The Finding

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The Finding Page 43

by Nicky Charles

  Cassie knew she was going to die. Already her front legs were trembling from the strain of trying to hold herself up, that supposedly superior werewolf strength still missing. She couldn’t hold on much longer. Despair filled her. What would happen to Kellen? Would Bryan find him and get him help? And where was Bryan? Perhaps Hugh or Swanson had succeeded in ambushing him in the stairwell after all. In her mind, she called out to him, desperate to know he was all right before she met her end.

  And then, as if in answer to her prayers, he called out to her! Somehow he knew she was in trouble and his voice was ringing in her ears, telling her to hang on, that he was coming. There was a sound in front of her. She looked up expecting to see him, but found herself face to face with a grey wolf instead!

  Shocked by its sudden appearance, she stopped struggling for a fatal moment and in that instant quickly began to slide backwards. Too late, she scrambled for a hold, but felt herself going farther and farther over the edge. A panicked yelp escaped her and then the grey wolf lunged forward. It grabbed her by the scruff of the neck and began to pull, attempting to drag her to safety. For a moment they were both sliding closer to the edge, then the grey wolf seemed to gather its strength and gave a mighty tug.

  Cassie felt herself moving forward and hope sprang up inside her. She clawed at the roof with all her might, breathing a sigh of relief when her back toes finally found the edge of the building. One more tug and she was able to heave herself up. Collapsing on the roof, she panted heavily, unable to believe she was safe.

  Something cold and wet nudged her. Trembling she raised her head to stare at the other wolf, unsure who it might be. The creature blinked and nudged her again. Somehow Cassie knew it wanted her to move away from the edge of the building. She got to her feet and complied, though her legs were still shaking with reaction.

  The grey wolf whined, then licked her muzzle. Cassie almost stepped back in surprise not appreciating the slobber, but her own wolf took over, and licked the other animal in return. The grey’s tail swung slowly from side to side as if pleased to meet her and make a new friend, then turned to stand in front of her in a protective gesture, its hackles rising as a low growl sounded from its throat.

  Cassie flicked a glance over the wolf’s shoulder and tensed her own muscles. Someone—it had to be Mr. Aldrich—was coming, the sound of running feet audible over the wind and chopper noises. Actually, there were two separate sets of footsteps; one from where she’d last seen Mr. Aldrich and another from the direction of the penthouse. Who was the second individual? Another of Mr. Aldrich’s guards? Or perhaps...

  Bryan! He appeared beside the roof vent and breathed out her name in excited relief. “Cassie!”

  Falling to his knees, he pulled her into his arms, burying his face in the fur around her neck. She squirmed, equally happy and relieved to see him and wishing she were in her human form so she could tell him so. As it was she satisfied herself by nuzzling him and licking his face.

  With his arms still wrapped around her, he turned to address her new friend. “I saw what you just did, and I have to admit I don’t understand. When we have more time you’ll have to explain it to me.”

  The wolf said nothing, but its eyes seemed haunted and sad before it turned to face the next arrival.

  Mr. Aldrich appeared from the other direction, looking less than his usual pristine self. The wind had blown his hair all over, revealing a slight bald spot. His cravat was askew and his shirt rumpled while dusty stains about his knees revealed the fact that he had fallen at least once while traversing the rooftop.

  Cassie had to give the lawyer credit. He came to a sudden stop, blinked twice while possibly assimilating the situation, and then assumed a posture indicative of supreme confidence as he levelled the gun at them.

  “More unexpected guests I see. Such bad manners, appearing without an invitation.” He tutted mockingly. “But then why would I expect anything else considering I’m dealing with filthy abominations.” The last word was spit out as if it left a vile taste in his mouth.

  Bryan released his grip on her and rose to his feet. His anger was palpable, but that didn’t stop Mr. Aldrich.

  He shot a glance at Bryan, a sneer curling his lip. “I see only one of you made it by my guards and the charge in the electric door. That makes two for me and zero for you.”

  Cassie looked around, suddenly realizing the Alphas were missing. Was Mr. Aldrich right? Had they been killed too? A feeling of loss swept over her; one she didn’t really understand. She barely knew either of the men, but some instinct had acknowledged that Ryne was her Alpha.

