The Queen's Consorts Box Set: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Trilogy

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The Queen's Consorts Box Set: A Reverse Harem Fantasy Trilogy Page 34

by Elena Lawson

  I wanted nothing more than to be joined in every possible way to them. And if we were to meet our ends when Ricon set his army upon us, then at least we’d have this one thing. And if there was an afterlife, perhaps we’d be together there, too. Through the strength of our Immortal Bonds.

  Exhaling, I rolled my shoulders back, set my jaw and strolled into the dimly lit chamber. They sat in silence. My four perfect warriors. Alaric, with his head bent—deep in thought. Kade, pacing the floor, looking more nervous than I thought him capable of. Tiernan, standing quietly with Arrow at the window, absently stroking the falcon’s feathers. And Finn, nodding as though reassuring himself that this would work—that it was the right thing.

  Kade was the first to notice me, and stopped mid-stride, his jaw dropping. He took a moment to school his features, shut his maw, and take a breath. The others raised their eyes to meet mine one by one. Their stares caressed me from tip to toe, awakening the embers at my core into a slow-burning flame.

  “It’s time,” I said, not trusting myself to say more than two words.

  Finn and Alaric rose, and the four of them came to me. Alaric brushed the lace sleeve of my gown and his emotions ran through me like lightning’s strike. Pain, desire, trust, fear, and love. I felt the emotions from all my males. Recognized their mirror images within me.

  Tiernan clasped my hand in his, and Finn tucked a stay hair back into the knot at the nape of my neck.

  Kade took my other hand, “We’re ready,” he said, “Lead the way.”

  I led them down the hallway and into the orange glow of the parlor.

  “You’ve outdone yourself,” Finn said, his eyes roving the large room.

  I shrugged, “I just want this to be perfect.”

  “And it is perfect,” Tiernan injected.

  A hot blush climbed up my neck and I reached for the decanter, ready to pour us all a drink.

  “Allow me,” Alaric said, taking it from me, his hands brushing against mine. I shivered at the contact, my stomach tightening at the thought of having him again. At having all of them.

  Tonight, I would have Kade. I looked to where the mighty Draconian warrior sat, pensive, chewing his bottom lip. Since he would be the one to stay behind—we’d have to consummate our bond before myself and the others left at first light. I licked my lips.

  I’d wanted Kade since the moment I saw him. His strong jaw, chiseled chest, bronze skin, and beautiful black wings. But now that I knew him, I wanted him even more—and in different ways. My protector. My friend. The male who would do anything for those he cares about without a thought towards his own wellbeing. The stubborn ass who isn’t afraid to speak his mind. I love all of him.

  I just wished he would look at me. He was so damned quiet over there, I was beginning to think he was having seconds thoughts.

  Don’t be ridiculous, Liana. He wants this just as much as you. He’s nervous, that’s all.

  Alaric passed around the chalices and raised his own, “To Liana,” he said.

  “To us,” I corrected.

  “To us,” the others intoned, and we all drained our chalices of wine.

  Alaric set his down and turned to Finn, “We’re ready. Show us how it should be done.”

  The Draconian nodded and turned toward the empty circle of floor in the room's middle. We followed.

  My heart beat erratically against my ribcage, and my palms slicked with sweat.

  Finn led me to the center where the moonlight could reach me from the open terrace. The chill breeze shocked my sweat-dampened skin.

  “The ritual requires contact, so we all must touch her.” Finn took told of my hand, gave a reassuring squeeze and a nod. He whispered only for me, “It’s alright. It’s going to work.”

  And he was right—I was worried about it not working, or somehow only binding me to one of them instead of all of them. But there was a small part of my mind that rebelled, telling me this wasn’t fair to them.

  The Immortal Bond cannot be undone.

  If it worked, they would be tied to me forever. Never able to have families of their own. I was depriving them of normal lives.

  Alaric took my other hand, and my breathing hitched at the contact. Tiernan gently circled my wrist, above where Finn still clasped my hand. Kade did the same on the other side.

