Wolf Leader (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 5)

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Wolf Leader (Wolves of Wisconsin Book 5) Page 7

by Marie Fraser

  Her smooth leg brushed against his calf, and they were chest to chest, undeniably drawn to each other so intensely. The droplets rolled down towards her cleavage and between her breasts half submerged in the water. She was a beauty to look at.

  His hand unconsciously slipped under her jaw with a gentle caress as his head dipped to catch her bottom lip between his own. Softly. Her lips were so soft… he couldn’t help the blood rushing down below. Despite the cool water, he could feel her body heating up. He almost gasped as she pushed herself against him completely, feeling her petite figure against his body. His free hand rushed to her waist to hold her steady as their lips molded into each other’s quite fervently. She’d been wanting this. The hand slipped down her body, grabbing her supple bottom.

  “You really are something, Agnus,” he whispered between the kisses.

  “As long as you’re not disappointed,” she mumbled. He gripped her by the hips and pushed her against the wall of the pool, pushing his hard member between her thighs.

  “Does that tell you anything?”

  She flushed under his gaze, almost gasping at the brush of it against her sex. Her nipples hardened and it was very obvious to Steve, who lifted her up stilled pinned to the wall, his face burrowing into her neck with his lips sucking away lightly. Agnus’s lids dropped as her head tilted away eagerly to feel more of his lips there.

  Steve seemed to be fueled with a desire for her like never before. He wanted to see all the faces Agnus would make, and the sounds she’d let out. Feel her body tremble under his palms. He was getting harder just by the little breaths she was letting out, followed by tiny moans of satisfaction.

  His lips moved lower, licking across her collarbone as he made his way to her chest, hoisting her legs around his waist to have more access to her upper body.

  “How far will you let me go?” he breathed with a penetrating stare into her eyes. She could barely hold them open.

  “Do whatever you’d like to.”

  Her nipple was between his tongue and teeth tugging at them ever so lightly. Agnus’s felt her walls clenching and unclenching at the will of his tongue, but she wasn’t looking anymore. All she could do was feel his mouth on her breasts, and hi hands on his body, one of the sneaking past her abdomen and slipping into the crevice between the lips below. A light moan stretched out from her little mouth as he touched the right places with the pad of his fingers, finding joy in it all as he eagerly spread his tips against the wetness, looking for the sweet spots. Soon enough, she was gasping for air and her breasts rose and fell rapidly against his face.

  He wanted more of her.

  She found herself momentarily in the air and gently perched at the edge of the bath, Steve’s head between her legs.

  “Oh, Ste–ah!” her breath stolen by the tongue flattened against her wetness. Her back arched out in reaction to his strokes, and her fingers frantically tugging at his hair to find some grounding for her dizzying head. His hands gripped her thighs and kept her in place as her devoured her, relishing in the breathless yet loud moans dripping from her sweet mouth along with his name every now and then. It wasn’t long before her body shuddered for a moment, followed by slight trembling that was accompanied by her high-pitched squeals. His hands found leverage on the edge of the bath and pushed himself up, looming over Agnus as he lowered her to the floor.

  She was red in the face, eyes dark from the pleasure she could no longer contain. She obviously needed release.

  With a spread of his hands over her skin, her legs made way for his hips to slide through. Her eyes begged for him. To be one with her. With a gentle thrust, he joined himself through her cervix. He watched her eyes roll back into her head as her mouth fell open in ecstasy.

  They didn’t know how long he’d been at it, but he’d been rolling his hips into her so hard that time was the last thing they could keep track of. Agnus’s sweet moans and Steve’s grunts bounced against the walls, echoing softly around them. And the threads knotting in their abdomens soon snapped, bringing forth their release and letting the plunge into a high even a drug couldn’t recreate. Agnus reached for his face desperately, and he kissed her with all the tenderness he had.

  She tangled her fingers in his hair as their lips met. As their kiss deepened. In that moment, Agnus knew that nothing better had ever happened to her before. That the burning feeling in her heart, the lurching in her stomach, had a certain pureness about it, a calmness that assured her that all was well.

  *** the end ***

  **Bonus Book**

  Careful What

  You Fish For:

  Book One in the Bear Lake Trilogy

  By Marie Fraser

  This publication is part of a series of products and publications. For more information, please visit: http://www.Operation40k.com/.

  To get more information on Operation $40K, please visit: http://www.Operation40k.com/.

  Copyright 2018 Marie Fraser

  All RIGHTS RESERVED. One or more global copyright treaties protect the information in this document. This Special Report is not intended to provide exact details or advice. This report is for informational purposes only. Author reserves the right to make any changes necessary to maintain the integrity of the information held within. This Special Report is not presented as legal or accounting advice. All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form. No parts of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission of the copyright owner.


  In no event, shall the author or the publisher be responsible or liable for any loss of profits or other commercial or personal damages, including but not limited to special incidental, consequential, or any other damages, in connection with or arising out of furnishing, performance or use of this book.

