Rise of the Titan

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Rise of the Titan Page 11

by Pressley James

  “And the study,” she mulled aloud and pushed the door open. “Just the place that’ll give me the information that I’m looking for.”

  She passed a furtive glance over her shoulder before closing the door behind her.

  Unlike the other rooms in the house, the study only had a single window, and thankfully, the curtains were closed. It gave her added anonymity while she snooped.

  She looked around the spacious study in amazement and wonder. “I have to hand it to you, Titan. You sure in the hell have good taste. Maybe after this is over, you can decorate my apartment.” Her brows pinched together. “But, that’s highly unlikely once we get the goods on you.”

  A flash of guilt hit her.

  Was this really the way to go about things?

  After all, so far, he’d been nothing but cordial towards her.

  “Damn it, Bella,” she chastised. “You have to be objective about this and remember the kind of man that you’re dealing with.”

  But, why couldn’t she?

  A huge mahogany desk was parked before the window. On the left corner of it, there was a desktop computer. But, not a single paper speckled the huge desk. A wireless telephone was perched at the center. A leather-bound chair and coffee table occupied the far left corner of the room, and a few newspapers were scattered about. All around the room, the bookcases were built into the wall and housed various brands of literature. She stopped at the closest one. Curious, she pulled a bounded novel from the shelf. “The Struggles of Isolation and Servitude,” she said aloud, and then flipped through a couple of pages. After reading the first few paragraphs, she paused in careful thought. The mood of the piece was dark and foreboding. In a sense, extremely depressing. “This is really some heavy stuff.”

  She shelved the book to its original place.

  Then, she faced his desk, but, still made no moves to approach it.

  “Why am I hesitating?” she groaned, grabbing her head. “I’m trained to do this. I have done this countless times before. So, why in the hell, do I not want to touch your things?” After contemplating her non-action for a few seconds, she forced her feet to move. Once she was behind the desk, she sat down in the oval chair. Brows furrowed in concentration, she pulled on the drawer’s handle.

  The drawer didn’t budge.

  “Of course you’re locked,” she said in a conspiratorial whisper. A mixture of disappointment and relief filled her. The latter emotion, unfortunately, was greater than the former. “Being careless isn’t an option for a man like you, is it? Covering your tracks is a necessity 24/7.”

  She pulled at the only other drawer.

  Like the first one, it was locked.

  She eyed the computer.

  The dark screen indicated that it was completely shut down.

  And it’d be too risky too start it up.

  But, oddly, at the corner the desk, music sheets were scattered about. Notations were scribbled along the edges of every page.

  Her interest and curiosity were both piqued.

  Was her criminal host also a musical prodigy?

  The thought was an intriguing one.

  A light noise sounded outside the door.

  She tensed.

  The sound was akin to a child running away.

  She sprung up from the chair. “Shit.”

  Immediately on alert, she scurried away from the desk and treaded to the door. Breathing fast and unsteadily, she pressed an ear against the door and listened.


  Not a single sound…

  But, that didn’t mean someone wasn’t there.

  “Okay, I can do this,” she whispered fast. “And be prepared for anything and everything.” Taking a collective breath, she grasped the doorknob. With a careful slowness, she cracked the door and peeked out.

  A relieved smile curled her lips.

  In the hallway, a plump gray tabby cat shimmied against the wall, and as it spied her, it gave a catty meow. But, instantly, the feline’s attention turned elsewhere, and it stiffened in response.

  “Hey, little kitty,” she said gently, opening the door wider. “What’s wrong?”

  The cat meowed again before scampering down the hallway and finally disappearing altogether. “Guess that means that you’re not in the mood for my company either.”

  Quickly dismissing the cat, she turned and surveyed the study.

  Everything was in order.

  After closing the study door behind her, she relaxed.

  Earlier, when she’d heard the noise, she’d been too jumpy. Learning that it was a cat and nothing more made her reactions even sillier. “I really need to get it together and stop being so spooked,” she murmured to the silence. “Better yet, quit watching those scary movies on Hitflix.”