  “Two for you?” Bryan quirked his brow. “You don’t consider your own men of any consequence?”

  “Swanson and Hugh? Collateral damage.” Mr. Aldrich gave a negligent shrug. “Do you have a name, wolf?”

  “Bryan. And you must be Aldrich.” Bryan looked the man up and down, as if taking the measure of his opponent.

  “That’s Mr. Aldrich, to you.” He gave Bryan a contemptuous look before shifting his attention to the grey wolf. “And Miss Matthews I presume? For that is the only person I can imagine that you might be. To think I had a viper in my nest all this time.” He cocked his head. “I’m curious as to why you never attacked. Certainly there were sufficient opportunities over the past three years.” He chuckled darkly. “Not that it matters. Whatever game you were playing, it’s backfired hasn’t it?”

  The grey wolf chose that moment to growl and took a step closer to Mr. Aldrich.

  Frowning Cassie studied her wolf companion, understanding dawning. How could she have been so dense? In all the excitement of nearly falling, she’d ignored the fact that Marla had disappeared and been replaced by the grey wolf. But how could that be? From everything she’d heard, Marla would have pitched her off the roof, not saved her. Was it possible that Marla’s inner wolf was as nice as the woman was nasty? It was a question she’d have to ponder at another time for Mr. Aldrich was talking again.

  “Don’t come any closer, beast.” Mr. Aldrich levelled his gun at the wolf. “I’ll have no compunction about gunning you down. I don’t need all of you. One will be sufficient proof for the scientific world.”

  “Put the gun down, Aldrich. You won’t be shooting anyone.” Bryan narrowed his eyes, his fists clenched ready to act. There was such confidence in his voice; was he crazy? Cassie stared at him in surprise. Mr. Aldrich had a gun! What was Bryan thinking? Was this his Beta mode he’d been talking about last night?

  Mr. Aldrich laughed and swung the gun towards him. “You’re hardly in a position to be making demands. There might be three of you, but I’m the one with the weapon and I actually have silver bullets, specially made just in case.”

  Bryan snorted. “Fallacy. It only causes a mild allergic reaction.”

  “Really?” Mr. Aldrich nodded. “Thank you for the information. Still, I’m sure a bullet of any form will do some damage at this close range. Perhaps I should test my theory out right now?” He cocked the gun and Cassie flinched as did the other two.

  Mr. Aldrich laughed darkly. “Point proven. You all reacted so now I know this gun is a satisfactory weapon.” He waved the weapon negligently at Bryan. “You and Miss Matthews stay put. Miss Greyson, come here. If you cooperate, and get on the helicopter with me, I’ll leave your friends alone.”

  Cassie hesitated and then took a step towards Mr. Aldrich. She couldn’t let anything happen to Bryan, and Marla, regardless of her past sins, had just saved her.

  “Cassie, no!” Bryan reached for her and Marla growled, but Mr. Aldrich merely raised his arm and pointed the gun directly at Bryan’s heart.

  “Cassandra, you will do as you are told or your friends’ deaths will be on your head.”

  Cassie had no question in her mind that Mr. Aldrich meant his words. In fact, she was sure he’d kill them anyway, but at least this bought them a few precious minutes for whatever good it might do. She took another step towards the lawyer.

od doggy. Nice to see you won’t need obedience school.” He chuckled at his own joke and began to back away. “Head towards the helicopter, staying directly at my side. I don’t want you attacking me from behind.”

  Desperately, Cassie tried to think of something to do. Aldrich was right beside her, his thigh level with her mouth. If she bit him, could she throw him sufficiently off balance that his shot wouldn’t hit the others? It wasn’t much, but it might be their only chance.

  She flicked a look behind her. Her gaze briefly caught Marla’s then Bryan’s. Understanding flashed between them.

  For a moment, everything seemed to happen in slow motion. She turned her head and opened her mouth wide. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw Mr. Aldrich glance down. His mouth began to open to say something, his face contorting in anger. Her teeth pierced the cloth of his trousers, she could feel the material against her tongue. Bryan gave a cry and launched himself forward at the same time that Marla barked and jumped.

