Rise of the Titan

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Rise of the Titan Page 29

by Pressley James

  “Violence against me isn’t going to draw us closer.” She turned her back on him, if only to block out his very presence. But, sadly, he was here, she mulled, stiffening as he came up behind her. As he clasped her shoulders, she resisted the urge to pull away. Still, she was helpless to stop the shudder of repulsion. Gulping hard, she attempted to distract him with more words. “It will only push us further apart. I won’t be like the others, letting you beat me black and blue. Treat me with the respect that I deserve or go.”

  “Forgive me, please.” Vitali pulled her into his chest. As his breath fanned her head, the nausea rose in her throat. “Jealousy is one of my less than stellar qualities.”

  “I’m not a fool, Carlo.” She disengaged herself from his hold and faced him. Feigning a jealous look, she dropped her eyes to his chest. “I know that you’ve been with other women.”

  “Countless,” he boasted unapologetically, and the naked lust gleamed in his eyes. “But, none of them compared to you. These aren’t the Stone Ages, Isabella, and I’ve certainly never taken a vow of celibacy. I’m an able-bodied man, so what do you expect?”

  Was expecting him to drop dead on the spot asking too much?

  Apparently, the heavens thought so.

  For the time being, she supposed…

  She shrugged flippantly. “Sex is a natural basic instinct.”

  “One word of advice.” Iciness masked his features now. “Play it smart and think before you leap. If you so much as think about another man, let alone let one touch you, there’ll be serious hell to pay---for you and the motherfucker that’s brazen enough to put his dick inside of you. Fortunately, for you, at the moment, I’m in my good graces and overlooking this latest transgression of yours. I also have to consider the fact that we were on a break, and that gives you some leeway. But, remember this,” Vitali stressed slowly, emphasizing his words with clarity. “I offer no promises on how I’ll behave or react in the future. Fuck another man, I’ll gut you wide open and leave you to bleed. I simply will not accept such a betrayal from you. Got me?” As he bridged the distance between them, he casually closed both hands about her shoulders. But, it was intimidating move no doubt. “Now, say that you understand.”

  She didn’t bat an eye.

  Of course, she’d play his game.

  At least, for now.

  “I understand.”

  “Yeah, there she is,” he smiled icily again. “…my beautiful faithful bitch.”

  Pivoting away from her, he meandered towards the sofa and plopped down. Blowing an impatient breath, he confiscated a cigarette and lighter from his suit coat. Within seconds, he’d lit it. Leaning back against the cushions, he raised a brow at her. “Instead of just standing there, get me a damn drink, will you?”

  Drawing in a strangled breath, she watched him.

  Though, she didn’t want to be, she was shaken.

  Unpredictability was always a factor with Carlo Vitali.

  He’d flip on the dime.

  There were no precursors or hints as to what he’d do next.

  That’s what made him exceedingly dangerous.

  Where the hell was her gun, she mulled, distracted, passing a discreet look around the room. Her gaze centered on the duffle bag in the corner. Yes, that’s where her sweet baby was. A priceless and fully functional Glock, loaded and ready…

  But, it was carefully boxed up…

  If she needed it, she’d have to work to get it.

  His behavior tonight, while typical, was too erratic.

  In fact, he was very high strung and on edge.

  She passed an uneasy glance at him.

  But, now, he seemed somewhat calm, but not much.

  “I’m afraid that I have to rescind my offer about the drink. All my liquor is still boxed off. There’s only water.”

  “Hell, that’ll do.” He crossed his legs at the ankle. “I’m parched.”

  “Carlo, it’s almost 3am,” she sighed, not bothering to hide it. “I’m tired, sleepy, and it’s been a long day.” Stiffening, she stared past him, fixing her gaze on the blank wall. Even while she said the words, he assumed a more comfortable position on the sofa. Well, she certainly wasn’t going to continue exposing herself to his nastiness, she decided, eyeing him again. It was time for him to plant his two big feet against the floor and walk out the door---preferably, out of her life forever. “It’s time for you to leave. Goodnight.”

