Wedding at Poker Flat

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Wedding at Poker Flat Page 8

by Lexi Post

  “Absolutely. Donna may be your mom, but she’s a sexy woman herself. I’d be honored to share my knowledge.”

  At Adriana’s wink over her mom’s head, she relaxed. She could trust her friend to be selective, though knowing Adriana, there was bound to be fall out from that particular conversation.

  “Yes, get back to work and make my girl some money.”

  “Whatever you say.” Adriana gave her mom a warm smile before sashaying back behind the bar.

  At the same time, her gaze caught sight of Ginger and Buddy exiting a desert trail toward the conversation pool. Shit, she hadn’t told her mom about their role in the wedding yet. “Would you like to see the Old West main street we built?”

  Her mother frowned. “You mean that long set of buildings opposite the barn? I’ve already seen them.”

  “Even inside?”

  “I thought it was just for show.”

  She shook her head and linked her arm with her mom’s as she led them toward the front of the main building and away from Buddy and Ginger.

  “Who’s that?” He mother pointed at Chris as he strode toward the main building though it looked like he was limping. Their masseuse wouldn’t use the golf carts because he wanted to stay fit, or so he said.

  “That’s Chris. He works in the Old West town.”

  “He doesn’t look like a cowboy. He looks more like one of those guys on the commercials for those exercise machines. That man has some serious muscles.”

  That was true. Chris did workout in the weight room, which they’d set up in the bank section next to his massage studio, which was in the “Sheriff Office” store front. When he’d first suggested the weights, she’d had Lacey do the research on nudist resorts having an exercise room and had been surprised that it was common. She’d only bought two pieces of equipment at first, but had such good feedback that they added three more last fall.

  The young man approached.

  “Chris, I’d like you to meet my mother.”

  Chris gave her mom a wide smile showing his perfect white teeth. “It’s a pleasure and an honor to meet you, Mrs. Lowe.” He gave her mother a slight bow.

  “Well, aren’t you a Mr. Clean with hair.”

  Chris looked to Kendra in question. He was far too young to know the reference.

  “It’s an old television commercial. She thinks you’re an Adonis.”

  The man’s grin grew. “Thank you. I try to stay in shape.”

  She gestured toward the Old West Town. “Are you done for the day?”

  He sighed. “My last appointment cancelled.”

  “Appointment?” Her mother tore her gaze from Chris’s arms and looked at her. “What appointment?”

  “Chris is a masseuse. He gives our guests massages.”

  “Naked massages?”

  Chris nodded. “Yes. It’s a pleasure massaging people who aren’t nervous about covering themselves.”

  “I’ve never had a massage.”

  Her mom’s words brought home exactly how limited a life she’d led. Something Kendra hadn’t thought of before. It made her heart hurt that her mom had been confined to that stupid trailer, but she was out now and she deserved to experience everything. Okay, maybe not Adriana’s everything, but a lot more.

  Chris stood with his mouth open. The poor man thought a life without massages wasn’t worth living. He finally found his voice. “Then we must rectify that immediately.”

  “You mean you want to give me a massage?” Her mother’s voice rose an octave in her surprise.

  He looked to her. “That is, if Kendra doesn’t mind.”

  “I think it’s an excellent idea.”

  Her mom frowned. “Do I have to get naked?”

  Chris shook his head. “You do whatever makes you feel comfortable.”

  “Why not? I’m ready to try all sorts of new things.”

  Chris held out his arm. “Shall we?”

  Without a second thought, her mom grasped his arm and walked away, her voice carrying as she asked Chris question after question.

  Kendra watched the two until they’d crossed the fork in the road, her eyes misty with unexpressed emotion.

  Two arms encircled her waist from behind, very familiar arms.

  “What are you looking at?” Wade’s voice was low, his lips close to her ear.

  “My mom, but through new eyes.”

  He turned her around to face him. “Whoa, are you going to cry? I’ve already had one teary-eyed female on my hands today. I’m not sure I could handle another.”

