Sweet Royal Beginnings: Jane & Mikal (A Royal Vow Novel Book 0)

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Sweet Royal Beginnings: Jane & Mikal (A Royal Vow Novel Book 0) Page 3

by Lizabeth Scott

  Her breathing became shaky, “I don’t think I’ve ever been called cute before.” Jane forgot her tough girl image as the heat of his touch broke through the defenses she’d spent years building up to protect herself. She smiled up into his eyes and something happened. The atmosphere inside the limo change from nice and friendly to charged with electricity. Jane couldn’t stop her body from leaning closer. She almost hissed when his hand touched her arm and ran up her back.

  Her eyes focused only on his mouth. She wet her dry lips and watched the blue of his eyes turn stormy. At the first touch of his lips, she gasped and pressed closer. She felt the heat of his hand singeing her back as he edged under her shirt. At the contact of his hand on her skin, she arched back into his hand, pushing her breasts into his chest.

  “You aren’t wearing a bra?” It was more of a revelation that a question.

  “Ahhh…” She managed to get out. “No…I don’t like them,” He kissed her lips, while he lightly teased her nipples.

  “Neither do I, but probably not for the same reasons.” His tongue entered her mouth taking the kiss deeper. His fingers pinched and pulled on her already hardened nipples through the thin cotton of her shirt.

  He tore his mouth away from her lips only long enough to ask, “Come back to my room Jane?”

  “What are you doing to me?” She asked breathlessly, staring at his lips. She wanted more. How had she gotten herself into this, and why did she not want to get out?

  “It’s what we do to each other. Please Jane, come back to my room. You may step out the door and into your dorm, or you can stay in the car and remain in my arms. The choice is yours.”

  Her eyes watched his lips the entire time he spoke. Slowly she looked up into his eyes and saw his silent plea. He was waiting for her decision. She would not lie. She wanted to be with him and explore what he could make her feel. But could she walk away when it was over? More pieces of the protective wall around her heart fell apart.

  “Okay.” Her answer was no more than a whisper but he heard and rewarded her with another kiss that sent her senses reeling.

  He kept her so wound up with kisses and touches she never knew when or how they got into his hotel room, or when her clothes came off. But she felt his eyes as they roamed her naked body as surely as if he had touched her with his hands. Her nipples peaked into taut buds begging for his touch.

  “I like you bare.”

  She had never felt so stripped naked as she did under his probing eyes. “I…for work. I mean….” She blushed to the roots of her blonde hair.

  “I know,” he spoke soft comforting words and stroked her arms.

  “Jane we need to talk before this goes any further. I’ve never had unprotected sex. Have you?”

  Why was he talking and not kissing her? What was he asking? “No…no.”

  “Are you on birth control pills?” He stroked his hand up her arm, his thumb coming close to her breast.

  “No. I…I’ve never had sex before.”

  His hand froze and his eyes came up to her own. “Never?” He was stunned and a bit unprepared for that news.

  “I think I would know.” She frowned at his line of questioning. and wanted him to continue what he had been doing.

  He began to pull away from her, but she held him tight. “No, you started this and you’re going to finish it. I want you out of my head and out of my dreams, and if it takes a night in your bed to do it, then get on with it!”

  His smile at her frustrated words was slow and sensuous. “Oh honey, it is going to take much longer than a single night I’m afraid. And I wasn’t leaving you. I was going to undress.”

  “Oh.” She watched fascinated as he removed his shirt and uncovered broad shoulders and muscular arms. His chest was ripped with abs and narrowed to a slender waist. Her mouth practically watered, and her fingers begged to touch his smooth hard skin.

  Her breathing became erratic as he lowered the zipper on his slacks. Her eyes widened to take him all in. She had seen pictures of the male anatomy before, but none compared to the real-life thing. There was no way it would fit.

  “Yes it will,” he said with a proud, all-knowing look.

  A flush stole across her cheeks. “Did I say that out loud?”

  “Afraid so. Come here Janea.” All teasing was gone from his voice.

  “What did you call me?” She asked as she walked once again into his arms.

  “You don’t seem like a Jane. You are much more complex than that. Janea means a beautiful gift from God in my country. A much more fitting name I think.” He felt her soften in his arms as he ran his hands over her back, down to her hips and, finally, over the globes of her bottom.

  “I like that.” Whether she was answering that she liked his name for her, or what his hands were doing to her, it didn’t matter. As long as the sensations he was causing with his hands continued.

  He picked her up and laid her down gently in the middle of the bed. Shivers ran through her body as he kissed her lips and neck while fitting his body over hers. His hardened member pressed into her stomach and sent heat rushing to her core, making her wet with desire.

  When his mouth closed over one hardened nipple she couldn’t stop the moan that left her throat. Her back arched and her hands twisted and gripped the sheet as she writhed under his experienced lips. Another moan escaped as he left one tortured nipple and moved to the other.

  “Mikal….” His name left her lips as a pleading whisper.

  He stopped, frozen in the moment, and raised his head to meet her dazed, passion-filled eyes. “I like hearing my name from your lips Janea.” He rewarded her by returning to his feast of her body, moving lower to circle her belly button with his tongue.

