A Rose Petal Summer

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A Rose Petal Summer Page 19

by Katie Fforde

  ‘And what is more – she let me into your bedroom.’

  Scarlet’s expression altered a little. ‘Why would you want to go into my bedroom?’

  ‘To look for the perfume. And I found it. I have it with me!’

  ‘My oh my,’ said Scarlet, sounding very Southern Belle all of a sudden.

  ‘So can I smell it?’ asked Caro, thinking about the work she and Alec had spent trying to replicate it. ‘I hope it’s the same as the one we smelt in Grasse.’ Perfume was volatile, it could change and the conditions it was stored in would affect it.

  ‘It’s in my big case that’s gone to the hotel, but I’ll pull it out as soon as I can.’ He seemed far too relaxed about it for Caro but she didn’t think she could push it.

  ‘Now,’ David went on. ‘Have you thought any more about the wedding? I really think we should set a date.’

  Scarlet tossed her head. ‘Don’t tell me my parents want to come! Unless you used witchcraft on them. They’d die before they’d witness me marrying you!’

  ‘No witchcraft,’ said David.

  ‘I will not countenance my daughter aligning herself to a man involved in “the movies”!’ said Scarlet, sounding imperious and very straight-laced. ‘Even though Dad’s mom was dresser to a movie star.’

  Rowan giggled. ‘You sound like someone’s grandmother!’

  ‘Just like your namesake from Gone with the Wind,’ Caro added.

  ‘I have been studying at the feet of one of the great actors’ – Scarlet emphasised the ‘ors’ – ‘of our generation. It’s affected me.’ Scarlet was so happy it radiated from her, almost like a glow from a light source. But then it dimmed. ‘I’m sure they’d come round if I agreed to go home and get married by the preacher and had the wedding that they want for me. But people who’ve known my family forever would just want to come so they can peer at me and say I think a lot of myself.’

  ‘It’ll be the same if you have a Hollywood wedding,’ said David. ‘People you don’t know, a zillion snappers taking your picture, all wanting the one where you look a bit tired or you have a wardrobe malfunction. But we’d be sponsored for most of it so it would save me a heap of money.’

  Scarlet shook her head. ‘I don’t want that, David, and nor do you. Rowan, honey? Could you show me your sketchbook again?’

  ‘Ah, the church on the hill,’ said David. ‘Just people we want there?’

  Scarlet nodded. ‘And something cheerful like a barn dance.’

  ‘A ceilidh,’ said Rowan. ‘I know a lovely band.’

  ‘I’d want you as one of my bridesmaids,’ Scarlet went on.

  ‘And Aaron as a pageboy?’ suggested Caro. ‘He’d look great in a kilt.’

  ‘Would everyone have to wear kilts?’ asked David.

  ‘Well, you could probably wear what you liked but traditionally, yes,’ said Caro. She suddenly found herself having inappropriate thoughts about David in a kilt. He would look magnificent. ‘Scarlet would wear a dress, though.’

  ‘We talked about it before,’ said Scarlet wistfully.

  No one spoke for a few moments and then David said, ‘Why don’t we go up and see this church? Ask Rowan’s family if we can have our wedding there?’

  Scarlet flung herself at David. ‘Could we? Could we really? Are you sure you don’t mind?’

  ‘Of course I don’t mind! I just want you to have the wedding you want, without anyone else having an opinion. And if we can’t use this little church, we’ll find another one, somewhere else in Scotland.’

  ‘Oh no!’ said Rowan. ‘I mean, sorry! Of course Scarlet must have the church she wants, but really, the Michael Kirk is so charming and in such a beautiful setting. I’d be so upset if she couldn’t get married there and have the reception on our land.’

  ‘You might need to convince your family,’ said David. ‘If they’re not used to having their property used as a wedding venue, it might not be something they’d care to do.’

  Caro caught Rowan’s eye and they both bit their lips to stifle their laughter. ‘I think Rowan could talk her family round,’ said Caro. ‘But the house is quite – how should I put it? Unreconstructed.’

  ‘What are you saying?’ asked David.

  ‘It could do with redecorating,’ Caro said.

  ‘I think it sounds really romantic,’ said Aaron. ‘My grandparents’ house is a bit like that. I love it.’

