Tales of the Queendom of Maadre

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Tales of the Queendom of Maadre Page 3

by Barbara G. Tarn

  "You can tonight. Because it's been a long journey."

  "With him, but without touching him."

  "Indeed. Keep your sarcasm in check also, or I'll get rid of you anyway."

  "Naughty master." Calvin pouted, putting his arms around Kyrio's neck. "I missed you."

  Kyrio accepted the passionate kiss, wishing it was Smeraldo instead. But the dancer wasn't ready, so he might as well use willing Calvin's passion to try to quench his thirst.

  Chapter 4

  Smeraldo spent his first night in his new room sleeping fitfully but too proud to go knocking on Kyrio's door. On the ship he had rested well near Kyrio's body, and the sudden emptiness of the big bed made for an agitated sleep.

  As the days passed, he grew accustomed to the quiet he found in his room after a day spent listening to conversations he couldn't understand unless they were talking to him – and it was either Jack or Kyrio or beautiful sister Karalee who always had kind words for him. She reminded him of Melania or his own sister, Alina – neither was harsh like the Queen or some of her subjects.

  Smeraldo still remembered the Rite he had to perform on an Aristocrat's daughter with the mother standing by and giving him directions as if he was a dumb animal. He didn't consider himself very smart, but he knew his job, for the Goddess's sake! That woman hadn't been the only harsh one, although only the Queen had ended up hurting him physically.

  Freedom meant now he didn't have to deal with those types of women, apparently. Everybody was very relaxed in Kyrio's household. Well, except Calvin, who showed a mix of contempt and envy towards him, and he couldn't figure out why.

  After noticing Calvin's defiant stare once more, Jack had explained to him that the servant used to share Kyrio's bed – and sometimes still did. Not every night, and less and less often, but Calvin was still admitted into Kyrio's bedroom. Probably because Smeraldo was so reticent and Kyrio needed something more physical from time to time.

  Smeraldo was getting used to the name Aldo and to the people of the house. He met the rest of Kyrio's family and was surprised to see how they accepted both Kyrio and his guest. They all smiled at him as if he were part of the family – not a slave, not a servant. He wondered if Kyrio had told them they were lovers or what. Kyrio had introduced him as a friend and always spoke Amazonia's dialect when Smeraldo was nearby, but maybe he had told more to his family in his mother tongue when Smeraldo was out of earshot.

  When the whole family was gathered, Smeraldo danced for them, accompanied by Jack on a lute and a house servant keeping the rhythm with a drum. The cheers and applause were deafening as he caught his breath and bowed to the audience after the performance. He had never experienced such a personal success, and a shy smile curved his lips.

  He met Kyrio's eyes and saw he was grinning. Embarrassed, he bowed again and retired to his room to rest.

  After the performance, everybody became even friendlier with him – except Calvin, of course – and as a month had gone by, he was starting to understand what they said to him, although Jack or Kyrio were always nearby to translate if necessary.

  He felt much better in the new environment, but his voice still refused to come out. His nightmares were almost gone, but he was still afraid of Kyrio's touch because he had no idea of what to expect. He admired the man but didn't trust him enough to give him his body. He danced for him and his family, but that was it.

  On a restless night, he went for a walk in the empty corridors, following the wall with one hand since he didn't take the lamp. The stone floor was cool under his bare feet, and the shadows didn't scare him as much as his dreams.

  On his way back to his room, he saw light coming out from Kyrio's open door and two figures entwined in the frame, whispering. He couldn't hear the words, but he recognized the master and Calvin.

  The servant seemed to hang onto Kyrio, pleading, begging, but the master looked determined. Smeraldo backed away as Kyrio gruffly pushed Calvin in the corridor and closed the door on his face. Smeraldo hid in the shadows and held his breath as Calvin rushed by, sobbing.

  Impressed by the servant's obvious distress, Smeraldo wondered if he should try to communicate with either of them, but Calvin's hostility didn't invite a conversation and Kyrio's mind was obviously set on Smeraldo anyway.

  Smeraldo went back to his room, wondering what he should do.


  Kyrio had enough of Calvin's possessive love. He had made it clear upon returning that things had changed between them, but Calvin wouldn't listen. And the physical relief Calvin could give him was only temporary and didn't diminish his longing for Smeraldo.

