Rise of the Titan

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Rise of the Titan Page 9

by Pressley James

  If the rain continued to fall as it did, the area would flood, and she’d be swept along with it, lost and forgotten. That meant that Vitali and his murderous lot would pay for absolutely nothing, she thought, firming her shoulders.

  And she would not let their blood be on her hands…

  Now, filled with determination, she went on her mission.


  Even hours later, at 2:33 am, long after leaving the club, he couldn’t get his mind off his encounter with the sexy dancer. Of course, now, he realized his attempt to stop her had been completely ridiculous. After all, she’d only been doing her job. No doubt, in her profession, she was an expert at driving men insanely crazy, he noted with a pang of jealousy.

  “What’s wrong with me? Shit,” he cursed with a fast breath. “My thoughts are completely bordering on the obsessive. Fool, get it through your thick skull. It was all just a game.”

  Better yet, surviving the storm of the century was of the utmost importance right now, he deduced, kicking the wipers on high. That’s what was important, not these ridiculous fanatical thoughts over a woman he’d never encounter again.

  The drizzling rain had returned to being a hard steady downpour. In drenching sheets, it poured from the dark overcast sky and drowned the earth with a torrential force. Out here, on a dark night like this on the Highland Mountains, the roads turned exceedingly treacherous. The car’s headlights were the only thing that offered some visibility. Right now, that visibility was pretty much limited.

  The Bugatti hang the sharp curve with ease, and as it descended the mountains, he slowed it to 45 mph. As he reached the base of the mountains, he caught sight of the big pools of water alongside the road and slowed down further. But, even as he did, he still wasn’t able to miss a pocket of the pooling water. As the tires hit it, the water sprayed upward along the right side of the vehicle. But, as he eased his foot from the accelerator, he made it through with ease.

  A second later, after making safe passage, he peered in the rearview mirror.

  He’d been lucky.

  Now, the roadway was becoming completely flooded out. With the rain not letting up anytime soon, the flooding would worsen. The river waters undoubtedly were rising, and before long, passage from his private mountain abode wouldn’t even be a viable option.

  But, he was only minutes away from home, he noted, curving a single hand along the steering wheel. After checking on things, he’d crash---

  “What the hell?” he muttered in disbelief, immediately cutting the last thought off. His surprise quickly turned to all out irritation. “Who’s crazy enough to trespass on private property on a night like this?”

  A few hundred feet forward, he could make out a small compact vehicle, a 1990’s model that was rusted out on the rear end. On the left side of the car, someone in a yellow rain slicker was wrestling with a lug wrench, and to no avail, was unable to remove the damaged tire. Even as he pulled to a stop behind the vehicle, the person didn’t even spare a glance in his direction.

  The lightning lit the skies again and sizzled just above the space where they were. The grounds shook as the thunder rumbled in response, and the rain began to fall even harder. Without a doubt, the storm was turning more vicious.

  Still, though, the individual continued to struggle with the tire.

  A hard frown creased his brow. “Damn it, you’re going to get your fool self killed.” He released a fast curse before pushing down the door latch. “You’d think that you’d have sense enough to see that. But, it’s apparent that you don’t.”

  The rain hit him hard as soon as he slammed the door shut.

  Then, he made a steady approach forward. “Hey, buddy,” he hollered out above the pounding rain. The flood waters are closing in. Don’t know about you, but I don’t plan on dying out here tonight.” Yet, rather than addressing or looking at him, the person continued wrestling with the lug wrench. The irritation splintered through him at the blatant dismissal. Fuming, he stepped closer behind them, just close enough that he barely brushed them. “Listen, you’re going to get killed out here. For some crazy reason or another, I’ve been appointed as your savior.” He grappled the back of the rain slicker between his fingers. “Now, get up and let’s go---”

  He started in surprise when they suddenly sprang up, and before he knew it, he was falling to the cold wet ground. “Shit!” he exploded before hitting the puddle, and on impact, the muddy waters splashed against his face and soaked his clothing. He spit out a mouthful of the dirty water. “What’s wrong with you, man?”