  ‘It certainly is romantic,’ said Caro, ‘and the scenery around it is wonderful, really spectacular.’

  ‘Of course venues are very expensive to hire,’ said David, ‘and we’d expect to pay the going rate for something so special.’

  ‘That sounds good,’ said Rowan. ‘We’re always broke! Although I don’t know why, when Murdo sold that land—’

  ‘Anyway,’ said Caro quickly. ‘I’m sure you could use the land even if the estate no longer owns it.’ She could only guess at how much the estate could make out of Scarlet and David’s wedding but it could really make a difference.

  ‘We need to get going on this really,’ said David, pulling out his phone. ‘I wonder where is good to stay?’

  Aware he didn’t expect her to answer this, Caro brought up the subject of something that was worrying her. ‘Before you all disappear up north, do you think I could smell the perfume? It’s just when I was with Alec – helping him – we made one. I’d like to check we got it more or less right.’

  ‘You managed to make some? I didn’t dare ask! It seemed such an impossible thing to do,’ said Scarlet.

  ‘She has been dying to know,’ said David, ‘but refused to say anything.’

  Caro laughed. ‘That was very tactful of you! But if I could have a sniff of yours …?’

  ‘Of course,’ said Scarlet, ‘but, Caro! You must come with us! I want you to be my wedding planner!’

  Chapter Sixteen

  David and Scarlet carried Caro off to the Ritz in the car that arrived for them, leaving the others to fend for themselves on the barge. Caro was going to have a sniff of the perfume that had been guarded so carefully for some eighty years. She wasn’t at all sure about being a wedding planner but she did know she had to do all she could to make sure the perfume was right.

  She was aware that David and Scarlet hadn’t seen each other for a while and so resolved to make her excuses as soon as she could but she allowed Scarlet to order champagne while David looked for the precious bottle.

  He brought it in and handed it to Caro. It wasn’t in the beautiful crystal swan made by René Lalique, only one of which had been made, but it was in a very ancient vial. The glass stopper had been secured by an early sticky tape and then again by newer versions.

  ‘You can smell it if you sniff hard,’ said Scarlet, sitting next to Caro on the sofa.

  ‘Would you mind if I opened it?’

  Scarlet hesitated.

  ‘It’s entirely up to you,’ Caro went on. ‘I just want to check this is the same as the one Alec is making for you. It doesn’t matter. I think you’ll love Alec’s version.’

  Scarlet exhaled sharply. ‘No, let’s open it. It’s just I haven’t opened it for years; I wanted to keep it safe for as long as possible.’

  It took a little while to peel away the layers of tape Scarlet had put on when she was still only a child.

  Scarlet took the first sniff. ‘It’s the same, the same smell I remember sniffing when my grandmother first gave me the bottle.’ A tear ran down her cheek.

  There was a hiatus as the champagne arrived and was poured and then Caro inhaled. She closed her eyes and cast her mind back to Pascal’s stifling laboratory and realised the smell wasn’t quite the same.

  She wanted time to think how to announce this and wonder if she needed to. After all, Scarlet might not notice the very faint difference. But then again it was very important this scent was right. She took a few sips of champagne. She realised she had to mention it.

  ‘It’s not exactly the same as the one Alec is making – we had to leav
e before it was finished. You have to decide which one you like best: this one that you’ve known for years and years – or Alec’s which is a bit fresher. I think they would both work well for you.’

  Scarlet put her hands on her face and closed her eyes. This perfume, Caro realised, was much more than a matter of smelling wonderful; it was a memory.

  Caro put her hand on Scarlet’s. ‘Tell me about your grandmother – but only if you want to.’

  Scarlet took a deep breath and then finished her champagne. ‘I do want to. She was my rock, my role model – all those things. You see, my mom always had a problem with me. I was the oldest and my two brothers came along quite quickly after me. My mom had always wanted boys and although she liked me to be helpful she always preferred them. I always got blamed for everything, even things that were nothing to do with me.’

  ‘Oh, Scarlet!’ Caro felt tears spring to her own eyes.

  ‘But it was fine! My grandmother lived with us and she loved me. She gave me praise, made me feel I was important, and pretty, said all the things mothers say to children, except mine didn’t. My mother only wanted me to behave well, do the right thing, sing in church, marry the right person. She didn’t want me to be an actor, oh no!’ A smile broke through her sad reminiscence. ‘But my grandmother had told me that my mother would always have a problem with me, so I had to remember that she was on my side and always would be, even after she’d passed away.’

