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Tangled Page 12

by Uc Amalu, Jr


  The aroma of freshly ground herbs, accompa-nied by a

  strong undercurrent of garlic, rose from the pot and

  permeated the kitchen. The result was mouth watering.

  Anna poured a small drop of red wine into the bubbling

  mix and stirred it some more. A crusty stick of bread lay

  on the bench top alongside a small tub of mixed butter

  and crushed garlic. Picking up a sharp knife, Anna began

  to slice thick chunks of bread from the stick before

  smearing them generously with the garlic butter. Next,

  she placed the pieces side by side on a sheet of foil and

  rolled them tightly together, encasing them entirely.

  She pulled a tray from the top shelf of her oven before

  setting the temperature to one-eighty. Placing the garlic

  bread onto the tray, she sat it on the bench allowing the

  heat time to rise. Her glass of wine sat on the counter,

  she picked it up and took a mouthful. The smooth blend

  flowed down her throat with ease, the bitter aftertaste

  causing her eyes to squint as if she had looked directly

  into the sun. With her wine still in her hand, she returned

  to the simmering pot and stirred it slowly. The saucepan

  behind it was beginning to bubble, Anna placed her wine

  down and reached for the handful of spaghetti she had

  set aside. A hissing sound escaped the saucepan when

  the pasta was lowered into the water.

  Once she had settled the spaghetti and pushed all the

  ends into the saucepan, she stirred it quickly and turned

  the flame down, creating a slow simmer. The oven was

  now hot enough for her bread. She picked up the tray and

  was about to slide it inside when her doorbell sounded

  its shrill chime. Anna glanced up at the clock on her wall.

  Six-fifteen, she hadn’t been expecting anyone. In just a

  few quick movements, she pulled the oven door down

  and slid the tray inside, closing it before she walked

  towards the front door.


  "Hi Anna, I hope I’m not interrupting anything?"

  Anna glanced back to the kitchen before turning back to

  him, "No, I was just cooking some dinner." She opened

  the door wider and stood aside, allowing him room to

  pass by. "Please, come in."

  She closed the door behind him and held out her hand,

  gesturing for him to come through. Ben followed her lead

  and made his way through the lounge room and into the

  kitchen, where he stopped and leaned against the


  "Smells great," he complimented her. "Italian?"

  "Of course. It’s my specialty." She picked up her wine and

  stood in front of the bench top, waiting for him to kick off

  the conversation.

  Ben shifted from one foot to the other before, "How have

  you been, Anna?"

  "Oh yeah, great thanks. How about you?"

  The two of them were like a couple of teenagers on an

  awkward first date. Ben standing with his hands in his

  pockets and Anna fiddling with her hands and pulling at

  her hair. Neither one sure of what to say to the other.

  Anna swished her wine around in her glass, mesmerised

  by the swirling of the liquid against the clarity of the

  crystal. "Can I get you a wine?" she asked, as though she

  had only just became aware of his presence.

  "That’d be nice, thanks," Ben replied quicker than he had

  anticipated. The last thing he wanted was for her know the

  effect she still had on him. He chided himself silently for

  his over-zealousness. Anna took another glass from the

  cabinet and poured him a red, she smiled wryly before

  handing it to him and returning the bottle to the bench


  "Shoot!" cried Anna, leaping over to the stove. The water in

  the spaghetti spat out over the rim of the saucepan,

  spilling onto the naked flame below. She turned the stove

  off and lifted the heavy saucepan over to the sink.

  "Are you alright?" Asked Ben, edging slowly towards her.

  "You didn’t scold yourself, did you?"

  "No. I’m ok," she replied, staring down at her hands.

  Ben approached her and gently took her hands in his,

  inspecting them for himself.

  Anna pulled away from him and spat, "Damn it Ben, I said

  I ’m ok."

  "I’m sorry, I was just trying to…"

  "Trying to what? Look, why are you here, what do you want

  from me?"

  Her words tore into him, stripping the flesh from his very

  heart. This scenario was too familiar, it was how it had

  been for them in the last few years of their marriage. Both

  struggling to care for themselves, distancing the other

  until they were so far apart that they felt like strangers.

  Ben stepped back and held his hands in the air. "Gees

  Anna, I can’t do this anymore."

  "Do what exactly?"