  He knew he was falling in love with the beautiful dancer and that it would break his heart to take him back. Too many months had gone by and Smeraldo was as elusive as the first day. Kyrio despaired of actually healing him, but never considered asking again if Smeraldo was ready. The dancer would say yes only to please him, and it would be useless.

  Calvin's tantrums were really getting on his nerves, though, so he decided to follow through with his threat and send him back to the city. Calvin's family had an inn on the waterfront where he berthed his ship, so he ordered Calvin to pack and leave on the peddler's wagon.


  "You can be happy now, Calvin is leaving!" Jack announced cheerfully.

  Startled, Smeraldo looked at him. Was the servant leaving or was he being kicked out?

  "I daresay it's high time," Jack continued, oblivious. "The little bitch had become a handful! You should have seen him last year when he managed to get into Kyrio's bed! Serves him right! I mean, he's cute, but who does he think he is?"

  Smeraldo stopped listening and rushed to the courtyard. Calvin was climbing the peddler's wagon with tears streaming down his cheeks. Kyrio was nowhere to be seen.

  Smeraldo jogged to the wagon and grabbed Calvin's arm. He didn't want the young man to go. In spite of the hostility, he knew how much Calvin loved Kyrio.

  Calvin glared at him, drying his tears with his sleeve. "What do you want?" he snapped.

  Smeraldo shook his head, mouthing, "Don't go!"

  Calvin scoffed. "He doesn't want me anymore," he said sourly. "He wants you. But you're too stupid to accept his love. Don't be so precious. He'll give you so much pleasure you'll forget all your previous lovers!" He turned to the peddler. "Let's go!"

  The wagon moved and Smeraldo let go of Calvin's arm.

  "Need translation?" Jack asked, amused.

  Smeraldo gulped and shook his head. He shivered, suddenly feeling very cold.

  Jack guided him back inside. "Calvin is right, you know?" he said, thoughtful. "Kyrio can give you much pleasure. He's not like those wicked women who put us in this world only to torment and humiliate us."

  Smeraldo knew that Kyrio wasn't the Queen, but he was still wary. What could two men do? Their bodies didn't fit together like man and woman.

  Then he remembered Kyrio had told Melania he'd keep his clothes on, which sounded even stranger. Kyrio only wanted to touch him and then what?

  Smeraldo knew Kyrio wouldn't hurt him, but fear of the unknown fomented his indecision.


  Kyrio sat with Smeraldo in the garden, explaining the rituals of the winter solstice in the Lekisha Kingdom. On that night, family and friends exchanged gifts and wished each other well for the new year.

  "You don't have to gift us with anything, but a performance of your dancing skills would be greatly appreciated," he told Smeraldo, who had listened carefully and now seemed lost in thought.

  In spite of having danced at the Temple of the Goddess for most of his life, Smeraldo didn't seem to be very devotional – or maybe he simply prayed to his Goddess in the privacy of his room. If he prayed at all, considering how his Goddess's daughter had treated him.

  Kyrio himself wasn't very religious, but he liked the gifting tradition that kept the family together. His mother had different beliefs from his father, which meant the whole family was very relaxed about gods and g
oddesses, trying to take the best of both faiths. Kikki was the only one who followed her husband's religion, but she lived at the capital, while Kriloy and Karalee had reached an agreement with their spouses, much like their parents had.

  The night of the winter solstice came, and family and servants gathered in the great hall to celebrate. After a banquet and a few traditional songs, the tables were cleaned to start the gift exchange.

  Smeraldo didn't have anything physical to offer, but after his dance performance, he was approached with little presents. Karalee gave him a silver torque, her firstborn a pouch of perfumed herbs, Jack a new razor, Kriloy a silver armband, and Kyrio a belt. Overwhelmed with gratitude, Smeraldo smiled and bowed at each, touching their feet in a form of respect, which made thirteen-year-old Leila giggle nervously.

  Kyrio dared to hug him, mostly because Smeraldo's smile was killing him – so beautiful, so open. Now the only thing missing was hearing his voice.

  The celebration continued well into the night with more songs and laughter until the children fell asleep and wine took over some of the men, servants included.

