s like those movie scenes when a man finally goes after the woman he loves and steals her lips with his. And the music plays over them as they embrace.

  But this isn’t a movie.

  And Julian’s my boss, not my lover.

  “Well, if you can’t abide by a few, then I will leave,” I tell him, my body trembling as I think about having to find another job. This wasn’t a good record. One day and I’m already wanting to walk out. I handled Flavio. Why can’t I just deal with Julian? Perhaps it’s because I think he’s deliciously tempting, and I want nothing more than for him to bend me over his desk and have his wicked way with me.

  “What are they?” he asks, breaking through my lust-filled thoughts. The way his dark eyes are piercing me, I wonder briefly if he can read my mind. If he heard the filthy thoughts I’d been having about him.

  “Well, since you asked. Firstly, we should be able to greet each other in the morning. Secondly, my perfume isn’t offensive in the least, so if you have an actual reason for me not to wear it, like you’re allergic, then tell me. And thirdly, if you ever talk to me like I’m nothing but a nuisance in your home, I will walk out.”

  He just stares at me. Not even his mouth twitches. I was convinced he would laugh or something, but there’s no fucking reaction from him as he bears down his glare on me.

  “This is the first and only time I will cower to you,” he tells me, the confidence in his tone causing a tremble to shoot through me. “I run my gallery the way I see fit. And yes, I’m not the easiest person to be around, but I have rules as well, like my employees obeying my requests.”

  My brows shoot together. “Requests and demands are two completely different things. Perhaps you should look them up,” I bite out, spin on my heel, and walk toward the gate. I’m so angry, my hands are trembling so much, I know if I were holding anything, I’d drop it. Thankfully, my laptop bag is slung over my shoulder, or that would certainly be on the ground.

  “Be back after lunch,” Julian shouts at me, but I don’t turn to look at him. I’m far too infuriated right now, and I know if I cast a glance his way, my resolve would falter. I just need time to breathe. I need to be far away from him and his nice-smelling cologne and his stupid handsome face.

  Reaching the main road, I stop, looking around, taking in every store close by. When my gaze lands on a small coffee shop, I make my way toward it. Perhaps a sugary-sweet latte would help calm me the hell down.

  After placing my order, I stroll down the street to the park I glimpsed earlier, and settle on a bench with my drink and a muffin. The double chocolate will not be good for my waistline, but when I’m angry, I tend to binge on sweet treats. Tomorrow morning, I’ll wake up early and go for a run, I think to myself as I bite into the fluffy confection.

  I’ve never been so annoyed, so goddamned irritated at someone. Julian is a special breed of brooding asshole and sexy Adonis. It’s infuriating because even though I have to be angry at how he spoke to me, I can’t be. He doesn’t want to lose me, clearly, but he also needs to learn I’m not a pushover. If you treat me right, I’m a loyal employee. But I don’t stand for being spoken to like I was.

  Once I finish the muffin, I pick up the cup and head back toward the house. I don’t rush; I take my time, meandering down the drive, taking in the flowers lining the long path toward the door.

  The house is gorgeous, the architecture making me itch to learn more. With the white pillars that seem to hold up the second-floor balcony, it truly is one of those classic plantation homes.

  The wrap-around porch is painted black, contrasting the white of the house perfectly. A porch swing hangs off to the right side of the house, and on the left is a bench. This one, a small wooden one, with cushions that look good enough to fall asleep on.

  Potted plants of every color line the wall, showing off bright blues, pinks, and yellow. I wonder briefly what it would be like to grow up in a house like this. Running around as a kid, playing in the humungous garden. It must’ve been magical. I can’t help but smile, thinking about my mother.

  I should do some research and find her childhood home. She never once gave me the address, but I’m sure if I headed into the town records, I’d be able to find it. Going back to where she grew up is a dream I’ve had for a long while. After my stint with rebelling—after her death—I’ve wanted nothing more than to connect with her on a deeper level. To learn about who she was before she met my dad and had me.

  “You came back.” The deep drawl of Julian startles me out of my thoughts, and I look up to see he’s changed into a pair of jeans that only seem to show off his lean, muscled thighs. The dark-blue crewneck top he’s donned fits him like a glove, and my hungry gaze eats up every inch of the six-foot-five god.

  This is ridiculous. How can he be that hot and so damn annoying?

  “You said after lunch,” I tell him, not wanting to return to the argument we had earlier. I want to put it in the past. I always hated fighting, and this time it’s no different.

  “I did.” He nods. Moving toward me, he settles on the bench, leaning his elbows on his knees, which puts him in my eye-line. “Like I said earlier, I’m sorry. And I am,” he tells me, honesty raw in his dark eyes.

  “I just hope that it doesn’t happen again.”

  “It won’t. I’ll stay out of your way, and you will learn to stay out of mine. My studio is off-limits to anyone,” he says. The way he’s regarding me tells me there’s more to that story than he’s offering up. But like I said earlier, I won’t snoop.

  “Well, if you had told me before you went in there, I wouldn’t have ventured to it to see if you wanted something to eat.”