  She blinked the moisture away. “No, I’m not going to cry. You know me better than that. But now you have to tell me who was crying and what you did to help, because I know you and my perfect cowboy would feel obligated to help. However, I’ll tell you this, if you held her in your arms like this, you’re sleeping on the love seat tonight.”

  He chuckled as he shook his head. “Not to worry. No touching was needed. Actually, you’re the one who could be of help.”

  “Me? I would think a female nudist would much prefer a handsome cowboy’s help.”

  “It wasn’t a nudist. It was Natasha.”

  “Oh, was that why she was so lenient with you during our waltz practice today?”

  He pulled his head back. “Why wouldn’t you think it was because I’m improving with the waltz?”

  She gave him a small smile. “Because you have two left feet. But it’s okay, I love you anyway.”

  He grinned before lowering his head to kiss her. It didn’t take long before it turned hot and her belly tightened with need.

  “Get a room you two!”

  At the sound of Buddy’s voice, she broke the kiss and looked around Wade’s shoulder. “Us? You’re the ones walking around naked.”

  Wade dropped one arm and turned to face them, his other arm still around her waist. “And don’t get used to it. Starting Saturday, my parents arrive.”

  Buddy grumbled, “I thought we had until Monday.”

  Ginger, a middle-aged woman with bright red hair who had been her surrogate mother, beamed. “I, for one, can’t wait to meet them. I just know the in-laws will be wonderful.”

  Kendra coughed. “Um, speaking of family, my mom arrived yesterday.”

  Ginger threw both her arms up in the air. “That’s wonderful. Where is she? Why haven’t we seen her?”

  Wade squeezed her waist in silent encouragement.

  “She’s been out with Jorge. I wanted to tell her about you two, but haven’t had a chance yet.”

  Buddy frowned. “Why do you need to tell her about us? I’m assuming if she’s here, she’s a nudist.”

  She shook her head. “No, she’s not, and thank you very much for putting that image in my head.”

  Buddy smirked. “You’re welcome.”

  “But sweetie, you don’t mind us being nudists. Does your mother not approve?”

  The fact was, she wasn’t sure about this new mother of hers. “I don’t think she has a problem with it since I showed her around today. It’s just that she’s changed. As in, I’m not sure I know much about her anymore.”

  Ginger patted her hand. “I’m sure it’s just because you haven’t seen her in what? Two years?”

  “Oh, it’s a lot more than that. She’s left Fred, has two dogs, a crush on Jorge, and wants to live here.” She hadn’t meant to blurt it all out, but Ginger and Buddy had provided her the family life she never had and were the inspiration for Poker Flat.

  “Wow.” Buddy’s quiet comment said it all.

  It didn’t clarify anything, but just having two other people who understood what a big change that was made her feel saner. “Yes, exactly.”

  “Well, you just let us know when you’d like us to make an appearance. We don’t want to cause problems between you and your mom.” Ginger smiled kindly.

  “Thank you, but I don’t think it’s a problem. I just don’t know what she’s going to say next.”

  Buddy chuckled. “At least
that much hasn’t changed.”

  She silently agreed.

  “We’re going in for dinner. We had a long hike on the new desert trail. It’s lovely and the views are amazing. What great exercise.”

  “Yeah, if you like sweating.”

  Ginger latched onto her husband’s arm. “You had no problem with that last night.”

  Buddy, to his credit, turned red. “Come on. Are we going to eat or not? I’m famished.”

  As he led his wife toward the entrance of the main building, Kendra tried to imagine her and Wade at that age. Somehow, she couldn’t see him blushing. Then again, she couldn’t see both of them walking around nude. They may do it for the weekly manager reception, but they agreed they preferred their clothes on in public. In private was a whole other matter.

  Wade slipped his arm from her waist and grasped her hand. “I have to agree with Buddy. I’m hungry and Selma made three-cheese enchiladas with refried beans for dinner.”

  She stared at him. He had charmed Selma from the first day he’d arrived at the resort. “Now how do you know what Selma made for dinner?”