  Then time returned to normal. Cassie felt her teeth sinking into flesh and blood spurting into her mouth. The gun cracked down against her skull, pain exploding in her head. With a yelp she let go, and collapsed. Bryan knocked Mr. Aldrich to the ground and Marla had his wrist in her mouth.

  The gun hit the ground and a shot rang out. Bryan swore, grabbed his leg, and fell backward. Mr. Aldrich scrambled to his feet. Cassie shook her head, trying to clear her blurred vision, but everything was growing dark. She had a vague impression of the grey wolf circling around before leaping to attack again.

  Just as the wolf jumped, Mr. Aldrich kicked out catching the animal in the ribs. It flew through the air, hit the ground, and rolled over the edge of the roof.


  Chapter 26

  Mel and Elise stared upward, wondering what was going on in Aldrich’s penthouse. The chopper had disappeared from sight, but they could still hear the sound of the blades.

  Tired of sitting, Mel stood and began to pace back and forth. “I hate this waiting. I hate not knowing what’s going on. I’m an action type of person. I know being pregnant I can’t do much right now, but...argh! It’s never bothered me before that were society is so male dominated, but this...” She swept her hand out to the side, “is driving me crazy!”

  Elise frowned. “I’ve never thought about it—the men being in charge, I mean. That’s just the way it is.”

  “Well, I grew up in human society, with equal rights, women climbing the corporate ladder and all those other ‘advanced’ ideas. Aren’t there ever any female Betas or Alphas?” Mel warmed on her theme, her frustration coming out.

  “Well, you and I—being mated to Alphas—wield a certain amount of power because of our mates.” Shrugging, she glanced around as if searching for words. “The males are—” Suddenly, she broke off what she was saying and jumped to her feet pointing skyward. “Oh my goodness, I thought I saw people near the edge of the roof!”

  Mel turned and looked up, a hand clasped to her mouth in horror. “Do you think it’s...?” She couldn’t bear to finish the question.

  Elise squinted, then shook her head. “Even with werewolf vision, I can’t tell for sure from this distance.” She flicked a glance at Mel then returned to studying the roofline. “I might have been mistaken.”

  “I hope so.” Mel relaxed slightly, but kept glancing up nervously. “What could be going on up there?”

  “Excuse me ladies. What are you two doing out here?” A voice spoke behind them and they both spun around in surprise. It was the security guard they’d been hiding from earlier. His name tag said Vanderpelt.

  “” Elise shot a panicked look at Mel.

  Mel rubbed her hand over her extended abdomen in a circular motion and smiled ruefully at the guard. “I had to use the bathroom and we spotted this cute little patio area and thought we’d check it out.” She widened her eyes and slowly batted her long lashes in a manner she knew usually distracted the male population.

  The guard frowned, but his voice softened. “This is a private building, ladies. You have no business being out here.”

  “Really? We didn’t know that. I’m so sor—” She didn’t get a chance to finish what she was saying for Elise suddenly let out a piecing scream.

  “Oh my God, someone’s falling!”

  The words weren’t even out of her mouth when a sickening dull thud echoed through the small courtyard. For a moment everyone stood frozen in place, then as one, took off running towards the fallen figure.

  The guard was slightly ahead of them and tried to block their view. “You’d better stay back, it’s just a dog, but if it isn’t dead, it might be vicious. I’d better shoot it just to be sure.”

  “No!” Mel and Elise spoke as one.

  Mel grabbed his arm. “My friend here is Let her check first.”

  Relenting, the guard nodded and stepped back muttering to himself. “What the hell was a dog doing up there? This is a no pet building. I’d better call Brown and see if he knows anything about this.” Pulling out his cell phone, he turned his back to place the call.

  Mel and Elise clutched each other as they slowly stepped closer, both dreading seeing who it was yet knowing they had to look. As the guard paced back and forth waiting for someone to answer his call, Elise gave a quiet gasp.

  “Who...?” Mel peeked at the broken body, not recognizing the wolf at all.

