Dark Crown: A Fae Shifter Romance (Guardians of the Fae Realms Book 8)

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Dark Crown: A Fae Shifter Romance (Guardians of the Fae Realms Book 8) Page 1

by JL Madore


  Guardians of the Fae Realms: Book 8

  JL Madore

  Copyright © 2021

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior written permission.

  JL Madore

  Cover Design: Ravenborn Covers

  Note: The moral right of the author has been asserted.

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  Dark Crown: Guardians of the Fae Realms

  JL Madore -- 1st ed.

  ISBN: 978-1-989187-57-9


  Hey, Hotties:

  Dark Crown is book three in Nakeyla Northwood’s harem trilogy and book 8 in the Guardians of the Fae Realms series.

  If you missed the first harem and the intro to how we got here, grab the 5-book box set and start at book 1 of the entire series as this story is a continuation of plot and cast of character from the first group of lovers. Guardians of the Phoenix.

  If you’ve read that and loved it all, the first book of Honor’s harem Honor Restored is up for preorder to continue after this. Here’s a teaser for you… you’ve already met at least two of her guys. Can you guess who they are?




  Standing on the dais of the throne room in Thornebane Castle, my mates, my family, and I look out upon the anxious faces of traitors, cowards, and the tormented. The opulence of the space, packed with close to three-hundred fae citizens, is everything I’m accustomed to having grown up a princess of another realm.

  The people packing the room are not.

  The sea of bodies is as different in size, shape, color, and species as they could be. In the Human Realm, the fae community consists of those who naturally pass as human or those who have the magical ability to glamor themselves to remain unseen.

  The population of the Fae Realm is everyone that excludes… gnomes, nymphs, forest folk, dragons, etc.

  “I’m sure, many of you are wondering why I’ve called you all together,” Creed says, his deep voice projected to reach the ears at the back of the room. “Some of you have surely heard rumors. Others might know firsthand, but I am pleased to announce that three days ago, in a battle fought in the Travon badlands, Laryssa the usurper of our quadrant was put down and eliminated from this life.”

  There’s a rush of murmuring through the crowd and Creed gives them a moment to settle. “I won’t apologize for her death, in fact, I celebrate it. Over the past two years, she has held my sister hostage and bound me to submission with the threat of killing Princess Honor and my mother should I resist.”

  Watching the crowd, I’m happy to see so many horrified looks flashing around the room. Most of them weren’t aware of the depths of Laryssa’s treachery.

  “I learned only days ago that the threats against my mother were hollow. Our beloved Queen Thornebane perished the night of the rebellion and progressed to the Sacred Grove alongside my father.”

  An outpouring of sadness and sympathy fills the air.

  “However, with the help of my new mates and the Phoenix Quint, I am relieved to inform you Princess Honor was recovered and Laryssa’s leverage over me ceased to hold power. My bride and her family helped rescue my sister and end Laryssa’s madness. Dornte is once again under the rightful rule of the Thornebanes.”

  There is an uproar of cheering.

  The majority of his people look relieved and excited but some definitely don’t.

  “To those who acted against me, be warned. Over the next few days and weeks, I will interview each one of you personally. As a powerful Mind Guardian, I will weed out those loyal to Laryssa, those of you who plotted in the initial uprising against my family, and those of you who don’t celebrate my return to power. If you fall under any of those categories, this is your only warning—get the fuck out of my castle.”

  No one moves, but I smell the acrid burn of fear rising in the air. It offends my wolf. I growl and let her ascend until my eyes glow gold.

  “I offer you this warning as a kindness not given to my parents. Consider yourself lucky to leave with your life. Get out of my home and my quadrant. Do it quickly or you will join the bitch queen you favored.”

  My wolf surges forward, howling inwardly in support of my mate’s unyielding stance.

  “For everyone else, know this… I understand how Laryssa manipulated, threatened, and forced her will upon innocents. I was not the only victim of her malicious ways. For you, I extend my understanding and forgiveness. Stay. We will heal these wounds together.”

  “Blessed be, King Creed,” someone yells from the back. The room breaks out in the echoes of support and well-wishes.

  After a moment, Creed lifts his hands to quiet the crowd. “I appreciate your encouragement, I truly do, but it’s too early to celebrate. We have cut the head off the snake holding us in her coils but a great many wealthy, ambitious, and corrupt people supported Laryssa. They won’t appreciate me returning the power of choice and freedom to the citizens of Dornte. Be hopeful but remain vigilant. There are still battles to be fought.”

  I slide my arm around his hip and hug tight to his side and then I gesture to Dillan and Rhylan at our sides and Kotah and his mates at our backs. “But those battles won’t be fought alone. Rest assured, the magic of fae destiny bonded us together for a purpose. We honor and embrace our place supporting your realm.”

  “It’s your realm too now, my queen,” Creed smiles down at me and the love and relief in his obsidian eyes make my wolf howl.

