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Wrapped in Chains (Kings Reapers MC Book 3)

Page 5

by Nicola Jane

  I wince at his words. “Make the arrangements?” I repeat and Chains nods. “I don’t want it to happen like that,” I say. “I don’t want it to be a transaction.”

  “Really?” He scoffs. “You seemed up for a transaction last night. You were willing to fuck a stranger for cash!”

  “But I wasn’t—”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Your brother’s given the green light and it means I don’t have to spend my evening watching your spoilt princess ass. Maybe a good fuck will loosen you up a bit.”

  “Chains,” I snap. “What the hell?”

  “I’m gonna make my own plans. Your friend invited me round her place.” He smirks and I bite the inside of my cheek to stop me from yelling. “So let me know where you’ll be and who with, so I can cover my ass with Riggs.”

  “Right,” I mutter. “Okay, I’ll call him up and make the arrangements,” I say bitterly, turning on my heel and marching from the office. Stupid ass bikers. No wonder I want to get the hell outta here.

  I don’t bother to make plans with Ryan. Instead, I call Anna and make plans to go and see her and Eva at a restaurant near Anna’s place. I need some girl time and some good advice.

  At eight that night, I tap on Riggs’ office door. “Come,” says Cree and I pop my head in to see him and Chains looking at some paperwork together.

  “I’m heading out,” I say. Chains scowls, so I focus my attention on Cree, who already knows my plans for the evening. I don’t see why I should explain them again. “I’ll be at the Château,” I add. It’s a hotel restaurant, which is ideal to make Chains think I’m doing exactly what he encouraged me to do.

  “Have a great night,” smiles Cree.

  “I plan to,” I mutter.

  Eva drives us to the Château and Anna is already inside waiting at a table. She stands to greet us and I smile at the tiny bump she’s sporting. Her tight black dress shows it off perfectly. It breaks my heart that Riggs is missing these little changes.

  “What happened to you last night?” asks Anna. “One minute we were dancing and the next you were gone.”

  “I got Chains to take me home. I’d drank way too much.”

  “I miss drinking,” groans Anna and we laugh sympathetically.

  “Any news on you and Chains?” asks Eva, wiggling her brows. I fill them in on last night, cringing with embarrassment when I repeat what I said to him. And then I tell them how cold he was towards me today.

  “He’s pushing you away,” states Anna. Eva nods in agreement. “Classic Kings Reaper. Can’t handle the emotions and feelings, so he turns into an ass so you’ll hate him. Problem solved.”

  “So, you don’t think he hates me?” I ask with hope in my voice.

  “No, sweety, he’s mad about you, but he knows the consequences of going against Riggs’ wishes,” says Anna. “He’s pushing you away to save his ass.”

  “And the Kings won’t go against their brothers, especially their Pres,” says Eva.

  “So, you think I should back off? Avoid him and go out with Ryan?” I ask. Maybe it is for the best. Upsetting Riggs is the last thing I want when he’s got his own shit going on. It’s clear that nothing serious will ever happen between me and Chains and I don’t know if I want it to. I’m so confused. My body's reaction to him happens on its own without my permission and it doesn’t mean that my heart feels the same . . . does it?

  “No!” says both the girls together. “If you like Chains, then don’t settle for anyone else. You need to up your game,” adds Eva.

  “You know, Eva, I’d expect that kind of irresponsible advice from Anna, but you . . . ” I shake my head in mock disgust. “I expect better. Anna is clearly a bad influence on you.” We laugh and Eva nods in agreement.

  “But I’m a sucker for love and you light up whenever Chains is around. It reminds me of myself and Cree,” she says wistfully.

  “Any news from Riggs?” asks Anna quietly and my heart aches for her. I shake my head. “I haven’t heard either,” she says. “I caved in and texted him to tell him the scan went well.” Eva groans and Anna jumps in quickly. “I know, okay. I’m weak. But I blame hormones. I cried on the trampoline last night for no other reason than it reminded me of the time we . . . ” She pauses and blushes.

  I hold up my hands. “Oh my god, please do not finish that sentence. I don’t even want to know if you and my brother had sex on Malia’s trampoline!” I wail in distress and Anna laughs.

  “What can I say, he likes to live dangerously.”

