Wrapped in Chains (Kings Reapers MC Book 3)

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Wrapped in Chains (Kings Reapers MC Book 3) Page 13

by Nicola Jane

  Vinn grins. “Because your heart is stupid. It knows nothing,” he jokes and I smile. He stands and straightens his jacket. “When Chains finally admits his feelings, nothing will stop him from getting to you. He’ll get there eventually,” he whispers. I stare after him in shock as he walks away. I know Gia wouldn’t have told him the truth.


  Three days into lockdown and I feel like I’m in hell. Everywhere I look, Leia is there. Frankie and Raven convinced her that she didn’t need to hide her pregnancy, so she’s since lost the baggy jumpers. Now, I’m not only taunted by seeing her everywhere, but I get to stare at the evidence of my baby growing inside of her.

  Raven strokes her fingers down my arm and it breaks my daydream. “The longer you sleep in my room, the more you convince everyone that we’re together.”

  “That a problem?” I grunt.

  “Yes. It’s cock blocking me. It’s upsetting Leia. Nothing good is coming from it.”

  “I said I’d look after you and that’s what I’m doing. If Cree gets a sniff of us not being together, he’ll be on my ass about Leia.”

  “I’m surrounded by gorgeous men who might want to help look after me. They won’t look in my direction with you around,” she says. “I have the perfect excuse to play damsel in distress.”

  “Like Vinn?” I quip and she smiles wider.

  “Just like Vinn. He’s going to give me a job, a chance at making a career for myself.” Vinn helps women who come from disadvantaged backgrounds. He owns hostels and pays for college tuition. The guy’s a hero and I fuckin’ hate it.

  I roll my eyes. “He’s such a fuckin’ saint,” I say sarcastically and Raven giggles, causing a few heads to turn our way.

  “Leia said the father got a bit heavy when she last spoke to him,” says Raven. I stare at Leia, who’s tickling Ziggy over on the couch. He’s laughing and thrashing about and I want to tell her to watch so he doesn’t kick out and hurt her. “Except he isn’t the father, is he,” she continues. I glance at her. “Because you are.”

  “Keep your voice down.” I sigh. I don’t have the energy to deny it.

  “You’re such an ass,” she hisses, hitting me lightly around the head. “That girl is so in love with you and you’re treating her like shit.”

  “Riggs will slit my damn throat,” I whisper.

  “Don’t be such a pussy. Claim your woman and tell him to fuck off.”

  “It ain’t that easy,” I mutter.

  “Vinn offered her a house and protection. She could take that and you’d never see her again.”

  “It wouldn’t happen,” I say firmly.

  “Or worse than that, she could stay here and bring that baby up whilst you watch on from afar.”

  “Look, I don’t know what I’m gonna do, but I’ll sort it somehow.”

  “I can help you,” she says excitedly. She sits up straighter like she’s just come up with a master plan. “I’ll get you back together.”

  “It’s not getting back together that’s the issue. If I wanted Leia, I could get her,” I say confidently and Raven scoffs. “It’s everything else I’m worried about. Like him, for a start,” I say, pointing towards Riggs.

  “Again, pussy,” she states. “Man up. No woman likes a man who’s scared of her brother,” she says.

  “I’m not scared. I’m the fuckin’ enforcer. But I respect him, and breaking that was a shit move and he’ll kick my ass then kick me out. The club is my life,” I mutter.

  “Wow. You’re choosing the club over Leia and your child. Maybe she is better off without you.”

  Her words cut deep. It’s nothing I haven’t said to myself already. I don’t want to lose the club and I don’t want Leia to lose the club. She’d be choosing me and I’d be choosing her and that leaves a whole lifetime of just us. It should be enough, I know that, but deep down, I’m worried it won’t be. She needs Riggs and Frankie. Then there’s Anna and Eva. Raven doesn’t get it. Why would she?

  “The first step in all of this is for you to tell Riggs. It might not be as bad as you think. He might take it really well.”

  “I said I'll sort it, Raven. Stay out of it.” I stomp off towards the exit. I need air.

