Only You

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Only You Page 6

by Bishop, K. M.

  “You don’t seem like the type to scare easily,” Jacob said. “I’m surprised you let it deter you.”

  “Well, it did. Everyone has things, you know? Sometimes things just happen that take you out of your safety zone. And… it did. I’m not sorry about the choice I made either, if that is your next question.”

  “It was.”

  “Well, don’t bother with it.”

  “Ok,” Jacob said.

  We pulled up to Jacob’s dorm room and I walked him to the door of his building. “Thanks, again.”

  “Sure,” I said.

  He let his gaze linger on mine a moment longer. I wanted so badly for him to lean in and kiss me. I could smell his sweet, masculine scent. I wanted his arms around me, his face pressed close to mine, and his desire to take me away to a faraway land of total bliss.

  “No problem,” I said.

  I watched him walk away and then I turned and went back to my car. By the time I got there I felt my whole-body melting, as if a huge weight had just been lifted up off me. But I was longing for him to come back to me. I wanted to follow him into his room. I imagined closing the door and going at it, him ripping my clothes from my body with rabid intensity. He wanted me just as badly as I wanted him. I could feel it and though I’d tried to discourage any of these feelings from fostering between us, I could not ignore that they were real and that they really did exist. And they were getting stronger.

  When I got back home I sat down on the couch and tried to relax from the day. It had been emotionally draining to say the least. I was still so turned on from being with Jacob, from talking with him. I felt that connection and that intimacy brewing between us and I wasn’t sure I could stand to be around him anymore if those feelings persisted. It went against every single rule in the book about how I was supposed to conduct myself, but I couldn’t help how I felt.

  And Jacob didn’t care. He was not afraid of his feelings. He knew what was at stake, but he seemed already willing to risk it all to give us a shot, or maybe he was just thinking with his lust and not his brain. I had to be the voice of reason here. But my resolve was fading fast.

  As I lay there on the couch, I couldn’t help thinking about how sexy and perfect he was. He was so tall, muscular and toned, but not bulky, lean and smooth. His voice was deep and playful at the same time, and his eyes were so mischievous that I could hardly see straight when I looked into them. They would take me away into another world. I just wanted to get lost in them for days and never come back. He could have taken me anywhere he wanted to with just one look of that perfect gaze.

  I grabbed a cold beer from the fridge and sat down to contemplate things. I wanted to forget about it and just zone out in front of a television show, but the evening had other plans for me. As I was just getting into an old nineties sitcom I found on a new streaming channel, my phone rang. It was Tammy.

  “Hey!” I answered.

  “Hey, you!” Tammy replied. “So, how are things going? You getting settle in ok?”

  I told her how things were and then I divulged to her how I was feeling about Jacob. I was embarrassed to say anything to anyone, but I could trust Tammy, and I was going nuts without someone to talk to about my feelings.

  “Wow, that is the coolest thing ever!” Tammy cheered.

  “What? What are you talking about? I can’t be feeling this way about a player.”

  “Well, you can’t deny your feelings. They exist for a reason. Will power is only so strong and eventually it does run out.”

  “So, what do you suggest I do? And I mean, really? I’m freaking out a little bit here.”

  She sighed. “Well, let’s see here… You have a few options. If you ignore this thing it will eat you alive, but if you give into it then you might lose your job and this guy might lose everything too. So, it’s kind of a catch 22, isn’t it?”

  “Yes, it sure is.”

  “Well, I think you just have to follow your heart and decide what makes you happiest.”

  “That’s tough to do. I don’t really know this guy that well. I just know we have this insane attraction to each other and I desperately want to pursue it, but more than likely it won’t even work out. And then I would have risked both our necks for nothing.”

  “I don’t see it that way. Exploring matters of the heart, which are far more important than matters of finance, is never a waste of time. And I don’t believe in bad choices. I believe that if you are forced to make a choice, even a really hard one, that just means that something needed to change from the path you were currently traveling. If the universe is giving you this choice to explore, I think you owe it to yourself to explore it.”

  “When did you get so spiritual?” I joked.

  “Oh, I’ve been reading a lot of philosophy books lately. It’s all very fascinating. I’m starting to take a lot more chances and just go for things now. I’ve started to let go of expectations of outcome and detaching myself from emotions. They are such messy things that really distort our view of things.”

  “So, you are becoming a stoic?” I asked.

  “Basically,” she replied. “It’s kind of turning my life around.”

  “But if you don’t want anything or care about anything then doesn’t that kind of take the purpose of everything away? I mean, what is your motivation for doing anything?” I was genuinely curious and confused to learn this about my friend.

  She chuckled. “Well, you won’t really know unless you try it. But it actually opens up way more joy to you than you ever knew possible. You should try it. Sometimes you have to just say ‘I don’t care’ and make your move.”

  After I finished the phone call I sat there thinking a bit about what Tammy had just said. Some of it was rather interesting. What if I could throw caution to the wind and just pursue this without caring about the outcome? But wouldn’t that mean discounting other people’s feelings as well, like Jacob’s? Yes, but he obviously wanted to pursue this.

