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Page 30

by Uc Amalu, Jr


  “Hey Tadpole,” cried Jay. “How’s it goin’?” Jay leaned

  over the bar and shook his hand as he always does.

  “Jayy, great to see you. I had a feeling you’d be back

  again,” Tadpole grinned widely at him and pulled a beer

  before sliding it across the bar, coming to a stop in front

  of Jay.

  “Really? What, are you a bloody psychic now, are ya?”

  Tadpole laughed and then replied, “Believe me, it wouldn’t

  take a psychic to see why you’re back again.” his eyes

  strayed across the room behind Jay and came to rest on

  Danni, who was stacking empty beer glasses on her tray.

  Jay followed his gaze, a broad smile spreading over his

  face when his eyes fell upon Danni. His expression

  softened and he was overcome with a warm feeling, that

  girl sure did make his senses peak. His eyes moved up

  and down over her beautiful body, taking in it’s every curve

  and contour, her shapely hips and tiny waist stirred the

  man in him. Her full bust and slender neck were just

  perfect. Jay had never seen a finer looking woman. The

  Queen of Sheba could walk right by him now and he

  wouldn’t even notice. Danni was his Queen and nothing

  else mattered, he was taken with the girl. Hook, line and


  Turning his attentions back to Tadpole he lifted his beer

  to his lips and said, “Hey Tad, what’s the chances of me

  takin’ her off your hands a few minutes earlier tonight?” he

  nudged his head in Danni’s direction.

  Tadpole pursed his lips and clicked his tongue in a

  serious manner. “Gees, I don’t know, Jayy, it’s kinda

  busy here tonight,” he scratched his head and frowned

  weakly. “I don’t know that I can spare the man power.”

  Jay scanned the bar and billiards room. He counted

  maybe five customers in total. He looked back at Tadpole

  whose frown was now replaced with a cheeky smirk and

  trying desperately to hold back his laughter.

  “You mongrel,” Jay cursed at him playfully.

  “Go on you love machine, get out of here!”

  Jay downed his beer and placed the glass back on the

  bar. He was already walking away when Tadpole yelled

  after him, “Just make sure you bring her back. Good help’s

  hard to find you know.”

  He waved his hand in the air and crept up behind Danni,

  who by now was at the next table clearing the last of the

  glasses away. His hands extended and grabbed her firmly

  around the waist, “Hey there gorgeous.”

  She jumped so high that she lost her balance and would

  have toppled over, glasses and all, if it hadn’t been for

  Jay’s tight grip steadying her on her feet.

  “Good God!” she gasped. “You scared the living daylights

  out of me.” She let out a nervous laugh and then threw

  her arms around him, planting a kiss on his cheek. She

  glanced over at the bar and saw Tadpole staring at them,

  a knowing smile on his lips. He gave her the thumbs up

  and then went back about his business.

  “You’re early,” she told him. “I don’t get off for another half

  an hour yet. You want to have a drink at the bar?”

  “Already had one.” he replied, his eyes fixed firmly on her

  and a strange little grin on his face. He was mesmerised

  by everything about her and couldn’t believe it has taken

  him nearly a month to realise it.

  The first night they got together was nothing more than a

  meeting of two people who had over indulged in the

  offerings of the cock-tails at Fred’s retirement party,

  resulting in a drunken roll in the hay. Their second

  meeting of the bodies was almost the same. He was

  drunk, she wasn’t. He’d tried hard not to get attached or

  develop feelings for her. Throwing her out of his bed on

  that second morning had been his cruel attempt at

  distancing himself from her, yet he was still unable to get

  her off his mind. She had already gotten to him by then

  and he was hooked on her. It just took him a little while

  to admit it.

  “Are you ok, Jay?” She asked, gazing into his eyes. “You

  seem a bit, I don’t know. Weird!”

  He leaned in towards her and wrapped his arms tighter

  around her, pulling her closer to him. “I’m fine.”

  His fingers fiddled with the strings of her apron, untying

  them and letting the beer stained, black garment fall to

  the floor between them. “Let’s get out of here.” Jay then

  grabbed her by the hand, looked over at Tadpole who was

  holding her handbag up ready for collection, and led her

  toward the door. Danni mouthed thank you to him as she

  took her bag from him on the way out of Bluey’s. He shot

  her a happy wink and nodded his head.

  “So how’s little Danni Junior?” Jay asked, patting her

  softly on the stomach before opening the cruiser door

  and ushering her in.

  Danni’s eyes softened at his gesture. “You really are

  excited about this aren’t you?” she asked, crawling up into

  the seat.

  “Sure am,” he replied, opening his door and hoisting

  himself up. He started the engine and pulled away from

  Bluey’s. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

  She smiled sweetly at him and rested her hand on his.

  “You’re not so tough after all, are you?” her smiled


  “What do ya mean by that? I’m tough” He glanced over at

  her, puffing his chest up and flexing his arms tightly.

  “See? I’m all that and more.” he joked.

  “You certainly are. All that and much more.”

  Outside her house he cut the engine and remained in his


  “You want to come in?” she asked, sliding closer to him.