  My breathing sped up—becoming more ragged. Panicked.

  “Wait,” I said, but didn’t pull away. I swallowed, “Are—are you all certain this is what you want?”

  There wasn’t a trace of doubt or weakness in any of their eyes. They regarded me with unwavering strength, certainty, and devotion. As one, they said, “Yes.”

  “And you?” Alaric said, faltering, averting his gaze, “Are you certain?”

  Looking at him—at all my males, I realized I had never been more certain of anything in my entire life. They might’ve been the only thing I was certain of.

  “I’ve never been more certain of anything.”

  Alaric snapped his head up at my response. His jaw tightened.

  “Let’s do this,” Kade said, and I felt the place where his hand gripped my arm warm with the activation of his Grace.

  I nodded my agreement. “What now, Finn?”

  “Do you all remember the words?”

  “Yes,” Tiernan said, and the rest of us nodded. The ancient words were few—only six words in the tongue of old, spoken with intent and while bound of flesh—would bind us of heart and mind forever.

  Finn knelt, and with a piece of chalk pulled from his trousers, he drew on the floor at my feet. It was an intricate pattern of lines and swirls and knots. A sigil?

  He saw the questioning look I gave him when he rose, and he squeezed my hand again, blushing, “It’s a sigil of the Alchemists,” he said with a bit of distaste in his tone, “I’d prefer not to use it, but this particular one strengthens the potency of an incantation. I thought—well it can’t hurt, right?”

  The corner of my mouth turned up in a smirk, “So prepared,” I teased him.

  He smiled back, “All you have to do is say the words, Liana. Only once, but with intent to bind with all four of us.”

  My teeth clenched, and my grip on Alaric’s and Finn’s hands tightened.

  “It’ll be alright,” Alaric breathed, “Just close your eyes and focus.”

  I blew out a long breath, letting my eyes fall closed. I felt them. Kade’s hot touch, Tiernan’s deft fingers, Finn’s cool palm against mine, and Alaric’s strong grip.

  Their emotions assaulted me in a barrage of passion, love, and anxiety. At first, I tried to block them out, but once I let go—let their emotions run through me, and mine through them, it was easier. Calmer. As though we were already one.

  You can do this, Liana, I told myself. I will bind to all my males.

  I licked my lips, and swallowed, readying myself to speak the six most powerful words I’d ever speak. Before I’d even uttered the first words, I felt the raw, ancient magic of the gods building behind my breastbone.

  I pictured them all in my minds eye, felt the connections between our flesh. And then I said in as strong and sure of a voice as I could muster, “Adîra eis, et aeterna promnîn falrún.”

  My skin tingled. My head emptied. And my chest broke out in a thin layer of cold sweat.

  “Now, quickly, we say it as one!” Finn said.

  And together, with one united voice, my males made their solemn vow, “Adîra eis, et aeterna promnîn falrún.”

  My heart jolted as though struck by lightning. A violent wind tore through the room, billowing the curtains and extinguishing the flames. I gasped, trying to catch my breath as though it was the first one I’d ever taken and I’d forgotten how to do it.

  I opened my eyes and saw… me. Standing there in a black dress, looking back at myself as though staring at a reflection. I blinked and was staring at my males. They were smiling, their expressions varied from excitement to incredulity.

  “Can you feel it?” asked Tiernan,
his wide smile shining in the moonlight.

  “It worked,” Finn sighed, looking close to tears at our triumph.

  Alaric released my hand, and the others followed suit. Unsteady on my feet, I swayed, and then righted myself, leaning against the back of a chair.

  Could I feel it? I wasn’t sure.

  “What does it feel like?” I asked, my brows pulling together.

  Before any of my males could answer, I felt it. A pull. Like a tether. It tugged insistently though gently at my chest. And if I concentrated… yes! There was more than one tether, and each had a different texture to it. I couldn’t have explained it, but I knew which tether belonged to each of my males, and I could… I could go across the tethers—to feel them. To see through their eyes as I had accidently done only a moment before.