  He gave her the crooked grin of his that she so loved. “I asked.”

  Oh, there was much more to it than that, but that was between her madam-turned-cook and her husband-to-be. “I’m hungry, too. Can you bring it into our office? Showing mom around put me behind. I still have those two ad packages to review.”

  Wade winked. “Your wish is my command.”

  At the subtle reminder of the morning her mom arrived, tingles invaded her body. “Hmmm, I can think of a few times where it was the opposite.”

  “It’s almost all I think of.”

  She laughed as he opened the door for her. Once inside, it was obvious what Selma had made for dinner as the scent of enchiladas filled the lobby.

  Wade let go of her hand and headed for the dining room. She couldn’t help but watch him, her fascination with his broad shoulders alive and well. How the hell did she get so lucky?

  Chapter Six


  Kendra glanced at the time on her computer. It was only one in the morning and she’d accomplished everything she’d hoped to do, but she couldn’t go to bed yet. She was wide awake and Wade was sleeping. Their opposite sleep and work habits made having sex a fun challenge.

  She grinned at the memory of the first time she’d “ridden” him in her office after a strip poker game. That was before the resort had opened, but she still managed a few rides now and again, like earlier in the evening after their intimate dinner.

  Despite the time that had taken, she was still caught up, probably because the resort was closed next week. Part of her was happy for the break, but the business side of her balked. Still, it was her wedding. If there was ever a reason to close the resort it was that.

  It wasn’t as if she didn’t have more money from her poker winnings and subsequent investments. She could support the resort if she had to, but she wanted it to sustain itself and eventually make money. In essence, it was her retirement.

  She hadn’t really thought of it that way in a long time, but having her mom wanting to live with her put a new spin on things. Her mom basically had no skills, no income, and no home. To make matters worse, she would soon be spending a lot of money on a divorce, unless Fred decided it was easier to give up a housecleaner than give up his money.

  Of course, that meant she’d have to support her mom until she could collect social security. How long would that be? Ten years? Yes, ten years if she started early.

  She couldn’t imagine her mom, and her two dogs, living at Poker Flat that long. Maybe she could find her mom an apartment in the closest town?

  Even at the idea, her stomach clenched. Her mom would be insulted to be pushed out of Poker Flat. “Shit.” Snatching up her cowboy hat, she plopped it on her head and strode out of her office, locking the door behind her and heading for the bar. She needed a beer.

  Walking through the empty Great Room, her cowboy boots made far too much noise for her to hear if any guests were still outside with Adriana. Pushing open the side door, she stopped and listened. The sound of glasses being washed floated toward her, but no voices and no guests in sight.

  Walking over to the bar, she sat on one of the stools.

  “Hey, what are you doing out of your office?” Adriana looked at her bracelet watch. “You’re not allowed out until the vampires take over.”

  She chuckled. “I know. I’m surprised, too. Can I get a beer?”

  Adriana turned around and pulled her favorite from the cooler. After opening it, her friend opened a case to grab a cold mug.

  “No, don’t dirty another glass. I’ll drink it from the bottle.”

  “Whatever you want.” Setting the beer on the bar, Adriana scooped some ice into a glass and used the soda nozzle to pour herself a ginger ale.

  Kendra lifted her bottle. “You’re not going to join me?”

  “No. I’ve gotten in the habit of avoiding beer or any alcohol since I learned about Hunter’s wife. He’s pretty touchy about it.”

  Hunter’s tragic story included deployment, a permanent injury and a drunk driver. When she’d hired him, she never thought he and Adriana would fall in love, but they did. “Do you think he’ll have a problem with the wedding reception? It’s open bar and I’m sure even those who don’t usually drink are bound to imbibe too much, especially since everyone will be staying here.”

  Adriana took a sip and put her glass on the bar. “I actually talked to him about it. We decided that if he couldn’t keep his cool, we’d leave.”

