Rise of the Titan

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Rise of the Titan Page 43

by Pressley James

  Staring across the room, he tightened his hold.

  He’d never let her go.



  She was finally there…

  Releasing a sigh of contentment, she snuggled deeper into the pillows. The faux fur blanket was pure cozy comfort against her short white lace-trimmed slipper. In all it was perfect, and even more so because of the masculine musky scent exuding from it.

  Moaning softly, she inhaled a deep whiff.

  It was a smell that she knew too well.

  His smell---

  Immediately coming to, she froze in the massive-sized bed.

  Where in the hell was she?

  Stilling beneath the covers, she cracked her eyes.

  The bedroom was drenched in a muted glow, probably because of the faint moonlight escaping inside. She gripped the covers between tightened fingers, and again, she was overwhelmed by the smell of him.

  An uncontrollable hope leapt in her chest.

  Had she died and gone to heaven and found him there?

  Oh, what a sweet victory---

  A subtle noise sounded across the room.

  Startled, she arched her head sideways.

  The unbelievable shock pierced her.

  He was here!

  Standing directly before the glass-paned windows, Braden nursed a drink in hand and faced the outside world. His tense stance only indicated that he was deep in thought, she mulled, turning quietly onto her side.

  Greedily and selfishly, she stayed silent and ogled him.

  He’d showered.

  Not too long ago either…

  His state of dress said as much.

  Glistening and wet with moisture, the dark hair curled about his head.

  A white terry bath towel swathed his hips, and all along his posture, the muscles rippled down his well-built form. In tiny beads, along his skin, the water droplets moistened his flesh and exemplified his blatant sexiness.

  The tears burned bright in her eyes.

  Suddenly, it hurt to breathe.

  She loved him.

  That just was the truth.

  There was no denying it any longer.

  “You awake?” he asked quietly, startling her outright.

  But, still, he didn’t turn and face her.

  Again, there was an obvious tenseness about him.

  Within his every muscle, it was lined with precision.

  A silent war began waging inside of her.

  Was it a precursor to another forbidden encounter between them?

  Naturally, it was…

  With tightly clenched fingers, she gripped the edges of the cover, and then straightened in the bed. She released a tired breath as she settled against the pillows. Surprisingly, the minor feat had been somewhat of a struggle. To her relief, her voice was steady as she responded. “Y—yes.”

  “You’re not going back there,” he muttered with finality. His tone carried a virile roughness that was sexy and intimidating at the same time. It was clear. There’d be no defying him. “Not ever.”

  Suddenly, confusion plagued her thoughts. “B---back where?”

  “With Vitali.” His quipped response was fast and taut. “While we’re on the subject, scratch Sinful off your radar as well. There’ll be no more hanging out at that hell hole either.”

  “What?” she asked, mouth agape, and her voice was shaky. “You’re hardly in the position to order me around---”

  “Order you around?” he quipped tightly and whirled around fast. “After what happened tonight, how could you even contemplate the idea of staying involved with Vitali?”

  “Ok, you want to help me out here? What happened?” The confusion played even more on her face. “All I can remember is being in the dressing room…” Her mind clicked fast. “…and then someone grabbed me from behind.” She frowned even harder, trying to force the memories back. Yet, they were a blur. “And then---”

  “Obviously, you were chloroformed. Guess we’re fortunate that they didn’t clobber you over the head---or worse.” At her surprised look, his mood darkened. “Yes, sweetheart, your taking could have been uglier.”

  She swallowed hard.

  He was right.

  The stakes were higher.

  Without a doubt, it was because the heat was getting hotter, and the feds were closing in. For all the criminals involved within this case, that was pure bad news.

  “Considering whom we were dealing with and the circumstances, we’re damned lucky that it played out in our favor. It could have easily gone in the other direction. We had the advantage this time only because it was on our turf. Next time, we may not be so lucky, and there will be a next time.” He studied her hard. “Long story short---you were taken. Unwittingly, you became the bargaining chip.”

  “So, I was taken as ransom?” she asked, blinking fast, and was still slightly befuddled. While things made sense, they also didn’t. Of course, her confused state was the cause of such calamity. “What could I possibly have to offer anyone?”

  “One golden reason: you belong to Vitali. Because of him, you’re a living target. As long as you’re with him, you always will be.” There wasn’t a definitive description for the expression on his face now. It was a fine mix of varying emotions. Within the emotional tangle, though, she witnessed a solid one as he watched her---fear. “Do you understand fully how this could have potentially played out?” A note of desperation stole his tone. “Damn it, Bella, you could have been killed.”

  So, something really big had gone down.

  Enough so that she’d been the dangling bait…

  But, the question was---what?

  Growing rigid in the bed, she asked quietly. “Who took me?”

  Features taut, he eyed her closely. “That’s not important---”

  “What a minute,” she broke in quick. “You mean to tell me that I was literally kidnapped.” An incredulous look covered her bare face. “But, you don’t think that I have the right to know who did it?”

  “Vitali runs with a rough crowd. The less you know the better---”

  “No, don’t give me that. Braden, I have the right to know.” She firmed her lips. “Please tell me.”