  "I can’t even be in the same room as you. It’s just

  impossible. You become hostile when you lay eyes on me,

  cringe at my touch and tear strips off me whenever I open

  my mouth." He paused briefly, summoned his courage

  and began again. "Anna, I am here in an official capacity.

  You can either talk honestly with me here and now or we

  can do it down at the station. The choice is yours."

  She was stunned, his words had knocked the wind out of

  her. Never in their entire marriage had he ever spoken to

  her the way he just did. "Official capacity?"

  "That’s right," he said, pulling his notebook from his


  "Ben what’s this all about?"

  "I understand that you were the counsellor allocated to

  Miss Tessa Hunt and Miss Kylie-Anne Saunders, is that


  "I’m not going to answer…"

  "Is that correct?" Ben powered on, blocking out his

  personal ties with her.

  "Oh my God, you’re serious," said Anna in disbelief.

  The moment was broken by the alarm on the oven wailing

  away. Anna looked away from Ben, walked over and

  switched the oven off. She turned to her pot of bolognaise

  and killed the flame beneath it. Her focus shifted back to

  Ben. His expression remained stern, his notebook and

  pen firmly in his grasp.

  "I guess you had better sit down," she whispered, pulling

  a chair from her dining table.

  Ben crossed the tiny kitchen and pulled up a chair

  opposite her. "So you were nothing more than their


  "Yes, I saw both those girls." Anna had given in to Ben’s

  harshness and opted to answer what she was able. She

  was still recovering from the shock of the change in his


  "Is there any reason you kept it from me? You did know I

  was investigating the Hunt case."

  "Yes, I just didn’t think it was important. Honestly, Ben…"

  "This is an official interview and I wish to keep it that way,

  so if you don’t mind, please just answer the questions."

  His words cut her down in a way she had never

  experienced from him before. The fact that he had

  stopped trying to cater to her every mood shocked her

  this wasn’t the man she knew. The man she knew would

  pamper her and treat her like a Queen, he wouldn’t have

  spoken to her so terribly and demanded such things of

  her if it weren’t to her liking. She wished the other Ben

  would come back, the man before her was a stranger,

  dark and brutal.

  "I should have told you. You’re right, I’m sorry."

  Ben laid his notebook down on the table and continued

  with his questioning.

  "Tell me about Tessa. Did she disclose anything that could

  be important to our investigation?"

  "Honestly Ben…" Anna stopped and looked at him,

  waiting to see if he was going to drop the coolness. His

  gait remained stiff, it was clear that this was how it was

  going to be. "She only spoke of her pregnancy and

  whether or not she was going to terminate."

  "Did she mention anything about the father of the baby?"

  "I can’t disclose that sort of information, I have a duty to

  protect the privacy rights of my clients." She decided that

  if he wanted to play official status, so too would she.

  Ben sighed and tried again. "I know she was involved with

  Donald Beaumont. Was he the father?"

  "Ben, please. I can’t…"

  "Anna, I need your help here. Those girls need your help.

  Do you really think protecting their privacy is important

  now?" Ben’s eyes pleaded with her to reconsider the


  Anna gave in. "To tell you the truth," She stopped, took

  another sip of wine and continued. "Tessa wasn’t sure of

  the father of her baby. All she did say is that she had been

  seeing a few men when she found out about the


  "Did she name these other men?"

  "No. I already told you, she was there to talk about the

  effects of termination, not her whole life story."

  "So you deal exclusively with the subject of abortion?"

  "With the clients from the Wellness Clinic, yes. They have

  me on a continual re-tainer, specifically for their clients.

  Anything outside the scope of termination is not covered

  by them. Should the girls wish to speak to me regarding

  further issues in their life they are more than welcome to

  see me privately."

  "And you’re sure that there is nothing else personal she

  may have mentioned in passing? It could all be relevant,


  Anna shook her head and stared down into her glass.

  "Kylie-Anne’s pregnancy was the result of a one night

  stand. Does that help?"

  "So she didn’t know the guy either?"

  "How many one night stands have you had where you

  remember or even know their name?" she hissed at him.

  Ben was hurt by her personal attack on him. She knew

  damn well that one-night stands were not in his nature.

  The question did, however, remind him of Jay and his

  little waitress from Bluey’s. He fought off the urge to


  "Had Tessa decided whether or not she was going to keep

  the baby?"

  "When she left my office, all she said was that she was

  going to do the right thing."

