Only You

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Only You Page 15

by Bishop, K. M.

  “Yes!” Jacob yelled moment later as I felt his body pounding out his orgasm, the climax erupting inside of me like some kind of sweet rush. The image of jumping off a huge precipice on a mountain side and enjoying the free fall with nothing to catch me beneath came to mind. But it was ok; no matter how long and how far I fell, I would never be hurt. That was the perfect analogy to describe how I felt about this new relationship. Jacob was that mountainside. He would always be there to cradle me and bring me back home to him safe and sound no matter what evils the big, wide world bestowed upon me.

  As we collapsed in each other’s arms and fell to the bed together, both of us covered in sweat, our bodies crying out for oxygen and our head’s spinning, everything slowly came together in the silence of the room. We didn’t talk; we didn’t make any noise or commit any movement other than our labored breathing as we both drifted off to sleep.

  Nothing could have been better.

  Chapter Seventeen


  I woke up early. The sun was barely cresting over the horizon and the dim light was painting the inside of the shades giving off a bluish hue across the room. I rubbed my eyes and checked the time on my phone. It was barely past five. I could have gone back to sleep, but it was Monday. I had a busy day planned. I had something I desperately needed to do to start my morning, or else the entire day would be off. It was something I did without fail every single day, even on weekends and I rarely failed to do it, because if you miss one thing in a normal routine than you have effectively broken that pattern in that routine.

  I looked over at Maria who was still asleep beside me. Wow, she was so beautiful. Last night had been amazing. It was even better than the first time. How was that possible? Every fiber of my being had been set on fire and exploded with that sweet, lustful climax. She had been so wet, but her body had gripped me so tightly, perfectly as I entered her. I was getting slightly hard again just thinking about it.

  I wasn’t sure what to think anymore, or did I even have anything to think about? This was it. She was the woman of my dreams. I was absolutely sure about it. And I wasn’t going to let my own muddle thoughts question too much about this and make me paranoid about why I was letting my feelings take over too much and crowd out my logical brain.

  I watched her for a moment longer and then I got out of bed and grabbed my gym bag from the car. I came back inside, found some clean workout clothes and set off on my morning jog. I was going to sweat those clothes up anyway, and shower after, so what was the big deal? I figured I would need to start keeping some clean clothes at Maria’s place for times like this. We couldn’t very well keep things a secret if we went to my college dorm room, and besides her house made my college dorm room look like…a dorm room…

  It wasn’t impressive. Not that she would have cared, but I did on some level. But one day, when I was playing pro ball I would be able to give Maria everything that she had ever wanted. We would have it all.

  As I jogged, I kept thinking about Maria. She was the one. I wanted to spend my life with her. I was certain of it. And it wasn’t like some kind of a declaration I’d made with myself, or even an epiphany. It was just a universally accepted truth as far as what I saw in the world going forward, in my world. When I pictured my future and the things I wanted to accomplish, there she was, always.

  It sounded cheesy, but I knew that we were destined to be together. I’d never been one who believed in things that are really meant to be, and I’m not sure I necessarily believe in a definitive higher power, but now that I’d met Maria, I had to believe that we were meant for each other. And the way we clicked so perfectly right away, there could be no other explanation. I didn’t see how I could ever care about another woman but her. If by some crazy disaster, it ended between us, any time I spent with any other woman in the future would be simply that—time. Nothing else. It would be a way to pass the hours while my heart yearned for my beloved Maria. I felt like I would be broken into a thousand pieces if that ever happened.

  But somehow, deep inside, I just didn’t see it happening. This was too perfect. Every thought I had somehow reflected her and her life, our life together.

  I just wanted to be with her all the time. I almost didn’t want to leave her side long enough to play ball, or go to classes. And pretending that we were almost strangers who just happened to kind of work together was brutal. It felt like I had to pretend to be a different person all the time. It was going to be maddening. It hadn’t even really happened yet, and already I could envision just from the day of being around my teammates and friends how hard it would be to continue to put up this charade day after day.

  I finished my jog and arrived back at Maria’s. I was hot and sweaty. The morning sun was in full glory and the temperature was warming up slightly, although the first chills of fall were definitely in the air. Soon, it would be time to wear coats all the time and drink hot chocolate, snuggling under the covers with that special someone. And I now had that special someone.

  I entered the house quietly and grabbed my water bottle. I filled it up and chugged the water quickly. Then I went moseyed down the hallways trying to be quiet. I went into the master bathroom and shut the door behind me.

  After peeling off my wet, sweat soaked clothes, I turned on the water letting it heat up a moment. I checked myself out in the mirror and admired my physique. I was in decent shape. In fact, I was in the best shape of my life. I tried to eat cleanly (most of the time), and I trained hard. I would have liked to have gained some size, but as a wide receiver it was important to not get too bulky, or it would slow me down and decrease agility.

  I stepped into the shower and let the hot water pour down on top of me. It felt so refreshing to step into that shower in the morning after a nice, long run. Washing the sweat off my body, cleaning my skin, moisturizing my being, and just cleaning the stress off me felt like an enormous weight had just been lifted off my shoulders. After that, I felt like a new man, wide awake and alert to face the day. No coffee or caffeine needed. Nope. I was ready.

