Heart Beat

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Heart Beat Page 17

by Pratt, Lulu

  “Dr. Westaway,” she introduced herself.

  “Why would Dad tell him where we were?” Sadie asked her mother the same question she’d posed to me.

  Not wanting her mother to spoil my reveal, I answered first. “He was happy to tell me where you were when I told him I was in love with you.”

  Sadie’s blanched before her cheeks darkened to a deep rose. Looking down at the clothing rack, her fingers tightened around the metal. Moving quickly, I went to her.

  “Babe,” I reached for her chin, lifting until our eyes met. “I’m so sorry how everything went down. You left too early to see, but I let Mitchell and Billie have it. Things should have never gone that way, but I can’t let this come between us.”

  “Wyatt,” she shook her head slightly, exhaling loudly before continuing. “This can’t work. It never could. I don’t know why we let it get this far.”

  “Because we felt something we never have – both of us. I can’t believe for a second you don’t feel the connection too.”

  She looked away, then back to me as her eyes glassed over. “Wyatt,” she breathed heavily again. God, I loved the way my name sounded rolling off her tongue.

  Unwilling to hear the logical response she had, I interjected with a question I knew could go either way. “Do you love me, Sadie?”

  Of course, she could love me and lie about it, knowing how difficult a relationship with me could be. Most women had to worry about ex-girlfriends and wandering eyes, but Sadie had to think of record executives, overzealous fans, a demanding schedule, and her own career.

  “That’s not fair,” she answered, biting her lip as she fought back the truth.

  “Just tell me. If you don’t love me, none of this matters.”

  “Of course I love you, Wyatt. You know that,” she breathed, pushing her hair behind her ear. “But you know your label, and your sister, and everything else in your life doesn’t want this.”

  Hearing all I needed, I closed the gap between us. “Baby, nothing matters but what I want. And I want you.”

  I leaned down to kiss her and she met me halfway, offering her lips in the sweetest sacrifice. I exhaled a breath I didn’t know I was holding, finally feeling like myself again. I didn’t realize I’d closed my eyes until I opened them to see her mother wiping a tear from her cheek.

  “Dr. Westaway,” I flashed my best smile. “It was really nice meeting you, and I would love to spend more time getting to know you. But for now, I’d really like to take your daughter away on a vacation, if that’s okay with you.”

  Sadie’s mom wiped another stray tear before it could get far and answered quickly. “Yes! She deserves it. But you take care of my baby!”

  “I promise, she will be in the best care,” I smiled, already wrapping Sadie in my arms.

  “See you soon, sweetheart!” she called to Sadie, who was wiping her own tears away.

  Chapter 35


  “WHERE IS HE going? The airport is that way,” I’d tried to tell Wyatt when the driver he’d hired drove past the airport exit on the highway.

  “Relax,” was all he’d said as he would pull me closer. Since he had found me in the mall, Wyatt had not left my side. I didn’t have to wonder if he loved me as his actions made it loud and clear.

  But now, as we pulled into a private entrance, I understood why. Wyatt chuckled while explaining that there was a class above the first-class I’d never even flown in. Above more leg room and priority boarding, this class afforded us the ability to skip the TSA Security Screening process altogether.

  Two agents greeted us at the car, scanning our bodies with a wand before checking our luggage, and we were on our way. I could see the amusement in Wyatt’s eyes. This, of course, was a perk he was used to being a successful recording artist.

  I, on the other hand, had never even been to Miami. Flying first-class was enough of a shock for me. I had no idea that some people had the privilege of arriving to real glass flutes filled with chilled Champagne. While the rest of the aircraft grew crowded with patrons, we sat in the front of the plane with first access to everything – from our meals to exiting the plane, and even our luggage through the carousel.

  When we arrived in Miami, it was a breath of fresh air to see palm trees and feel the warmth of the humid air on my face. Nashville winters were far from harsh, but here had a warmth I’d missed.

  “Miami Beach,” Wyatt had told the driver when we landed at the airport.

