Everlonging Desires

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Everlonging Desires Page 11

by Daniel Elijah Sanderfer

  Skyler mumbled in a graveled southern tone, “Yeah, but I look stupid.”

  Jeannie replied; her voice dripping with sarcasm, “Then you must be wearing it wrong.”

  Travis turned his head and giggled at her barb, and Levi scolded him, “Stop it, you know she takes these things very seriously.”

  Dustin arched his brow, he wanted to giggle too, but he was a little afraid of Jeannie and did not want to upset her.

  Jeannie cheered him on, “Come on out, I’m sure you look wonderful.”

  The curtain to the changing room slowly slid open, Dustin and Levi were so excited they could barely stand it, Dustin was holding on to Levi’s hand as they waited in anticipation for the reveal, and Skyler emerged into the lights of the store with head bowed and his hands in his pockets.

  Jeannie touched her face and nodded, “Oh Skyler.”

  Travis hooted with praise, “Look at you cuz!”

  Dustin let go of Levi’s hand and walked slowly over to where Skyler was standing.

  Skyler was so nervous he could barely speak; it had been years since he had worn a suit. He mumbled, “What do you think kiddo?”

  Dustin was in awe of the man, he licked his chapped lips and swallowed the lump in his throat, “You are the most handsome man I have ever seen.”

  Skyler blushed, “Aw shucks kid.”

  He wrapped his arms around the boy and glanced over at Travis, his lips quivered trying to keep from crying, and Travis smiled at him.

  Levi added, “You look great Sky.”

  Jeannie patted her eyes with a tissue, “Alright enough of this mushy shit.”

  Dustin turned to her, and she quipped, “Next victim!”

  She shoved the boy holding the cream-colored suit in his hand into the dressing room, and Skyler took a seat next to Travis in some chairs arranged near the dressing rooms.

  Jeannie tapped her foot impatiently as she waited for Dustin to emerge. She always felt better after she saw a finished product. She really had a great eye for fashion. They waited in silence, and suddenly the curtain moved back to reveal Dustin.

  He stepped into the light and Jeannie ran over to Levi squealing with glee, “I knew that color would work on him.”

  Travis was staring at the boy his mouth open from awe. Levi punched Skyler in the arm, “Well, what do you think?”

  He got up from his chair and walked over to Dustin; cupping his hand on the boy’s face. He tried to speak, but instead, a tear slid down his cheek. Jeannie was trying not to get choked up. Travis and Levi had told her what happened to Skyler years ago, but her heart ached for him. She knew what it was like to lose someone you had planned your entire life with.

  They took a step back as Skyler ran his fingers down the boy’s face. He whispered, “My little Cowpoke is now a beautiful man.”

  He leaned in to kiss him and Dustin’s arms folded around him. Levi was looking at Travis misty-eyed.

  Travis was choked up and whispered, “Don’t you start.”

  Jeannie passed him a tissue and Travis sighed, “What the hell.”


  Back at the Farmhouse, Dustin’s mother Trisha was busy getting ready for the wedding. She had spent most of the morning lounging in the peace and quiet of her room. The room was the size of her whole trailer back in Shenandoah. She longed to have something half as nice for herself. Still, it was like the vacation she never had.

  She was downstairs on the front porch when the boy’s got back from Jeannie’s. Dustin hurried his way up the walkway to the farmhouse to meet her. She had declined to go earlier when they left. She was never one to get up and moving so early in the morning. The excitement on her face as they came up the walkway was contagious. She greeted all of them with a hug and asked, “Did you guys find a suit?”

  Skyler grinned, “We sure did mama!”

  Tricia cooed, “I just can't wait to see you guys all dressed up; I have a backup camera in my purse, so be ready to take lots of pictures.”

  Jeannie pulled up shortly after them; she had lingered behind at the shop to turn off the lights and lock everything up. She had also stopped at the local florist to pick up a few corsages for the boys and a bouquet for Dustin. Travis had called the reverend earlier that morning to see if he was available after church. He was a kind man and had married Travis and Levi not too long ago. It was extra income for him; he was a younger man still raising a family and didn’t live far from Magnolia.

