Wrapped in Chains (Kings Reapers MC Book 3)

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Wrapped in Chains (Kings Reapers MC Book 3) Page 2

by Nicola Jane

  I follow her around several stores. She’s looking for the perfect outfit to wear and she’s tried on around fifty different things. I can’t tell her she looks amazing in everything, so I just shrug and grunt that she looks ‘okay’. Does Lake do this? Give her fashion advice? I’m seriously gonna question him when he gets back from whatever mission Riggs sent him on.

  We’re heading back to the bike when Enzo steps from his restaurant shouting my name. His thick Italian accent causes Leia to smile. She loves Italian food. “Come,” he says, waving us in. “Let me feed this beautiful girl. Do you starve your women at the club? She needs meat on her bones,” he says, ushering us inside and pushing us over to a table.

  The Kings Reapers have just begun a new alliance with the Italians, and so far, things are working out well.

  Enzo’s son, Vinn, steps over to us and we shake hands. He turns to Leia and his eyes light up. He kisses the back of her hand and she flutters her eyelashes. I glare between them. “Vinn,” I say coolly. “This is Leia, Riggs’ sister.”

  “You’re gorgeous.” He smiles and she blushes.

  “His nineteen-year-old sister,” I add.

  “Almost twenty,” butts in Leia. “Lovely to meet you.”

  “The pleasure is all mine,” he says with a wink.

  Enzo returns to the table with two plates of pasta. “Eat something before you waste away.”

  Leia smiles gratefully. “I was getting hungry,” she admits.

  “And Chains wasn’t going to feed you?” Enzo gasps in mock horror.

  “It ain’t my job to feed her,” I grunt.

  “Lake always feeds me,” she says and I scowl at her.

  Vinn places a flyer down on the table for Leia. “We like having pretty girls in our club. Free entry for you and your friends and full use of the VIP area.”

  Leia looks over the flyer and smiles. “I love this place. Thanks.”

  “Again, can I point out she’s nineteen,” I huff.

  “Almost twenty,” Vinn and Leia say at the same time. They both laugh and I tuck into my food before I throw it over the flirty fuckers.

  Chapter Two


  I stare at Chains. “No,” I say firmly. He looks down at his ripped jeans and oil-stained t-shirt. “You are not coming out with me wearing that. You’ll have to stay outside.”

  “I have to have my eyes on you all the time. Riggs’ orders.”

  I stomp past him and open his wardrobe. I scan through the shirts and throw a white one to him. Then I go through the jeans and find a non-ripped black pair. Chains sighs. “And I’m warning you, keep away from my friends, Chains.”

  He smirks and pulls his t-shirt over his head. I allow my eyes to take in his ripped chest. His tattoos crawl over his skin. I can see why women swoon at his feet—he’s gorgeous. He’s got a cheeky glint to his blue eyes and dimples that turn women to putty in his hands. I’ve witnessed it with my own eyes.

  “You finished staring?” He grins, unfastening the belt to his jeans. I turn my back, blushing profusely.

  When we arrive at the bar, I spot my group of friends the second I step into the dimly lit wine bar. Tommy, Jade, and Lexie all greet me with hugs. Over the last two years, we’ve all become pretty close, meeting through university, spending time together in study groups, and then partying on the weekends.

  Chains takes a seat nearby and pulls out his cell. “Who’s the new hottie?” asks Jade.

  “It’s Chains. Lake is away, so he’s filling in,” I explain.

  “Oh my god, is that who Star had—” begins Lex, but she cuts off when I glare at her.

  “Yes. I don’t wanna know the details and none of you are allowed to go near him. He’s a player. If you’d seen the skanks he’s hung out with, you’d vomit.”

  “You got a thing for him?” asks Tommy and I screw my face up in disgust.

  “I’ve grown up around these guys and I’ve seen enough to know I am never getting with a biker.”

  “Some of the guys I’ve seen picking you up from university—” Jade pauses and puffs out a breath. “They are hot. How the hell are you still a virgin!”

  Tommy almost spits out his drink and I press my lips together to suppress my smile. We have history, me and Tommy. We’ve kissed a few times on a night out, but it's never gone further. He’s a nice guy, thoughtful and kind. He’s training to be a doctor and he’s hot. He’s tall, and I like that he’s not got tattoos or huge muscles.

