Wedding at Poker Flat

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Wedding at Poker Flat Page 16

by Lexi Post

  She groaned.

  “You make me want to take you right now, but if you want to make our rehearsal dinner, we should probably get back. It’s your call.”

  Kendra gave it serious thought. She wanted to be alone with him, but they’d have tonight. In the meantime, their family and friends were gathered on their resort to share their celebration. “As much as I want you all to myself, we should probably go.”

  “I agree.” He helped her to mount and handed her the reins. “I hope you know that I knew you could handle Fred, but I can’t help my protective instincts when it comes to you. I’ll probably do the same thing again and again.”

  She cupped his cheek as he looked up to her. “I know. I’m counting on it. And if I ever get mad about that, you’ll just have to forgive me.”


  She laughed, her happiness needing to come out somehow. Now she looked forward to her wedding. Her past was where it should be and only the future mattered now. As Sundancer and Ace walked along the dark trail, she contemplated exactly how to give Wade his wedding present, a big part of their future.


  Thursday – Wedding Day

  “Lacey, stop. Everything’s going to go fine, and will you put down that damn clipboard.” Kendra spoke to Lacey in the reflection of the mirror in the Old West Saloon. Lacey had commandeered it for the women in the bridal party to get ready.

  Lacey looked over her shoulder. “In a minute. Just hold still while Adriana secures your veil. You don’t want it to be crooked.”

  Actually, she wouldn’t mind that in the least, but she couldn’t share that with Lacey.

  “You look absolutely breathtaking.” Wade’s mom, in a pretty pale pink gown, had tears in her eyes.

  “Mrs. Johnson, you’re crying already, are you?”

  Her soon to be mother-in-law pulled a tissue from her clutch purse and wiped her eyes carefully to avoid messing up her make up. “I’m just very happy. Thank you for letting me join you for the preparations. I hope later today you can start calling me mom, or even Karen.”

  She couldn’t call anyone else mom, but she would make an effort to call Mrs. Johnson by her first name.

  Before she could tell her that, her mother stepped up in her electric blue gown with the Grecian lines that showed off her cleavage and bare arms. Lacey had touched up her roots and straightened out her hair, and Adriana had been kind enough to do her make-up. Even her eyebrows were straight. “Well, I’ll be bawling like a baby as soon as I see you come down that aisle because I know my Kennie is happy.”

  Her mother nailed it with that statement.

  Lacey clapped her hands twice. “Okay, moms. Time to take a golf cart ride to the pavilion so you can be walked down the aisle.”

  As her mom and Mrs. Johnson followed Lacey out, Adriana finished securing the veil above her high bun. “You look stunning. All along I thought you were the lucky one, but I can see it’s really Wade.” She winked and stepped back.

  Ginger walked around inspecting her gown. “Sweetie, you look lovely. I’m so honored to be here to see this day.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way. You’re like my older sister.”

  Ginger laughed. “Much, much older sister, but I’ll take it.”

  Lacey came in through the batwing doors. “Okay, Ginger, Adriana, it’s time for us to head over in the wagon.”

  As the two other women headed for the exit, Lacey picked up a bouquet of snapdragons, Kendra’s favorite flowers. “Here you go. It’s time to get into the stage coach. Jorge brought it around.”

  Kendra took one last look at herself in the mirror. Her mom had been right, the dress was better without the jacket. Turning, she followed Lacey out the door.

  As the wagon, driven by Crystal in a tuxedo and top hat, headed for the end of the pavilion with her three bridesmaids, Kendra picked up her gown and walked to the reproduction stage coach. When she’d won the red lacquer monstrosity in a side poker game, she hadn’t a clue what she would use it for, but once she saw it, she just couldn’t sell it. It seemed fitting that she’d be brought to her wedding and back to her house afterwards in it.

  Daisy and Sage actually looked proud to be decked out in fresh daisies and white ribbons and bows. A white harness held the team of two in place. Jorge sat on top in his own tux and top hat ready to drive. Buddy, in his rented tuxedo with yellow boutonniere, waited for her, holding the door open.