  I pretend to dry heave and Anna laughs harder. “I’m calling Ryan and making plans. I am not listening to the advice from a woman who has sex on her child’s trampoline.”

  Ryan answers on the first ring. I guess it’s sweet that he’s keen, but the masochist in me craves for him to be less desperate. “Hey, I was wondering if you’d like to go out for dinner one night?” I ask.

  “As in a date?” I can hear his smile down the phone. “A real date?”

  “I guess.” I shrug even though he can’t see me.

  “I’m free tomorrow. Can I pick you up at seven?”

  “That soon?” I ask.

  “Why wait? I’ll book a place that’ll blow your mind. See you tomorrow at seven.” And then he’s gone. I stare at the phone in my hand and let out a long breath. I should feel excited, but I don’t.

  “He said yes then?” asks Eva. I nod and fake a smile. “You know, if you want a badass, Gia said her brother asked about you the other day.”

  “Riggs will kill you,” interjects Anna, and Eva shrugs.

  “I think I'll steer clear of Vinn. Chains warned me off him for my own good.” I smile. I’m pissed at Chains, but that doesn’t mean I’ll break my promise to him.


  I flip the beer mat over and over. I can’t stop thinking about Leia and it’s driving me to distraction. I must have almost knocked on her bedroom door twenty times to take back what I said last night. The thought of her and the nerd boy doing anything together makes me want to put my fist through something hard. I haven’t seen her all day—it’s like she’s avoiding me. “Chains, I got a kid at the gate, says he's here for Leia,” shouts Rock from the clubhouse doorway.

  I follow him out and groan at the sight of that ass smiling at the gate. Dumbass nerd.

  “Hey, I have a date with Leia,” he announces proudly, producing a bunch of flowers from behind his back. Rock smirks at me and I shake my head in irritation at this pussy’s show of romance.

  “She didn’t tell me,” I growl.

  “Are you her keeper?” he jokes and Rock laughs, patting me on the back.

  “As a matter of fact, I am,” I snarl. “And she ain’t going nowhere with you!”

  I smell her perfume and know she’s approaching from behind. “Ryan, hey,” she says sweetly, and I ball my fists as I turn to face her. Her step falters when our eyes meet. I know I look pissed and I ain’t gonna hide it.

  “You have a date?” I hiss.

  “Yes. You told me to make the arrangements, remember?” she asks, adding an innocent smile. I move into her space, blocking her view of her new lover.

  “Don’t do it,” I mutter. “Not with him.”

  “How do you know I haven’t already?” she asks patiently. “Besides, you said to go for him. You said he was hot for me, and I guess you were right. I mean, he did offer to help me out with the whole virgin thing so . . . ” She leaves the sentence hanging and gives me a bright smile. She thinks she’s so fuckin’ clever.

  “Well, I changed my god damn mind and now I’m saying no. You ain’t going nowhere with him, so get back inside.”

  “Mum,” she yells over her shoulder. Frankie appears and I wonder if they had this pre planned. Frankie places her hands on her hips and glares at me. “Can I go out with Ryan?” asks Leia sweetly.

  “Of course, you can. Enjoy yourself,” says Frankie.

  “Mama bear, don’t get involved in this,” I growl and Frankie arches her brow. />
  “Boy, don’t you speak to me like that. I’ll get the hell involved with my daughter any damn time I want to. Now, step aside. You said yourself that Riggs is letting her date. It’s not your call.” She’s right and she adds a smug smile. Riggs gave his blessing. He doesn’t want her to date anyone from this charter and time away has given him a new perspective.

  I step to one side and Rock opens the gate. I watch through narrowed eyes as the nerd gives my girl the cheap bunch of flowers. My girl? Where the hell did that come from?

  I stomp back into the clubhouse and almost crash into Dolly, the new club girl. She’s petite with long dark hair and tanned skin. Her sparkling blue eyes stare up at me innocently. I pick her up and she lets out a squeal as I throw her over my shoulder effortlessly and take the stairs two at a time. I get to my room and slam my door closed before placing her back onto her feet. “I need a distraction,” I mutter darkly and she gives me a wicked smile that she’s kept well hidden under those innocent eyes.

  “Then you picked the right girl,” she smirks.