  Jade gets us some shots. It’s how we usually start and end the night, but Chains is eyeing me as I knock it back. It pisses me off and I feel like he’s judging me. “We really need to lose him,” I mutter and Jade laughs.

  “I don’t think he’s the type of guy we can just lose. Bring back Lake—at least he let us get on with it.”

  I show the group the passes for Vinn’s club and we decide to head there. The door man greets Chains like they’re long-lost pals and I eyeroll the pair as we’re ushered through without queuing. “I could totally get used to this treatment,” says Jade with a smile.

  The VIP lounge is amazing. Vinn wasn’t kidding when he said they like pretty women hanging around. Tommy looks fit to burst.

  “They definitely need a better woman-to-man ratio.” Lex sighs, and as if her words were heard, the crowds seem to part and around ten men walk through, causing a stir amongst the females in the room. They’re all dressed in expensive suits and they’re all hot. I realise the guy leading them is Vinn and feel myself blushing.

  He makes a bee-line for me and I feel like the most special person here. Something about having his eyes on me in a room full of stunning women boosts my confidence.

  “You came,” he drawls and I smile shyly.

  “This place is amazing,” I say. “We’ve never been in the VIP room before.”

  Vinn pins a gold ribbon on my dress. “If you sit in the gold booths, you’ll be treated like the princess you are. Enjoy your night, Leia. I’ll try and catch up with you later.”

  Jade squeezes my hands as we watch the men breeze through the room. “Who the hell was that?” she almost squeals.

  “That was Vinn, the owner of this place.”

  Chains takes my hand and pulls me clear of my friends. He looks annoyed. “Your brother wouldn’t want you interacting with Vinn. You need to steer clear of him as much as possible.”

  “Are you kidding?” I grin at his absurd suggestion. “He’s hot and he spoke to me. In this room full of beautiful women, he spoke to me. If Vinn wants to take my virginity right here on the bar, then I’ll be honest with ya, I’m down for that.”

  Chains’ face darkens. “Not on my watch, Leia. All virginity will stay intact on my watch. Riggs will kill Vinn and then me, so that won’t work well for anyone.”

  “I dunno. Vinn is pretty scary looking. I think he could take on you Kings,” I muse.

  “Are you shitting me?” snaps Chains and I laugh. “Go drink with your friends, Leia. You’re pissing me off.”

  The gold booth is for Vinn’s special guests. We get free drinks and champagne on ice. We’re literally treated like royalty and it’s addictive. We dance and laugh and every so often I feel Vinn’s eyes on me. He’s in some kind of meeting, by the looks of things. He’s got a laptop in front of him and the other guys have serious faces as they talk. I make a show of dancing. I wouldn’t usually, but knowing he’s watching is making me brave.

  Chains growls in my ear and I turn to face him. “Stop!” he warns.

  “Stop being a killjoy,” I huff.

  “Leia, I’m gonna drag you outta here if you continue to slut drop and put on a fuckin’ show for Vinn.”

  “It’s called flirting, Chains. Don’t tell me you’ve never done it before. I’m almost twenty,” I remind him.

  “I don’t give a fuck. You keep doing that shit you’re doin’ and we’re outta here.”

  “I’ll die a virgin if you asses keep cock blocking me!” I yell just as the music dips. Jade spits
her drink out with laughter and my face burns with embarrassment.

  “I’m calling Riggs’,” growls Chains, stomping away.

  “Tell-tale,” I yell after him. Lake is never this bad. Of course, he wouldn’t let me run off with Vinn for a night of passion, but he’d let me flirt and have fun.

  “Your guard dog is busy,” says Vinn and I jump at his voice in my ear. I didn’t hear him approach. “Shall we sneak away for a moment?” I nod my head and he smiles, his face beaming as he takes my hand. I glance over my shoulder at Jade, whose eyes are bugging out of her head. He leads me through a door and up some stairs into an office.

  “Were you dancing for me, bellissima?” he asks as he runs a finger along my jaw. “I couldn’t concentrate on my meeting,” he adds. “I was making mistakes. Expensive mistakes.”