  “You’re really being a bitch about this, right now, you know that? Where’s your pity for me in all of this?” Rearing forward on the sofa, he scowled at her. “Your return has thrown me, and I’m still trying to process the fact that you’re back. Look at things from my perspective, at least.” His look of exasperation returned. “Your approach to the situation is confusing. We’ve lost too much time and should be making it up, not spending more of it apart. Come on, I know that you’ve missed me.”

  Well, actually that was so NOT true.

  During her earthly lifetime, she’d preferred to never see him again.

  But, one couldn’t always get their wish, could they?

  Her face was expressionless.

  Exactly what lie could she spout next?

  “You’re still upset with me, aren’t you? With the way I reacted earlier.” He took a long draw of the cigarette. Scowling, he blew out a steady stream of smoke, and then eyed her through the thin white fog. Then, clinching the cigarette between his fingers, he waved it in the air. “You’re testing my patience again. This attitude of yours---I don’t appreciate it so much.”

  “My attitude?” Her disbelief worsened. “You come in here, practically abuse me, and expect me to play nice? Well, guess what? I won’t.” She crossed her arms along her chest. “Now, go.”

  “Aren’t you taking this a bit too far? Admittedly, I did get a little out of hand. But, my actions are justifiable.” Cursing under his breath, he stubbed the cigarette out before leaving it in the ashtray. Then, standing, he approached her and reached out to hug her. As she stepped out of reach, he glowered at her, but then took a deep breath. “Don’t be this way. I’ve missed you. Can’t we make things right?”

  “I’m not so sure about that,” she broke in, gulping hard. To her relief, he didn’t stop her as she moved past him. Again, she forced meekness as she faced him again. “That is, us being together. It’s the way that you’re acting now. And when were together before, at the end, things weren’t so great.”

  “My lifestyle is a demanding one, and you know that. When you left, it really hit me hard. Plus, shit was happening.” He blew an exasperated breath. “From the left and right, front to back, my turfs were being infringed upon, and protecting my empire became my utmost concern. So with that came my open neglect towards you.” Sighing, he offered her somewhat of an apologetic look. “Things will be different this time, and I fully intend to make things up to you.”

  “I---I don’t know if that’s a good idea---”

  “It’s the only idea, Isabella---our only option.” He offered her a smile mixed with warmness and coldness. “In case you haven’t noticed, I’m getting a little long in the tooth. At this age, I must be presentable among my cohorts and enemies. Being alone is a sign of pure weakness, and I can’t have that.” He released a curse. “The fact that I’m untaken doesn’t look or bode well. A man of my stature always requires a beautiful lady at his side.” His smile grew wider. “And you, my dear, will be the perfect trophy wife.”


  The very idea was horrifying!

  “M-marriage?” she stammered. Oh, good heavens, no! “Isn’t it too soon to be talking about that?”

  “Why act so surprised? We were near that point before. But, you fled as soon as I proposed.” His scowl deepened. “Of course, you ran because you couldn’t handle the situation about that damned kid.” He sized her up again. “Still, I’m wondering if something else is responsible for your hesitation.”

  “You’re right, there is something. I’m ashamed
to admit it, but I’m going through depression. What happened with Gage really damaged me. As strong as I am, that’s the one part that makes me weak.”

  Vitali paused. “Are you seeing a professional?”


  That much was true except she’d concluded her last session weeks and weeks ago. Dr. Reardon, her therapist had given her the clear. She was healthy and sane. But, the criminal standing across from her didn’t know that and didn’t have to.

  “Who’s the shrink?”

  “None of your business,” she said point blank. “Don’t I have rights to some privacy?”

  “You do, I suppose,” Vitali agreed with reluctance. “If you’re ragging, groaning, and boohooing over that worthless snot kid, I don’t want to hear it anyway. Ease your mind, Isabella. I’ll leave it alone.” He looked at her confused. “But, what in the hell does that have to do with you and me?”