  With that thought, she moved away.


  “That miserable son-of-a-bitch---he’s sickening.” With barely disguised disgust, Cassius peered at him from the other side of black Ford 4x4 truck. Then, he hoisted an arm load of firewood onto the bed. The yellow rain slicker hugged his huge body and strained with his every movement. Now, nothing but pure disgust shone in his black eyes. “Vitali’s always been a pitiful excuse for a human being. But, human-trafficking---that’s lower than low.”

  “Nothing that he does surprises me. He’s capable of doing anything. With him, there are no limits to his level cruelty. He’s the same terrorizing monster,” he added bitterly and hurled logs onto the back as well. The misty rain wet the black rain slicker that he wore, but he was still well dry. Along with that, the knee-high mud boots protected his feet. “He’s using a massage parlor as its front. Last night, at the meeting, he was vague with the details. But, from what I gathered, some of the others have already invested into the venture.” He paused briefly and looked upward. The light rain wet his face, but he paid no heed to it. “Damn it, Cassius, I’m working overtime to find dirt that’ll stick. So far, though, nothing on this end.” A frustrated breath left him. “But, I’ll be damned if I quit. I’ll hang out with him a little more, gain his confidence, and then like a slithering snake, I’ll go in for the kill. He won’t even see me coming.” He paused again. “I swear on my life that I’m going to make him pay for everything that he’s done to us.”

  “I feel you, bro,” Cassius muttered and his own tone was tinged with bitterness. “When you make the shit happen, I want a front row seat. Don’t want to miss a minute of his epic downfall.”

  “There’s not a bastard more deserving of it.”

  A silence befell.

  The September rain was cool.

  Still, the atmosphere was somewhat pleasant outside.

  “Know what dude?” He wiped the sweat and rain from his brow. “You’re the only fool that believes in cutting firewood during the rain.”

  “And you’re the fool that’s willing to come out and help me do it,” Cassius shot back, moving to the end of the truck, and slammed the tailgate shut. Then, he braced both hands along the top edge of it. The merriment played in his black eyes. “Guess that makes us two fools in a pod.”

  His grin widened. “You’re right. But, when I said that I’d help you,” he remarked, moving to stand alongside him. They both turned their backs to the tailgate and leaned against it. Together, they looked about the horizon. “I didn’t know that I’d be out here all damn day.”

  “Sacrifices, man. That’s the price of real brotherhood.” Falling silent, Cassius cast him a sideways glance. “What are you planning to do when Vitali finds out about the failed Ricci deal, and that you’re responsible for it? The bastard’s going to lose his shit.”

  His gaze centered on no particular point in the distance. “When and if the heat falls on me, I’ll be ready. I’m not a naïve pissy-ass kid anymore. I’m not afraid of him.” The mountain terrain was beautiful during this time of the year, and always the sight calmed him. But, there was a certain someone that was causing upheaval in his already chaotic world. Who better than to discuss it
with than Cassius, someone who really understood the bro code? Still, his words were stiffened. “Met someone last night.”

  “Really?” Cassius asked with a raised brow. “Who?”

  “One of the dancers from Sinful Shades,” he quipped tightly and blinked at the falling raindrops. Still, the wetness didn’t cool his stinging hot memory of her. “She’s back at the house.”

  “Shit man. You have one of Vitali’s girls back at the house?” Cassius scoffed in disbelief. “They’re his prized possessions, and if nothing else, he believes that he owns them. Whatever in hell possessed you to bring her here?” Then, a knowing look dawned on his face. “Oh, I gotcha. The two of you hooked up.”

  “No, we didn’t hook up,” he muttered quickly in defense. “By sheer accident, she’s here with us. She’s relocating to Columbus believe it or not. She got lost, missed a turn, and ended up in this territory. End of story.”

  “Mighty convenient, don’t you think?” Cassius frowned. “You sure that she’s not a plant?”