  “Kiss her, King,” someone yells.

  He grins at me. “Do you mind?”

  I chuckle. “Mind you kissing me or being ogled by three hundred people while you do it?”


  I reach up on my toes and tilt my head back. Creed has an aggressive, alpha way about him that steals my breath and dampens my panties. He wraps his arms around me and claims my mouth.

  There’s no hesitation about the propriety of this being a public display. He kisses me here as he kisses me behind closed doors—with passion.

  The moment our lips touch and I smell his desire, my wolf and I are lost to the primal pull of our searing. The fae universe paired our souls as a perfect match of perfect mates.

  We complete one another.

  We complement one another.

  I’m entirely consumed by his tongue in my mouth and my nipples peaking beneath my blouse. Gone is any thought of decorum until Doc’s amusement flashes onto my mental radar and I realize we’re still standing in front of his staff and subjects.

  Reining it in, I nip his lip and tug a
t it as I ease back. Opening up a private telepathic channel, I speak straight into his mind. Sorry about that.

  Not your fault. He straightens and scrubs a hand over his mouth. When he looks out at the room full of people, he chuckles. “You came for an announcement and got a show. Apologies, we haven’t been mated long enough to navigate the pull of our soul-searing yet.”

  “You’re the king,” Rhylan says at Creed’s left. “You don’t need to apologize.”

  “Especially for loving your young bride,” a woman halfway back in the room says. “It’s lovely, Prince—I mean, King Creed.”

  Creed chuckles. “I guess there are things we all have to get used to over the next weeks.”

  I squeeze his hands and catch my breath. “Don’t forget about the suggestions.”

  “Right. Thanks, angel.” He looks out at his people and smiles. “Since I was bound to the sidelines for over two years, Keyla and I worry we might be out of touch with everything Laryssa did and inflicted on the quadrant. When you come to see me for your interview, there will be a datapad available for complaints, comments, questions, and concerns. Feel free to submit a note of anything you want us to consider or be aware of.”

  I see the arched brows and smell the trepidation in the air. “We’ll set it up to be anonymous but if you wish to address something directly, you can add your personal information into the notes and we’re happy to speak to you as well. We will rebuild what she took from you. We’re dedicated to restoring the Thornebane reign.”

  When everyone falls silent, Rhy leans forward and smiles. “Is everyone finished?”

  Creed checks with me and I shrug and nod.

  “I think that’s it for tonight,” he says.

  “All right, everyone,” Rhylan says, addressing the crowd. “Thank you for coming. For those of us looking forward to the reign of a true leader, it’s an exciting time. For those of you loyal to Laryssa, your window to leave the castle peacefully is closing. Gather your things quickly, get out, and be thankful King Creed is cut from a different cloth than the usurper bitch that held us prisoner for the past two years.”

  I keep my expression blank. Not the way I would’ve finished the evening, but hey, Rhy was tormented too.

  Besides, the people seem to agree with him.

  The doors at the back of the room open and people begin to file out. The buzz of excitement in the air and the energy of the room are largely positive.

  A couple of dozen citizens make their way up to the dais and either bid us their best wishes or bow or gush over the Phoenix and her Guardians.

  Twenty minutes later, we’re walking back through the castle toward the royal heirs’ suite.

  Thornbane Castle is fascinating and inspiring.

  Like the palace where I was raised, it’s partly a royal residence and partly a governmental and military base of operations. It’s the hub of the ruling order for this quadrant and it has the old-world charm of an ancient Scottish castle.

  Filled with interesting nooks and alcoves, I take in the long tapestries hanging in front of the hidden pockets of rooms. What lies behind is often obscured from view.

  I lean and tilt my head to discover what mysteries they hold. Some have paintings or sculptures and some have leaded windows with spectacular views of the Dornte quadrant.

  In the weeks to come, I look forward to exploring each one at length.

  In high spirits, our group of nine rounds the corner toward the private residences of the royal family.

  Rhylan says goodnight and falls back, retreating to his guard’s quarters. I don’t like the distance he’s keeping from us, but suppose he’s dealing with a lot and needs some time to himself to process.

  As we close in on our suite, I turn to Kotah and his mates. “Are you guys coming over for drinks or retiring for the night?”

  My brother shifts his gaze to Calli to give her the choice to make.

  “I’d like to say goodnight to Rile—Honor and then turn in,” Calli says, meeting the gazes of her mates. “Are you guys good with that?”

  Kotah nods. “Of course, Chigua. I’ll sit with you if you don’t mind the company. Perhaps I might ease Honor a little.”

  Jaxx grins and winks at his female. “We’ll wait in our suite, kitten. Take your time.”

  Creed presses his hand on the security scanner next to the door and unlocks things. Normally he doesn’t keep the suite locked when there’s someone inside but with Honor defenseless, he’s taking every precaution.