  I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do, but by the time I finally laid down to bed, I knew somehow in the back of my mind that something was going to happen between us, and I now felt powerless to stop it.

  Chapter Seven


  I couldn’t stop thinking about Maria. She was so beautiful, so sweet, intelligent, and even had a fun sense of humor. And I knew she was attracted to me. I could see it in her eyes. There was a spark between us. I could feel it from the moment we’d laid eyes on each other yesterday during the team meeting. I wanted her from that moment. I had to have her. But she’d made it abundantly clear how she felt about things. That was not going to happen for us, unfortunately.

  But I still had my hopes.

  As I tried to relax through the evening, enjoying the fact that I had my dorm room to myself (my roommate was spending the evening with his girlfriend and would most likely be staying in a motel off campus having some erotic fun). I was spending the time alone wallowing a bit in my own misery. What was I going to do the rest of the week? Other than going to class, I was almost on bed rest. I was just supposed to sit around like a bump on a log and watch the world go by. This wasn’t right. I hated this. I wanted to go on with life as normal.

  But I knew that the doctors were right. I did not feel quite well. My head was aching and I had to admit that my thinking was a little bit fuzzy. I felt like I was not a hundred percent awake. I wanted to go for a nice run to clear my head. It was one of those things that always kept me grounded, but that was not an option right now. Nope. I had to just stay put and try to relax.

  And think about Maria. That was all I could do. I didn’t have anything that could really distract me from her. I wasn’t even supposed to drink for the next week, so alcohol couldn’t even distract me. I felt a bit sad and a little bit hopeless.

  Her story had touched me and I knew that my injury could have been so much worse. Alex Sorkin, the idiot who had hit me, was promptly benched for several games. The moron thought the play was still going on and
he didn’t realize that he was about to hit me that way. That was his story anyway, but I didn’t buy it. He was trying to sabotage me because I was his biggest threat. The guy needed to be kicked off the team for good, but he must have had connections with some higher up at the school. That was the only way to explain his good fortune of not being kicked off the team for good. The bastard.

  I thought about a good revenge plot. But I wasn’t sure I would execute it and sink to his level. I would probably get caught and I didn’t have that clout he did. No friends in high places for me. So, I would lose it all if I was caught retaliating.

  But I might also lose everything if I gave in to my lustful desires for the beautiful Maria. She was so perfect. Yet, I wasn’t sure I could control my feelings. I wanted her. And knowing that she also wanted me just made the whole thing that much stronger. We had a chance at something that could be amazing, miraculous even, but if Maria was too afraid to go for it then there was little I could do but wallow in that misery as well.

  I watched a bit of television, ignored some studying I should have done, and finally went to bed. I was tired. I was so wiped out that I barely remember my head hitting the pillow. My head was filled with so many things that I just didn’t know what to do with all of the images. The thoughts were swirling around me inside. I felt a bit hopeless for the first time in as long as I could remember. I’ve always been a very optimistic guy but right then I felt like the forces of the world were aligned against me somehow.

  I just needed a good night’s sleep. My head would be clearer tomorrow.

  * * *

  I wasn’t sure how long I’d been asleep when the pleasure woke me up. I was suddenly feeling something warm and wet between my legs, wrapping me up inside of it. I recognized the sensation all too well as a soft, sensual mouth giving me the most exquisite oral pleasure.

  I opened my eyes and glanced down at the mysterious stranger. I couldn’t believe it. There between my legs with a mouthful of my hardened flesh was the beautiful Maria. What was she doing here? How had she even gotten in? Did I leave the door unlocked? Wow…this was not happening…

  Oh, but it felt perfect. I was so ready for her.

  My cock was hard and deeply engorged in her sweet, succulent mouth. She had me swallowed all the way down deeply, and then her mouth would pull back up sliding her teeth just the right amounts up the side of my flesh sending waves of tingling sensations all over my body. Wow, that was exquisite…

  I rested the palm of my hand on the back of her head, just above her where her neck met her perfectly shaped skull beneath her long, flowing mane of hair and gently guided her up and down on my form, rocking my hips up and down slowly, pushing my member into her mouth, slipping between her soft, shapely lips that were invented for this type of pleasure. I was going to come soon, but I thought I could hold it off until the time was right. I had been awakened from a deep sleep by the most amazing pleasure I’d ever felt. This was far superior to any oral experience I’d had up to this point. I could hardly breathe or pull enough oxygen into my lungs to let out a few moans of ecstasy. My whole body was rigid and warm, sweat starting to glisten over my skin and seep out of my pores. I was rocking my hips harder now, just moving them faster. Maria anticipated this and perfectly closed her mouth a little bit tighter around me to increase the friction. Oh, her control was spot on. It was the most pristine application of teeth, mouth, lips, and tongue I ever could have imagined.

  Her hair was draping down around me caressing my scrotum, which was pulled tightly over my bulging globes that brushed against her chin as she worked on me. I was so worked up. I couldn’t move. My legs felt weak and wobbly to even adjust my position ever so slightly. I was gasping for air at this point as the sensation in my groin grew ever harder, tighter. The pressure was building. I could feel the sensation covering my groin riding on the coattails of the tingling waves that were moving through my subtle flesh.