  The only response that he got was a cry akin to a ninja one and a full on tackle from the stranger. As the stranger landed on him, he let out a surprised grunt. But, the struggle between them was instantly on. Over and over, he and his assailant wrestled on the ground. Above them, the storm returned its own fury, and it was a dire reminder of the daunting situation.

  Releasing a fast curse, he flipped his assailant over onto his back. Then, finally straddling him, he pinned him to the ground. As he settled on the body, he instantly realized his mistake. The ‘him’ was actually a ‘her’.

  And the ‘her’ was still putting up a valiant fight, he frowned in irritation, staying her flailing fists easily. “Damn it, stop it! I’m trying to help you----” But, his words ended as he caught an unblemished view of her. Instantaneously, his ire dissipated, and like he’d been earlier at the club, he was completely sucker-punched.

  His assailant was none other than his private dancer!

  “Get off of me, damn it!” she yelled and finally looked at him. “If I don’t get---”

  Her words died as their gazes locked.

  In a rush, their deep attraction seeded and set root.

  Her brown eyes held surprise and pleasure.

  The real world fled and was left behind.

  Despite the howling storm raging around them, they had to seize the forbidden moment. Yet, the one raging inside of them was more volatile than the one raging in the natural world.

  Their chests heaved as they fought for air.

  But, exactly, the air deprivation was a result of their closeness.

  Though the rain soaked them, they were uncaring.

  The situation was too richly inviting with temptation, and truth told, there was something especially and sexually erotic about their position and the falling rain. In romantic and erotic movies, wasn’t this the part where clothes were ripped off and mad passionate love was made?

  Were they ensnared in such a position?

  The tiny water droplets clung to her thick lashes.

  Against his will, his eyes dropped to her lips.

  His movement hadn’t gone unnoticed by hers, he realized as their eyes met again. Slowly, ever so erotically, she snaked her sweet tongue along it. Fuck, he breathed inwardly, now definitely wasn’t the time for a full hard on dick…still, though, his eyes tracked her tongue’s movement, and her soft gasp didn’t slip past him again. Once more, the same blistering sexual chemistry threatened to scorch them to a cinder.

  A peal of lightning stole the dark skies again.

  It was enough to jolt him back to reality.

  “Listen, I’m not trying to hurt you,” he said hoarsely and the water droplets fell from his hair onto her face. “I saw that you had car trouble. I got out and was only trying to help.” Still, the wild and vivid sensations coursed through him at their intense stare. “I’m going to stand up. When I do, I don’t need you to go all kick-ass ninja warrior, alright? Then, we’re going to get the hell out of here. Understood?”

  She stared at a point on his chest. “Agreed.”

  With reluctance, he rolled off of her.

  Then, standing and looming over her, he offered her a hand.

  For a brief second, it seemed that she hesitated before acquiescing.

  His hand closed about hers, and again, the close contact was maddeningly dangerous.

  Stiffening, he closed his mind against the tumultuous thought
s as he hauled her up. As she came to her feet, she collided into his hard chest. Quickly, he wrapped both arms around her trembling body and steadied her. Emitting a small, stunned gasp, she stared up at him, and again, her dark brown eyes smoldered with heat.

  Once more, he was slain.

  She pulled free fast. “Thank you.”

  Though the rain wasn’t falling as hard now, it was still steady. He cast a look back towards the roadway. To no surprise, it was easily flooding. When he turned and looked at her again, the lost look on her face nearly destroyed him.

  He stepped closer to her. “Look, I know that you don’t know who I am, and I don’t blame you for not trusting me.” He let out a fast sigh. “But, if we don’t leave now, there are likely to be dire consequences.” Fisting his hand at his sides, he softened his tone. “My house is just a few miles ahead, and you can go there and wait the storm out. I swear on my life that I won’t hurt you.” The thunder rumbled again. “So, will you come with me?”