  A terse second passed.

  Their visual connection was intense.

  Would he cave and tell her what she wanted?

  As he stiffened further, she saw his answer.

  With stony features, he muttered. “No.”

  “So, that’s your answer, huh?” she murmured, hurt, chest heaving. “Damn you, Braden. If you won’t tell me, I’ll find someone who will.”

  For several seconds, she stalled.

  Obviously, he wasn’t going to say anything, she fumed.

  After giving a defiant look, she shoved the covers off and left the bed.

  “Where are my clothes?” she demanded, looking along the floor. It seemed, however, that the shirt dress was playing an elusive game. Just like him, she scowled, planting both hands on her hips. Then, she glowered at him across the bedroom and was met with an equal angered stare. “Or is that a secret as well?”

  “You’re being utterly ridiculous right now, Bella.”

  “No, I think you’re falling in that category.”

  “Would you just listen to me?” he demanded with impatience. “For just once---”

  “I don’t have to listen to you.”

  Finally, she spied the shirt dress on a nearby chair and rushed to it. Hurt and angered at the same time, she spoke out. “I’m leaving, and there’s nothing that you can do to stop me. Don’t even think of trying to.”

  “Bella, you’re being completely unreasonable,” he argued with growing anger. “Why can’t you understand that I’m trying to protect you?”

  “Well, I don’t need your protection. I can take care of myself.”

  Just as she snatched the dress up, he grabbed her elbow and whirled her around.

  “You’re not going anywhere, damn it,” he snapped, glaring do
wn at her, and held her arm in a firm grip. “Kick, scream, do whatever the hell you need to do. But, you’re not leaving my sight.”

  Sending him a furious look, she snatched free. “I’m not a child---”

  “Well, quick acting like one,” he thundered back and frustration masked his features. “This is not a game. At any time, these people can return and retaliate---”

  “And that’s all the more reason for you to tell me who they are.” She made a dangerous step closer to him. As he tensed further, her heart broke into tiny pieces. Finally, she couldn’t handle his aversion any longer. “So, this is the way it’s always going to be with us?”

  His expression was unreadable. “What do you mean?”

  “This tension between us---it’s too unbearable.” Swallowing hard, she forced the tears back. Finally, though, she had to know one thing, and somehow, she forced the words out. “Do you hate me?” The aching question had given her many restless nights. Stubbornly, she stared at his chest, and then raised a distraught gaze to his. “You do, don’t you? That’s why you can’t bear the thought of being around me.” The tears clogged in her throat. “Again, you hate the very sight of me. Admit it.”

  “No.” A silent war raged in his eyes. “I don’t hate you.”

  She nearly crumpled to the floor at his admission.

  Still, it wasn’t enough.

  Deep down, there had to be some connection between them.

  There just had to be!

  “T—then, why are you treating me this way?” she pleaded, holding his gaze, and she despised her show of desperation. But, it was what it was. “While we’re standing here together, right now, it’s like you’re not really here with me. There’s this wall or barrier between us, and I can’t get to the real you.” She gulped hard against her rising turmoil. “I can’t stand the way that you look at me now. It’s like you just want me to disappear---”

  He bit back a curse. “That’s not true, and you know it.”

  “Do I?” she challenged, taking in a desperate breath. “I mean---think about work. You went out of your way to make sure that we were a continent apart. Please don’t stand there and tell me that your actions weren’t intentional.” Her words dropped low and were filled with hurt. “It’s apparent that you don’t want to be around me.”

  “Bella, our situation is less than ideal,” he quipped tightly. “There’s a familial connection between us that can’t be overlooked, namely the fact that you’re involved with my father. We also can’t deny the fact that we were lovers.” His jaw bone tightened. “We can’t play pretend or act like that’s not an issue. But, we’ve had this conversation already. So, clearly, there’s no point in rehashing it. We’ve both made our points clear.”

  He was right.

  They had talked about it.

  But, weeks ago, so many untruths had been embedded in the conversation.

  Namely, it’d been on her part.

  She’d been forced to lie and pretend to not care about him.

  In a small way, though, couldn’t realness creep its way in somehow?

  Couldn’t she have a tiny part of him?

  Perhaps, all was not lost.

  “Yes, admittedly, things have happened.” Her gaze roamed over his face with budding hope. “But, isn’t it possible for us to relate to one another in a more cordial manner? At some point, we were at least friends. Can’t we be that way again?”

  “Friends?” Breaking their visual hold, he backed away from her. “Considering our situation, I don’t think that’s possible.”

  “You’re right. It was crazy of me to think that we could be. My expectations for us are clearly wrong,” she confessed quietly, and to her horror, scalding tears pooled in her eyes. Ashamed, she dropped her tearful gaze to his bare chest, and the action only distressed her further. To be this close, and not be able to touch him was horrible. “After everything that’s happened, I don’t blame you for not caring what happens to me---”

  Startling her, he reached out and grasped her chin.

  Gasping in surprise, she looked at him again.

  In his eyes, she finally glimpsed some feeling.

  But, he masked it quickly.