  As if sensing this, Maria pulled her mouth off me. She rose up my body and kissed me softly on the lips, her mouth massaging mine with her exquisite kisses. She finished the kiss by licking me from chin to lip and then biting on my bottom lip as she finished up.

  “I think you need a break. We wouldn’t want you to end the party too soon, now would we?” She laughed.

  Before I could process what she was really saying, she was climbing off the bed and removing every inch of her clothes. She was wearing a t-shirt and a tight pair of jeans. Before my very eyes they were peeled off her body and dropped on the floor. No bra. Her breasts were large, round, hanging slightly, just bare right in front of me. They were magnificent. I felt my lust growing harder between my legs. It was painful, as if my erection was trying to detach itself from my body.

  Then she bent over in front of me and peeled those panties off. She continued the pose, letting me have the perfect look at her round, sweet bottom, and as she spread her legs I could see the soft, glistening folds of her hairless mound in front of me.

  “Shit…” I gasped. I couldn’t help myself. I wanted to grab myself and start jerking but I knew I would spill my seed all over the place and I had to save it all for Maria. I wanted her to absorb every single drop of it.

  She smiled looking back at me and then bent down even farther to push her legs apart farther and then slipped two of her fingers deeply into her sopping, wetness. She groaned and her eyes narrowed into passionate slits as she bit her lips, making love to her own fingers. When she pulled her fingers out, they were covered with her wetness. I wanted to taste it so badly. I wanted to be inside of her, buried up to my scrotum in her perfect mound of bliss.

  She plunged her fingers back into herself and then twirled them around a bit before pulling them out almost all the way, and then pushing back in again. Above her wet core, her tight asshole stood on perfect display. It was beautiful and so forbidden looking. My mind was filled with thoughts of entering her back door and I hoped that one day she would be up for it. So far, it was one of the few sexual experiences I had yet to indulge in. The idea was so taboo, but so intimate. I wanted to wait for the right person to suggest it to.

  Maria might have been her. I wondered what she would say…?

  “I need you,” I groaned. “I can’t wait much longer.”

  She smiled right then and turned around as she stood up. She stood with her hands on her hips for a moment and climbed up onto the bed, where she stood for a moment teasing me, licking her lips to get them as wet as she could. All the while her legs were still apart so I could see the slight parting of her hidden folds, still glistening with wet desire, just waiting for me. Oh, please…

  I was licking my own lips and biting my tongue out of frenzy now. It was all I could do not to touch myself and just finish the job. I was so hot. My body was on fire. My mind had been hijacked by the sexual intensity of the moment and I just didn’t know how to cope with this kind of waiting for the pleasure I so craved.

  Maria climbed onto the bed. I thought she was going to mount me and ride me silly, which I would have loved, but instead she turned around beside me and propped herself up on her hands and knees, sticking that perfect ass right up in the air. The wetness was actually dripping between her thighs now. I watched several drops fall from the nether regions of her body and beckon out to me.

  “Do it,” she growled.

  I quickly scrambled to a mounting position behind her and without a moment’s hesitation, I rammed all nine inches of my thickness into her waiting lust. She gasped and her body undulated with the movement. I sometimes forget how big and thick I am, but at that moment I was too involved with my own desire to control the speed at which I entered her. Her body was rigid now, stiff to brace for the pounding she was about to receive, and on her face was a wide smile. Her eyes were half closed as she let the passion of the moment take her away.

  She felt pristine around me. The sensation of a thousand nerves coming to life inside of my long, stalk which I plunged mercilessly into her waiting well, was almo
st too much to stand. I could barely keep my eyes open as I felt the beautiful pleasure unfolding around me, enveloping every single cell of my body and giving it a very special, fully focused orgasm. I was going to come soon. I knew it. There was no way I could last long, but I was determined to get her off as much as I possibly could.

  I had to pace myself, no matter how much it pained me to do so. My testicles were aching now, full of the sweet juice that Maria craved from me, ready to release an eruption unlike anything she’d ever felt before deeply inside of her. It was just waiting for that one final trigger, that one little push to launch those ships. I was almost there…

  I pulled out of her and let my member breathe. It began to calm down and scream angrily at me at the teasing manner in which I was proceeding. But I had to be there for Maria. I wanted this to be a very special time for her. That was important for me.

  I smacked my sword against her ass and then let it slide up and down her sweet crack for a few seconds while I pushed my fingers deeply inside of her sexual organ, feeling the wetness dripping all over my hand. It was thick and wet, sweet smelling. Just like honey.

  I geared up and pushed into her again with my thickness, letting the hidden lips wrap me up in them. “I want to go deeper… can you take it deeper?”

  “Go for it!” Maria groaned.

  I grabbed handful of her hair and pulled her body even closer to me as I pushed myself into her as far as possible. I was fairly sure this was as far as I could go, but I wanted to scrape against her soft, sensuous walls. The head of my lust did just that, moving up and down, and then sideways softly before pulling out. She felt so tight in the back, it was as if it was the perfect resting place for the head and she had been designed to suck on the tip with a tighter grip, to elicit every drop of my seed from my hard, rigid, flesh.


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