  He used to come to visit and talk to the boy’s as they renovated the old farmhouse. Travis and Levi weren’t very religious, but in such a small community everyone bonded as neighbors and friends. He was happy to oblige and would be there later that afternoon to do a quick ceremony for Dustin and Skyler.

  As Jeannie made her way up the walkway with the bags, she shouted, “Is anybody going to come help with this?”

  Levi turned with his hands on his hips, “Hold your horse's woman, were coming!”

  Dustin and Levi took the bags from her and followed Jeannie into the farmhouse. They sat up shop in the dining room to organize the last few details of Skyler and Dustin’s little wedding.

  Jeannie popped a bottle of wine and made her way from the kitchen back into the dining room. “So, for our guest list, we have. Me and Tony, Dustin, Skyler, and Trisha, and Levi and Travis.

  She turned to Levi, “What’s for dinner?”

  Levi shrugged, “I don’t know.”

  Jeannie quipped, “Well, it’s happening in four hours, so you better think of something.”

  Jeannie continued, “So we already have the outfits, the flowers, and the reverend. Looks like it’s time for lunch.”

  She turned to Dustin, “You’re all set, darling.”

  Dustin hugged her, “Thank you so much for your help with everything Mrs. Jeannie.”

  She took a sip of her wine, “Think nothing of it.”

  She pinched Levi’s cheek, “I would do anything for these two assholes.”

  Dustin laughed, and Levi pulled away; rubbing his cheek, “Damnit Jeannie, that hurts.”

  Travis and Skyler entered, and Travis grinned, “What hurts?”

  Levi pointed and whined at Travis, “She pinched me.”

  Jeannie rolled her eyes, “Oh he will be fine he’s just a big baby.”

  Levi stuck his tongue out at her, and Jeannie poised her fingers to pinch him again.

  Travis grabbed Levi’s arm and ushered him to the kitchen. “Get your ass in there we have to make lunch for these people.”

  He winked at Jeannie as they passed and once they had passed her, he pinched Levi on the butt. Levi yelped and turned abruptly to Travis.

  Travis arched his brow and flashed a sadistic smile, “That was me, what are you going to do about it?”

  Levi pursed his lips, “Nothing sir.”

  Skyler erupted with laughter and Dustin smiled at their exchange.

  Jeannie grinned at Skyler, “It’s amazing how he can whip Levi right into shape with just a look.”

  Skyler added, “Yeah, it sure is!”

  He turned to Dustin, “Lucky you aren’t that defiant, or I might just have to exert my authority.”

  Dustin sassed him, “I would like to see you try.”

  Jeannie nodded at him, “You tell him, Dustin!”

  She raised her glass, “Us rich country girls know how to keep our man in line.”

  Tony entered the room, he would have been in sooner, but he had got caught up in a conversation with Dustin’s mother, Trisha.

  He greeted everyone, “Hey everybody, what did I miss?”

  Jeannie jumped up to greet him, “Hey baby! Nothing much, we just finished up the last details for the boys and now we're getting ready for some lunch.”

  Tony grinned, “Well it sounds like I arrived just in time, now that all the work is done.”

  Levi yelled from the kitchen, “Is that my bro Tony?”

  Tony grinned, “Yeah little man, whats for lunch?”

; “Cold cut subs,” he replied and emerged with a tray full for them. Travis followed behind munching on one and took a seat at the dining room table.

  Trisha emerged from the porch, “Well since nobody will sit with me outside I thought I’d come sit with the cool kids.”

  She took a seat next to Dustin, and smiled at him, “It’s so nice here getting to spend all of this quality time with everyone; It gets so lonely by myself there at the trailer with your daddy working all the time, and your sister running around with that boy.”

  Dustin clutched her hand, “Yes it is mama when we get back to the cabin Sky and I will have to have you over more often.”

  Skyler added, “Yeah mama don’t sit there by yourself, trust me I know that being alone ain’t no fun.”

  As they settled in to eat lunch, they reminisced about the lovely weekend they had, and their hopes of getting together soon.