  When she looked at him again, the sensations rippled throughout him. Her next word was the sweetest sound. “Yes.”


  Fate always had a way of playing its hand.

  Tonight, it’d dealt it in a manner that was totally unexpected.

  As he maneuvered the Bugatti down the two-lane road, she cast a surreptitious glance in his direction, and ignored the fast and unsteady tattooing of her heart beat. For who’d ever expected that she’d encounter him of all people.

  When he spoke, she nearly started.

  “You have a name?” he asked smoothly, not taking his eyes from the road. With ease, he maneuvered the car around a fallen tree branch, and then guided it back onto the right lane. He passed a swift glance in her direction before turning his attention to the road again. “Since we’ll be stuck together for some unforeseen time, it’d be good to at least know that much about one another. A little small talk has never hurt anyone. Don’t you agree?”

  And hadn’t fate just made her job easier?

  This unlikely encounter had taken her one step closer to her entrapment game.

  But, exactly, how should she play it?

  Should her approach be weak and docile, or fiery and untamed?

  Perhaps a mixture of both…

  Yet, at the back of her mind, the niggling interfering voice screamed ‘be yourself’…

  “Bella,” she said softly, raising her chin, and stared at the side of his face. Once more, she couldn’t dismiss his blatant attractiveness. Tiny tracks of dirt lined his chiseled features, and his clothing was badly soiled like hers. But, even in a dirtied appearance, he was maddeningly sexy as hell. Just why, pray tell, did she have to be drawn to him! Instead of voicing that disturbing thought, she said, “And you?”

  “Braden.” Suddenly, the tension radiated from his body. “Most people call me Titan.”

  “Titan?” she said with a small laugh and was truly interested in his response. “That’s an interesting concept.” From the passenger’s seat, she gave him a long perusing look. “Is there some hidden reason as to why you’re called that?”

  Shrugging, he kept his attention trained on the road. “No particular reason.”

  She hardly doubted that.

  No doubt, there was a huge and underlying reason as to how and why he’d earned the nickname, “Titan”. Of course, his ruthlessness and criminal acts deemed such a title.

  She stared out the window at the gloomy night.

  It was a fact that she had to remember.

  Why was she finding it so hard to do so?

  “You’re the guy from the club.” She forced herself to look at him again. Swallowing hard, she tried to focus on something other than her fluttering heartbeat. “I remember you now.”

  Of course, she remembered!

  But, how could she not?

  Especially after their steamy encounter…

  Heaven help her, he was a trigger point to that dark, secret, and forbidden part of her. That place in her soul where she really wept and bled…

  Tensing further, he cleared his throat uncomfortably. “I thought that you looked vaguely familiar.”


  Just why did that abstract term miff her?

  Apparently, his thoughts weren’t as obsessed as hers.

  The very thought was disappointing.

  It jarred her back to reality.

  “Wait, I know who you are. You’re Vitali’s son, aren’t you?” she asked, forcing an innocent tone. But, there was hardly anything innocent about any of this. The fact was she had to play a dangerous game and entrap this very criminal. She raised her chin higher. That was what mattered. “I don’t know why I didn’t catch it sooner. The resemblance between the two of you is uncanny.”

  “You know Vitali?” he asked in a steely tone, and while he hadn’t displayed any tension before, he did now. Only an imbecile wouldn’t notice his tightening grip on the steering wheel. “How?”

  She glanced out the window uncomfortably. “I just do.” Just why was she on the defensive all of a sudden? Of all people, she didn’t have to prove herself to him. Yet, a part of her felt that she had to. In the shadowed darkness, she looked at him again. “Funny that he never mentioned you that much. If anything, men claim bragging rights when it comes to their son.”

  “Strange shit happens sometimes, and things don’t fit the norm,” he smarted with a short laugh. Along every edge of his features, a hard anger played, and his taut jaw line indicated his rising tension. “Vitali might have spawned me. But, that’s about it.”

  Ouch, this was definitely a sore topic.

  That fact only piqued her interest more.