  Jay bit his lip and swallowed hard. “More than anything

  in the world…”

  Danni started to open the door.

  “But I’m not going to,” he blurted out.

  “You’re not?” she echoed. “Have I done something


  He laughed and pulled her closer to him again.

  “Absolutely not. I just wanna make it special y’know?”

  “Make what special?” she asked, a confused look on her


  “The next time I enter a room alone with you, we both

  know what’s gonna happen…” He stared directly into her

  big brown eyes. “And I just wanna make sure when it

  happens, that it’s special.” he lifted her hand to his mouth

  and kissed it gently. “Is that ok with you?”

  Danni placed her hands on either side of his face and

  answered, “That’s more than ok.” She bent forward and

  kissed his lips.

  “Now stop that young lady, that’s just being cruel!” Jay

  cried, pulling back from her. “How am I supposed to

  remain a gentleman when you go and do things like

  that?” a cheeky giggle escaped him.

  “Alright, you win! But just don’t blame me for the rules of

  no contact. That is your idea, remember?” she teased him.

  Jay wanted so badly to whisk her inside and
show her

  just how much contact he did want. He wanted her to feel

  his desire for her. It was taking everything he had to

  control himself. His entire body was screaming at him to

  give in and follow his lust. But that was the problem, he

  didn’t want it to be all about the lust, not this time. Next

  time it was going to mean something and he was going

  to make it mean something if he had to hold back for

  another six months. He knew that she wanted him, he

  could see it in her eyes, hear it in her words and feel it in

  her touch. She too, would just have to wait, soon the time

  would be right and they will both be thankful that they

  had waited a little longer.

  “So, don’t you have to be going to see a doctor or

  something soon?” he changed the subject.

  “Yeah, I guess so. I’ll make an appointment for next week.”

  “Can I come?”

  She was taken aback by his enthusiasm. “Boy, you sure

  do want to get right in there and be a part of this don’t


  Her hand caressed his face.

  “You don’t want me to?”

  “Of course I do, I’m just a little surprised that you want to

  come to a boring old doctors appointment with me.” she

  smiled at him. “I’d love for you to come, sure.”

  “Great! Consider me there.” Jay thought for a minute

  and then added, “What about that birth stuff?”

  “Birth stuff?”

  “Yeah, you know, where you go to the hospital and they

  show ya videos and teach ya how to get ready for the baby

  and all that?”

  “Gees, I don’t know. At this point, you know more about

  what goes on than I do, Jay.”

  she grinned at him. “Is there something you’re not telling

  me? Have you done this before?”

  “Ha, ha, very funny,” he replied. “No, I just did a bit of a

  search on the net last night about babies and birth and

  that sort of stuff. I just wanna be there for you, Danni.”

  “Oh Jay,” she whispered. “You’re going to be a fantastic

  daddy and…”

  “And what?” he egged her on.

  “And a fantastic partner too.” Her head rested on his

  shoulder and she cuddled up to him. “You make it hard

  for a girl to resist you, don’t you?”

  “Well I should hope so,” he said. “See, I told ya I was

  tough. Tough to resist!” he let out a hearty laugh and

  squeezed her tightly to him.

  For sometime the two just rested there in each others

  company, enjoying the closeness and savouring the

  moment. They watched through the windscreen as the

  blanket of stars shimmered and glittered above them, it

  was a perfect night and a perfect second date.

  “Oh hell, I nearly forgot,” Jay interrupted the moment

  with his booming voice. “Can you get off a little earlier

  tomorrow night?”

  “I can’t see why not. Taddy’s usually pretty good and he

  owes me a few shifts. Why?”

  “Ben and I are having a celebration at Bluey’s. I just

  thought you might like to join us when you finish? I’ll

  introduce you to Ben, properly.”

  “Ben? He the guy you were with the other night?”

  “Yeah, that’s him. You’ll like him, he’s a top bloke.”

  “Sounds great. What are you celebrating?”

  Jay shifted from his seat and opened his door. “The

  demise of the baddies, my sweet. Another one off the

  street.” He walked to her side of the car and helped her

  out. “Now let’s get you inside and locked up safe for the

  night, eh?”

  Jay led her up the pathway and up to her front door. She

  took out her key and unlocked it. She noticed him looking

  down at the pavers on either side of the steps and she

  said, ”Don’t worry, they’re being stacked away tomorrow!”

  “Great idea. Next weekend we’ll get stuck into pruning

  that big old tree back around the side too, okay?”

  “It’s a date,” she laughed.

  “No, that’s hard work!” Jay joked back. “You’re one high

  maintenance babe aren’t ya?” He stepped closer to her

  and wrapped his arms around her. “So I’ll see you

  tomorrow night?”

  She planted tiny kisses on his lips and in between said,

  “That is a date!”

  “See you then,” he whispered and backed away from her.

  “Round eight-ish I guess.”

  “Eight-ish it is.”

  Jay ran down the steps, across the pathway and into his

  cruiser. He watched as she entered the house and closed

  the door behind her. His cruiser fired up and, with a

  gratified smile, he shifted it into gear and drove away.


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