  Caro reached for her glass, glad that David had refilled it. It was tragic, this lovely girl unloved by her mother. ‘Then the new perfume that Alec is making should be exactly the same as this is.’

  ‘And you’ll come up and help me plan my wedding?’ said Scarlet. ‘My mother won’t be there and even if she was, she’d just take over and I’d hate that.’

  Caro took a moment. She wouldn’t be so much a wedding planner as a surrogate mother and, although Posy was yet to marry herself, a mother’s role when her daughter was getting married was to say, ‘I think that would be lovely,’ unless she really, really couldn’t. ‘I’d love to!’

  ‘The thing is,’ said David, ‘I have to be back in the States in a month. Would that give us enough time to organise a wedding that isn’t in a regular hotel?’

  ‘Sweetie, we’d be lucky to find a hotel at such short notice,’ said Scarlet.

  David smiled indulgently. ‘I think if we wanted a hotel one would become available.’

  ‘But if you don’t want a regular hotel, I’m sure the McLean family and Glen Liddell House would be able to do something.’ Caro didn’t know this for sure but there were a lot of willing workers up there; if they were asked to put on a wedding, they would. ‘Although of course we’ll have to ask Lennie – she’s Alec’s sister – about it. It’s her and Alec’s house really.’

  ‘I’ll write a note so you can take it to her,’ said Scarlet. ‘Would that be all right?’

  ‘That would be charming,’ said Caro, hoping it would do the trick. She didn’t want to say no to Scarlet – she felt quite maternal towards her.

  Having refused dinner, but accepting a cab back to the barge, Caro got out her phone to ring Lennie. She needed to tell her what was going on. Then she’d phone or text Alec. She had a good reason to – it wouldn’t look needy; it would be fine. But then she remembered Frazer. He was expecting her to keep him up to date on Murdo’s well-being. She sent him a quick text. No change on Murdo so no need to come over. I’ll keep you posted.

  His reply came back almost instantly. What is wrong with him exactly?

  Caro felt extremely reluctant to give Frazer any real information when she didn’t know how he might use it. She decided to lie. Don’t know, she texted in reply. I’ll get back to you.

  Then she rang Lennie and agreed what she would say to Frazer. Five minutes later she texted him again. Murdo had a fall which caused a bleed on the brain.

  Is he expected to survive? was his reply.

  They won’t know for another three weeks, returned Caro, without reference to anyone. She just thought it would be good if they could stall Frazer for that long. By then they could have sorted out the legal things that would stop Frazer making free with Murdo’s property.

  Fine, was his reply. Caro left it at that.

  Then she texted Lennie. I don’t want to alarm you in any way, but how would putting on a wedding be for you? For an enormous sum of money, yet to be decided?

  It was a while before Lennie replied. We can’t afford to turn anything down that will make us money, but basically, I’d rather stick pins in my eyes. You’d have to do it.

  When she’d reassured Lennie about the wedding, she texted Alec.

  It hadn’t been part of Caro’s plan to travel up to Scotland with Rowan, Aaron and Joe, but apparently it had been part of Skye’s. At least she’d sorted the flights while Caro had to get everyone’s passport details (which was the hardest part), and then put in her credit card details.

  On the journey Caro had felt very slightly as if she were in charge of a school trip. Rowan was inclined to wander off with Aaron and Joe was a stranger to the concept of sticking to a schedule but somehow they arrived and were greeted by Ewan, Heather’s husband, who Heather had once told Caro did everything that no one else did.

  ‘Hello, Ewan!’ said Rowan, flinging her arms round him and giving him a hug. ‘Great to see you!’

  ‘Hi there,’ said Ewan, nodding almost imperceptibly at Rowan’s enthusiasm for seeing him again. ‘Alec would have come to pick you up himself but he’s gone to the hospital.’

  ‘Murdo?’ Caro suddenly wanted to cry and knew it wasn’t just the potential death of an old man. ‘Is he OK?’

  ‘We hope so,’ said Ewan, leading his party of passengers. ‘He’s had an operation.’

  Caro had an idea. ‘Could you drop me off at the hospital? I need to talk to Alec about something important.’