  Travis had a perfect idea, “Why don’t you guys come back down around Thanksgiving? Shane and Jake are coming up from Carolina Beach, and they have big news.”

  Levi sighed, “Ugh don’t remind me, Shane refused to tell me!”

  Travis quipped, “You aren’t supposed to be harassing our friends.”

  Levi stuck his tongue out, and Skyler replied to Travis’ offer of coming up.

  “I haven’t celebrated Thanksgiving or Christmas since Jimmy passed away.”

  Dustin smiled at him, “It will be different now that we have each other.”

  Skyler’s lips curved into a smile, “I did always love the holidays.”

  Trisha joined in, “We will have the best holiday season ever together. You aren’t just gaining a husband. You get the whole package!”

  She cackled wildly, and Jeannie grinned at her, “I just love you, Mrs. Trisha, you are my kind of people.”

  Trisha raised her glass to Jeannie, “I love you too baby.”

  She scanned the room, “I love all of you, and I’m gonna miss you so much when I go back to Shenandoah.”

  Everybody joined the tearful woman in a big group hug. Dustin yelled from underneath everyone, “I can’t breathe.”

  Everyone separated, and Jeannie checked her watch; she yelled excitedly, “Guess what time it is?”

  Everyone glanced at her inquisitively, and she added, “It’s time to get dressed for the wedding!”

  Jeannie took control of the situation, “Alright all the boy’s to their rooms to get dressed except the bride.”

  She glanced at Dustin, “You and Levi get dressed together.”

  She turned to Travis, “You help Skyler upstairs.”

  She turned to Levi, “You make sure the bride looks fabulous!”

  Levi saluted, “I-I Captain!”

  She added, “Smart mouths lead to smashed ones.”

  She turned to Tony, “You watch for the reverend, and get my dress from the car.”

  And last she turned to Trisha, “Let’s go, mama, we're getting ready together.”

  Trisha smiled, “Sounds like a plan.”

  The whole farmhouse was abuzz with everyone running from bathroom to bedroom to get ready. Travis had grabbed his favorite tux from his and Levi’s closet downstairs and joined Skyler upstairs.

  Skyler was in his shirt and pants when Travis entered, adjusting his tie.

  He fussed, “Man, I hate suits!”

  Travis was busy trying to tuck his shirt in. Once he had finished, he caught a glimpse of Skyler in the mirror.

  Travis approached him and straightened his tie, “You look great cuz. Are you nervous?”

  Skyler swallowed hard, “ I’m as nervous as a long-tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!”

  Travis laughed, “Just take it easy, the only thing that matters is that boy downstairs.”

  Skyler bit his lip trying to hold back the tears, the reality of how close they were to getting married was setting in. He gripped Travis’ shoulders and wrapped him a hug.

  “I can’t tell you how much I appreciate everything you have ever done for me Trav. I don’t know where I would be if it weren’t for you checking on me from time to time. There were moments where I would get so lonely I didn’t think I would have the energy to make it through the night, and like some kind of psychic you would call.”

  They separated, and Travis nodded at him, “That is what family does, we may be miles away, but we will always be blood.”

  Skyler shook his hand, and they grabbed their jackets to head downstairs.

  Trisha and Jeannie were giggling like two high school girls in their room. They had managed somehow to put on too much makeup, and Jeannie had to help Trisha take it off. Every time she would go to get it off; she would get a case of the giggles; prompting Trisha to ask what.

  Jeannie finally caught her breath enough to tell her, “You looked just like Tammy Faye Bakker with that mascara on.”

  Trisha quipped, “Is that so, well you look like one of those 1980s rock bands.”

  Jeannie was fine with that; it was her signature look after all until Trisha told her which one. “You look like Motley Crue.”

  Jeannie quipped, “They were men!”

  Trisha fanned herself and her face shown a shady expression, “ I know sweetie.”

  Jeannie finished fixing the woman’s makeup and primped her hair one last time before emerging from the room into the upstairs hallway.

  She stood at the top of the stair and Trisha followed her. Skyler, Travis, and Tony gazed up to where they were; they applauded and cheered as the woman made their way down the stairs.