  “You ready for this, kid?”

  She smiled. “You bet.”

  Holding out his arm, he helped her ascend the three steps. She was thankful she hadn’t bought a gown with a train. Once inside, Buddy folded up the steps, then hopped in and sat next to her.

  As Jorge started the team forward, the memory of her and Wade making love in the coach flashed through her mind, making her suddenly feel warm.

  “Who knew all those years ago when we first let you into our trailer and taught you poker that we would be here today on Poker Flat, your own nudist resort, funded by your poker winnings?” He shook his head in disbelief.

  She winked. “I even won this coach in a poker game in Tombstone.”

  “That seems fitting somehow.” Buddy chuckled.

  She looked out the windows as the coach crossed the fork in the road. She’s made all this happen and fell in love, too. Despite her beginnings, and Fred, and Eugene. She’d created this place and now she’d truly share it with a man she’d never even dreamed existed. As they reached the parking area in front of the main building, the coach stopped to allow the wagon to pull up and park. There wasn’t enough room between the pool area and casita path for two such large conveyances.

  When they started to move again and she could see everyone sitting in the rows beneath the pavilion, her heartbeat picked up its pace. It was finally happening. The coach pulled to a stop at the end of the pavilion. Lacey cracked the door open. “Now you stay in here until Ginger starts her walk down, okay?”

  She nodded her mouth suddenly dry.

  Buddy took her hand and squeezed. “We’ve got it.”

  Lacey smiled. “Good luck.”

  “Take deep breaths, kid. It’s just family and friends, the same people you had dinner with last night. The people who love you, especially that guy up there.” He pointed to the end of what looked like a five-mile long aisle and her eyes found Wade.

  Her breath stopped altogether as she gazed at him. He was dressed in a black tuxedo and black cowboy hat. In his left lapel was a white boutonniere, but it was his smile that had taken her breath. He was grinning from ear to ear.

  As her own lips smiled back, she started to breathe again. Buddy was right, it was the very same people who’d been at dinner last night. The only new people were Cole, Lacey’s husband, and the Justice of the Peace, who wore a white cowboy hat. Kendra didn’t remember the older man wearing one when she’d met him. Lacey must have had a hand in that accessory.

  The knot in her stomach was almost gone. She needed to marry her cowboy, and she wanted to do it now. She reached for the handle on the coach door and Buddy stopped her. “Hey, hey, not yet. You heard Lacey.”

  Right. Lacey. She’d already forgot her instructions and she’d put so much time and effort into the wedding.

  Not able to leave, Kendra watched from her seat high above those below. Little Tierney spread yellow rose pedals down the aisle before running to her mommy and getting comfortable on her lap.

  Kendra chuckled as Raine, Wade’s younger sister held the leashes on Scruffy and Freckles, the latter proudly bearing a pillow with their wedding rings. “Way to go, mom.” As Raine brought the dogs up to Dale, who removed the little pillow, her mom looked back to someone behind her and pointed. She was obviously very proud. Then Raine walked the dogs out of the pavilion and tied them to a post in the shade of the outdoor bar.

  Next came Lacey, who set the proper pace. Adriana followed. As Ginger stepped into the aisle, Kendra looked at Buddy. “Now can we go?”

; He laughed. “Yes, let me go first so I can pull the steps down for you.”

  She rolled her eyes. She’d been about to exit without the steps and probably would have fallen on her face.

  Buddy opened the door and helped her down then shut it behind them. Just as she linked her arm in his, the electric pianist from the band, who was set up to the side of the officiate, began to play the Wedding March.

  Everyone rose and looked back at her. She swallowed hard, seeking Wade’s calming gaze, but she couldn’t see him.

  She did see her staff though. Mac was actually in a dress and Kendra widened her eyes at her. She noticed Jorge and Selma standing next to each other, which was a huge improvement. Cole sat near the front, his eyes still glued on his wife. She also noticed Tanner and his girlfriend held hands.

  As they walked, Buddy leaned in. “You’re the daughter I never had. I have to tell you this is the proudest moment of my life.”