  “She’s not. Everything about her,” he sighed and shook his head. “…is just perfect. She’s beautiful, sexy, and hot. Don’t know what it is, but I can’t get her out of my head.”

  “After one night, you’re already in your feels? Double damn---my boy is snagged.” Cassius let out a low whistle. “Considering that you’re a consummate player, I’m literally shocked. This is so unlike you---to be hung up on a woman.”

  “Don’t blow things out of proportion,” he scowled. “Having an attraction to a woman is completely normal.”

  “Yeah, but you’ve just admitted that you’re obsessing about her. If she has you hooked---you,” Cassius emphasized. “She has to be one hell of a woman…”

  His thoughts trailed away from the conversation.

  She was one helluva woman…dangerous in every sense of the word…

  Earlier this morning, when he’d entered her room, she didn’t awaken. Like a voyeur, he’d taken a few seconds to drink in the sight of her. The covers had fallen away from her body while she lay on her side. Good gracious, along every fine line of her curves, the sports jersey had clung and fit perfectly. And sweet heavens, her thighs…they were creamy brown smooth. When they’d been at the club, hadn’t they straddled him perfectly? His dick was still throbbing with pain and aching for a taste of her hot slick wetness. And her plump breasts…the jersey’s neckline was plunged low and revealed a hint of their roundness----

  Suddenly, two fingers snapped before his eyes and brought him back to the present. “Yo, Titan,” Cassius scowled. “Where you at? I’ve been rambling on for the last five minutes, and you haven’t said a single damn word. Shit.”

  He looked at him guiltily. “What did you say?”

  “You’re already too hung up on this chick. What’s next---you serenading her with a song?” Cassius noted. Bending down, he picked the chainsaw from the ground before situating it between some logs on the truck bed. When he faced him again, his frown didn’t lessen. “Gonna call it as I see it. This woman completely has you side-tracked.”

  “There you go---blowing things out proportion.”

  “You think so? Well, I think not. Listen to me, man. You’re too distracted at a time when your sole requirement is to think,” Cassius tapped a finger against each temple. “Your head has to be clear…your mind centered. Once this flood situation is over, you better lose her quick. If you’re going to beat Vitali, you have to be all in.” He yanked on the tailgate twice and made sure that it was secure. Then, he eyed him closely again. “Otherwise, we all lose.”

  “You don’t think I don’t know that?”

  The anger snatched him up.

  But, just who or what was he angry about?

  Or was it the fact that everything Cassius was saying was true?

  Suddenly, static came across on the walkie talkie.

  He pulled it from the slicker’s pocket before answering. “What’s up?”

  “She’s gone. I’ve checked everywhere. But, I can’t find her.”

  His grip tightened on the walkie-talkie. “What do you mean she’s gone?”

  “She’s not here---”

  He killed the connection fast and released an expletive. “Damn it! She’s run off again.”

  Already, Cassius was slamming the door shut on the driver’s side. After snatching the passenger’s door open, he climbed in without saying a word. But, his thunderous expression showed his dark mood.

  Cassius fired the engine. “Where should we look first?”

  His troubled gaze fell on the mountainous terrain again. Now, it didn’t seem so inviting, but rather obscure, foreboding, and dangerous. And the immediate situation was just that, especially if they didn’t find her. He stared straight out the window. “We’ll start at the beginning. Let’s go.”


  By 6:30 pm, she was bored beyond her wits, and with each passing second, she was growing increasingly concerned. She cast an anxious glance out the window. Evening had fallen, bringing along with it more rain and thunder. Naturally, that meant more flooding.

  Yet, he was out there.

  “Where are you?” she murmured, sitting up on the sofa, and stared around the living room blankly. “It’s evening…dark outside. What could you possibly be doing?”

  She slumped back against the cushions.

  An unsettling thought crossed her mind.

  Was it plausible that he was doing something illegal right under her nose? That would explain his tardiness, and the fact that he’d been gone all day, she thought with a sinking heart. And here she was, like a fool, hoping that he was displaying signs of humanity…The fact that she’d been wrong was distressing.