  “Going through my little bout of depression has made me view the world differently. It has made me understand how important things are and the changes that I need to make in my life. I want more.” Pausing, she gauged his reaction and found that he really was listening. Good, she could press on and possibly cement more advantages. “While you’re displeased with my impulsiveness, namely my act of meaningless sex with a stranger, I am, too. Usually, I have more self-control, but that one moment of weakness cost me. I’m ashamed of it, and it has caused some setbacks. I’ve already scheduled additional sessions with my therapist because of it.” She firmed her lips. “Clearly, it’s a viable reason for us to not start having sex this soon. We need to take things slow and build something lasting.”

  “Take things slow, and to top things off, no sex?” Vitali asked with a short laugh. “You can’t be serious. If you are, you really are dancing in the crazy.”

  “Yes, I am being serious, and why not? We’ve been apart for months---”

  “And that’s not a problem,” Vitali interrupted, frowning again. “We simply just start over again and go forward.”

  “No,” she said firmly. “My therapist warned me against making impulsive decisions, or else I’d be in danger of relapsing. I don’t want that.” She ignored his look of irritation. “No, we’ll play by my rules or there won’t be an ‘us’ again. Besides that, I want our relationship to be solid this time. If we’re going to be in a real one, I want and need to know everything.”

  “When you say everything,” he said, tensing. “Exactly what do you mean?”

  She kept a straight face.

  The ball was definitely in her court.

  “I’ll tell you what I mean. No more ushering or sending me away when you’re doing business. I want to learn things.” She pouted at him purposely. “How can I be a true woman to you when there are secrets?”

  “As my woman, you’ll know the things that you should know.” Vitali stared at her with pride. “But, you want to get your hands dirty. Considering the woman that you are, that’s not surprising. You’re very ambitious. Selling your pretty face and body is simply unfulfilling, and you crave more.”

  “How is it that you understand me so well? You’re right, I do love dancing and the pay is good. But, I don’t want to make a lifelong career of it. Besides, after a sagging body, my days as a stripper will end anyway. So, why not prepare, and aren’t I capable of more?”

  “Of course, you are, and I’m extremely pleased by your show of efficiency. Without a doubt, that’s a necessary quality and strength in the mafia.” A heavier frown pierced his brows. “Most women shy away from my uh, flavorful lifestyle. But, then again, you’re not most women.” He paused for a moment. “You’ve certainly given me some things to consider, Isabella. Like you, I’m cautious about leaping into things. But, I will think about it.”

  She nodded. “I suppose that’s fair enough.”

  “For now, we’ll play things your way----do a little courtship and some shit.” A possessive air claimed him. “You’re my prize and no one else’s, and I’m going to place you on the mantel for the whole world to see. And who knows, it might actually be fun.” Then, he turned serious. “However, I don’t like the ‘no sex’ thing bit, even if it is temporary. I’m an amorous man, and my dick is in constant need of attention. I have no intentions of depriving it.”

  “So, in other words, there’ll be other women? Is that what you’re saying?”

  “Well, yes.” His cockiness was real. “Since you won’t be giving out ass, for the time being, I’ll have no choice but to seek others out. In a sense, our relationship will be somewhat open and closed. That means, I’m open for business and you’re not. Will you have a problem with that?”

  “I hate the idea.” As the lie slipped past her lips, she purposefully dropped her eyes to the floor. She didn’t give a damn whom he slept with. In fact, she was celebrating the very thing, she pondered, meeting his gaze again. “But, I can’t expect you to be a monk while we work through this. As long as you come home to me, I can accept it. Just be discreet about it. I don’t want to be made a fool before everyone else.”