  Kyrio took Smeraldo's hand and led him out of the great hall, feeling ready to crash on his bed and dream of the dancer's smile all night. He was drunk, but with Smeraldo's smile, not the wine. He couldn't take the dancer's joy out of his head and he felt exhilarated by the accomplishment.

  "Good night, Aldo," he said tenderly in front of their doors. Letting go of the dancer's hand almost hurt.

  He rushed inside his room, closing the door with a huge sigh. When oh when would Smeraldo allow him to touch him?

  Chapter 5

  Smeraldo sat on the bed and spread his gifts on the quilted cover, staring at his new treasures, puzzled. He smelled Leila's pouch, caressed the dried flowers a maid had given him with a shy giggle, and touched the leather of Kyrio's belt.

  Smeraldo could feel his master's embrace after giving him the gift. He could still see the longing glance Kyrio had given him when saying good night. He was well aware of Kyrio's desire.

  And suddenly he wasn't afraid anymore. Overwhelmed by gratitude, he stood, glancing one last time at his treasures. He took a deep breath, knowing it was time to pay his debt.

  He went to Kyrio's door and scratched the wood before entering. Kyrio was in bed, writing in a journal, and looked up, puzzled.

  "Aldo! What..."

  Smeraldo rushed to him and put a finger on his lips. He better not think about what he was doing. He took the journal and the quill and put them aside, then he climbed on the bed, all the time feeling Kyrio's black eyes on him.

  Smeraldo took off his tunic, then sat next to Kyrio, waiting.

  "Are you sure?" Kyrio asked, frowning with concern. He wore a night caftan and was under the sheets, and Smeraldo considered sliding next to him. But as he had decided to give his body, he might as well let Kyrio watch him before hiding it.

  He quickly nodded, exhaling deeply. He was very nervous, but not scared. Kyrio took him in his arms and started caressing him, brushing his face with light kisses. Smeraldo felt stiff and tried to relax under the gentle touch.

  He threw back his head and offered his mouth to be kissed. Kyrio felt different from the women he had kissed so far, but not unpleasant. Better than the Queen's kisses, which often turned into painful bites, and almost like Melania.

  Smeraldo closed his eyes and relaxed in his lover's embrace.


  Smeraldo's unexpected surrender was overwhelming. Kyrio didn't know where to start, now that he could adore the body he had wanted for so long.

  Smeraldo's skin and muscles shivered under his touch and his kisses, and soon the beautiful dancer was out of breath as he explored his torso with fingers and lips, heading towards the throbbing manhood.

  Smeraldo didn't return the caresses – he probably didn't know how, yet – and lay gasping and panting as Kyrio worked his way to arousing him. Melania had said Smeraldo was impotent, but maybe enough time had passed since Amazonia. Kyrio gave the dancer his first orgasm in six months.

  As he explored, he noticed the fading signs of Amazonia's cruelty on the dancer's body. Why a woman would want to hurt such a sweet young man was beyond him. But then, they said Amazonia was crazy and that her abnormally long life had made her lose her mind.

  He gobbled Smeraldo's sex and sucked until Smeraldo came with a loud gasp – but his voice was still absent. Kyrio took him in his arms and caressed his clean-shaven cheek as Smeraldo opened sleepy green eyes and smiled at him.

  "Thank you," he mouthed before nestling against him to sleep.

  Kyrio held him tight, thinking he was madly in love and would never be able to let Smeraldo go. Although, the voice hadn't returned yet, so there was still work to do to seduce the gorgeous young man.

  When he felt Smeraldo was asleep, he pulled back. He watched Smeraldo sleep, caressing his head with one hand while he pleasured himself with the other.


  Smeraldo woke up and realized he was using someone's torso as a pillow. Then he remembered the previous night and Kyrio's gentle touch, so he opened his eyes to check in whose arms he was sleeping. Kyrio, of course. The master was asleep, still wearing his night caftan, still under the sheet.

  Shivering in the morning cold, Smeraldo slid under the sheet too, and nestled again with his ear on Kyrio's heart. His hand tentatively caressed the fabric of the caftan, guessing the body underneath. Another man's body.