  She nodded. “That’s a good plan. I don’t want him to be uncomfortable. He’s an excellent security guard and I’d rather not lose him.”

  “Excellent?” Adriana smirked. “He’s the best.”

  “I don’t know.” She winked. “Mackenzie is damn good.”

  Adriana nodded. “Sure, for a woman. She’s beyond fit. I think she’s the only woman who might be able to outlast me in bed.” She held up her hand. “If I wasn’t with Hunter.”

  Shit, that said a lot about how far Hunter and Adriana had come. Adriana loved sex and while she’d enjoyed men, she wasn’t averse to women, too. She must be serious about her relationship.

  How had she missed that? Probably because she was buried in her office all the time. She needed to get out more.

  “Will you ever tell me Mac’s story?” Adriana wiggled her brow. “You know I won’t tell.”

  “Why don’t you ask her? You must see her when she—” Her phone’s ring interrupted her. At this time of night, it couldn’t be good. Pulling it from her back pocket, she tensed. “Hunter.”

  As Adriana’s focus sharpened, Kendra answered. “What is it?”

  “It’s Chris. You need to come to the garage.”

  “On my way.”

  Hunter hung up before she did.

  “What did he say? Is he okay?” Adriana’s concern was telling.

  “I’m assuming he’s fine, but not sure about Chris. Hunter didn’t exactly elaborate.”

  Adriana blew out air from between her full lips. “He never does. Just call if you need help.”

  She stood as she took a bracing swig of beer then ran to her golf cart parked in front of the main building. Jumping in, she pushed the pedal to the floor and drove toward the fork in the path.

  If Chris had been out drinking with friends and came back drunk, Hunter might be barely holding his temper in check. She needed to get there before he lost it. Then again, Chris could be hurt. No, it sounded like he wanted her to pass judgement as if Chris had done something he shouldn’t.

  She was getting better at understanding Hunter’s tone of voice. The man’s lack of conversation meant understanding his tones. To give him credit, since he and Adriana had started living together, he’d loosened up a bit, even smiling on occasion.

  The golf cart rolled across the bridge before she directed it up the other side of the ravine. She focused on the switchbacks
, the incline twice as steep as the side where she built the resort.

  When she reached the top, she drove around the barricade that kept people from driving over the cliff and turned toward the three-walled garage. In the dim lights of the golf cart, she could see Hunter and Chris standing next to Chris’s sedan, his back-passenger door open.

  Now what was that all about?

  Stopping her cart, she stepped out and looked at first Chris then Hunter. “What’s wrong?”

  He jerked his head toward Chris.

  She turned toward her masseuse. “Spill.”

  Chris didn’t even hesitate. “I was at a bar in east Phoenix. My blind date had picked it as a neutral place to meet as it’s very popular.”

  She could sense Hunter already growing bored. He must have heard the whole story already.

  “I noticed these guys watching us. They had that look. You know, the one that says you should be ground into the Earth and then lit on fire?”

  She had to admit she hadn’t been a recipient of one of those stares. “What happened?”

  Chris looked toward his vehicle. “He saved me.”

  That Chris’ words were breathless as if he was still in awe wasn’t lost on her. “Who saved you from what?”

  He turned back to her. “After Jay and I exchanged numbers and made plans for another date, he left. I had to wait longer for my tab. As I exited, I could feel these guys watching me, so I moved a bit faster than usual.” Chris looked at the vehicle again. “I literally jogged down the steps before I heard the door open behind me. I didn’t look back, making a beeline for my car, but they were fast.”

  She could feel the fear coming off her employee even as he spoke. Her protective instincts rose hard. “Did they hurt you?”

  He shook his head. “They didn’t get near me. There were five of them.”

  She sucked in her breath. Chris was strong, but no one could fight off five men.

  “They surrounded me, taunting me. Like I haven’t heard it all before. You’d think rednecks could come up with new material about gay men. Seriously.”

  She held back her grin at Chris’ change in demeanor. He was better educated than she was and had little tolerance for idiots.


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