  “Sorry,” I almost whisper. My throat has dried up and all I can think about is how it would feel to have his gorgeous lips on mine.

  “I’m going to kiss you,” he says, his tone seductively low. A second later, his hands are cupping my face and his lips are a breath away from mine. I nod slightly because I feel like he’s waiting for my permission, then his lips are on mine. It’s nothing like I imagined—it’s way better. He’s gentle yet firm, soft yet commanding. When he pulls away, I’m panting for air and there’s a definite wetness in my panties. My cell rings in my pocket and Vinn reaches for it. He smiles and then answers it, pressing it to his ear. “Chains,” he greets.

  I hear Chains yelling and Vinn laughs. “Please, calm down. Your princess was feeling sick, so I brought her for some air and a glass of water. She’s feeling much better now. I’ll return her.” He disconnects the call. “Seems you have many admirers.”

  “Oh, Chains doesn’t like me in that way. He’s worried that Riggs will cut off his balls.”

  “If my sister was taken from under my men’s nose by a dangerous man, I’d do more than cut off his balls,” he says smoothly, and even that causes me to shiver. He’s so hot.

  He takes my hand again and leads me back into the VIP room, dropping it when we spot Chains. “No harm done, see,” says Vinn.

  Chains glares at me. “Let’s go.”

  “Really?” I ask. “Can’t we stay a bit longer?” His angry expression tells me no, so I head over to say goodbye to my friends.

  Once outside, Chains stomps ahead of me and I have to almost run to keep up. “What is your problem?” I snap.

  He spins to face me. “I’m supposed to look after you and you run off like that? You know how dangerous Vinn is, Leia? He might appear smooth, but he’s fucked up!”

  “I felt sick. He was helping me.”

  “So you didn’t do anything with him?” He scoffs. “Not even a quick kiss?” I hesitate. If I admit the kiss, then Chains will tell Riggs and it may cause problems for the club. Chains takes the hesitation as admittance and shakes his head in disappointment. “I’m telling Riggs about this.”

  I have a split second to think, then I throw myself at him. He catches me in his arms and looks down at me with confusion. I press my lips against his, and for a second, it’s awkward. He’s frozen in bewilderment, but then he relaxes and kisses me back. It surprises me because I fully expected him to shove me away in disgust.

  Kissing Vinn was nice, but kissing Chains is hot. He walks me backwards into a store doorway, not breaking our kiss. His hand rakes my hair and he tugs slightly at the roots as he angles my face perfectly to meet his every move. His tongue sweeps through my mouth and I feel my toes curl. When he finally pulls away, he still holds me there and stares into my eyes. I see a blaze burning. What the fuck just happened?

  “Now you can’t tell Riggs,” I whisper and Chains frowns. When he finally understands what I just did, he steps back.

  “Shit,” he mutters, a look of hurt in his eyes. He turns and stomps off, leaving me to catch up.


  I’ve lost count of the days I’ve spent wanting to kiss Leia. I finally get my lips on hers, then she utters those words and it’s like a bucket of ice is poured over me. The little bitch played me.

  “Chains, wait,” she pants, running to catch up. We caught a taxi into town, but I’m making her walk the twenty minutes back to the clubhouse.

  I ignore her pleas to slow down and her moans about her shoes hurting her feet. Then she stops. I turn back to see she’s sitting in the middle of the sidewalk, rubbing her feet. “What the fuck are you doin’?”

  “My feet hurt. I have blisters,” she mutters.

  “I don’t care. Get up.”

  “Look, I'm sorry for what I did back there, okay. I was a cow. I just panicked when you said you were telling Riggs.”

  “It was a shitty move,” I snap, bending down and pulling her foot roughly for me to examine. She yelps and falls back on her hands. She has a huge blister. I pick up her shoes and then pull her to stand. “I’ll carry you.” I sigh, lifting her into my arms. We’re just around the corner anyway. Leia rests her head against my shoulder and I resist the urge to kiss her on the head. She smells amazing.

  I dump her back on her feet outside the club door. We stand awkwardly. “Please don’t tell Riggs about Vinn. I promise, I’ll steer clear of him from now on.”