  “There is food in the kitchen. In future, I’d prefer you onsite during lunch in the event I need you for something,” he tells me, ignoring my earlier comment.

  “I will make a note,” I tell him. “I always enjoyed being outdoors. The fresh air will help me work through problems if they occur.” I don’t know why I’m telling him this. It has no bearing on our relationship, but he doesn’t respond, merely nods, rises, and makes his way inside.

  He is a strange man.

  And I can’t stop my curiosity from wanting to know more.

  Chapter 9


  I didn’t want to come inside and hide in my studio. The craving I had to sit and talk to her, to learn about her, gripped me far too much. I hear her tapping away in the office. With the vents that lead through each room, it’s easy to listen to her. She talks on the phone, and I notice how professional she sounds. Even at her age, nobody would realize she’s only in her early twenties. She speaks with maturity far beyond her years.

  When we had our little spat in the garden earlier, all I wanted was to pull her into my arms and inhale her scent. To steal her lips and make her shut up and listen to me. My body felt the pull toward her, but I fought it. I made sure all I had was anger at the way she retorted.

  The fire blazed in her eyes, making every inch of me stand at attention. I glance at the clock and note it’s almost five. Perhaps I should offer her a ride home before heading to Eli’s place.<
br />
  Setting down my laptop, I shut it and head into the office where I find her still at the desk. Her bun has come loose, and there are dark tendrils that frame her heart-shaped face. She looks like one of those porcelain dolls with rosy cheeks and wide eyes.

  “Did you want a ride home? I’m heading out tonight,” I speak, causing her to snap her gaze up in surprise. I can be nice when I want to be. I mean, I’m not a complete monster. But the way she’s looking at me right now, I realize if I had said that to her, she wouldn’t agree.

  “Yes, thank you.” A smile lights her face, and I can’t stop my need for her from twisting in my gut. I really need to find someone to bring home tonight. Perhaps I can fuck away this frustration.

  “I’ll be in the kitchen.” I turn and leave, needing to put more space between us. This was a bad idea. Having her in my car so close by is going to be difficult. Already my focus has been stolen by her. I completed another two paintings this afternoon. That’s how much she’s affected me.

  When Nea arrives in the kitchen, she’s smiling at her cell phone, and for a moment, I wonder if she’s talking to a boyfriend. The thought hadn’t even occurred to me before. I know she was living in Italy for a year, but now that she’s back, has she reunited with someone?

  “Thank you again for the offer. I would’ve called an Uber or something,” she tells me after slipping her phone into her purse.

  “I’d prefer you not being out alone at night,” I inform her, unsure where my protectiveness is coming from. “If you do go out, then take your boyfriend or some friends.” I grab my keys and head for the door.

  “I don’t have a boyfriend, or any friends here. I only just moved back to the States, and since I left my old life behind before my move to Italy, I’ve not had time to really get to know anyone yet,” she tells me in her melodic voice as we reach the car and I open the passenger door for her.

  “So, you’re here all alone?” I ask the moment I slip into the driver’s seat. The engine purrs to life, and I pull out onto the driveway.

  “Pretty much,” Nea says, shrugging it off as if it doesn’t bother her, but when I glance at her, I notice the schooled expression she’s trying to hold falters. For a moment, I wonder if she’d want to join me for dinner with Eli, but then I rethink it. If I did take her to my best friend’s house, I’d be questioned by him nonstop. And that’s not something I can handle because I have no answers for the questions he’d pose.

  She’s an employee.

  But even as I glance at her, I know that something is shifting between us. There’s tension hanging thickly there, and I can’t deny I think she’s captured my attention.

  By the time I pull up outside her apartment building, I’m drunk on the scent of her perfume. She smiles over at me, her eyes shimmering in the early evening light.

  “Thank you again,” she says before getting out of the car. The moment the door shuts, I lower the window.

  “See you tomorrow.” The hope in my voice is apparent, but if she notices it, she doesn’t make it known. Instead, she offers me a wave and a nod before I watch her disappear into the building.

  Sighing loudly, I shake my head and pull out onto the road and take the turn toward Eli and Kate’s place. With my mind on Nea, I realize there’s something about this girl that’s well and truly fucked me over. I don’t know if it’s the pain I see in her eyes or the fire that she exudes, but I know that being around her every day is going to be a challenge.

  When I reach Eli’s place, I kill the engine and exit the vehicle. I haven’t been here in so long I feel like a damn stranger as I knock on the door. It flies open seconds later, and I’m met by Kate. She’s a stunner.

  “Julian,” she says, pulling me in for a hug. “I really didn’t think you’d actually come.”

  Furrowing my brows, I have to ask, “Why wouldn’t I?”

  “It’s been too long,” Kate tells me, stepping aside before gesturing for me to enter. I step inside and immediately feel the warmth of their home. You can tell the people who live here love each other immensely. I haven’t felt that in my house for a long time. Not since my father was alive. And that saddens me because I never thought my life would end up the way it has.