  “Again, say my name again,” he commanded.

  “Mikal,” her mind could only focus on that one word.

  He moved lower still. His hands ran over her thighs, pushing them wide. He teased her with his fingers before sinking into her wet heat. “Again.”

  “Mikal,” a frenzied voice answered.

  He teased and tormented her flesh with his fingers. When his lips closed over the bundle of nerves hidden inside her most private lips, she arched into his mouth begging for more.


  “Mikal…Mikal…Yes!” She chanted.

  She clinched down on his fingers from within, her muscles quivered and spasmed as he watched the wonder of her orgasm wash over her. He stayed with her, continuing to kiss and lave her quivering bud until the tremors subsided and she settled.

  Before her passion cooled, he tore open the packet and sheathed himself before pushing her legs further apart with his and mounting her.“Janea, look at me.”

  She opened her dazed eyes and looked up into his. From his position above her she could see the concern in his eyes. “I wish there was a way to take the hurt away. Please forgive me.” Before he finished the sentence he had entered her relaxed body and tore through the last remaining connection to her childhood. The pain was minimal, but the sensation of him filling her was overpowering.

  He waited for her to adjust to him being inside her before he began to move. She gasped as he pulled out and grabbed his shoulder, digging her nails into his back as he pushed back in. This was not like before when he used his mouth and tongue. This was a deep intense feeling that was building inside her, flooding her with need, burning her from the inside out.

  “Mikal stop! I can’t take anymore.”

  “Oh yes you can love. Go with it Janea. Let the feelings build and build until there is nothing below you, and you are shooting into the stars. I will catch you love. Go on, come for me Janea.”

  That was the sexiest thing she had ever heard, and that was all it took for her to do exactly as he commanded.

  Feeling her tightness quiver around him sent him following close behind into the most intense orgasm of his life. On and on they climbed and then fell together. And he did catch her as he rolled them over to take his weight from h
er. Still connected, Mikal tried to slow his breathing and think about anything other than being buried deep inside her. He needed to take care of her. She would be sore.

  “Is it always like that?” She ran her fingers through his hair and arched her back not wanting to break the connection with his body.

  “No love, it most certainly is not.” His body spent, he left her slowly, feeling the loss as soon as he slipped free. On rubbery legs he cleaned up in the bathroom and brought a warm towel back for Janea.

  Jane had dozed while he was in the bathroom. When she felt his hand open her legs and the moist cloth rub over her, she jumped. “Wait, what are you doing?”

  He pushed her hands away as she tried to cover herself. “I want to clean you. You must be sore, and I imagine there is a bit of blood. Open your legs for me, love, and let me take care of you.”

  “No…I can do it myself,” she tried to push his hands away, but he wasn’t having that.

  “Janea, I have seen and tasted most every inch of your body, now open and let me care for you.”

  She saw nothing but compassion and caring in his eyes. She swallowed and closed her eyes tight and let her legs fall open. She was sure the blush that painted her face was bright pink as he thoroughly cleaned her.

  After that, he crawled back into bed and held her in his arms as they slept, until he woke her and repeated the process all over again.

  The next morning it was Jane that woke a very surprised Makil up with an exquisite view of her breasts as she tried to figure out how to sheath and ride him. What she lacked in knowledge she make up for with enthusiasm. With only a little prompting, she soon had them both gasping for breath as they went over the edge together.

  Breathing heavily he sat her to the side but didn’t remove his hand from her thigh. He didn’t want their time together to end. “Spend the weekend with me Janea.”

  She didn’t have to think long to decide that she wanted as much time with him as she could get. “Okay, but I have something to do this afternoon. Would you come with me?”

  “This afternoon? That still leaves hours that I can have my way with you.” He said in an evil stage voice.

  “Oh, I certainly hope you will.” She gave it right back to him in as much of a sultry voice as she knew how.

  He popped her on the bottom as she got out of bed. She stopped, “Ooh, that might be fun too!

  Chapter Five

  “This is where you wanted to bring me?” A retirement home was not even close to the places he had imagined Janea would take him.

  She was a bit hurt by his tone of voice. “I know it’s not what you are used to, but these folks are my friends.”

  There seemed to be some type of carnival set up in the parking lot. He wasn’t sure, but there appeared to be games and rides. Old and young were milling around, playing the games, and eating some pink and blue confection. The younger ones seemed to wear more than they ate.

  He simply stood back and watched in amazement as Janea was welcomed with hugs and kisses from the residents and staff. She was obviously a regular and that surprised him. He watched her interact with the people she considered friends, much older friends. Knowing what he did about her, he would say she was creating a family of her own. The older folks filled her need for grandparents.

  They spent the entire afternoon at the facility. Makil even got into the spirit of the games by winning a stuffed animal for Janea and learning to spin the pink and blue confection that he learned was cotton candy. It was a very sweet job, he discovered later when he was covered with the sugary confection from the top of his head all the way to his Italian leather shoes.

  He overheard one of the staff members thanking Janea for the carnival. She must have used some of the money to provide this treat for her friends. She’d surprised him again. As great as her need for money was that she chose to spend a good portion on providing for her friends humbled him.