  Leia comes outside soon after. She glances around and then comes closer. “People are guessing,” she whispers. “What if Riggs guesses?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “This,” she hisses, pointing to her rounded stomach. I’m so desperate to touch it that I physically have to ball my fists to stop myself. “Vinn guessed you were the father. Others might guess too, and then what?”

  “He couldn’t have just guessed, Leia. Someone must have told him. Who knows?”

  She shakes her head. “No one.”

  “Don’t lie. I’ve known you too long for that bullshit. Who?”

  “Just Gia, but she—”

  “Gia!” I repeat. “No wonder Vinn knows. Jesus, Leia, can’t you keep anything fuckin’ quiet?”

  She recoils at my words and her expression hardens. “You know, if people find out, it makes no difference to me. It’s you I’m protecting, you ass.” She storms back inside. If Vinn knows, he could use that against me.

  I head back inside and reach behind the bar for a large bottle of bourbon. Lockdown pisses me the hell off and I need to get wasted.

  I’m vaguely aware that I’ve neglected Raven tonight. She doesn’t seem to care. Every time I look over from my seat at the bar, she’s talking with a different guy. Who can blame her? She’s everything I should want in a woman, and yet here I am, thinking about Leia and how the fuck do I put everything right between us.

  “Chains, carry Leia to bed. She can’t sleep hunched up like that on the couch,” says Frankie.

  Cree stands. “I’ll do it,” he says quickly, but Eva pulls him to sit back down.

  “Just wake her,” I mutter, taking another drink.

  “You ever woke up a pregnant woman? Leia is a beast when you wake her, add in those hormones and you’d have to be stupid.” Frankie stares at me expectantly. I glance at Cree, who is hissing words into Eva’s ear.

  “Fine,” I huff.

  I carefully scoop her into my arms. She doesn’t even stir as I lift her. Is that normal in pregnancy? I hate that I don’t know the answer to that. I take her to her room and lie her gently on the bed. I pull the sheet over her legs and stop as my eyes fall onto her stomach. Gently laying the sheet at her waist, I place my hands on her stomach and feel it. The baby shifts and everything inside of me warms. It’s an indescribable feeling that takes my breath away.

  “What are you doing?” whispers Leia and I pull back quickly, hating that she caught me.

  “It moved,” I say, and she smiles.

  “She does that.”

  “She?” I gasp.

  “Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s a she, but Mum doesn’t want me to find out, so it’s a guess.” I nod. The thoughts racing through my head are too much. I’m consumed. By her. By the baby. By the fact it could be a girl. “I need to pee,” she adds, getting up. I watch her move towards the bathroom. She’s so perfect, it hurts me to look at her. When she returns, I’m still standing in the same spot. She eyes me warily. “You didn’t need to wait around.”

  “I love you,” I blurt.

  Leia scowls slightly and then lets out a small, disbelieving laugh. “Ugh.”

  “I do. I don’t know what to do.”

  “You can start by leaving,” she says bluntly. “We’ve been here before and look how that ended.”

  “Leia, I’m serious this time.” I’m almost begging, but I feel so desperate for her to believe me, to accept that I love her, that I’m willing to do anything, including telling Riggs and the rest of my brothers.

  “Get out, Chains.” I fall to my knees and her eyes bug out of her head. “What the hell are you doing?”

  I place my hands on her stomach, either side of her perfectly rounded bump. She stares down at me with warning in her ey
es, but I can’t stop. “Please, forgive me for everything. I fucked up so bad, but I panicked that morning when Cree saw us. I thought pushing you away was for the best.” I rest my forehead against her stomach. “I love you. I’ve loved you for so long and then I blew it and I hate myself for that. When you didn’t feel the same, it was easier. I thought if I just had you once, just one time, then it’d be enough and I could walk away.”

  “I don’t feel the same,” she snaps, trying to remove my hands. “You’re drunk. Come back to me when you’re sober and say this.”

  The door opens and Cree barges in. He takes in the scene before him and stops in his tracks. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “He’s drunk. He needs his bed,” snaps Leia.

  “I’ve never been thinking more clearly,” I say. “I love you.”

  Cree grips me under the arm and pulls me away from Leia. “Get the fuck up, you ass.”