  All Characters, events and locations in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, dead or living, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  Cover art: Sabrina Ihadadene


  A beat up old Ford pulled into a dirt parking lot from a long, winding road leading into it. Surrounding it were cabins of all sizes and in all sort of disrepair. The scenery is exquisite, with lush foliage in all shades of green and brown. Huge trees that seem centuries old with moss growing haphazardly on them. From the windows of the car the lake appears to glisten in the background and they could hear the echoes of loons overhead. Trees stood still in a quiet solute to nature. Wild flowers were growing everywhere and you could see sunflowers peeping up from the sides of the cabins, all pointing their faces to the sun. It was obvious, even from their limited vantage point that the landscaping would need some work, as patches of grass grew to the height of a man’s thigh in certain areas. Cattails were growing by the water, grouping around large rocks, where the water tended to gently lap.

  Byron, the driver and the oldest of the three turned to the others, “Well boys, it looks like we finally did it. We got out of the frying pan and into the fire.”

  “Some fire,” Jess said. “This place is great.”

  “Speak for yourself,” Kevin said. “From what I can see all I have is tons of work to do. There’s no way this place is ready to go in two months.”

  Byron had a rough look to him. He had a wild head of black hair and an unruly beard to match. His facial features were almost lost in the wilderness of his hair. His prominent cheekbones, however, still jumped out despite the mess. He had a small scar just under his right eye that appeared whitish against his tanned skin. You could see the outline of his muscles from under his black long-sleeved shirt.

  “Well let’s just hope this investment works out,” Kevin said, from the backseat. He was the complete opposite of Bryon. As the youngest, he was prone to complaining, but was always quick with the humor to cool things off again. His chestnut brown hair was neat and tidy, and styled like a young Indiana Jones. His facial features were soft, yet his jaw line had a firmness that spoke
of passing youth. He had no other facial hair to be seen except for the stubble that the journey there had left. Tattoos poked out from underneath his gray t-shirt. Black ink swirled to just above his collarbone, telling a tale all its own. He had obviously just woken up from a restless sleep because his body was hunched in an uncomfortable position and he had an annoyed expression on his face.

  “I think you two had a better attitude about missions when we were still in the service,” Jess grumbled from the passenger side seat with displeasure, although a slight smile crept across his face. This smile made his face look like a cartoon with his crooked nose, the result of a bar fight he’d been on the wrong end of. His hair was a cross between the other two men. Wild and red, his hair was neatly tied back in a ponytail that kept the curls from messing up his vision. His green eyes were alight with humor. One could say he almost had a boyish face if they didn’t look too hard.

  “Shut up,” Kevin said, obviously irritated as he smacked the headrest in front of him. Byron simply rolls his eyes at the retort parks the SUV, automatically unlocking the doors so Jess and Kevin can get out.

  “Alright, let’s move the stuff inside. I’m tired and it would be nice to sleep in an actual bed.” Kevin said as he moved towards the trunk of the car.

  But Byron shook his head, “We should look around first, to make sure that everything is stable. We might have to fix a few things before we actually get settled.”

  “Well how long will that take? It’s not like we have very much daylight left,” Kevin complains making a move to return to the door he had just exited.

  “Does this place even have electricity?” Jess asks, making a valid point. He still hadn’t gotten out of the car yet, he was reclining back slightly in his seat now that Kevin was no longer behind him. “Hey, don’t look at me, I’m not the one who called about getting it set up. There’s no guarantee they’ve made it out here to turn it all on.”

  “Okay, how about this. We at least set up the kitchen?” Byron offers.

  At the mention of the kitchen Kevin instantly perks up and runs back towards the trunk to gather some supplies. They weren’t going to move the food into the cabin just yet in case there were problems that had to be fixed, but the thought of an actual kitchen has him enthuse. Byron locks the car after all the doors are shut before the three men make their way to the main cabin. They had chosen the one directly in the middle mainly because it was center to everything else and it was also the main lodge, the one where campers would eventually gather for group activities and such.

  The steps of the porch creaked as Byron walked up them, Jess followed directly behind him. But Kevin lingers behind to make sure he has everything. He sets one foot on the bottom step of the porch and then the other, but with a tremendous crack the step breaks, and his feet fall into the hollow area below. Kevin falls forward with a curse of surprise, before dropping the kitchen supplies to brace his fall. “Damn dry rot!” he roars as the other two stand on the porch laughing.

  5 years later…

  Chapter 1

  Byron stood by the lake gazing out at the calm water. It was still early in the morning and he was sure no one else was up yet. Kevin might be up if he was already preparing breakfast for the campers. He shrugged and returned his full attention to the water. There were very few ripples along the surface. No one chose to go out fishing this early. This fact always astounded Byron. The water was calm; there was no additional noise or disturbance in the water. It made it the perfect time to go fishing. In the distance he could see a pair of black and white birds floating on the water. He clasped his hands together and brought them to his mouth to do a loon call. The cry penetrated the silence of the water. Shortly after there was a response, an eerie noise that drifted across the lake.