  She swung her gaze to his, swallowing the lump in her throat at his whispered words. “Thank you for being the dad I always wanted.”

  He beamed, his eyes misty. In the next moment, he was handing her over to Wade, whose gaze made her insides melt.

  As he turned them to face the Justice, he lowered his head. “I told you long ago, cowboys never fold. I will hold to that until my dying breath.”

  Her heart swelled with joy as he straightened to take their vows.

  Chapter Eleven

  Thursday continued.

  “I believe they’re playing our song.” Wade pulled her to her feet behind the head table and escorted her out to the dance floor as the lead singer announced it would be the first dance.

  She smiled up at him. “Do you think you remember how to waltz?”

  “That’s never been my problem.” He looked down at her chest covered in the white applique of the wedding gown. “I think my concentration will be a bit better.”

  She laughed as he moved her in time with the waltz. As he twirled her around the floor, people started clapping. She laughed as he proved to her it really had been her own body that tripped him up. When they finished the dance, he hadn’t stepped on her feet once. It was perfect.

  She lost her smile at the thought.

  “What’s wrong, Mrs. Johnson?”

  It took her a second to realize Wade spoke to her. It was a great distraction. “That’s right. I’m now Kendra Johnson.”

  “Yes, you are, and I have a little something for you. Buddy, can you grab that chair?”

  Wade took the chair and placed it in front of the head table so her back was to her mom and his parents.


  She stared as Luke, Tanner, Dale, Chris, and Hunter lined up in front of her, all wearing cowboy hats. Wade was in front with Dale and Tanner.

  Suddenly, the band began to play Boot Scootin’ Boogie and the six men started to dance. At first, she was surprised, then nervous that Wade would mess up. But as they continued, she was shocked to see that Wade was one of the best dancers. When the men finished, everyone stood to applaud. She jumped up and gave him a hug. “You were holding out on me.”

  He shook his head. “No, I just don’t like the waltz.”

  She grinned. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  Dale started to pull Wade away. “You guys can cuddle and all that stuff later. This man needs to talk to his grandmother before she comes out here and pulls him off the floor by the ear.”

  As the two men moved to a table at the edge of the dance floor, she pushed the chair back and started around the table to talk to her mom.

  “Ack! Who are you?”

  At Natasha’s yell, she turned to find Fred staggering into the dining room, the ever-present bottle in his hand. Again? Now the man was more like a housefly than a wasp —a nuisance.

  “I’ve come to dance with my fucking daughter.” He laughed. “That’s perfect since she must be fucking that cowboy to get him to marry her.”

  Her gaze flew to Wade, whose face had turned as hard as the river rock in the Great Room fireplace. She wanted to tell him to ignore it, but stopped. Whatever Fred had coming to him, he deserved.

  As Fred stumbled toward the front table, Wade spun him around to face him and punched him in the face. Fred’s head snapped to the side as he stumbled back, losing his balance and falling backward toward the wedding cake.

  She watched in surprise as his head hit the table and the cake teetered before heading for the floor.

  Mac came out of nowhere, lunging forward, and picked the top tier of the five-tiered cake out of mid-air before sliding to a stop on the floor, her purple dress covered in cake.

  Everyone froze, turning their gazes on her.

  Irritation that Fred could ruin her perfect wedding burned through her, followed by a huge relief as the knot in her stomach disintegrated completely. Thank you, Fred.

  She smiled as she made eye contact with everyone before shrugging at Wade. “I never said our life together would be perfect.”

  His lips split into a wide grin. “Nope, you didn’t.”

  Hunter stepped forward and pulled the drunken Fred to a standing position. “I’ll take him out of here.”

  “I’ll do that.” At the sound of the strange voice, they all turned to find Kane, his eyes no longer swollen, dressed in a brown cowboy hat, sleeveless tee-shirt, blue jeans and boots.

  “You came.” Chris’ excited voice made it clear who had invited him.

  “Well, hello handsome.” At Adriana’s comment, Hunter scowled.

  She raised her hands. “I’m just making an observation.”