  “Wait—I feel it!” My heart ached in the most glorious way, and my cheeks hurt from the strength of my smile. I laughed, the sound bubbled up from within me as though it were more of an eruption.

  “I can’t believe it worked,” Kade said through his own fits of laughter.

  Finn put a hand to his chest in mock agony, “You hurt me, brother, saying such things.”

  “Oh, come on, you didn’t think it would work either,” Alaric chastised, his eyes alight like I hadn’t seen them do it so long.

  Finn shook his head, “No, I knew it would work.”

  Tiernan, as though oblivious to anything they were saying, came to where I stood, his jade green gaze never once faltering. He lifted my hand from my side and pressed his warm lips against the back. A shock ran through me at the touch of his lips. My body recognizing part of its soul within him. The split pieces aching to rejoin.

  “Forever,” he said, his gaze burning into me.

  I nodded, running a finger down his sharp, smooth jaw, “Forever.”

  Chapter Twelve


  She looked like the night incarnate standing there in her midnight black dress with a half moon smile. I didn’t deserve her—could never deserve her, and yet she was mine and I hers. Alaric poured the second round of drinks and Finn nodded to our captain, accepting his chalice with a small salute.

  The pull of the Immortal Bond was unmistakable. Like there was a rope tied to her at one end and tied to me at the other. But the rope wasn’t a restraint. The tie wasn’t unwelcome.

  Despite myself, I felt… excited. When Alaric passed me a filled chalice, I tipped the contents back, letting the cool spirits burn their way down my throat and settle in my gut like warm honey.

  Tiernan stepped away from Liana and her eyes locked onto mine. Her smiled faltered, and a flush rose to her cheeks. I’m not sure what she did, but the pull behind my ribcage intensified—reeling me into her. She called through the bond and it forced me to answer. The rope taut between us. The air electrified.

  She bit her bottom lip and the weight of her stare deepened.

  My cock twitched.

  I swallowed, meaning to walk over to her, but finding myself nearly sprinting to close the gap.

  “What did you do?” I accused her, glaring at my feet like they’d done something without my permission.

  She blinked, her lips parted, and shook her head. A strand of her silvery hair came loose, and I itched to touch it, “I—I don’t know,” she laughed nervously—the sound doing all kinds of welcome, and unwelcome things to my body. “I just wanted you to come here.”

  I pursed my lips, “Well, it worked. You’ve summoned me,” I teased, leaning in. An image of her run through with my blade flashed before my eyes before I could kiss her neck. My stomach turned and it snuffed the flames in my core out.

  “Don’t do that,” she said, and grabbed my arm with a surprisingly strong grip. “Don’t pull away from me.”

  “I’m sorry,” I shrugged, and let out a rough breath, shaking off the tension in my wings.

  She shook her head at me, “I will have you, Kade. All of you. And then maybe you’ll finally stop thinking you aren’t worth it.”

  The fire that had died a moment before roared back into chaotic flame. Her eyes glowed violet, and I watched the color turn to a molten russet gold—not unlike the glow of Draconian eyes. I’d never seen them that color before.

  My muscles tightened. It was the plan—for us to consummate the bond tonight. To strengthen it before she left with the others at dawn. And I wanted her. Gods, I wanted her. I’d wanted her from the moment I first saw her—still pale from the long sea voyage, her icy blue eyes coy and defiant. But, after everything…

  I tried to weigh my next words, “But I still haven’t beaten you at chess. Wasn’t that the deal?”

  She narrowed her eyes at me, “Fine,” she said, chin lifted, and shoulders pushed back, “Then we play—for as long as it takes.”

  “You can’t let me win.”

  She scrunched her brows, crossed her lace-covered arms. Nodded. “And you can’t throw the game.”


  She clucked her tongue, “Always so difficult. Stubborn as a mule.”

  I could help it, I smiled at her, shaking my head, “I’ll never be more stubborn than you.”

  “Come have a drink!” Alaric hollered, beckoning us over.