  What he said during his address to his staff is correct. There are a great many wealthy and influential people who won’t be pleased about him assuming his place as king.

  Creed escorts Calli and Kotah inside to check on Honor and it strikes me that now is as good a time as any to speak to Hawk.

  When Doc holds the door for me, I shake my head and point to Hawk. He understands immediately and continues inside to close the door.

  Brant, Jaxx, and Hawk don’t notice my intention and head across the corridor. Before they go inside, I catch their attention. “Would you mind…” I lower my voice. Kotah might be inside my suite with the door closed, but our heightened sense of hearing doesn’t mean he won’t hear me. “Could I speak with you guys for a sec, privately?”

  Hawk frowns and tilts his head toward their suite. “Of course. Come into our office.”


  When Keyla remains in the corridor, I understand why immediately and I do my part to not raise Kotah’s curiosity. Escorting him and Calli through the suite, I pause at the door to Honor’s bedroom. “Thank you all for standing with me through the past week and helping us reclaim the quadrant. I am forever in your debt.”

  Kotah rests his hand on my shoulder and I’m immediately washed with the rush of serenity that comes from him being an omega. The Wolf King is a wonder to me on several fronts. He isn’t even twenty-one yet, but he possesses deep-seated wisdom and maturity that goes well beyond the year on his birth certificate.

  Bearing the same graceful build, long, chestnut hair, and wine tattoo banding his throat as his sister, Kotah and Keyla are unmistakable as siblings. “You are forever welcome, my brother. Make her happy and be the leader your people need. That will be thanks enough.”

  “And you are well on your way to both those things, by the way,” Calli says winking. “You guys crushed it with the announcement tonight and the sexy schmexy between you and Keyla brought a lot of smiles to the room. Your people are hopeful for a kind and caring leader and our girl is practically walking on air.”

  Good. I thought as much but it’s nice to hear it… especially from Keyla’s closest girlfriend. “She’s easy to love. I can’t tell you how blessed I feel.”

  Kotah wraps his arm around Calli’s shoulder and brushes the back of his fingers down her cheek. “You don’t have to tell us. We understand completely.”

  “I suppose, of anyone, you do.”

  Calli rolls her emerald green eyes and tilts her head toward the door to Honor’s suite. “Let me check on my BFF before this love-in gets too mushy. Then we’ll all turn in for the night and the blessings of fated mates can get underway.”

  Kotah grins. “Sounds good to me.”

  The three of us enter Honor’s bedroom and Lukas stands from the cushioned bench by the window. More than the military man he appears, Hawk’s right-hand man is also a powerful mage and a dedicated member of Keyla’s extended family. “How did the address to the castle go?”

  “Very well,” Calli says. “Creed’s family are obviously loved and respected as the rightful leaders of this quadrant. Almost everyone seemed pro-Thornebane.”

  “That’s good. Congratulations.”

  I nod and accept his well-wishes.

  “How’s my girl?” Calli asks, rounding the bed to sit with her.

  Lukas glances down to where my sister lays unconscious. “I attempted to unravel some of the witch’s hold on her, but the spell is complex. I won’t give up, but I’m not sure anything I do
will help.”

  “I’m sure it’s helping,” Kotah says. “Your efforts are always effective and you’re far too modest.”

  Lukas doesn’t look so sure but I tend to agree with my brother-in-law. After standing with Lukas in battle and watching him take on the witch and foil every strike she made against us, I have faith we’ll get Honor back.

  “Thank you for sitting with her. I believe the worst of Laryssa’s hold was severed with her death, but I’m not willing to bet on that with my sister’s safety.”

  Lukas dips his chin. “Understood. It’s my pleasure to sit with her. She’s a strong woman and has suffered enough. She deserves the respite.”

  She does.

  Calli sits at the bedside chatting with her and honestly, I can’t imagine the two of them as best friends. Sure, they’re both strong and feisty women, but Honor has always been serious and driven. She can be hard-headed and domineering.

  Calli is the opposite.

  Maybe that’s it.

  Maybe they are each other’s complements.

  Rounding the large paneled bed opposite Calli and Kotah, I sit on the edge of the mattress and gather her hand in mine. I revisit my thoughts of a moment ago of the similarities between Keyla and Kotah.

  The same can be said about Honor and me.

  The two of us are both tall, strongly muscled, and wear our white hair long—hers to the small of her back, mine to my shoulder blades. Our wings were always the same too—turquoise and black with a rare iridescence I thought regal—until Laryssa had me butchered.

  The loss of my wings is a devastating reminder of that hateful woman.

  One I’ll never be rid of.

  When Doc first examined Honor three days ago after her rescue, I feared she might have suffered the same brutality. It’s difficult to tell as mind guardians retract our wings when we don’t need them. Thankfully, her wings seem to remain intact.

  Her back is smooth and clear of any scarring.


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