  ‘How will you get back from the hospital?’ said Joe. ‘I thought the estate was quite a long way from Glasgow?’

  ‘I’ll get a lift with Alec,’ said Caro, feeling calmer and more in control of events. She could talk to Alec about the perfume and tell him the one they had been making was slightly different from Scarlet’s sample.

  It took a while to track down Murdo as he’d been moved but at last she found him on a side ward, Alec sitting by his bedside studying something.

  ‘Hello,’ she said quietly.

  He looked at her as if she were a ghost. ‘Caro! What are you doing here?’

  ‘I came with Rowan and her boyfriend, and Joe, but I need to talk to you. David went to Scarlet’s house and got the perfume. I’m afraid it’s not quite the same as the one we sampled in Grasse.’

  ‘Are you sure? Possibly the way it’s been stored has affected it, but surely not by much.’

  ‘It is different and you’re right, not by much, but I think—’ She stopped. He was the perfumier, not her. ‘David and Scarlet are coming up here soon and they’ll bring it, so you can smell for yourself.’

  Caro was aware that Alec didn’t completely trust her nose. And why should he? It was a rare gift.

  ‘Why are they coming up? Just to let me smell the perfume?’ Alec seemed more confused than ever.

  ‘They want to get married up here. It’s a long story.’ Caro didn’t think Alec wanted the whys and wherefores of David and Scarlet’s wedding plans. ‘What about Murdo? I heard from Ewan they operated.’

  ‘Last night.’

  ‘Oh my goodness! Was it an emergency?’

  ‘No. Operating theatres never sleep these days. It went well. I’m just waiting for him to come round.’

  ‘Can I get you a drink of some kind? Or would you like to go and get a proper meal? I can sit with him.’

  Alec hesitated. Caro could see him deciding.

  ‘How long have you been here?’ she asked.

  ‘A couple of hours.’

  ‘Have a quick break. I’ll wait with him.’

  ‘But you’ve just g
ot off a plane …’

  ‘You’re OK, jet lag hasn’t kicked in yet.’

  He smiled at her attempt at a joke. ‘I’ll go and get a meal then. Can I bring you something back?’

  Caro hesitated. She couldn’t think of anything she wanted to eat. ‘A cup of tea, maybe.’

  ‘I’ll see what I can do.’

  It was hard to tell what was going on with Murdo. He looked similar to when he’d been in a coma before the operation. But being with him was peaceful. She’d done so much rushing around recently, sitting in the quiet was calming. She had her Kindle in her handbag, thrust in there at the last minute, but she couldn’t be bothered to read.

  Alec came back with a bag full of supplies. There was tea, a bottle of water, sandwiches and a selection of chocolate bars. ‘I thought you may be hungry if you saw food.’

  She was. She started with the tea, and then worked her way through the sandwiches, the water and some of the chocolate.

  ‘That’s better,’ she said. ‘Thank you so much.’

  ‘Well, thank you for coming. I managed to get something to eat and have a quick walk round too.’

  He smiled but Caro was aware they were suddenly shy of each other.

  ‘So what are Murdo’s chances of recovering?’

  ‘The prognosis is good. The operation went well and if all goes to plan we can have him moved to the cottage hospital in a week or so.’

  ‘That would be handy.’

  ‘It would. Being so far away from home when there’s so much happening is difficult.’ He sounded tired.

  ‘Is it sorting out the land that Frazer put on the market that’s being tricky?’

  ‘Tricky and expensive. But still, the man we sold the nature reserve to will sell it back to us. But for the price he paid, which is more than the amount we actually got for it, because naturally Frazer got paid a backhander.’ He went and took up his place at Murdo’s bedside.

  Caro moved another chair to the other side of the bed and sat down. ‘I don’t know if it will be enough but Scarlet and David having their wedding up here will bring in something. They’re going to see Lennie about it any minute. They’ll be staying in the hotel, of course, but they will take up her time. She wasn’t at all keen when I texted her about it but also said she couldn’t turn down anything that made money.’ She paused. Alec was looking slightly horrified at the thought of a celebrity couple having their wedding at his house. ‘It would be a great earner. You can charge more or less what you like. It might even make up the difference between what you’ve got left from the sale of the land and what the seller wants.’


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