  She studied him closer. “Sorry, my intention wasn’t to make you angry----”

  “Damn it, who said that I was angry?” he interrupted with a hardened expression. “Stop making assumptions when you clearly know nothing about me. Why don’t we try this? I drive. You sit there in mute silence and enjoy the stormy scenery. No more conversation. Agreed?”

  “What?” she asked with an abrupt laugh. “Apparently, you’re barbaric and chauvinistic, too. I will not shut the hell up because you’re pissed off, and don’t curse at me.” Her scowl deepened in the darkness. “Besides that, big shot, weren’t you the one who wanted to talk in the first place?”

  “Tsk, tsk, tsk…watch that fiery temper of yours, little damsel.” Clamping his lips shut, he suppressed a tiny smile, and then quickly replaced it with a glower. “What’s with the foul language? Don’t you know that a lady isn’t supposed to curse?”

  “Well, I’m hardly a lady, Mr. Neanderthal.” Passing him a fast glare, she slumped back against the passenger’s seat. Like a bad-tempered child, she crossed both arms along her chest. “If anything, I’m an independent woman who can clearly handle and take care of myself.” She made a disgusted snort. “And if you’d just left me alone, I could’ve changed the flat, been on my way, and we’d both been spared from this moment. Instead I’m stuck with the likes of you.”

  This time, he couldn’t disguise his smile. “So, in other words, my company sucks?”

  She raised a high brow. “As the saying goes, honesty is key.”

  His laughter escaped before he could contain it.

  Looking out the window, she held back her own.

  The next minutes passed in silence.

  A moment later, as the tall, towering black gate fell in plain sight, she could barely mask her own awe. Behind it, there stood a luxurious Chalet-styled home that was akin to fortress. At every level, the gleaming glass offered an unblemished view as to the luxuries that lay within. The property contained both high and low plains that stretched endlessly against the mountainside backdrop.

  As they neared the gate, it opened on cue.

  With ease, the Bugatti cruised through.

  On each side, the black-steel columns lined the drive, and the drive itself was patched and designed with a stunning black-white stone appearance. Ahead, the Chalet home l
oomed in all its splendorous glory and was complete with center-staged garden fountain. At every point, the rich foliage surrounded the home and ranged in a variety of vibrant colors.

  When they moved past the front entrance and traveled toward the garage area, she was nearly breathless with wonder. The garage doors closed behind them as he wheeled inside. Naturally, the underground garage was well lit, and to no surprise, it was filled with even more expensive and sporty cars. Finally, the Bugatti rolled to full stop once it faced the concrete wall.

  “Home sweet home.” He turned his attention fully on her while killing the engine. The dim garage lights fell into the confines of the car and splayed across his face. Then, a speculative gleam shone in his eyes as theirs met. “You know what? You’re pretty damned lucky that I don’t sue your ass off.”

  “Sue me?” she asked with surprise. “What do you mean?”

  Giving a lazy grin, he held up one finger. “First, you trespass on private property---”

  Her gaze narrowed. “Totally unintentional---took a wrong turn. That’s hardly a crime, and it’s simply human error.”

  “Secondly, you attack an innocent man,” he murmured, holding two fingers in the air, and his eyes were even more devilish. Then, after working his jaw, he gave a fast wink. “By the way, you carry one hell of a right hook.” He forced a frown, but the humor played on his handsome visage still. “An assault charge is feasible.”

  “Wrong again.” She snapped her lips shut. “It’s conceivable that a woman alone has the right to defend herself when she’s approached.” She fought against another smile and glowered at him instead. “My defense will be air tight on that account, too.”

  “But, your ultimate sin…” His lazy, teasing grin widened. “Sullying my leather seats with all this muck and mire, and that’s completely unforgivable under any and all standpoints. No telling how much it’ll cost to clean it. If anything, I sense that you do have guilty conscience.” He winked at her thunderstruck expression before releasing the door latch. “Don’t worry. I’ll assuage your guilt and send you the bill.”


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