  I drop onto my bed and prop myself up on my elbows. Dolly hovers over me, taking a firm grip of my jeans and tugging the button open. I keep my eyes fixed on her hands as she makes quick work of releasing me from the confines of the denim. My erection springs free and her small hands grip it. I let my head fall back as she expertly works my cock . I feel the tip of her tongue lick along the underside and I groan aloud, spurring her to take it in her mouth. “Fuuuck,” I hiss when I hit the back of her throat. I look down at her and her eyes flutter open, connecting with my own. There’s nothing hotter than watching a gorgeous woman choking on your cock. I grip a handful of her hair and She hums in delight, the vibration almost causing me to lose it. I close my eyes briefly and I’m greeted by an image of Leia glaring at me with heartbreak all over her face. Shit. What the fuck am I doing? She’s everywhere I turn. I try to relax and focus on the sexy brunette on her knees before me, but it’s too late—I’ve lost it and my cock softens. It’s like the damn thing hates me for not giving it Leia.

  Dolly looks up at me, my cock flaccid in her hand. “Get out,” I mutter, sitting up. I reach into my bedside table and pull out a bottle of Jack. I unscrew the lid and take a few gulps of the amber liquid, wincing as it burns my throat.

  “You sure? I can stay and see if you want me later,” she purrs.

  “Get naked,” I mutter and she smiles delightedly at my offer. She strips naked in seconds and I stare over her perfect body. Her breasts are perky and bouncy. Her pussy is neat and shaven. My cock should be raging hard, but it’s not. The useless fucker.

  Dolly climbs onto the bed and lays on her back opposite me. She lets her legs fall apart and runs her hand over her pussy. I take a swig of the Jack, my eyes fixed to her manicured hand as she rubs circles on her swollen clit. Her other hand pinches her nipple and she moans to herself, lost in her own world. I watch as she orgasms. I grab her hand and bring her sticky fingers to my mouth. Maybe her taste will bring me outta this Leia fog I’ve found myself in. I wrap my tongue around her fingers and suck them clean. She tastes good, but I know Leia will taste a million times better. Fuck sake.

  When I open my eyes, Dolly is still naked on my bed, but she’s fast asleep. The bottle of Jack hangs loosely in my hand and I note that it’s empty. No wonder my head hurts and my mouth is dry. I get to my feet unsteadily. The clock on my bedside table tells me it’s almost midnight. I don’t even know if Leia got home safe.

  I make my way to her room, tripping and banging into the wall a couple of times. I throw open the door to her room and turn the light on. I wince at the brightness and then notice Leia as she sits up in shock, blinking to get adjusted to the light. “What the hell?” she hisses. I don’t answer because my eyes are drawn to her naked breasts. She realises and grabs the sheet, pulling it over her. “You’re home,” I slur.

  “Of course, I’m home,” she snaps. “I was home over an hour ago.”

  “You sleep naked,” I add.

  “Get the hell out before I shout for help,” she warns.

  “Did you do it?” I ask quietly.

  Leia takes a calming breath. “That’s none of your business. Get out.”

  I take her response to mean yes and my heart sinks. “I would have done it,” I say. “If you’d asked me.” And then I head back to my room.

  I try to kick off my boots and almost fall onto Dolly as she sleeps. I laugh and steady myself, finally kicking one boot off and then the other. I pull my shirt over my head and drop it to the floor. My bedroom door opens and Leia stands there in a t-shirt. My cock hardens instantly because it knows that under that shirt, she’s naked. “Oh,” she mutters, her eyes fixed on Dolly. “Never mind.” She turns to leave, but I rush forward and halt her, grabbing her wrist.

  “What did you want?” I ask.

  “For a second, I lost my mind,” she mutters. She laughs to herself and shakes her head. “What was I thinking,” she adds in a whisper.

  “About what?” I ask, desperate to know why she’s here.

  “For a minute there, I almost thought you were different. That you liked me.” She scoffs. “You’re the same as the rest of the Kings. As long as there’s pussy in your bed, you don’t care who the hell it is.”

  “You’re wrong,” I growl. “I haven’t touched her.”

  “Yet,” she mutters. “But she’s in your bed and I’m not naive to think it’s for warmth.”