  “Despite everything that’s happened, I still have concern for your welfare.” With reluctance, he relinquished his brief hold. Again, he erected the invisible barrier between them, much to her chagrin. “And that’s why it’s best that you distance yourself---”

  “But, I can’t, don’t you see that?” she implored, cutting him off, and searched his face. “If what you say is true, I’m already a target. With me not knowing who or what I’m dealing with, I’m as good as dead.” Her soulful gaze clung to his again. “Please, again, I’m asking you. Who took me?”

  Again, his hesitation was apparent.

  Finally, to her relief, he relented.

  “Pascal Velasquez---a Colombian drug lord. He’s ticked because of missing cargo, and his cousin is MIA.” On edge, he cleared his throat uncomfortably. “Rumor has it that Vitali’s the culprit behind things. Naturally, Velasquez is seeking revenge and compensation.”

  She fell silent.

  Of course, the feds were already knowledgeable of the Velasquez connection. In fact, they were this close to having enough evidence to convict on an international level. Yet, with every criminal case, treading lightly was of the utmost importance.

  “Velasquez is an international terror. He’s a menace to the weak, young, and old. In the area where he’s from, torture is a daily fixture, and he dines on violence like everyone else does breakfast.” He passed her a serious look. “It’d be foolish not to take this situation with him seriously.”

  “Of course, you’re right. So, he shows up at Sinful to muscle his way around,” she mulled out loud, giving a thoughtful look. “Bingo, there I am---easy target.”

  “How can you be so calm about this?” he asked quietly, and anger seethed at the edges of his question. “The bastard used you as bait. What happens next time, huh? When your luck plays out, then what happens?”

  “Guess we’ll have to cross that bridge when we get there. Thinking about it now, maybe it’s good that I experienced it.” Gulping hard, she returned his pointed stare. “Considering the type of lifestyle that Carlo leads, I have to be prepared---”

  “Please tell me that you’re not being serious. A lifestyle such as that is far from normal.” Once more, he backed away from her. Again, like weeks before, stark amazement claimed his features. “Your life is literally at stake, and all you can think about is him?” His tone was whipped with confusion and pain. “Do you love Vitali that much? So much that you’re willing to risk your life?”

  Love Vitali?

  Hell no!

  Not in a million lifetimes!

  Still, she had to tread carefully.

  The very case hinged on how convincing she was where Vitali was concerned. But, with newly mounting evidence, they’d end the case sooner than soon.

  It was too early to celebrate victory, yet, though…

  Tensing, she looked away from him. “Carlo and I are in a relationship---”

  “Do you love him?”

  The question hung in the air.

  It heightened the growing tension even more.

  How could she possibly respond?

  “Look at me, Bella,” he demanded in a hoarse whisper. As their gazes clashed, an open vulnerability exuded between them. A fine thread was being tuned between them. If it broke, could they mend the broken ties? “Tell me the truth. Are you in love with my father?”

  A raw hurt seized his visage.

  Deep inside, her soul and heart mourned.

  How could she possibly break a broken man even further?

  “Like I said, Carlo and I are together.” No longer able to look at him, she stared across the way. “That’s all that’s important.”

  Still, though, he persisted. “That’s not an answer---”

  “Well, that’s the only one that I can give
you.” She waved a careless hand in the air. “I don’t want to talk about mine and Carlo’s relationship with you, alright?” She forced herself to look at him again. “More than once, you’ve made it known that you don’t approve. So, what’s the point?”

  “You know what?” he muttered quietly, mincing his words with utmost care. “You’re right. Your personal life and who you live it with is none of my damned business.” His jaw tightened. “But, I can control other aspects. So, listen closely, sweetheart.” A dangerous gleam shone in his eyes. “If your ass so much as shows up at Sinful Shades again, I’ll have you arrested for trespassing.”

  “What?” she asked, mouth agape. “You can’t do that!”

  “I can and I will.” His eyes gleamed dangerously. “Watch me.”

  “But, my best friend works there and everything. We hang out---”

  “Call her. Text her. Send her an email. Hell, if you want to see your girlie pal that bad, do a Face-Chat or something. Do your date night somewhere else. Just know that hanging out at the club is no longer an option.” A commanding forcefulness played on his face and in his voice. “Seeing as Vitali is out of town these next weeks, I guess you’ve become my responsibility. So, listen closely. This is how things are going to go. Around the clock, you’ll have a personal bodyguard. The only thing that you’ll do alone is piss and shit.”

  Stunned, she stared back at him. “You’re unbelievable---”

  “No, I’ll tell you what’s unbelievable---you not valuing your life any more than that. That’s what sucks,” he snapped in a whip like tone. “If you don’t have the damn sense to take care of it, someone has to. Guess it may as well be me.”

  Dumbfounded, she eyed him again.

  He really was concerned for her.

  And the fact that he wanted to take care of her, she mulled, secretly pleased, didn’t that speak volumes? Despite everything, didn’t it mean that he cared?

  The idea was too pleasing to her shattered heart.

  For wasn’t he every single piece?

  “We’ll be staying here tonight.”


  “What?” he remarked with apparent surprise. “No argument or anything?”

  She shrugged. “Maybe I’m just tired of fighting.”


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