  I shampooed my hair and then began to scrub the rest of my body with my body wash. After I was fully soaped up, my muscles seemed to pop out of my skin even more. I loved to run my fingers along the contours of my well-earned muscles, still pumped from the run and ready for some weight training later in the day.

  I even lathered up my hands and soaped my member up nice and good, pulling on it at the end, making sure that the tip was good and soaped up. I was getting a little hard with the movement. I was surprised that I was able to get hard after the crazy sex workout I’d had just the night before with Maria.

  As if on cue, I felt a hand on my back. It should have startled me, but it didn’t. It was like I knew this would happen, expected it to happen. I turned my hand slightly and there was Maria climbing into the shower with me.

  She was already nude—still nude from last night—and she looked incredible. She probably felt sweaty from our romp, but she smelled incredible. I loved the way her lustful scent hung around her. I just wanted her so badly, every time I was near her. I wanted to just grab her and take her. It was a deep impulse.

  I turned around and followed this impulse by pulling her to me under the spray of water coming down. She kissed me hard on the mouth without hesitation. My hardness was now slipping back and forth across her smooth belly. Her skin was so soft, combined with the water coming down, that I was tempted to get myself off just like that.

  But no… we had much to accomplish first….

  My hands moved down to her backside and I squeezed her cheeks in my hands, grasping, and clawing my fingers together. I separated her crack and let my fingers do some exploring in there. Oh, that sweet little crevice which housed the most exquisite entry points to the pleasure I was so seeking…it felt so good in my hands. My fingers were grazing her skin, and then teasing her orifices. Her asshole was puckering in and out slightly, as my fingers teased it back and forth before I dropped down towards her wetness
, which was already growing exponentially wetter and wetter.

  I held her body even closer to mine, kissing her deeply, letting my tongue run wild inside of her precious mouth. Her lips slid back and forth across mine as those smooth, sensual jaws manipulated them to massage my mouth and then moving down towards my chin.

  I was so hard. My member pressed against her belly, sliding up and down behind the careful prodding of my hips. She smiled and glanced downwards at it. This she quickly followed by grabbing my package, including my balls, rolling them around in the palm of her hand, before she slid her right hand upward and wrapped it around my shaft. Her left hand continued to squeeze my testicles tightly, adding a little bit of pressure. I liked it. I’m not sure why, but I loved it when she mistreated my equipment.

  “You like that?” Maria asked a little snarky and playful.

  “Yes,” I said. “Keep going.”

  She chuckled before she did so. She was beating my cock harder and harder, squeezing her hand around it, and then pausing at the top to rub the tip, letting her fingers graze the hole. I had a thought that she might want to insert something into that hole and watch me squeal. I wasn’t sure I would ever be down for that…

  I took the initiative then to take my index and pointer finger and slide them up between her legs where I found her wetness. She shuddered a moment as her face lit up with total glee and she smiled widely. Her tongue escaped her lips and she began to lick them. I cut her off at the pass and wrapped my lips around her tongue which I took into my mouth. It was soft and silky, and I loved the way she wiggled it between my lips.

  My fingers were plunged deeply within her core, growing it wetter by the second. The juices dripped down my fingers to my hand and towards my forearm on the underside. I found the sweet spot inside of her and motioned with my fingers for her to come here, sliding them against that perfect little G spot on her front inner wall.

  “Fuck!” She exclaimed, surprised and rendered almost speechless by the sensation. I held my fingers there, continuing to motion and varying the speed and the pressure of the movement. My length meanwhile was getting harder still, shuddering and vibrating in her hand as she milked it, bringing me ever closer to orgasm. I was doing my best to hold off on this using every mental trick I could to calm down my desire, but it wasn’t really working. I was going to come all over her soft, beautiful hands any moment if she kept going.

  I grabbed my shaft and pulled it away from her. Before she could ask what, I was doing, I placed my hands on her hips, turned her around, and then bent her over leaning her hands against the side of the shower. The water fell to the small of her back and cascaded off the sides like the most beautiful waterfall I’d ever seen.

  I knelt down and spread her cheeks to reveal her sweet spots all lined up in front of me. Her wet folds were gushing with desire for me, dripping with tender lust. I used my thick thumb to slip in between them and check the water personally. It was just fine.

  I sucked the juices from my thumb and then buried my face in between her crack. My tongue quickly found the sweet spot and licked her precious juices from her honeypot. The taste was immaculate. My tongue plunged up inside of her as far as I could, letting her sensuality drip all over me and down the back of my throat. Her body shook almost violently with the passionate echoes of lust that I was giving her.

  The taste of her body made my girth grow even harder and I was having a tough time keeping my hands off it. I wanted to come so badly. I needed it. I was hornier than I could hardly ever remember. The way Maria smelled was intoxicating and her taste was the most precious thing that I had ever had in my mouth.

  “Lick me! Oh, fuck!” Maria yelled.

  This spurred me on even hotter and my tongue was now flopping wildly out of my mouth attempting to please her to the utmost of human perception.