  “Marla.” Elise breathed out the word as she slowly sank to her knees beside the animal. For a moment her hand hovered over the broken body, then with shaking fingers she stretched out her hand to touch the wolf’s neck.

  “Is she dead?”

  A faint whimper came from the wolf in answer. It looked at them blearily and attempted to lick Elise’s hand. Then, as the light faded from its eyes, a shuddering breath signalled the end.

  “Oh God!” Elise started to cry and Mel crouched down beside her, cradling her in her arms and making soothing sounds.

  “It’s all right. Shh...”

  “She’s dead. All these years I’ve hated her, but now...” Shaking her head, Elise tried to bring her tears under control. “She apologized. Her wolf’s last act was an apology. Why?”

  “I don’t know, Elise. It must have something to do with what’s happening up there.” Mel glanced up at the roof, wondering what was going on.


  “Yes!” Aldrich gave an exultant shout as the wolf—his former assistant, Miss Matthews—disappeared from view. One down, two to go. They might have kept him hiding in fear for three years, but in the end, he was the one who would be triumphant.

  He swung around, and scooped up his gun noting in passing that the young wolf—Cassandra—was limp on the ground beside him, a faint trail of blood showing on her head where he’d hit her.

  “Aldrich!” The male werewolf—Bryan—growled at him from where he lay a few feet away. Blood was pooling on the ground around him as he clutched his thigh.

  “You thought you were so tough, but you’re nothing better than a dog. Perhaps I should put you out of your misery.” With a sneer, Aldrich pointed his gun at the man. Surprisingly enough the fellow didn’t flinch or cower, instead narrowing his eyes and growling even louder. In fact, the creature seemed to be tensing its muscles as if preparing to attack.

  Aldrich quickly calculated the odds. If his bullet didn’t kill this Bryan fellow, there could be trouble. It was a noted fact that wounded animals were twice as vicious. And then there were witnesses to consider. The pilot had undoubtedly observed some of the interaction. Self-defence would explain one shot, but a second... Aldrich shook his head. It was better to make a strategic retreat but first...

  Without warning, he swung his foot and kicked the man in the ribs.

  Even as Bryan yelped and curled over, Aldrich was turning, shoving his gun in his pocket and hefting the Cassandra in his arms.

  She was a heavy, limp weight and he hoped he hadn’t killed her. It suited his plans so much
better, if she were alive for a few more years. Well, either way, he had a specimen to show the world.

  He began to run towards the helicopter. His thigh throbbed in protest from where the wolf had bitten him, damn the creature. Clenching his jaw, he ignored the pain in his limb and kept his eyes focussed on his means of escape.

  Behind him he could hear a horrific growling and pushed himself even harder. His feet pounded across the surface and he fought to pull in air for his starving lungs. Aldrich dared to glance back and saw Bryan struggling to his feet. A movement by the patio doors caught his peripheral vision next. Swivelling his head in that direction he could see two half-naked men barrelling out onto the terrace. Damn, they looked like the men he’d seen in the surveillance video tape! Now there were three werewolves on his rooftop!

  Swinging his gaze back to his goal, Aldrich saw that the chopper was just yards away.

  “Get ready! We’re taking off now!” He shouted the words at the pilot who was staring in shock at the scene taking place before him. “Move! Don’t just sit there gaping like an idiot! Move!”

  Finally the pilot seemed to come to his senses and grabbed the controls.

  The chopper’s side door was open and Aldrich threw the wolf inside, then jumped in himself, quickly turning so he could check on his pursuers.


  Franklin stood on the sidewalk in front of the building that housed Aldrich’s penthouse. It was an impressive structure of steel, glass, and cement. The lower floors appeared to house exclusive businesses. He scanned the list of names noting expensive lawyers and psychiatrists for the wealthy, a jeweller, a few dummy corporations... Nothing for ‘off the street’ customers, though. Only private clients would get inside. The upper floors were high-priced condominiums. Again, no one could just walk in.

  He rubbed his chin thoughtfully before giving a decisive nod. Bluster and bravado might just work. Exchanging a glance with Meredith he jerked his head, knowing she’d follow his lead. They worked together like a well-oiled machine.


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