  "What does that mean? The right thing?"

  "Who knows? It all depends on who she meant the right

  thing to be for."

  "How do you mean?"

  "Well, she could have meant the right thing for her, the

  father or the baby. I have no idea." She sat back and

  shrugged, her auburn hair bouncing off her shoulders.

  "And Kylie-Anne? Anything else that you can tell me about


  Her eyes burned into him, there was no denying her

  disdain for his questioning of her. "I already told you

  about as much as I know."

  "The more evasive you are, Anna, the longer and harder I

  am going to push you. It would be in your best interest to

  just answer my questions now and I’ll leave."

  "I don’t see how much more I can help you."

  Ben lowered his head, closed up his notebook and tucked

  it away. He just couldn’t understand why Anna had to

  make every little interaction so difficult. Not just this, but

  even when they spoke in general it was harder than it

  should be. She was always so guarded, so protective of

  herself. He pushed back on his chair, drank his wine down

  in one swallow and stood up.

  "Thank you for your time," he said before slamming the

  crystal wine glass on the table top with a clunk. With that

  he turned and strode towards the front door.

  Anna followed after him, shocked that he had halted their

  interview so abruptly.

  "You mean, that’s it?" she asked, her eyebrows furrowed.

  " I refuse to sit here all night beating my head up against

  a brick wall, Anna. This is so typical of our married life. I

  was such a fool to think you would respect my authority

  as an officer of the law and be truthful with me. So, yeah…

  that’s it."

  "Ben, I didn’t mean to…"

  He cut her off, "You will probably be hearing from another

  Detective at some stage, if confidentiality and privacy are

  such an issue to you, I’ll make sure he has a warrant when

  he comes."

  She ran ahead of him and stood between him and the

  front door, stopping him from leaving.

  "Ben, I’m sorry." Her eyes pleaded with him not to leave

  under such bitter circumstances. She exhaled deeply and

  then said, "Kylie-Anne was definitely going to go ahead

  with the termination, or at least that’s what she told me.

  She said that her parents had disowned her and she was

  not going to bring another life into a world where people

  who are supposed to love you, throw you away when you

  don’t live up to their expectations."

  "Do you know where we can find her parents, Anna?

  Somebody needs to inform them of what has happened."

  "All she told me is that her dad is some hot shot

  professor at the university."

  "He shouldn’t be too hard to track down then," Ben

  mumbled while fishing around in his pocket for his

  notebook. "What about Tessa, is there anything, you can

  think of that might help us find her killer?"

  "I’m sorry, I wasn’t lying when I said that they really don’t

  tell me much. I’m only paid to discuss…"

  "The effects of termination… I know." Ben interjected.

  Anna’s face softened and she looked into his eyes. "These

  murders, they’re pretty grue-some aren’t they?"

  Ben nodded, "They are the most brutal I have ever worked

  on, we need to get this monster Anna… and fast."

  She stepped away from the door, opening it she said,

  "Look, I’ll study my case notes again Ben, and if there’s

  anything I think you need to know I’ll pass it on."

  "Yeah, I’m sure you will."

  Anna swallowed hard, "Of course I will Ben. I’m not going

  to send you up the garden path here. Although, there’s

  really nothing in them, I’m sure."

  "I just wish you would let me take a look. What is nothing

  to you, could be of great value to us."

�m sorry Ben, but I’m not going to breach

  confidentiality." Her demeanour stiff-ened again. "If you

  really need to see them for yourself, you’ll have to do it by

  the book."

  "So if I got a warrant, you’d hand the files over?"

  "Every last one."

  "I certainly hope this is just a professional thing Anna. I’d

  hate to think you’re hiding something from me," Ben eyed

  her suspiciously.

  She smiled then leaned over gently kissed his cheek.

  "Strictly professional I swear."

  Ben walked through the open door and out onto the

  street, when he reached his car he looked back but Anna

  had already closed the door.

  "Thank you, he whispered.

  He wondered if he should have warned Anna to be extra

  careful. Until they get a break in the case, they have no

  idea if the murderer is after pregnant women only or if he

  may be targeting the people around them as well. If these

  killings are a statement against abortion, Anna, Dr.

  Sugars and Marla could all be in danger. He decided it

  would be best to keep quiet for now, he didn’t want to

  spread panic or worry anyone unnecessarily. He would

  keep an eye on Anna himself.


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