  The ride to the hotel was scenic and beautiful, but nothing could have prepared me for the beauty of the hotel Wyatt had selected. We stayed at The Colony Hotel, located directly on the beach. The interior was like stepping into a restored antique.

  The staff was welcoming and extremely accommodating, especially since everyone seemed to know that Wyatt and I were staying in the premier room in the hotel. Everything felt vintage, from the grand piano in the lobby to the old-school elevator.

  Even our room had a piano, which Wyatt and I used each night when we weren’t entertaining ourselves in the bedroom. Whenever we weren’t in the hotel, we found ourselves on the beach, as we were now, lying beneath the blazing sun, guarded behind huge umbrellas, with a view of the clear blue water rushing in as waves crashed just a few feet from the edge of our beach chairs.

  “Want another piña colada?” Wyatt’s voice woke me from the quick nap I’d dazed into.

  “Uh, sure.” I’d learned to accept the fact that he insisted on spoiling me after arriving at the hotel to find a closet full of clothes all picked to accommodate my size and style.

  Wyatt smiled, happy to be past the point of my apprehension. Of course, I’d doubted him for half the journey to Miami. It wasn’t until Mitchell had called me to apologize that I began to believe how serious Wyatt had taken all of this.

  Mitchell made it clear that I always had a place to work, either on Wyatt and Billie’s next album, or another in their label’s pipeline. They respected my work and wanted to keep me on board for as many projects as I was willing to commit to.

  But I couldn’t see myself working for Wyatt’s label after all that had happened between us. Despite his attempts to convince me that none of their proposals had anything to do with our relationship, I just couldn’t believe that they would offer the same terms if Wyatt hadn’t threatened to leave for the way they treated me.

  I decided to leave altogether. I didn’t want a leg up on my journey to the top. My talent would be what carried me to the top, not the man I was sleeping with. Thankfully, Wyatt accepted this. Our relationship was for us, not for anyone else, or any career gains.

  “We should head in soon, you’re burning up,” Wyatt noted, touching my shoulder. I’d been alternating between relaxing under the shade of the umbrella and sprinting into the ocean to cool down for about five hours.

  It was an immature beach day. Old enough to need a break, but still so excited by the sight of the ocean, I’d had one of the best days of my life doing nothing more than laughing at Wyatt’s jokes, which could be surprisingly corny, sipping drinks, and swimming in crystal water.

  “That’s Wyatt Hart!” I heard a group of girls gasping before building up the courage to approach him.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” he greeted the young women, all looking at me with daggers as they posed for a picture with him.

  “We’re heading to Ace of Diamonds tonight, you should come!” they urged, feeling more comfortable with their arms draped on every part of his body they could manage.

  My heart raced with an emotion I wasn’t used to feeling. It was undoubtedly jealousy, but I couldn’t be sure why. They were merely fans of his, and I knew Wyatt enough to feel secure in our relationship, even if we hadn’t labeled it officially.

  “I’m just hanging out with my girlfriend,” he nodded over to me.

  The group of women all looked to me as though they’d never noticed me before, waving gleefully as Wyatt smiled along. I waved back, realizing the swarm of emotions
I’d signed up for.

  Wyatt was more than my first boyfriend as an adult. He was a celebrity and an accomplished artist, garnering fans and everything else that came along with stardom. Still, it was a breath of fresh air to no longer have to hide our connection.

  We hugged and kissed openly, not worrying about onlookers or reports from gossip bloggers. No one who mattered was left in the dark, and that felt good, regardless of the new battles we faced.

  Miami was a nice break from our home state, a time to relax and have our time to ourselves. Wyatt was still known, but less of a celebrity in Miami. We could walk hand in hand to a restaurant without being stopped. Whereas in Nashville, whispers followed his every move.

  “I think they were jealous of you,” Wyatt whispered, moving onto my sunbed as he swiftly picked me up, sliding my oiled body onto his with ease.