  “Tonight, we celebrate,” Finn said, knocking his chalice against Tiernan’s.

  They were right. We only had so many days and nights left before Ricon’s armies would come to fight for Liana’s throne. Tonight, we’d celebrate. And I’d do everything I could to give Liana what she wanted.

  Tomorrow we’d ready for war.

  I rolled the strong spirits around on my tongue, considering her remaining pieces and mine—trying to find the best move.

  Practicing with Finn and Tiernan had paid off. She’d beaten me twice already, but even she admitted they were hard-won victories. But this time, I had her. Or at least, I was pretty sure I did.

  I swallowed the spirits, setting my third empty chalice down on the low table between us. The fire blazed in the hearth next to us, keeping the room warm and bathed in just enough light to see by. I couldn’t say how much time had passed. Hours, surely, but she showed no signs of giving in or stopping. Her delicate face set with stubborn determination. It was so severe at times I almost laughed.

  But I couldn’t. I respected her too much. So like me—like Alaric. Like all of us, really. We didn’t give up easily and neither would she.

  Liana wreaked of desire, the scent strong and cloying—seeping through her and into my pores.

  She had her mind set on having me, and that thought, combined with her scent drove me almost to madness trying to keep my mind from rebelling against the idea and my hands from wanting to reach out and grab her. Take her right there on the floor.

  Patience was not my forte. But we had a deal. And I intended to honor it either way.

  I moved my piece, seeing the only two options she had for her own turn. One might save her. The other would condemn her, and if I did it right—she wouldn’t even realize until it was too late.

  She looked at the board, her eyes widened, throwing me a cutting glance before she went back to studying the pieces.

  Her hand hovered over the piece that could save her, and I held my breath. She swallowed. Was she worried? She looked worried. Or was it more excitement I saw shining in her eyes?

  At the last moment, she changed her mind and took up the piece that would spell her doom. Moved it. Placed it.

  I beamed.

  Almost immediately, she realized what she had done and gasped. “But—” she started but didn’t finish.

  One last move and I’d win. After so many games I’d lost. And then she’d get what she wanted.

  A slow, sexy smile spread over her lips, she caught the bottom one between her teeth. Her eyes burned.


  She knew I had won. There was nowhere she could move her king where I couldn’t get to it.

  “You did it,” she breathed, her hands curling into the silky black fabric of her dres

  I lifted the bishop, but before I could place it, the board flew from the table—crashing into the hearth, the pieces scattering onto the floor—into the flames.

  She pounced over the table with a hunger in her expression like I’d never seen on a female. The weight of her body pressed into me and my cock hardened at the slightest brush of her contact. I grunted as her lips came down onto mine. Hard. Insistent.

  I stiffened, my body tightening. But then…

  Then the shock wore off. The tether in my chest vibrated, and I wanted to roar at the force of it. I clamped my arms around her. Kissed her greedily, swallowing her sharp moans. Her hand brushed against my right wing and I shuddered, my Grace igniting like a column of fire down my spine.

  I’d imagined this moment so many times. Gods, nothing had ever felt so damned right. Nothing else mattered. I couldn’t think of anything but her. Her sweet smell. Her soft fiery touch. Her spicy spirit-spiked taste. She wanted me, and I wanted her. It was primal. Innate.

  Beyond my control.

  Chapter Thirteen


  I knew the moment he gave in to his desire. His body softened and then molded to me—hardening again. His hands grasped at my waist and his lips were fevered and frantic against mine. I could hardly breath. The feel of him. It was overtaking every one of my senses. The Immortal Bond making the connection stronger.

  My heart fluttered in my chest like a leaf caught in a storm’s wind. The fire at my core roiled at our contact—awakening into a violent blaze.

  I couldn’t touch enough of him. I wanted more. I pressed against him, settling into his lap. His impressive length nudged at my inner thigh and I convulsed at the sensation cascading over me. Kade groaned, and it was all I could do not to tear the clothes from his body.


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