  “I should never have listened to you. I should have fought for her because we are meant to be and it doesn’t matter what you or Riggs think. I’m claiming Leia.”

  A shadow falls behind Cree. “What did you just fuckin’ say?” rings out Riggs’ voice in a menacing tone.

  “Oh fuck,” mutters Leia. “Riggs, he's drunk. He’s not thinking clearly,” she says quickly. I’m pushed back so fast, I almost stumble into the wall. I hear Leia yelling at Riggs to stop as his fist hits my face. I smile because I’ve never felt freer. I’ve told her . . . Leia’s mine now and Riggs knows.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Blood coats Chains’ teeth as he smiles in Riggs’ face. It only angers Riggs more and he hits him again. “Cree!” I yell. “Do something!”

  “I can’t. It’s up to them to sort out.” He sighs.

  I spot Anna at the door. We connect eyes for a second and then she hunches over, grabbing Cree’s arm and holding her stomach. “Riggs,” she hisses. “The baby is coming.”

  Riggs’ fist freezes mid-air and he glances back at Anna. “I was just with you, you were fine.”

  “Are you shitting me?” she screams. “You want me to cross my legs so you can carry on beating on your enforcer?”

  Riggs releases Chains, who slides down the wall, wiping his nose on the back of his hand. “Are you sure?” Riggs asks, taking Anna’s arm from Cree.

  Anna lets out a long, low groan. “I think she’s sure,” says Cree, patting Riggs on the back.

  “Why are you standing there staring at me? Go and get your car keys,” she yells and Riggs jumps at the ferociousness in her voice. As Anna leaves, she gives me a wink and blows me a kiss. “You’d better be here when I get back,” warns Riggs, pointing at Chains. He gives him the thumbs up with his free hand, the other pinching the bridge of his nose to try and stop the free flow of blood.

  “You stupid piece of shit,” mutters Cree.

  “Get out!” I yell and both men turn to me. “Get out before I lose my shit.” Cree makes for the door. “And you,” I glare at Chains, but he doesn’t move.

  “I ain’t going nowhere, sweetheart. I just claimed you, means I’m here to stay.”

  “Not a chance. You think I’m gonna swoon at your words? Fall at your feet because you finally spoke up? Too late. You’re too late.”

  “Being a nurse means you should have empathy. I’m bleeding out here.”

  “I don’t care. I have a right to refuse treatment and I’m refusing,” I say stubbornly.

  “On what grounds?” He smirks.

  “That you’re an ass.” I grab a towel from my bed and throw it to him. He places it over his mouth and nose. “I hope it hurts.”

  “Not really. Alcohol numbs the pain.”

  “Just shows you had a lot. I don’t know what you expect to happen after your big drunken confession,” I mutter.

  “You should get some sleep. You were tired.”

  “Like I can sleep after that,” she mutters. “And what are you gonna do while I sleep?”

  “Watch.” He sighs and fidgets against the wall like he’s getting comfortable.

  “You’re not staying,” I screech.

  “I am.”

  I scowl. “Well, you’ll be uncomfortable.”

  “It’s fine. I deserve it. I’ll stay on the floor until you forgive me.”

  I roll my eyes and climb into bed, turning my back to him. If he wants to sit like that the whole night, then he can.

  Morning arrives and I stretch out. Last night’s events come back to me and I let out a groan, turning my head in the direction of the wall. Chains isn’t there. He soon got bored of that, I guess.

  Downstairs, Anna is pacing. She looks up at me and her smile is forced. “Everything okay?” I ask, nodding at her bump. It was clear she faked her labour last night to save Chains’ ass, but she needn’t have bothered.

  “Riggs is in there with Cree. There’s a lot of yelling. I think Cree’s confessed to knowing about you and Chains.”

  “Oh,” I mumble. “Where’s Chains?”

  She glances at the office door and then presses her lips together. “In the basement.”

  “The basement?” I repeat. That’s where Riggs holds his enemies. I shake my head and storm into the office without knocking. Riggs and Cree both turn to face me, and anger mars Riggs’ face. “You put the father of my unborn child in the basement?” My voice gets higher with each word.

  “Father of what?” yells Riggs. I realise quickly he hasn’t put two and two together until now.