  Kane gave a small roll of his shoulders as if he was uncomfortable. “I’ll take him to the airport and make sure he gets on the plane.”

  Obviously, Chris had filled Kane in on who Fred was.

  Hunter looked to her for direction.

  Kendra nodded at him. “Go ahead. It’s either that or jail and I’d rather he not be so close.”

  Hunter walked Fred over to Kane and handed him off. “Thanks.”

  “I’m happy to help. Enjoy the reception.” With a slight tip of his hat to everyone, he dragged Fred away.

  Wade nodded to the band and they started up again as Selma, Natasha, and Crystal started to clean up the cake from the floor. Wade strode over to her. “I’m sorry I ruined our cake.”

  She shook her head and smiled. “Don’t be sorry. It’s a good omen. The wedding was going far too perfectly. Call it superstitious, but now I’m fully confident that we will last forever.”

  He looked at her quizzically. “If I’d known that was all it took, I would have stepped on your dress while we danced and ripped it.”

  She laughed. “If you think that would pull this off, you have another thing coming.”

  He wiggled his brows. “I’m looking forward to that.”

  They weren’t able to pursue the subject as Lacey brought the top tier of the cake to the head table and had them feed each other cake. Seriously, the woman wasn’t going to miss a beat.

  Then just as Kendra thought they could relax while everyone socialized, Lacey clapped her hands. “Okay everyone. Time to say goodbye to the happy newlyweds.”

  She tugged on Lacey’s arm and whispered. “What are you talking about? We don’t have to rush off. It’s not like we have far to go.”

  Lacey laughed. “Actually, you do.” She motioned over the staff of Poker Flat. They made a semi-circle in front of her and Wade. She looked at him in question, but he just shrugged.

  Lacey cleared her throat. “On behalf of all the staff you see here, we bought you two nights at the Vista del Sol Resorts and Spa Cave Creek Luxury Suites. And since it was a pretty penny, you need to go now to make the most of it.”

  Her throat closed, keeping her from saying a word.

  Wade spoke for them, but even his voice was gruff. “Thank you. All of you.”

  Chris shrugged. “It was the least we could do for the people who gave us another chance.”

  At t
he nods from the whole staff, Kendra sniffed. Swallowing hard, she forced herself to speak. “Poker Flat wouldn’t be what it is without you all.”

  Each staff member came up to wish them well. Then it was goodbyes to family and friends. Before she knew it, they were bustled off into the stagecoach and on their way.

  After unlocking the door to the suite, Wade scooped Kendra up.

  She grabbed him around the neck. “What are you doing?”

  “I’m carrying you over the threshold. Lacey would kill me if I didn’t.”

  She relaxed against him as he kicked the door open and strode inside. “Wow.”

  Her reaction echoed his own. The entire place was obviously first class. To the right, in front of sliding glass doors, was a round table with a gold champagne fountain gurgling, the chandelier over it making it sparkle. To the left was a state-of-the-art kitchen boasting a large marble island with a crystal bowl of fresh strawberries in the middle. Directly across from where they stood was a wide living room with large black leather couch and chair, cowhide coffee table, glass side tables and recessed lighting. To the left of that were double doors thrown open to reveal a king size bed. The gray blanket was pulled back to expose black satin sheets sprinkled with white rose pedals.

  Wade lowered Kendra to her feet. “We will definitely have to thank our staff.”

  “I can’t believe they did this.” Her words were barely above a whisper.

  He chuckled. “They were so smart to make it a surprise, otherwise you would have never left the resort.”

  She looked at him. “You’re right. I have a hard time letting go of control.”

  “I can help you with that.” He wiggled his brows, already eyeing the marble island.

  “Uh-uh. This time, I’m in control.” She took his hand and led him to the black leather couch. “I like this room. It’s more masculine, which makes me feel more womanly.”

  Her hand on his chest pushed him and he took the hint, sitting on the couch, his cock already responding in his tuxedo pants. “You look pretty womanly to me.”

  She smiled seductively. “Thank you.” She turned and sauntered out of the room, only to come back carrying an ice bucket with champagne bottle.


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