Pleasant Dreams

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Pleasant Dreams Page 15

by Krystal George

  Dream Revenge

  By: Kate Marie Robbins

  ©2013 by Kate Marie Robbins

  Isis picks up her latte off the counter and walks towards her usual spot in the back corner of the coffee shop to people watch. This is her favorite thing in the world to do, other than spend time with the love of her life, Ty. She is just killing time until he gets off from work. She glances at her watch; only a few more hours to go.

  She decides that after her latte, she will pop over to her favorite used book store. She downs the last few sips of her cup and stands up. Looking across the coffee shop, her eyes fall upon something she never thought she would see and drops her cup. It hits the floor with a soft thump. Ty is just walking in the door, with a gorgeous blonde girl.

  “This isn’t happening,” she mutters to herself, hoping that it isn’t what it looks like. Slowly, Isis sits back down and watches the scene unfold in front of her.

  Ty has his arm around the girl. They’re whispering to each other. Isis is too far away to make out what they are saying, but she doesn’t dare move any closer. The last thing she wants is to be spotted. Once Ty and the girl order their coffee, they move to the counter to wait for their drinks. But they still aren’t close enough for Isis to hear anything. Ty leans close to the girl and plants a kiss on her lips. At the sight of that, Isis leaps up from her table and sprints across the coffee shop and out the door.

  “Oh, hi honey. I wasn’t expecting you home so soon,” her mom says when she walks into the house.

  Isis doesn’t say anything. She isn’t even able to process the words her mom is speaking. She just stares blankly into space.

  “What’s wrong Isis? I know something is wrong. You can’t fool me. It’s written all over your face.” She walks towards her daughter.

  “It’s nothing mom. I’m fine.” Isis quickly flees the room, to avoid any more questions. Once safely inside her bedroom, she throws herself on the bed and cries. How could he do this to me? Everything was perfect. I just don’t understand. I’ll kill him! I swear, I’ll kill them both.

  She doesn’t truly mean those words, not at first anyway.

  Her cell phone is buzzing. For how long, she doesn’t know. Picking it up, she glances at the screen. Five missed calls and ten text messages.

  “Let me guess, they’re all from Ty!” she hisses at her phone. Delete. Delete. Delete.

  “You can’t let him get away with this,” a voice inside her head whispers. “He hurt you! He lied to you! He cheated on you! Make him pay. You must make him pay.”

  Isis sits up and looks around the room. Where is that voice coming from? There is no one there. It makes no sense at all.

  “Why aren’t you listening to me?” the voice speaks again. “You’re just sitting there. Do something about it. Pick up your phone and text him. Tell him you’re sorry. That you weren’t feeling well.”

  Isis reaches over to the nightstand and picks up her phone and starts typing: ‘I wasn’t feeling well, I guess I must have fallen asleep.’

  ‘It’s okay baby. I was getting worried about you. Do you want me to come over? We can watch movies and cuddle.’

  ‘No, it’s okay. I think I’m just going to take a shower and get some more sleep. I’ll come over in the morning.’

  ‘Kay, night baby. I love you.’

  But Isis doesn’t shower and she doesn’t sleep. She lies there on her bed talking to the voice; planning and plotting.

  In the wee hours of the morning, she finally sleeps. Knowing that she needs to be well rested if she is to execute this plan with precision.

  The walk to Ty’s apartment is the longest of her life. Isis has her messenger bag slung over her shoulder, ready for what lies ahead. She lets herself in with the key he had given her.

  Ty is still asleep when she arrives. Good. This makes everything so much easier.

  She takes the rope from her bag and securely ties Ty to the bed by his hands and feet. Silently, she grabs his phone from the charger and walks out into the kitchen. Full of determination, she scrolls through his call list and text messages, trying to find the girl from yesterday.

  It takes some searching, but eventually Isis finds who she is looking for. Ruby. Well, how fitting. Slutty, little home wrecker.

  She sends Ruby a text from Ty’s phone: ‘I can’t sleep. Wanna come over for a while?’

  ‘Be there in 20.’

  Isis walks into the kitchen and starts a pot of coffee, hoping that the scent of it will rouse Ty. She can’t wait to see the look on his face when he wakes up. She doesn’t have to wait too long for that to happen.

  “What the hell!” comes Ty’s scream from the next room.

  Isis, coffee mug in hand, saunters into Ty’s bedroom and grins at him.