  Smeraldo slid his leg between Kyrio's thighs, and this time the older man woke up.

  "Are you all right?" he asked, worried.

  Smeraldo nodded. A part of him was curious, so he slid his hand in Kyrio's caftan opening, touching the hairless chest underneath.

  He looked at Kyrio's face for approval and Kyrio smiled.

  "Don't do anything you don't want to do. I'll keep my caftan on if it makes you feel better."

  Smeraldo pulled himself up, shaking his head. He gestured for Kyrio to undress. The other man hesitated, then took off the caftan.

  Smeraldo curled up against him again. It felt weird now that they were both naked. His hand started exploring, meeting scars, but his voice didn't come out to ask about them. His hand met Kyrio's manhood and he felt it stiffen at the touch of his fingers.

  Kyrio embraced him and started kissing him. Breathless, Smeraldo returned the kiss and the embrace, crushing his own arousal against their bellies. They came pressed together and Smeraldo felt eager to learn what other pleasant things could be done by two men loving each other.


  Kyrio had unblocked the sex part, but Smeraldo was still mute.

  "I wish you could tell me what was done to you, so I could make you forget with more specific attentions," he said, worried, holding Smeraldo tight. The dancer had moved into his bedroom, but he was still sort of blocked.

  Smeraldo squeezed him as if to say it didn't matter.

  "I'm serious, Aldo," he insisted. "I might have cured your impotence, but if you don't talk, Melania will not allow me to keep you. Do you want to stay here or go back to her?"

  Smeraldo stared at him with his green eyes full of trust.

  "Sorry, let me rephrase it," he apologized. "Do you want to go back to Melania?"

  Smeraldo blinked, thought for a moment, then slowly shook his head.

  "The year is almost over," Kyrio reminded him. "We'll have to go back anyway. You heard her. If I heal you completely, I can keep you. Do you want to stay with me?"

  More pondering and a slow nod. Smeraldo leaned to deposit a light kiss on Kyrio's lips. But his silence was still very frustrating.

  "I'll need a lifetime to heal you," Kyrio grumbled. "I don't know how I thought I could make it in a year! Let's hope Melania sees the progress and allows me to keep you anyway."


  Then it was time to go back to sea. Kyrio, Smeraldo and Jack headed back for the coast and reached the harbor where the ship was berthed. Kyrio sent a call to his crew, who quickly rep
orted to him.

  Smeraldo could understand what the others said now, so he decided he could be part of the crew instead of sitting in the cabin with nothing to do all day. His eyes pleaded Jack to teach him something about sailing, so he became a ship-boy.

  At night he slept with the captain, and on deck, they pretended there was nothing between them. But when they locked the cabin's door, Kyrio's tenderness enveloped Smeraldo like a blanket.

  The dancer was also more curious about the places they visited – Ixos, capital of the Tattoo country; Inessa, in the Kaden Kingdom; Akulina, on the coast of the Kingdom of Akkora; smaller towns on the shores of the Black Empire – where men had skins so dark they were invisible at night – and then the ocean, where the islands that had given birth to Kyrio's mother lay.

  They reached the archipelago and landed on a sandy white beach, welcomed by half-naked natives with tribal tattoos and big grins. Smeraldo couldn't understand their language, but deduced where Kyrio had gotten his features from – slightly exotic even in his ignorant, untraveled eyes. Kyrio must have taken more than traditions from his mother.

  The island had only a village of huts inhabited by fishermen and pearl gatherers. Kyrio took him to dive in the blue waters, looking for shells, corals and other treasures. At first Smeraldo was a little afraid of all that water, but he trusted Kyrio, so he held his breath and followed him to the most amazing underwater world.

  They were given a small hut apart from the rest so at night they could make love to each other on the ground, as there was no furniture anywhere on the island, except some hammocks hanging from trees.

  Smeraldo was grateful for the discovery of a new place that looked very much like a garden of heaven and wished they could stay there forever. But his voice didn't come out as he fell asleep in Kyrio's arms.


  "He is bewitched," the old shaman said. "He is hurt. But you will heal him."

  "Are you sure?" Kyrio was doubtful. "I'm running out of time. If he doesn't speak when I reach Maadre, I will lose him."


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