  Later as they were walking back to his limousine, he asked her about it. He needed to understand why she did it. “Did you arrange all this?”

  “Yeah,” she answered, embarrassed he knew. “I came into some money recently, and I wanted to do something nice for them. They miss their families. It helped to have something fun to invite their children and grandchildren to. It was the best of both worlds. They got to have fun playing games and visiting with their families.”

  He kissed the tip of her nose and pulled her close, “You are a most remarkable woman, Janea.”

  She leaned into him, fitting her body against his. “Can we go back to your room now?”

  He saw in her eyes what her body was telling him. “Yes.” He swallowed. “Oh yes.” And picked up the pace back to the limo.

  The rest of the weekend was spent in much the same way, just in different parts of the suite. The only time they came up for air was to eat and sleep. They both knew the weekend was special, and Jane knew that it would likely be the last she would see of him.

  For a fraction of a second she wished he would have planted his seed inside her belly to have a precious memory of their time together. But her great desire to have a family was not enough to make her bring a child into the world without two loving parents.

  The call came late Sunday evening. She couldn’t understand the words, but she did understand the anger with which they were spoken. Mikal ended the call and slammed the receiver down.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I must leave. My father has summoned me home.”

  She had known it was coming, but facing the reality that their time together was over was sad to accept. “I see. When…when must you go?”

  “I should go now. But I can’t leave you yet Janea. Tomorrow I will leave at first light.” He pulled her into his arms.

  “Is something wrong?” She didn’t like the worried look on his face.

  He released her and walked to the window, his back to her as he spoke. “Do you remember when I told you that many times my position does not allow for personal decisions?” He paused and turned to face her. She knew from his tensed body that she was not going to like what came next. “It seems my father has chosen my wife, and he wishes to make the announcement.”

  A wife. She had no hold on Mikal, yet it hurt to know he was leaving her to go to another, someone better suited to the role. Going into the weekend she knew he would never be any more than a passing memory.

  She was seasoned with saying goodbye. She had never had any one constant in her life. And that was the way she liked it. It was time for her to start remembering that and stop day dreaming about a life like she had spent with him this weekend. That was only a fantasy.

  “I…I should go.” She began to gather her things.

  “No,” he took her shoulders and wouldn’t let her look away. “Please. Stay the night.”

  She couldn’t deny him or herself one more night of fantasy. He took her in his arms and that was her last thought for many hours. Later as she lay in bed watching him sleep, she tried to take a mental picture to remember every single nuance of his body, his scent, even the way he breathed.

  She’d found that goodbyes didn’t hurt as much if they were on her terms. So, she quietly left the bed that she had become a woman in, pulled on her clothes, and walked out without a single backwards glance.

  The tears falling down her cheeks were the only visible sign of her distress.

  Chapter Six

  Five months later she finished the semester and graduated with honors. It had taken her weeks to stop looking for him in a crowd and months to stop dreaming about the nights she’d spent in his arms. That wasn’t really true. She still dreamed about him. He hadn’t called or tried to contact her since that weekend. She really hadn’t expected him to. His marriage would prevent him from doing so.

  Loneliness had never been as intense, probably because she had never had the connection to another living person like she had with Mikal. She couldn’t miss something she had never experienced. But now, she knew the pai
n of losing someone she…was close to. She would not admit that four letter word. It was as foreign to her as the Greek language.

  She applied to school districts in surrounding towns. But that wasn’t what she wanted. She needed a change. All of her life she had lived in the same area. Moving to someplace far away from what she was used to seemed like the direction she needed to go. Someplace that didn’t have memories of Mikal.

  She accepted a fifth grade teaching position in a small town in Maryland. With the leftover money from the anonymous donor she was even able to buy a small house. It was a definite fixer upper, but what else did she have to do? And she found she enjoyed the manual labor of working to make her house into the home she had always wanted.

  She prepared herself for his marriage hitting the news. The engagement pictures she had stumbled across while waiting in line to checkout at the grocery store had been painful to look at. His bride was beautiful. Tall, long dark hair, and a figure that would put any model to shame. Nothing like her. They looked perfect together. Seeing his picture and his arm wrapped around her waist was very upsetting. She ran from the store leaving her groceries in the buggy.

  Slowly she was adjusting to small town life. Her students were a big part of the reason she was able to survive her new life. She threw herself into teaching and was totally immersed in her students, so much so that she didn’t realize the passage of time.

  Christmas was upon her before she knew it. The day she dragged her very first Christmas tree into her very first real home was overwhelming to her. She played Christmas music while she decorated her tree with her new lights and ornaments. She even hung her new stocking by the fake fireplace she found at the furniture outlet store. All she had to do was flip a switch and an instant fire appeared. It didn’t even bother her that it was only a picture of a fire. If she really used her imagination, she could feel the heat radiating off the flames.

  She sat back with a warm cup of cocoa and watched the lights twinkle and blink on her tree while music played in the background. The song was right, she was home for Christmas. So why was she crying? And why couldn’t she stop?


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