  “I was in your bed last night,” I point out. “I never touched you.”

  “Aren’t you a good boy, lying in bed with women and keeping your paws to yourself,” she mutters sarcastically.

  I’ve had enough of her mouth, and in my drunken brain, I summarize that there’s only one way to shut this princess the hell up—I kiss her. Hard, forceful, and demanding. My hands grip her hair and I take exactly what I want, walking her back out of my room. The thrill of someone stumbling across us makes my cock strain harder against the denim, and I take her hand and place it there, rubbing it against the bulge, hoping for some kind of relief. When I finally pull back, we’re in her room.

  We stare at each other, panting hard. “I can’t have sex with you,” I growl. “I shouldn’t even be here.”

  “Then why are you?” she whispers. I stare at her lips, swollen from our kiss.

  “I can’t get you out of my head. It’s like you’re haunting me,” I admit.

  “Then stop trying to push me away,” she says. Her hands go to the hem of her shirt and I stare wide-eyed. Fuck, I feel like a teenager about to see a woman’s body for the first time. She lifts it and drops it to the floor, and I stare. She’s perfect. “Say something,” she whispers, and I notice her cheeks colour. She’s embarrassed and I’m staring like a jerk.

  “Hell, you have no idea how much I’ve thought about this moment,” I mutter. “You’re damn near perfect. I’m so fuckin’ hard for you, I could come in my pants.” I sigh. “But Riggs’ll kill me. He’ll castrate me.”

  “Aren’t I worth fighting for?” she asks.

  I push her hard against the wall and thrust my tongue into her mouth. “I want you,” I growl. My hands squeeze her ass cheeks and I push my bulge against her stomach. “He’s my president. Doing this would be disrespectful to him. To the club.”

  “He doesn’t ever have to know,” she says against my lips.

  “He’ll find out. He’s got eyes and ears everywhere.”

  Leia hooks a leg around my hip and the heat from her pussy guides my cock there. She rubs herself against me and a moan escapes her lips. It's the hottest thing I’ve ever heard. “Did you fuck nerd boy?” I ask again.

  She shakes her head and I feel my shoulders relax. Leia rubs against me again and her cheeks glow with pleasure. “Fuck it.” I groan and begin to move against her, letting her dry hump me. I need her wet and the look on her face tells me she’s dripping. I feel her fingers digging into my shoulder and I grip her hips, halting her. Her tongue darts out an
d wets her lips. She’s chasing the orgasm but I need to taste it, so I drop to my knees.

  I stare at her glistening pussy and she tries to cover herself from me. I pin her hands either side of her hips and hold them against the wall. “Don’t ever cover yourself from me, Leia,” I hiss. “You're beautiful and I don’t want you hiding it from me.”

  Her scent is an aphrodisiac as I move closer and breathe it in. I flick my tongue over her swollen clit and she cries out, almost buckling at the knees. “Ever had a man eat your pussy, Leia?” I growl. She shakes her head and a sense of pride fills me. “Open,” I order and her feet step apart. I keep her hands pressed by her hips and run my tongue from the back of her pussy to the front, lapping the juices and groaning in pleasure at her taste. It’s heaven, just like I knew it would be. Her back arches from the wall when I lock my mouth over her pussy. I release her hands and they go straight into my hair, gripping the roots as she grinds against my mouth.

  I don’t let up until she's panting and moaning. Tears leak from the corners of her eyes. “Don’t stop,” she cries as I stand. I smirk, because I don’t plan to.

  Chapter Six


  Something’s taken over me. I’m like a possessed demon needing everything Chains is willing to give me. I push the thought of Dolly sleeping naked in his bed out of my head. He said he didn’t touch her and I need to believe him because all I can think about right now is how close I am to losing my virginity to the man I’ve been dreaming about since the first time he kissed me.

  After my date with Ryan, I’d come home and cried. He was the perfect gentleman and everything I should have wanted in a man, but I felt nothing. In fact, his niceness drove me nuts and then it hit me—no matter what I think I want, I’ll always crave a man like Chains. Men who cuss and act like cavemen, bossing me around and taking what they want from me without asking politely or apologising. As Chains throws me on my bed, I know without doubt that this is what I will always seek.


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