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Tangled Page 9

by Uc Amalu, Jr


  Marla scanned the photo slowly, taking in every detail of

  the young girl. She closed her eyes and her hand flew up

  to cover her mouth.

  "Yes, God yes."

  "Who is she, Marla?" Jay pushed her, his excitement



  "Who, who is she?" he interjected.

  She gathered herself together and choked out her name,

  "It’s Kylie-Anne Saunders."

  "Good job, now what do you know about her?‛"

  She could do nothing more than stare at him, her hands

  trembling, tears welling in her eyes. Her mouth opened

  but nothing came out.

  "What?" he prompted her.

  She began rambling incoherently, her thoughts cluttered.

  Jay walked around the counter and stood beside her, he

  put his hand on her shoulder and squeezed gently.

  "C’mon Marla think, this is important."

  She reached for a tissue and dabbed at her eyes, she took

  a few deep breaths and

  relaxed back into her chair. Her eyes shot up to his, "I

  think we should go see Dr. Sugars."

  "Brilliant idea!" he remarked.

  Marla picked up the phone and pressed a button, "Dr.

  Sugars, there is a Detective here and I think you should

  speak with him right away. Ahuh… yes… sure." She

  disconnected the call. After placing the phone back on the

  cradle she turned to Jay and said, "Follow me."

  Marla led Jay out from behind the counter and down a

  corridor to a door where she knocked lightly and then

  entered, motioning him to come through. The pale blue

  walls immediately struck Jay as cool and calming, the

  large royal blue easy chair looked inviting and the massive

  oak desk was truly a work of art. All in all, Jay was

  impressed. A middle-aged woman entered the room

  through a door at the back of the office and walked

  towards him, her hand gracefully extended to him.

  "Good morning Detective, I am Rose-Marie Sugars. Marla

  tells me that I should speak with you right away, how can I

  help you?" her face was serious but had an aura of

  kindness about it.

  He accepted her hand and shook it politely, "Jay Marnotti,

  nice of ya to see me on such short notice."

  Dr. Sugars pointed to the easy chair and motioned for

  him to sit down. "Please, make yourself comfortable.

  Would you like a coffee or tea?" She turned her attention

  to Marla. "Marla, I’d like a tea with some lemon please and

  the Detective here…"

  " I’m okay thanks," Jay informed her, lowering himself

  into the comfort of the easy chair.

  Marla nodded and left the room using the back door that

  the doctor had used just a few moments earlier. When the

  door clicked shut, Dr. Sugars sat behind her oak desk and

  leaned her elbows on top, holding her glasses in her

  hands. She toyed with them silently for a second before

  slipping them on and directing her gaze at him.

  "Tell me Detective, what is so important that you have my

  secretary insisting that I speak to you right away?"

  "You see Doc," he took the photo from his pocket and laid

  it on the desk in front of her. "It looks like your clinic may

  be a link to another murder."

  "Another murder?" she grabbed the photo from the desk

  and studied it carefully. Jay watched as she surveyed the

  picture of the murdered girl, waiting to see the response

  in her eyes. It didn’t take long for the recognition to turn

  to disbelief and then finally to horror.

  "Good grief," was all she could manage. "What is going on

  here Detective?"

  "That’s what I was hoping you could tell me, we have two

  dead girls, both were clients here and no-one seems to

  be able to, or want to, tell us anything."

  She shot him a look of anger. "How dare you imply that

  we are some how responsible for these atrocities?"

  "If the shoe fits…"

  "Just what is that supposed to mean? I have helped as

  best I can by answering that other Detectives questions

  and by seeing you without prior arrangement." She placed

  the photo back on top of the desk; face down.

  "Have you really? Then why is it you ushered my buddy out

  the door so fast last night, that he didn’t finish his

  interview to his satisfaction?"

  "Maybe I was just shocked Detective, did that ever occur to

  you? It’s not everyday that you are told that a patient has

  died in such brutal circumstances." The room fell silent

  and remained so for several minutes, until Marla returned

  with the tea. She placed the tray on the desk and pushed

  it towards Dr. Sugars.

  "Thank you Marla, that will be all for now."

  Marla lowered her head and retreated back out the door,

  her eyes diverted to Jay briefly, before she left.

  "So what can you tell me about this girl? And try to

  remember all the details." Jay spat at her.

  Her glare cut through him, the tension between them was

  thickening by the minute. She rose from her chair and

  turned to the filing cabinet behind her, reaching in she

  riffled around before retrieving a plain manila folder. She

  sat back at her desk and opened the file, pausing for a

  moment to glare up at Jay again. Her hands sifted

  through the few sheets of paper and finally came to rest

  on a single sheet; she pulled it free from the rest and

  perused it for sometime before finally handing it over to


  "Her name was Kylie-Anne Saunders, twenty one years old,

  no next of kin given. She was roughly fifteen weeks

  pregnant at the time of her consultation."

  "When was that?" Jay asked, taking the piece of paper

  from her.

  "Thursday, last week."

  "Had she confirmed her abortion, or was she just

  enquiring about it?"

  "She was confirming her procedure, she had seen me

  about three and a half weeks ago initially. I met with her,

  explained the procedure and handed her over to Marla to

  run through the process."

  "The process?"

  "We ensure that all the women who come here are well

  informed of their alternate choices and we set a

  mandatory two week period of consideration before they

  are scheduled in for the termination."

  "‚And this counsellor they are referred to?"

  "Yes, Anna Jameson. We insist that at least one session

  with her be completed before returning with their decision

  of whether or not to terminate. You see Detective, we are

  dealing with human life here, we do not just let women

  walk through our doors and jump straight onto the

  operating table." She looked directly into his eyes and

  continued, "Termination is irreversible, and once it is done

  it’s done. That’s why it is so very important for these

  women to recognise that and have every opportunity to

  explore other avenues."

  "But I thought…"

  "What?" she cut him off cold. "That I like terminating

  human life? That I don’t give a second thought to what it

is I am really doing? Grow up Detective, this is a serious

  decision with serious implications, none of which I take


  Jay was beginning to see how this woman easily led

  Ben; she was powerful with her words and the manner in

  which she delivered them. It would have been quite easy

  to spend an hour with her and still walk out with

  unanswered questions. He believed that she would have

  made a great politician.

  "Look, we’re getting off track here Doc, what else can ya tell

  me about Kylie-Anne?"

  "Please call me Rose Detective," she replied.

  "Fine, what else can ya tell me, Rose?"

  She hit a button on the intercom on her desk, a loud

  drone echoed out and then Marla’s voice sounded over

  the speaker.

  "Yes Dr. Sugars?"

  "Marla, could you come in here please?"

  "Sure thing."

  The intercom went quiet. Rose turned to Jay and said,

  "Look, I honestly don’t know a great deal about these

  girls, they come to me, I explain things and then I hand

  them over to Marla. If anyone knows more about them, it

  will be her."

  When Marla appeared in the doorway, Rose stood and

  walked over to the back exit. "Marla, please tell the

  Detective of anything you may know regarding these girls,

  if there’s anything you even suspect about them…" Her

  words trailed off and she fixed her eyes on Jay. "For

  Heaven’s sake tell him before we are charged with

  murder!" With that, she opened the door and left the

  room, leaving Marla standing alone her eyes wide and her

  jaw almost on the ground.

  "Thanks for your co-operation, nice meetin’ ya," Jay yelled

  out after her. His head turned back in Marla’s direction. A

  broad smile spread across his face. "Now Marla, where

  were we?"


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