  To kill the thought, she flicked on the television.

  A half-hour later, bored with the latest sitcom, she turned the TV off. Sighing hard, she glanced around the room again. “Damn it, Titan, what kind of game are you playing?”

  She took in the sights of the night again and couldn’t suppress her trepidation.

  What if he’d been in an accident?

  Hurt and unable to respond….

  “Surely, there’s something that I can do,” she whispered, biting her lip. “But, who am I kidding? I’d be lost out there within five minutes, and I’m hardly equipped for hiking through the woods in the dark.” She grabbed her head. “I’m getting a headache thinking about you. That’s so not good.”

  In the note, he’d said that he’d been gone awhile…

  Although it pained her to admit it, she was worried about him, she realized, snatching the throw from the sofa’s arm. After assuming a comfortable position, she lay down on the sofa and pulled the light throw over her body.

  She stared blankly at the ceiling.

  There was only one thing to do.


  Soon, though, she was dozing.

  But, minutes later, awakening, she frowned groggily at the heavy weight on her chest. She cracked her eyes and found herself staring into a pair of feline green. Noticing that she was no longer asleep, the cat jumped from her chest before scattering away.

  “What’s up with that damn cat?” she swore and sat up. “I swear it has something against me.” Suddenly, her stomach rumbled in protest. “Hungry again, huh? Let’s go see how many more cold cuts we can demolish.”

  She wandered from the living room and headed for the kitchen.

  The dim lights illuminated the wide hallway.

  Within moments, she was upon the dining area.

  She admired the space as she did earlier.

  A family dining table gleaned a rich black mahogany and was capable of accommodating twelve individuals. At its center, a beautiful floral arrangement dressed it and added a nice twist. Again, criminal or not, his taste was---”

  The rising voices killed her thoughts.

  Purposely slowing her steps, she crept past the table.

  The closer she drew to the kitchen area, the louder the voices became. When she was almost u
pon it, she stopped before ducking behind the tall potted plant at the entryway. Fortunately, it provided enough privacy to hide her from view.

  The surprise filled her.

  He wasn’t alone.

  Along with him, there was a butler and another gentleman.

  The three of them stood dead center of the kitchen, and from the looks and sounds of things, the conversation was heavy. The butler was fifty or so. His salt-peppered hair was just that---a mix of black and gray. From the accent, the man appeared to be French or Caribbean. The man was very attractive, and while he conversed, he expressed his thoughts by gesturing with his hands. His dark suit was expensively cut and pressed. But, the worried expression on his light brown features concerned her most.

  As for the other man…he was about thirty or so and handsome, she deduced, sliding a quick glance over him. The man was akin to Goliath, solidly built and well-muscled at every part. She’d guess that he was Samoan and hailed from that very island. The light brown skin tone and rich black hair said as much. His black eyes were deeply intense, lending him with a personal inquisitive air. A perfectly shaped beard outlined his face, and his shoulder length hair gave him an edgier look. Truth told, he reminded her of one of the popular wrestlers on TV. Yet, her loose term of ‘gentleman’ might have been premature. Nothing about him screamed that. A silent power radiated from him that was worth beholding. Sure, it was wrong to stereotype or have preconceived notions. But, still, it was fair to say that his message was clear. That message was a strong ‘don’t fuck with me or you’ll regret it’.

  She swept a fast glance at Titan.

  Damn, he was stunning to look at.

  Like the other man, he was dressed in a rain slicker, except his was charcoal black. Even in rain attire, he was downright hot, and there was something incredibly sexy about his rugged look. The tiny water droplets glistened in his hair and left a wet sheen along his face. At the moment, he’d be the perfect feature model for a magazine cover. The type of cover that’d make you’d snatch one from the stand. He had the signature look of sexy and cool. Under the slicker, his muscles bulged, and the dark trousers finished his masculine palette. Again, he was the perfect package.


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