  Byron stripped himself of his shirt. His muscular chest sported the same unruly hair that covered his head, except is a lesser amount. His olive skin tone only made his hair seem that much richer in color and texture. Picking up his clothes he hung them up on a nearby branch. If there was anything he did not want to encounter when he got back from his swim, it was red ants inside his shirt. The thought made Byron cringe.

  Stretching to his full height, he came to about six feet four inches of naked man. The breeze tickled his vulnerable skin. The grass cool against his bare feet. He cups his testicles in a moment of uncertainty, before he freezes for a moment to look around, needing his space. It didn’t take long before the morphing began. In the silence of the forest Byron’s limbs no longer look like his own. They became bulkier. They grew a thick coat of black fur, as did the rest of his body. His hulking frame hunches over until he is standing on four massive paws. They were big enough to smother a person in their sleep, or to kill them with one fierce swipe to the neck, not that Byron was into killing, at least not anymore. He shakes his head to clear his mind for a second, the rest of his body shaking with him, including his stubby tail. His black eyes look longingly at the lake in front of him. His first step towards it is still hesitant; however, his next one, since everything was still silent, was more relaxed and carefree. He was at the edge of the water in a mere moment. He dips his paw into the cold water lapping against the sand before jumping into it and submerging himself. Paddling around he enjoys the coolness of the water against his body. He takes particular amusement in how the fish dart away from him while he swims underwater. But what he loves most about swimming is the peacefulness. The silence around him even though he knows the world is large and full of endless life. Before long the bell rang for breakfast and he snapped out of his tranquil state, slowly returning to land and the form of his human self.

  Byron trotted out of the water, shaking it off of himself as he strolls to where he left his clothes. The water is already calling him back to it, but he knows that duty calls. He was standing there naked yet again, running one of his hands through his hair as he stares off into the trees. His hair was still dripping as he thinks about how many people are residing in their cabins this season. They’ve become busier and busier as the years progressed. Reaching for his shirt he slung it on over his head, as he flicked an ant off the sleeve. His shirt clung to the wet curls on his chest and bunched up over his abs. Thankfully, he knew he’d be dry by the time he got back to the main cabin.

  It had been five years since he’d pooled all of his money together with Jess and Kevin for this little venture. Honestly, he’d been more than a little worried, in the beginning that it wouldn’t work. But after fixing the place up, including a few additional accidents and a little publicity from a close friend, they were able to get their business off the ground. Of course, it was only a trickle at first. The tourists were more interested in staying around to eat and hanging around the cabins. At least until it was clearer as to how developed their skill sets were outside. No one wants to go out into the forest or on the water with a guide who has little to no experience.

  Grabbing his pants, he tugged them onto his legs. They stick to his skin as he tries to pull them up. That was the annoying thing about being wet. Clothes never went on as easily as they came off. He could only imagine the headache women went through, trying to put on a bra and panties, let alone a dress or something more complicated. As he walks toward the main cabin to get his shoes, he looks up to take in the morning sky. It was starting to lighten up as the sun rose higher in the sky. The colors of a post-dawn skyline, there was nothing like them. You could tell that it was going to be a nice day out, red skies at night and all that. Byron walked up the porch steps and reached for the door handle just as it opened. He takes a few steps back, a little startled by this sudden event. Jess was standing in the entryway, a piece of bacon hung from his mouth.

  “Does Kevin know you took that?” Byron questioned, as he leaned against the railing of the porch.

  Jess raised an eyebrow, “And if he doesn’t?”

  Byron didn’t get a chance to answer because Jess walked past him, munching away on the bacon he lifted from their resident chef.
He was still dressed in his pajamas, which naturally, consisted of only pants.

  Walking inside the door, he let it close behind him. He could hear Kevin working in the kitchen and decided to check in on how he was doing. As he walked into the kitchen he was just in time to be entertained by a blast of curse words from over by the stove. Kevin had burned himself while flipping bacon. It was an unusual incident for him, but Byron supposed it happened every so often.

  “Hey Kev, do you need any help? I have some time before I need to think about which spot we’ll be doing the morning catch and release.”

  Kevin glances at Byron from the stove top. There were pans filled with bacon and others with sausages. He could smell Kevin’s classic biscuits baking in the oven. Byron also knew that Kevin probably wouldn’t start the eggs, until later, because they cooled the quickest and he wasn’t a big fan of leaving them in a heating pan. He was hoping there would be a hollandaise sauce to go with breakfast, his mouth started to water at the thought.

  “Thanks for the offer, Byron, but I think I’m good. We only have a few campers today anyways so it’s no rush. Not to mention I’m focusing on the classics for today’s breakfast since it’s the first one of this season. There’s nothing like bacon, eggs, and my homemade biscuits,” Kevin titters from his pan.

  “But since you’re here,” Kevin said, as he paused mid-flip. “What’s on the schedule for today?”

  “Well,” Byron said as he sat down at a nearby table. “We have a few catch and release groups throughout the day, hiking around noon, there might be a camping venture into our usual area if the weather holds up, and I think Jess was planning a few things. Probably a scavenger hunt and some camp fire songs for the kids. We won’t get into any of the other activities, until the folks settle. We want them to be comfortable first, before we pull out any of the big guns so to speak.”


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