  She pumped her ass against me now back and forth, moving her tenderness across my face. I did my best to keep up with her and continue the motion of my tongue, my taste buds being smothered in immaculate want.

  Finally, I had more than I could stand. I stood up and without any hesitation I slid my hard machine into her tiny, soft, wet pool and braced myself for the flood of lust that surged through my body a moment later. I had to grab the wall to keep myself from collapsing as my knees buckled under me. This was so good…

  I grabbed a handful of her hair with my hand and held on for good measure as I shoved myself into her again and again. I was moving hard and I was moving fast. I could sense that both of us were on the verge of a huge climax and that this would not take very long. We were both beyond ready to erupt inside.

  I pumped harder and harder into her with everything I had, my mind spinning around inside my head. My body felt like it was on fire from adrenaline that spurred me on to thrust my hips back and forth at bunny speed. I was tired already, my body spent from the jog earlier and now an unplanned, but intense second workout.

  But I kept pumping. I couldn’t deny myself this amazing feeling, this sweet burst of come that I could feel was almost there. I was practically bursting with it. Oh…

  My eyes were seeing double periodically. I was working that hard, but it was all worth it. My sweet baby was getting close, too. I could feel it. Yes. I had to get there soon. I wanted nothing more in the world, absolutely nothing was more important than getting her to that level where she would jump off the edge of her lust and into the arms of bliss with climax.

  “Are you going to come for me?” I taunted. “Are you going to give it to me? How much do you want it?”

  She smiled and giggled slightly. Sexy talk was fun for her as it was for me, but Maria also seemed slightly embarrassed by it for some reason. It was cute. Just another one of her awesomely quirky things that drove me wild in all the right ways.

  My glutes were getting sore. I felt an odd pain in my lower back (spasm maybe) but I knew that I was almost there and nothing could deter me from finishing this.

  She was so tight now. I felt like if I pulled all the way out then she might clamp shut and I might never get to go back inside of her again. So, I pulled all the way out to the tipping point where another push and the head would have popped out, but then I pushed right back in, feeling her body pushing out of the way to make room for me.

  “Yes! Give it to me! I want to come baby!” Maria yelled back, throwing some fiery anger in there.

  That was all it took. I felt my sweet release come a moment later. It was an eruption of thunder laden sex pouring into her core and filling her to the brim. I could feel her body responding to it with as much lust as she could muster inside of herself, and a second later she hit back with an epic orgasm of her own.

  I closed my eyes and thought I might have blacked out for a second as my knees once again threatened to buckle and take me to the ground.

  As our bodies returned to form, I leaned over against her and held her tightly to me, my hands rubbing gently against her large, perfect breasts and the space between them. She leaned back with her head, laying it on my shoulder as we rested against each other.

  “I could definitely get used to this,” I said.

  She smiled and winked at me. Yeah, this might be the new norm.

  Chapter Eighteen


  I was working in my office typing up the last bits of a new article I was ready to submit. After that I planned to work on a few of my own articles for my blog. That was where my heart had really been lately. The blog had started getting some decent traffic, probably mostly because a few independent bloggers with some clout had reached out to me for interviews a while back regarding my new position as team doctor for the Panthers, and they’d promoted my blog there. Then one of them had even asked me to guest blog on hers, so I’d picked up some new fans that way as well.

  It was interesting. And I was excited about it. I loved writing and doing so much of it lately had really renewed my passion for it lately.

  And I’d been trying to keep my mind off Jacob. That mor
ning had been so wonderful. I’d heard him come in from his jog. He was not nearly as quiet as he thought he was. And when he was in the shower, the idea and the desire to be with him overtook me. I wanted him in the shower. And I was still reeling from the lovemaking we’d done just hours before. Our sex was utterly addictive and I didn’t think I could ever go another day without it. I was that hooked. All I wanted to do was make love with him all day and night. I dreamt of the day when we would be able to go away together and make that happen.

  After our session in the shower that morning, Jacob grabbed a quick breakfast and ran to class. He was almost late. After that I did some things around the house, ate a quick breakfast myself, and then I went to my office to prepare a few things for the articles I was writing.

  Before I realized it, the team came in for practice. I did my best to stay in my office and avoid the team at the moment. I didn’t want to run into Jacob there. No, I hoped to avoid him at all costs there. I honestly wasn’t sure I’d be able to ignore him if I did see him. It was going to be too hard. I was certain that I would do something to give it away, a look, an oddly worded phrase, or something else. What if I saw him and I just plain forgot?

  I couldn’t allow any of that to happen. It wasn’t worth the risk. So, I decided that it would be better for everybody if we just kind of didn’t so much as bat an eye at each other at school. That way we could maintain our distance and just save all that bottled up craving for each other for the moment when we finally ended up seeing each other at my house. And then we would let the sparks fly enough to set the world on fire. That was a promise.

  I’d just finished the article and sent it off when a player came into the locker room with a few of the assistant coaches. “Doc!” Murphy called.

  I ran out to the locker room where I saw a player I recognized as Josh Barnett, a tight end hobbling on his leg. He appeared to be in some pain.


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