  Trisha was wearing a red sequin dress and red flats similar to the one she wore to dinner, and Jeannie was wearing a black dress with black heels.

  The reverend had arrived and was waiting on the front porch.

  Jeannie turned to Travis, “Where are the boys it’s almost time?”

  Travis glanced at Skyler, “Have you seen Dustin or Levi?”

  Skyler panicked, “No! Where could they be?”

  Jeannie calmed him, “Don’t worry hun I will go check on them.”

  Little did everyone know, Levi and Dustin had made some slight changes to Dustin’s outfit. After trying on Levi’s wedding suit, he opted for it instead of the cream one Jeannie had originally picked for him. There was something just so beautiful and pure about the bright snow white Levi’s suit was, and once Dustin had it on the decision was instant to keep it on.

  They had finished getting ready before everyone and slipped out the front door with Tony’s help. Levi had decided to wear the cream suit Dustin was going to wear, they both looked like angels standing next to the reverend under the Magnolia Trees in front of the big farmhouse.

  As Travis, Skyler, and Trisha were getting ready to come out the front door; Tony ran up to greet them, and to block the surprise of the boys dressed up and waiting for them.

  He looked at them inquisitively, “Where’s Jeannie?”

  Jeannie ran from the back bedroom in a panic, “They're not there!”

  Skyler tore past Tony and froze on the front porch; there they were, Levi and Dustin standing under the Magnolias, a brisk fall wind lightly blowing flower petals from the trees down on them like rain.

  Travis joined him and placed his hand on Skyler’s back; He shook his head; Levi never ceased to amaze him. Dustin smiled coyly from under his cowboy hat, and Levi was looking serious, trying not to cry.

  Skyler closed his mouth and swallowed. Tears were streaming down his face, as the rest of them stood behind him in amazement of the two angelic boy’s standing there with Reverend.

  Jeannie wrapped her arm around Trisha, who was wiping tears from the corners of her eyes. The reverend smiled and addressed them, “Hurry up everyone it’s chilly out here.”

  Travis nudged Skyler, and they walked slowly over to where the boys were. Once they had arrived, Skyler took off his cowboy hat and handed it to Travis.

  The reverend spoke clearly and softly, “Let us begin, Do you Skyler James Cooley take Dustin Adams t
o be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you shall live.”

  Skyler took a deep breath and choked out the words, “I do.”

  The reverend turned to Dustin, “And do you, Dustin Zachary Adams take Skyler to be your lawfully wedded husband to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for as long as you shall live?”

  He lifted his fingers to wipe a tear from Skyler's face; he whispered, “I do.”

  The Reverend continued, “Then by the power vested in me I now pronounce you married, you may kiss your husband.”

  Dustin leaned his body into Skyler’s, and the man lifted him off the ground as they kissed.

  Levi laid his head on Travis’ shoulder, and Tony wrapped his arms around Jeannie. Trisha leaned into them and wept, “My little boy is all grown up now.”

  Skyler sat Dustin on the ground, and they gazed into one another’s eyes as the wind blew Dustin’s white coat tail in the wind.

  The Reverend smiled at them, “May all of your Everlonging Desires be fulfilled forever.”

  Sometimes love can happen without us even knowing it. It has the power to heal, and the power to make us feel emotions our mind cannot comprehend. You never know who it will choose; it just happens, and when it does, we must heed its call.


  (for now)


  Daniel Elijah Sanderfer is a retired Hospitality Manager who currently resides in Southern Indiana with his husband, William.

  Originally from the Blue Ridge Mountain region of Virginia, he moved to Indiana to be closer to his then fiance. They have been married for one year and together for 14 total years.

  He was always interested in writing even from a young age and was featured in a few poetry collections as a teen.

  When he is not writing, he is a caretaker, as his husband is disabled and requires full-time care. He enjoys going to antique stores and in the summer weekend long yard sales.

  He currently writes LGBT fiction with a positive direction as he feels too many love stories experience tragedy. He likes to highlight the stories that survived. The couples who fought to stay together and the families that do accept them.


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