  “How could they not be when you look like this?” I teased, rubbing my fingertips across his rippled abdomen. He was sculpted like a statue, his muscles creased and folded into hard folds.

  I’d made a game of tracing his tattoos with the tip of my nails, watching his handsome face contort, rather than submitting to the tickling nature of my movements. I giggled, watching him fight the urge as my fingers traveled across his ribs, down to the waistline of his jeans.

  It was a fresh start for us being away from the overcritical eyes that had followed and judged us in Nashville. I knew there were questions still unanswered and problems unresolved, but I didn’t want to harp on what I couldn’t fix.

  So much was going right, and so I chose to focus on that. The problems that remained in Nashville would be there when we returned. But in Miami, we were happy together, proud of our growth, and basking in our love unashamed.

  It was refreshing and freeing to love Wyatt with no guard. It was the most relaxed I had ever seen him. Whether we were frolicking along the beach, dining at the finest restaurants, or simply relaxing in our hotel suite, Wyatt was present, and I was at peace.

  Even my parents gave us a few days without questions, although I was certain they had plenty. It was still shocking that Wyatt had spoken to not only my best friend Gayle, but my father, and then my mother, professing his love.

  They all knew how he felt about me, and gave us the time to enjoy that together. I only hoped the fairy tale could last, though I knew how unlikely it was. Wyatt was a budding superstar, with too much to lose to put love first. It was only a matter of time before he was forced to choose between me or his success, and I didn’t want to know which he would choose.

  Chapter 36


  WALKING BACK TO the hotel room, I think Sadie and I both dreaded the end of what felt like such a perfect vacation. We’d spent the past few days in a bit of seclusion, seeing only each other and not worrying about deadlines or project details.

  My focus was Sadie – nothing more and nothing less. I didn’t think about the album timeline, or tour details, or the label wanting to know my projection for next year’s streams. I was alive, in the moment, enjoying all the perks of my hard work.

  It took falling in love with Sadie to cash in on all I’d earned. Without her, it would have continued to collect dust. But life was about living and enjoying all you would, while you could. Sadie made me feel like I was living, for the first time off the stage.

  “Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Hart,” the front desk staff greeted us.

  From the day we’d moved in, they began addressing us that way. It was a misstep of a new assistant, but I didn’t correct them, liking the way it felt to have Sadie on my arm as my partner. I’d never seen myself as a husband, but since I’d been introduced to the idea, I could see nothing else.

  Sadie was all I’d ever wanted in a woman, though I’d never searched for it. She was calm and confident, though I could sense the jealousy when my fans got too close. I hated to admit how much I enjoyed seeing her lips press together as her eyes narrowed. She warned me without speaking, and I found a way to distance the fans from me while biting back my smile.

  As much as she was mine, I was hers, and she didn’t try to hide it. Walking through the hotel together, I felt as true to myself as I ever had. “Good to see you,” I smiled to the attendant behind the desk. Sadie did the same, and we entered the vintage elevator together.

  Each time we rode the elevator, I wished it would stop, as it always sounded close to. The rickety soundtrack and Sadie’s curves sent my urges on a rollercoaster, wanting to give her all the passion I’d built up on the beach, and even though our room was only moments away, I was already eager to give her everything there in the elevator.

  Nothing was more difficult than watching the woman you loved run around on the beach in a bikini. Sadie’s body was made for the beach, bouncing in all the right places, bringing me to life without warning. Once, I had to convince her to stay longer in the water, waiting for my manhood to relax before releasing the shield the ocean provided.

  I’d told her that was the same reason I’d stalled in defending her in the studio, when Mitchell and my sister walked in on our private session. I was ready to take her on the piano bench when they bombarded us unexpectedly. I was rock solid, tugging at my jeans in a fight to get closer to her. The few seconds it took me to fasten my belt before turning around was all it took for her to run from the studio before I could defend her.

  “I can’t believe this is it,” Sadie disrupted my thoughts as the elevator doors opened, again shutting down my erotic fantasies of being trapped in a small space with her.