  “Isis, this isn’t funny. What’s going on? Why am I tied to the bed?” Ty is angry.

  “This way you can’t run, obviously. It’ll only be a few more minutes, then the real fun will begin. She does have a key, doesn’t shy?” Isis asks coyly.

  “Does who have a key? You’re not making any sense!”

  “Why, Ruby, of course. Yes, I know all about her Ty,” Isis spits at him. “Did you really think that I wouldn’t find out?” She shakes her head at him. There is a knock at the door. “Guess she wasn’t important enough for you to give her a key, eh? I best not keep her waiting.” Isis spins on her heels and walks to the door.

  The look on Ruby’s face is priceless when she sees Isis standing there. “Who are you?” Ruby asks, more annoyed than anything.

  Isis lets out a slight cackle. “Oh, so he failed to mention me? Please do come in. We have so much to talk about.” Extending her hand, she adds, “I’m Isis, by the way. I am Ty’s girlfriend.”

  Ruby’s jaw drops. “What the hell is going on? Where is Ty?” she asks, stepping inside the apartment.

  Isis slams the door behind her. “He’s in the bedroom,” she states flatly. “Go in there and talk to him.” Isis follows her into the room shortly after, grabbing something from her bag on the way.

  Ruby shrieks when she sees Ty tied up to the bed. “What have you done to him?”

  “Nothing… Yet. Shut your mouth, or I will be forced to shut you up,” Isis threatens. “On the bed, NOW!”

  Ruby stands frozen in place, her eyes locked on the sight of Ty so helpless, afraid of what is going to happen next. She quivers, but makes no effort to move.

  Isis slips the knife out of her back pocket and slowly, painstakingly pulls it into view. This should get her moving! She grins menacingly as she waves the blade in the air.

  Ruby shrieks again and backs slowly away from Isis, and towards the bed. She isn’t watching where she is going, so she stumbles into the bed and falls back. That is when Isis makes her move. She advances on her quickly, shoving her back against the headboard. Her head hits it with a thud, but not nearly hard enough to knock her out. Isis wants her awake for what is to come.

  “I’m going to set the knife down now, but if you try to move or run, I will be forced to use it. Do you understand?”

  Ruby nods at her, tears streaming down her face. She doesn’t move, she just slumps back, giving up.

  Smart girl. Very smart girl. Isis secures her to the bed in the same fashion as Ty. She towers over both of them, admiring her handy work. Ruby has her eyes shut, refusing to let Isis see the fear in her eyes. Ty, on the other hand, is glaring at her with daggers in his eyes.

  “It is story time,” Isis declares.

  Neither of them say anything.

  “I really must hear about how the two of you met,” Isis gushes, almost bordering on being too enthusiastic. But she doesn’t care. She’s out for blood and wants more fuel for the fires.

  Still, neither of them say anything. It is making Isis quite angry.

  “Oh, come on now. It looks like we need a bit of motivation.” I
sis walks towards where she had set the knife down. “We really don’t need this, do we?” Isis declares as her hand hovers above the blade, mere inches above it.

  “I’ll talk, I’ll talk, please just promise you won’t hurt me,” Ruby finally sobs.

  “Hey, what about me? Don’t you mean don’t hurt us?” Ty growls.

  “I meant what I said. This is your fault. You couldn’t keep it in your pants,” Ruby chokes out.

  Isis is loving this, seeing them fighting. Dividing them hadn’t been her intention, but she will gladly accept it. “Enough arguing! Now, Ruby, dear, let’s hear that story you promised me.” Truth was, she really doesn’t care how they met. She just wants to make both Ruby and Ty extremely uncomfortable. And it is working. She can see it on their faces. She is loving every minute of it.

  Ruby sobs out the entire story. And Isis feigns interest in what she is saying. As Ruby has finished her pathetic story, Isis yawns. “Okay, I’m bored of this.”

  “Does that mean you’re going to let us go?” Ruby asks, faint hope filling her voice.

  Isis laughs hysterically. “I will do no such thing. I never made you any promises of that nature.” A grin forms on her face, knowing what the future will hold for her two captives.

  Isis hovers about the knife yet again, this time she picks it up, after a bit of hesitation. Not because she is hesitant about using it, but because she wants to instill more fear. It does just that.

  Ruby shrieks again. “What are you doing? What are you doing with that knife?”

