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Tangled Page 23

by Uc Amalu, Jr

  Part of her large bowel is evident and I can see what I am

  only assuming at this stage is part of a placenta hanging


  “Oh, Jesus Christ!” Jay blurted out.

  When he looked up, all three men were staring at him in


  “Doesn’t this get to any of you? Don’t you feel like

  screaming or punching the air? Anything?”

  Their blank expressions told Jay they’d seen it all before

  and had learnt how to distance themselves from it.

  “Jay, do you want a break?” asked Augie, his words soft

  and steady.

  “No, I don’t want a break. I want to catch this bloody freak!

  That’s what I want.” His eyes pleaded with the men to find

  him something valuable to work with. “I can’t understand

  how you can all just stand there with your cameras and

  notebooks, working away as though you’re inspecting

  some prime piece of meat for sale. This woman was

  pregnant for fuck sake!”

  “Jay…” Augie began.

  “No, no. You don’t understand. I have a girl, she’s

  pregnant. That could be her lying there.” Placing his

  hands on his hips, he bowed his head and stared at the

  boot covers on his shoes. “What if it was her? C’mon guys,

  find me something here. We gotta nail this son of a


  Ed and Pete looked at each other in amazement and then

  looked back at Jay. They had never seen this side of him

  before. He had always been so solid, impenetrable. Now

  here he was practically falling apart right before their very

  eyes. Augie walked to the water dispenser and poured a

  small amount into a tiny paper cup. “Here,” he said,

  handing the cup to Jay. “Drink this.”

  “Thanks,” he whispered, taking the cup from him.

  “We’re doing what we can, Jay. You know that don’t you?”

  “Yeah, I know. Look I’m sorry, Augie. It’s just too much,


  “I understand, I do, but you have to let us concentrate and

  do our jobs here. Can you do that?”

  Jay nodded his head and then took a sip of water. Augie

  returned to the gurney and recommenced his


  “Okay, gentlemen. Let’s continue shall we?”

  Ed and Pete nodded in agreement and re-turned to their

  duties as though nothing had happened.

  “Sexual assault appears to have taken place. No fluids are

  immediately present, however there is deep bruising on

  the inner thighs and vaginal tearing. Rape kit has been

  carried out for further evidential value. Legs show multiple

  scratches, cuts and a handful of small bruises, I count

  one, two, three, four… five. Yes five small bruises. Feet

  have fared similarly to the hands, nothing extraordinary or

  noteworthy here.”

  He stepped aside and motioned for Pete to help him roll

  Marla onto her stomach,

  “That’s it, nice and easy. Thanks.”

  Jay stared at the display, his mind racing. He just

  couldn’t shake the anger and fear welling within him.

  Pulling off his gloves, he walked to the door and through

  to the wash-room. Turning the cold water tap on, he

  splashed his face and ordered himself to get a grip. His

  face dripping with water, he watched Augie through the

  observation window and suddenly felt very foolish for his

  little outburst. There was a man, who came face to face

  with life’s cruelties and atrocities everyday and never

  complained or lost his cool. Jay couldn’t understand

  what skills Augie possessed for dealing with it that he


  His mind was a scrambled mess, and he chided himself

  harshly for allowing his deepest inner thoughts to spring

  forward. His professionalism had been compromised and

  he was ashamed of his behaviour. Maybe he should have

  let Ben take this one. All he could think about was Danni.

  She was carrying his child. It could be her splayed out on

  that cold, metal table. It might be her that they are poking

  and probing and speaking about in those cold and flat

  terms. Never had Jay experienced fear such as he was

  now, he’d never had anything to fear for. It had always

  been him and no one else, but now… Now there were

  three people he was to worry about.

  Naturally he was happy about the baby. It may have been

  unplanned and come at the worst possible time due to

  the particular case he was working, but he was happy.

  Danni was a great girl and he was falling for her, their

  relationship was only young but she was good for him.

  She gave him something to care about, something to

  belong to. That’s why he had felt such dread and

  undeniable helplessness in the autopsy suite. He was up

  against a killer he didn’t understand and what’s worse

  was he had absolutely no idea who it was.

  He peeled the boot covers from his shoes and threw them

  in the waste bin by the door. Before he left, he took one

  last look at Augie and secretly prayed that he would find

  something of consequence for him to work with.

  Although it was afternoon, the corridor seemed much

  darker and much colder than he had remembered. Even

  the elevator felt smaller and more confined. When he

  reached the exit to the street, Jay pulled out his

  cigarettes and headed for the footpath. The odour of the

  nicotine teased his senses. The taste was even better. It

  felt like a lifetime since his last cigarette. He inhaled

  deeply, wanting to fully experience the smoke filling his

  lungs. As he exhaled, the phone in his pocket vibrated,

  causing the sensory numbness he had felt in the autopsy

  suite to subside.

  “Jay Marnotti.”

  “Well hello there, Jay Marnotti,” a sweet voice replied.

  “Hey, Danni, you don’t know how good it is to hear your

  voice right now.”

  “My, my… Is that a compliment?” she asked, teasing him.

  “What’s so odd about that? There’s plenty more where

  that came from too, but I don’t think you deserve em

  now!” Jay chuckled.

  “Oh stop being such a tease, I had planned on telling you

  how much of a wonderful time I had last night but I don’t

  know if I’ll bother now.”

  “I’m pleased to hear it. I had a pretty good time myself.

  Maybe we should do it again sometime?”

  “Sometime?” she asked.

  “Yeah, how’s tonight?”

  “I’d love to but I have to work. I only get one night a week

  off and last night was it.”

  “Maybe I could swing by when you finish and drop you


  “Yeah, sounds great. I’d really like that.”

  “What time do you finish tonight?”

  “Usually around ten or ten-thirty.”

  “Great. I’ll see you then.”


  “Yeah,” he replied.

  “You’re not hanging around just because of the baby are


  “Danni, I asked you out on that date last night before I

  knew abo
ut our daughter didn’t I?”

  “Yes, you did.” she paused for a moment before adding.

  “Who said it’s a girl? It might be a boy.”

  “Nah, not my kid… She’s gonna be a beauty just like her

  mother! See ya tonight, kid.” With that Jay ended the

  call, a smile perma-nently fixed on his face. He threw his

  cigarette to the ground, crushed it out with his foot and

  began the short walk to Café Cino. Paula was waiting with

  Anna’s file and it was time to uncover any skeletons she

  had hidden in her closet. He pulled his phone from his

  pocket and searched for Paula’s number.

  “Yeah, Paula. It’s Jay.”

  “Hey, Jayy. You on your way?”

  “Sure am. See you in a few.”

  “I’ll be waiting,” Paula assured him before he ended the



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