  “I’m not gonna tell him cos he’s got enough shit to deal with right now, but you’d better stay away from Vinn. He’s not right for you and it’ll blur lines between the Italians and the MC.”

  “Okay,” she says and nods. “I get it.”

  “And that shit that happened between us,” I add. “That needs to be kept quiet.” She nods again and then goes inside.

  “Something happened with you and Leia?” comes Cree’s voice from the shadows.

  “Fuck, Cree, why the hell are you sneaking around on people?”

  “I’m the VP, that's what I do.” He smirks and I sigh heavily.

  “It was nothing. A misunderstanding. She kissed me, for the record, but she’s drunk.”

  Cree raises his brow. “You want me to put the prospect on kid watch instead?”

  The thought of not watching Leia’s every move scares me way more than Riggs finding about how I feel about his sister. I shake my head. “No, brother, it’s sorted. She was making a point.”

  “And what about her and Vinn?”

  “Again, it was nothing. We went to his club tonight and she got a little flirty with him. Nothing happened.” I hate lying to Cree. He’s the VP and a good mate. We served together in the Forces, me, him, and Riggs.

  “Good, cos we don’t need to make enemies with Vinn and Enzo.”

  “We won’t. He thought it was funny. Said his kid sister is just as bad.”

  “If Vinn’s kid sister flirted with any man in front of Vinn, she’d be locked away. Eva said he’s really hard on her.”

  “I forgot they worked together,” I mutter. I’ll have another word with Leia. She can’t tell Eva about her kiss with Vinn or me. None of tonight's shit can get back to Riggs.

  “There’s a few club girls in tonight, man. Take your pick. You deserve it after babysitting tonight.”

  I go inside and Anita makes a bee line for me. Usually, I’d love nothin’ more than to tap her ass, but Leia is lying on one of the couches and her eyes are fixed on me. It’s like that kiss changed somethin’ between us. She’s looking at me differently, with wonder in her eyes. Anita places her hand against my chest. “Not tonight, darlin’,” I mutter, passing her by.

  I spot Riggs with his head down on the bar. “Pres?”

  “Hmm,” he grumbles.

  “You look like shit again.”

  “Always count on you to make me feel better,” he mutters, slowly lifting his head.

  “The way I see it, you got two choices,” I say as Cree joins us.

  “Let us hear it then, oh wise one.” Riggs smirks.

  “You can either keep this up, drinking yourself into depression, or you can get your woman back and live happily ever after.”

  Riggs looks to Cre
e, who shrugs. “Is this guy serious? Are you serious, brother?”

  “Deadly,” I say with a smile.

  “It's not that easy,” he hisses.

  “It really is. You’re making it difficult. You’re basing this stupid choice on what happened in the past. You’re being an ass. We all think so.”

  Riggs looks between me and Cree. “You don’t get it. I can’t raise another kid on my own.”

  “So, you’d rather sit here alone, drinking and wishing Anna was here?” asks Cree. “You gotta sort your shit, Pres. If you really can’t be with her anymore, then fine. But don’t sit here feeling sorry for yourself every night. We got shit to do and you’re the president. The brothers look to you for leadership.”

  “That’s why I have you, Vice President,” slurs Riggs, poking Cree’s badge.

  “I kissed Vinn,” Leia blurts out, and we all turn to her. Silence follows and I think I can hear my own heartbeat pounding in my ears. “That’s what happens when you’re too busy drinking and letting things slip,” she adds.

  Riggs’ face is red with anger. He tries to stand but fails and falls back onto his stool. “You’d better be lying,” he growls.

  “Of course, she’s lying,” I cut in. “Shut the hell up, Leia.”

  “Why weren’t you watching her?” he yells at me.

  I glare at Leia and she stumbles over to where we are. “It’s not Chains’ fault. I threw myself at Vinn and made an idiot of myself. Luckily, Chains explained that I was drunk and Vinn was fine about it, but do you see that everything is falling apart because you’re not okay? Anna’s scan is coming up. Go with her, Riggs. She went alone to Malia’s scans because her ex was an ass and now, you’re doing the same thing to her. She’s heartbroken,” Leia cries.


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