  “It’s been one of those lifetimes,” I tell her as I make my way into the living room where she follows me.

  “How are things going, though?” Kate asks as Eli comes in from the kitchen holding a beer out to me. I gratefully accept it.

  “Hey, man,” I greet my friend, and we shake hands before we settle on the sofa. “Thanks for having me over.”

  “You know you’re always welcome here, even if your grumpy ass is not in the mood.” Eli and I banter all the time. Most people would think we’re fighting or something, but it’s just how we are.

  He was the grumpy bastard for a long time, until Kate.

  “Yeah, but at times, being alone is the only thing I can muster.”

  “What about your new assistant?” This comes from Kate, and I can tell she’s excited to hear the news.

  “I don’t know. I mean, she’s okay. I haven’t paid that much attention to her.” I tell them the lie with a shrug

  “Bullshit,” Eli calls me out quickly. This man can see right through me, and he knows it. I sit back, crossing my left ankle over my right knee as I regard him with narrowed eyes. “Don’t even try to lie, Julian,” he tells me. “I know you, and that expression right there is a man interested.”

  “Okay, so maybe I am interested in her, but she works for me. What is that old saying? ‘Don’t mix business with pleasure’?”

  “So, you’ve obviously thought about it,” he challenges, and I can’t help but sigh, which has him laughing. Asshole. “I knew it. Why don’t you just take her out on a date or something? I mean, I’m not saying marry the woman, but you don’t know what could happen.”

  “And if it doesn’t work out, she’ll quit, and then I’m once again left with nobody to run the gallery.” He tips his head to the side and shrugs. He knows I’m right. Granted, he and Kate worked together temporarily, but that’s different. They had history, and he loved her as much as she loved him. Them being close to each other only solidified their feelings. Whereas Nea and I are strangers, and I can’t put that on her. I mean, yes, she’s gorgeous, and I wouldn’t mind taking her out, but she could turn around and hate me, and then what?

  “You’re overthinking it, Julian,” Kate speaks up. “She can refuse a date, and she may agree and not feel the same, but you’re both grownups, and that means you can be professional about it. Spend some time with her outside the gallery and work. If you don’t feel it, or if she doesn’t feel anything after a night sitting at opposite ends of the table, then so be it.”

  “Why do my friends have more sense than I do?”

  “Because you just haven’t reached our level of maturity.” Eli guffaws when I flip him the finger.

  “Stop being an asshole,” I bite out, but even through my annoyance at my good friend, I know he’s looking out for me, and Kate is too, which is appreciated more than they know.

  “Just telling it like it is.” He winks, and I roll my eyes, which has Kate giggling as she watches us throw banter back and forth.

  “Okay, girls,” she says finally, pushing to her feet. “Let’s eat, and then we can talk about how Julian is going to make Nea fall in love with him,” she teases, and I can’t help but groan. They’re not going to give it a rest until I’ve asked Nea to dinner. Perhaps it’s not a bad idea. She’s pretty, nothing like the women I usually go for, but there’s nothing wrong with being different. Even though I was frustrated at her ink and perfume which, if I had to be honest with myself, was only because the scent captured my attention and held me hostage.

  As dinner passes by and we chat amongst ourselves, I realize the more I see how Kate and Eli are together, the more I want that. A relationship on equal footing, the smiles and the banter, but more so, the companionship that comes with it. Having someone there
for you when you need is what I’ve been missing, and as I watch my friends, I know I have to take a chance on this.

  “Thank you for dinner,” I tell them both as I say my goodbyes. It’s almost midnight, and I’ve enjoyed the evening, but I need some alone time to think about the best way to go about asking out Nea.

  “It was good having you, man,” Eli says, slapping me on the shoulder.

  “Thank you for spending time with us.” Kate pulls me in for a hug, and I can’t help but feel thankful I have good friends who look out for me.

  As I make my way home, my mind is spinning with possibilities on what would happen if Nea says no, and also, if she says yes. I don’t know how I’d feel if she says yes, but I do know that if she refuses, I’d feel disappointed.

  And that doesn’t sit well with me.

  Chapter 10


  I haven’t seen Julian all day. He’s been holed up in the studio and told me to focus on the upcoming event. I don’t know why he keeps me around when I’m clearly frustrating him. Even though he says he needs the help, I have a feeling he doesn’t like people in his space.

  Shaking my head, I try to clear my mind of the curiosity that’s currently burning through my mind and open my emails. We have the caterer booked, as well as the menu of hors d’oeuvres that are meant to be served. I’ve chosen the champagne, ensuring that it’s been signed off by Julian. Now all I need to do is go through the RSVPs and send out a thank you note to those who are attending.

  When I look at the clock again, I notice its already lunchtime. I’ve gotten lost on the internet looking at expensive furnishings for various events we can run, and the excitement of that’s got me on my feet and racing to the kitchen.

  But when I walk into the room, it’s empty. I wanted to tell Julian about what I found, but he’s still locked up in his studio, which means I probably won’t see him until tomorrow morning again.


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