  “I’m sure that my amorous opportunities will be few,” Vitali grinned widely, displaying a row of perfect white teeth, yet there didn’t seem to be much affection to it. “With a little timely patience and charm, I’ll convince you to be back in my bed. Then, we can begin planning for our future and become husband and wife. ”

  Like hell…

  Not in this lifetime…

  Forcing a smile, she walked over to him. “Thank you,” she murmured, laying both hands against his chest. “This will give us the opportunity to grow. With us not rushing things, it’ll only make us stronger.” She forced a giggle. “All the girls at the club will surely be jealous of me again.”

  “Speaking of the club---consider yourself officially unemployed. You’re fired.”


  Now, she’d just taken a thousand steps backwards!

  Sinful Shades was a hotspot of blistering evidence.

  If she weren’t there, how would she gather it?

  “What? Carlo, you can’t fire me! How do you expect me to make it?”

  “Don’t worry about anything,” Vitali soothed and grasped her upper arms. “I’m going to take care of you. But, you have to be open to the possibilities that I offer.” His look turned serious. “Isabella, you mean a great deal to me, and I want you by my side, day in and day out. This time, I’m never letting you go. You do understand what I’m telling you, don’t you? Our time together will be 24/7 with some intermittent time in between.” At her continued blank stare, he grew agitated. “Must I spell it out to you? I want us to co-habitate.”

  She swallowed hard. “Y--you want me to live with you?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “How is that a feasible option for us, considering? We have a deal,” she murmured, suddenly growing nervous. “There’s to be no physical intimacy between us---not until I’m emotionally and mentally ready. Again, my therapist warned against my making hasty decisions. It could be potentially damaging and have irrevocable consequences if I do. I can’t risk my mental health, not even for you.” She released a panicked breath. “Carlo, you agreed to it. Are you backing away from your word now?”

  “We made an agreement, and it’s one that I will adhere to,” Vitali promised quietly, throwing on his full charm. “I want you for keeps. So, I’m not going to do anything to make you run away from me again.” His tone turned more persuasive. “You’ll have your own wing which will be restricted to you.”

  “Carlo, I have to be able to trust you.” She pursed her lips in a disapproving line. “I can’t wake up in the middle of the night and find you there.”

  “Relax. I’ll only come to your bedroom by invitation.” Brows pinching, he took in her tensed form. “You can trust me. I swear.”

  Yeah, probably as far as she could throw him…

  But, she had to take the risk!

  “What about my apartment here? I haven’t really had the chance to settle in go
od.” She glanced around. “Believe it or not, I want to keep it. Relationships are important. But, maintaining a level of independency is as well. Worldwide, you have more than your share of outlets. I need space, too. When you’re, uh, with a female companion, I’d like to come here.” Another thought rose, a very plausible one. “After my therapy sessions, I’d like to come here and regroup---alone with no interference from anyone, not even you. Would that be okay?”

  “The latter reason is the most valid one yet. While I care for you deeply, I don’t want to play pseudo-shrink when you need the real one. Ok, you win,” Vitali conceded with a heavy sigh. “Keep the place. I’ll have no problems with it as long as you’re engaging in manageable behavior.”

  “Manageable behavior, as in no men, right?”

  “Exactly, what else?”

  “Why does it seem that I really have no choice?”

  “Frankly, you don’t, and it’d be good if you’d just agree.” Looking at her long and hard, he offered a hand. “So, what do you say about us starting our new beginning and making things work?”

  For a brief second, she paused.

  Rowell would be pleased with the headway.

  For the longest time, it was the lead that they’d worked hard to get.

  Her deep on the inside…

  But, was she really ready for the considerable task?

  The idea of becoming involved with Vitali again was a cruel one. But, the con game had to play out and be played well. Such close proximity would grant her greater access to crucial information. The sooner she gathered that very evidence, it’d be over.

  The feds would get what they wanted.

  She’d avenge Gage’s death…she’d be free.

  Really free…

  A wild hope bloomed in her chest.

  Would Braden play a part in that newfound freedom?

  Could they have a real chance?

  Quickly, she pushed the thought aside.


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