  “Good one, Leia,” groans Cree.

  “You fucking knew that too?” growls Riggs.

  Cree holds his hands up in defence. “I didn’t know for sure, but I suspected.”

  “So, what do you plan to do to him exactly?” I snap.

  “That’s not your concern. This is club business,” growls Riggs.

  “Listen to yourself,” I hiss. “He’s your friend.”

  “He broke the rules, Leia. So did you. I can’t fuckin’ believe all this has been going on. You all kept this shit from me!” He stares from me to Cree accusingly. “What the fuck do we have without trust?”

  “You were in a bad place,” says Cree. “I was trying to protect you and the club.”

  “You lied. You’ve all been lying for months. I must be losing my touch if my VP can lie like that and not think there’ll be consequences. You’re my eyes and ears,” says Riggs with a look of disappointment. “Did Anna know too?”

  “Riggs, it doesn’t matter who knew. They were all protecting you and Chains. You’re part of a brotherhood and nobody wanted that to end,” I explain.

  “Anna,” yells Riggs and she appears immediately. “Did you know?” Anna’s eyes dart to me and Riggs lets out a string of curses. “My own fuckin’ woman,” he utters. “All of you, get out.”

  “Riggs—” I begin, but he cuts me off with a glare so cold I back out of the office as he yells at us all to get the hell out.

  “Great,” snaps Cree.

  “We have to get Chains out of the basement,” I say, marching towards the door.

  “Are you kidding right now? Riggs is pissed enough without you doing some stupid shit like that,” argues Cree.

  “I can’t leave him there to be hurt,” I cry.

  “When Riggs has calmed down, I’m sure he’ll come to his senses,” offers Anna.

  “When Riggs realises that you faked your labour last night to save Chains, he’ll lose his mind again,” says Cree, and Anna sticks her tongue out behind his back.

  “It went off as we arrived at the hospital, false alarm,” she says and Cree scowls.

  “You lied. He’s not stupid. He’ll work that out,” snaps Cree.

  “Anna, get back in here,” yells Riggs and Cree smirks.

  “That didn’t take him long,” he says and grins.

  The mood around the club is solemn. Everyone is staying out of Riggs’ way, which is a task in itself when we’re on lockdown with more bikers around than any other time. He’s pretty much i
gnoring everyone, including me.

  “He hasn’t moved for some time. Is he alive?” Gia whispers, referring to Riggs, whose back is to us as he sits at the bar drowning his sorrows with alcohol.

  “I’m pretty sure he’s talking to himself,” says Eva. “His mouth keeps moving.”

  “He does that when he’s mad,” I say. “Chunters to himself about how life is a pile of shit. Sad really.”

  “Should we at least take Chains some water? He's been down there hours and you said he was drunk last night. I bet his mouth is dry. Hangovers always need water,” says Gia.

  “If you get caught, it’ll make everything worse,” says Anna.

  “What did he say about the false labour pains?” I ask. “Good acting, by the way.”

  Anna smirks and takes a small bow. “He lost his mind, but I refused to admit to it. He can’t prove it. I said it was his fault because the stress brought them on.”

  “You ever heard the story about the boy who cried wolf?” asks Eva. “When you really go into labour, he won’t believe you. You’ll end up having this baby on the club floor.”

  Anna laughs. “I’ve actually been having mild pains all day and I daren’t tell him.”

  “You’d better wait until the baby’s head crowns so you can show him it’s for real,” laughs Gia.

  We laugh and Riggs glances back over his shoulder. “Something funny, ladies?” he snaps. We fall silent, scared to set him off on a rant again.

  Gia stands and takes my hand. “Come on, let’s do this before Riggs gets so drunk that he kills us all.”

  I pick up a bottle of water from the table and we head to the door that leads to the basement. Gia groans when we see Blu sitting in front of the door. “What are you doing there?” she snaps.

  “Turn around, no one’s getting through here,” he mutters.

  “Oh, please. You’re gonna stop me?” she asks with a smirk. She moves to the door and Blu’s hand dashes out, taking her by the wrist and pulling it up her back. I gasp and Gia yells in surprise.


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