  “Exactly what you deserve… What you both deserve.” Isis is filled with such satisfaction.

  The voice that had been silent up until now speaks up again. “You know what to do with that knife,” it urges her.

  Isis nods, and says, “I know exactly what to do.” Isis then walks towards Ruby’s side of the bed, sitting down right next to her gingerly, a grin still upon her face. “I’ll try not to hurt you too much,” she assures Ruby, brushing her fingers across her cheek. “You have such pretty skin. It’s such a shame that we will have to mess up your porcelain canvas.”

  Ruby stares at her, completely horrified.

  Isis, taking the knife in her other hand, brings it up to where Ruby’s hands are tied. As if someone else has taken over her body, she starts to slice into Ruby’s fingers, flaying each finger open, one at a time. Her screams are horrific, but Isis pays no mind to them. Her focus is on the look on Ty’s face as he watches the blood dripping down the headboard.

  Ty, unable to move, is beyond words. He just lays there, terror struck. That just makes Isis smile even more.

  The blood loss becomes too much for Ruby, and eventually she passes out. Isis already knew in her heart that eventually this would happen. There is nothing she can do about it.

  Isis wants so badly to end Ruby’s life right now, but the voice tells her that she must wait. She has to obey.

  “Don’t think I’ve forgotten about you my dear Ty. It will soon be your turn,” Isis smirks as she slides off the bed. Once on her feet, she walks slowly around the bed to where Ty lays and plops down next to him.

  Ty’s eyes meet Isis’s. “I don’t care what you do to me. Please, just let Ruby go. None of this is her fault. Please, if you let her go now, she can get help. She could survive,” Ty begs. His gaze drops, because he knows that Isis has no intentions of letting her go. She has no intentions of letting either of them go. The words are useless, but still he keeps talking, keeps hoping that Isis will come to her senses.

  Isis, on the other hand, is getting sick of hearing him babble. Hopping off the bed, she goes to Ty’s dresser and starts to rummage through the drawers until she finds what she is looking for. Back on the bed, she securely ties the bandana around his mouth, using it as a gag. She grins. “That should keep you quiet enough. Now back to the task at hand.”

  Ty tries to speak, but it comes out as a soft, incoherent mumble.

  “Oh, you want to know what my next task is, huh?” Isis says with a laugh. “Well, I’d be more than happy to show you. They say these knives can cut through bone. Shall we find out?”

  If Ty could have screamed, he would have.

  “Hmm… Now where should we start? Your hands or your feet?” Isis looks Ty in the eyes. “You tell me Ty, which would you rather lose? Your hands or your feet?” Holding the knife over his hands, she waits for a response.

  Ty shakes his head feverishly.

  “Okay then. So not the hands. Your feet then?” Isis concludes.

  Ty shakes his head again.

  “That just won’t do Ty. It has to be one of those. Fine, if you won’t choose, I’ll choose for you.” Isis ponders for a moment about which she thinks would cause more pain and damage. “Your feet, they simply must go,” she decides aloud.

  Another attempt at a scream from Ty sets Isis into a fit of laughter. Once she composes herself enough to concentrate, she walks down to the foot of the bed and leans over. “Thank goodness you sleep in your boxer shorts. This makes things so much easier for me to start.” She waits for Ty to scream again, waits for Ty to do anything in protest. He doesn’t. All he does is close his eyes tightly and tenses up his body, bracing himself for the inevitable.

  Isis does not show her dissatisfaction with Ty’s reaction. There is no way she is going to show mercy just because he’s not giving the response she wants. That would just be ludicrous.

  “You know what the sad thing is Ty? I’m more concerned about getting my clothes all bloody.” She only says it to overcompensate. It works though. Ty opens his eyes and glares at her. Isis laughs again, then grazes the knife blade against Ty’s ankle. Then she presses a bit deeper, until blood is trickling down onto the sheets.

  Isis’s eyes snap open and she looks around the room. “I’m still in my bedroom?” she says aloud, perplexed. “How can that even be?” It takes her a while to recover from the revelation. It wasn’t real. None of it was real. Well, almost.

  Isis reaches for her phone on the nightstand. She looks at her phone and sees several missed calls and unread text messages. Without even looking at them, she sends one to Ty: ‘I’m coming over. We need to talk.’

  She sets off, messenger bag slung over her shoulder. She knows just what she is going to do.


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