  “It’s just our first trip,” I wrapped her in my arms, forcing her to walk slower as our bodies fought to synchronize on our way to the hotel suite.

  My body followed Sadie’s as she led us to the door. Tapping the key card against the fob, she pressed against the door when it lit up bright green. The technology was unfitting to the old-school vibe of the hotel. Everything was like a movie set from the eighties, but Sadie seemed to like it so I didn’t complain.

  Without hesitation, Sadie began undressing without pausing our conversation as soon as we entered the suite. “What’s it going to be like when we go back?” she asked, pulling the strings behind her neck, releasing the tie of her bikini top while freeing her plump breasts.

  I watched in awe, feeling myself lengthen as I followed her into the shower. “What do you mean? It will be the same. We just won’t have to hide.”

  I followed her into the shower, although my last step to nakedness was much less flawless than Sadie’s. She tugged at one side of her bikini, and then the other, dropping the small piece of cloth in the middle of the floor before continuing into the waterfall showerhead.

  Stumbling out of my swimming trunks, I chased her, desperate to be next to her lean body. Sadie was beautiful in bulky sweats or with her Chuck Taylors resting on the coffee table in the suite’s living area, but naked, she was a treasure I didn’t deserve. And she pranced around like she had no idea how irresistible her body was.

  “Wyatt,” she giggled my name as she did when she thought what I said was ridiculous. Rubbing shampoo in her hair first, she worked her long blonde locks to suds before focusing on my hair. “You know I can’t go back to working for you.”

  Her fingertips worked along my scalp, massaging carefully as suds built within my hair. I struggled to focus, realizing she was waiting for my response. Sadie had requested a tea tree oil shampoo, and the essential oil left a cooling sensation on me wherever she touched.

  “Babe, you know you’re still going to work with me.” I almost groaned.

  My eyes were closed, enjoying the massage. I was in no mood to argue, and Sadie knew it. “I don’t want anyone thinking I’m on the project because I’m sleeping with you,” she explained, still shampooing my hair. “I want people to know I’m talented.”

  “So then I’ll tell them the truth – I’m sleeping with you because you’re talented. You’re not working for me because you’re my girlfriend,” I explained, moving closer. My body needed to
touch hers, and I didn’t deny the force between us.

  After all this time, there was still electricity between us. Sadie didn’t move away; instead, she joined me. Our naked bodies rubbed against one another as she whispered softly, “Am I your girlfriend?”

  I exhaled loudly, in disbelief of her question. There was no question that Sadie was mine. Reaching for the body wash, I poured it into my hands, rubbing my palms together as suds emerged.

  “From your toes,” I began, kneeling to rub from her calves to the tips of her toes, feeling every inch of her. Sadie tensed and released, submitting to my power. She handed herself over to me every time. Despite her independent desire, she wanted me to take care of her, and I did. When I reached her pubic zone, I slid one hand between her thighs and dragged it up slowly, running the back of my thumb and then my forefinger between her folds.

  Sadie bit her lower lip and pushed her hips towards me. I smirked and continued up her body. I cleansed her gently, rubbing the suds along her soft skin. At her waist, I stood upright, continuing to wash her sexy frame. “To the top of your head,” I continued. “You’ve been my girl from the day we met, whether we chose to ignore it or not.”

  Without missing a beat, Sadie looked to me defiantly. “Well, you never asked.”

  I grinned, stunned by her immature boldness. “Oh yeah?” I asked, pushing her against the tile wall. She followed my lead willingly, lifting her leg to offer her knee.

  I lifted her with little effort, holding Sadie against the corner of the shower, her legs spread open to my body. She was mine, yet still wanting the formality of asking for her permission.

  “Is that what I’m supposed to do?” I asked, slowly lowering her body onto mine.

  The waterfall showerhead fell on us, covering our bodies with warm water as our heavy breathing synced. Every time was like the first time – intense and needy. We met each other like we didn’t know what to expect, but still looked forward to the conclusion.


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