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Jaybird Page 31

by M. A. Foster

  “Tina said Zoe is a good girl and she never cries.”

  He nods. “She’s mellow like her Uncle Zach. She’s a sweet girl.”

  “Yeah, she is. So, what are you going to do? Take her back to New York?”

  He shakes his head. “No. I’ll have to transfer and finish out law school here. It’s not like I won’t have a job when I’m done. But, truthfully, that’s the least of my worries. The first thing I need to do is find out how much trouble Whitney is in and get sole custody of Zoe before she comes back for her.”

  “My creeper senses are on high alert with this one. Be careful, Logan. Drugs make people do some fucked up shit.”

  “She’s not getting her back.”

  “Hey, Logan,” Harper says softly. “Jay asked me to come down and get you. Zoe’s tired and wants her daddy.” She snorts a laugh.

  “What’s so funny?” Logan asks, amused.

  “You have little spaghetti handprints on your face. It’s cute.” She giggles.

  Merry Christmas, Jaybird,

  You didn’t think I’d break tradition, did you? Try to stay on your feet this time. (wink wink)


  Love always,


  EVERY YEAR, AS a tradition, my dad buys me a new pair of ice skates for ice skating in Central Park. Our whole family flies into New York after Christmas and stay through New Year. The ice skates are sort of an inside joke between my dad and me because I totally suck at it, but that never stops me from trying every year. And I’ll try again this year.

  “JAYLA, IT’S MILES Townsend. How’s it going? Did you have a good Christmas?” I haven’t spoken to Miles since he interviewed me for the Jaybird article.

  “It was nice, considering…” I let the words hang in the air. Miles gets it. “How about you?”

  “Great. The kids were very pleased with Santa this year.” He laughs. “The reason I’m calling is because I’ve finished the tribute article for the February issue. I want you to read it before it goes to print.”

  I can’t believe it’s been almost a year since my dad passed. “Send it over. I can read it on the plane ride to New York.”

  “Will do. Enjoy your trip. And Happy New Year if I don’t hear from you before then.”

  “You too, Miles. Talk to you soon.”

  I WAKE TO the sound of Jay whimpering beside me. Rolling over, I hook my arm around her waist and press my lips to her neck. Her body is on fire and she’s shivering. I lift my head to look at her face. “Babe, are you okay?”

  “No,” she croaks without opening her eyes. “I think I’m dying, Z. Oh, my God, I’ve never felt so sick in my life.”

  Rolling out of bed, I tuck the covers around her. “I’ll be right back.”

  Emerson, Bass, his girlfriend Lisa, Grace, Cam, Liam, Jay, and I, flew into New York a few days earlier than the rest of her family, who are due to arrive tomorrow. Jay’s apartment is two stories, overlooking the city and spacious enough to easily accommodate her big-ass family. Marcus must’ve had the Mackenzie’s in mind when he bought this place.

  We’ve been going nonstop since the day we arrived. Shopping during the day and dinner out every night. Did I mention shopping?

  We visited a few museums and then went ice-skating in Central Park, which Jay says is a tradition, even though she falls on her ass every time. And she did, while I watched from the bench with my hot chocolate. The last thing I need is to fall and break my damn arm. Goodbye, scholarship.

  Passing through the living room, I head toward Emerson’s room and knock lightly on the bedroom door. A few seconds later, Emerson opens the door half-asleep and confused. “Em, I’m sorry to wake you, but Jay is sick.”

  “What’s wrong with her?” she asks, blinking awake, pulling her robe tighter and darting across the apartment toward Jay’s room.

  “I don’t know but she’s burning up.”

  “Fuuuuuck!” she whisper-growls under her breath and steps into Jay’s room. “Jayla, baby, what’s wrong?”

  “Everything. Help me, Mom. I feel like shit.”

  “Zach, you go run the bath,” she instructs. “But not too hot. I’ll get her undressed.”

  I go into the bathroom and run her a bath on the cooler side before going back to the room.

  “She’s too big for me, so you’re gonna have to carry her to the bathtub,” she says with an apologetic tone.

  My mouth curls up slightly. “I’ve seen her naked before, Em.”

  She narrows her eyes. “I’m going to pretend you didn’t say that.”

  Scooping Jay up in my arms, I carry her into the bathroom and set her down in the lukewarm bathwater.

  “Don’t leave me. I feel like I’m dying.”

  “You have the flu, baby,” Em says, squatting beside the tub and cupping her face. “I’ll be back in a few minutes. Okay? I’m going to get you some medicine to help you feel better. Zach will be right here.” Em stands and leaves the bathroom.

  Jay rolls her head toward me but keeps her eyes closed. “This sucks, Z,” she whines.

  “I know, babe.”


  This does suck.

  Now I’m dying and I want my mommy.

  I hear the toilet flush followed by the sound of the running water. A moment later the bed dips and Jay curls behind me. “Babe, your shivering,” she whispers. “Do you want me to run you a bath?”

  Yeah, but who the hell is gonna carry me?

  “No. I can’t move.”

  She presses herself closer to my back and curls her arm around my waist.

  The bedroom door opens and Eva pokes her head in with her hand over her nose and mouth. “How are you feeling, Jay?”

  “Like shit,” Jay croaks. “Tell my mom that Zach has it now, too.”

  “Oh, my God,” Lexi says, peeking her head inside. “You guys are sick?”

  “You’re sick, too, bro?” Cole asks and I grunt in response. “Blah. Close the door, Eva.”

  “Ugh!” Eva quickly shuts the door.

  “I see JJ,” Willow’s demand echoes from the other side of the door.

  A few minutes later, Emerson walks in wearing a medical mask over her nose and mouth, setting down a mug of something on the nightstand.

  Dramatic much?

  “I’m not being dramatic, Jay.” Huh? I could almost laugh if I didn’t feel like I was dying. I love that my girl and I think alike. “Who’s gonna take care of you if I get sick?” Emerson points to the mug on the nightstand. “Drink this, Zach. It’ll help with the fever and body aches.”

  Grace walks in behind Emerson, also wearing a medical mask, a tray in hand, and sets down two Gatorades, two orange juices, and two plates of scrambled eggs and toast. “I love you both and I’m sorry you’re sick,” Emerson says. “It sucks, but it is what it is. You’re officially being quarantined. There are too many people here who can’t afford to get sick. If you need anything, text me.”

  And that’s how Jay and I spent the rest of our vacation in New York. Cuddled up in bed, watching movies with my girl, while Grace kept us fed and hydrated. Can’t really complain.

  Happy New Year, Jaybird.

  I figure right now you’re in New York ringing in the new year the right way with family and friends. Hope you’re breaking in your new skates in Central Park. Try to stay on your feet this year.

  Just kidding.

  Love always,


  NOT ONLY DID I fall on my ass but I also got knocked on my ass by the flu. The upside to all of it was that I got to spend a week in bed snuggling up to my guy watching holiday movies. Even with the flu, it doesn’t suck to be me.

  “HAPPY NEW YEAR,” Chandler greets on the other end of the line. “How’s our little Jaybird feeling?”

  “Much better, thank you.”

  “Good to hear. Well, I have some news. You and the guys have been invited to present the award for Best New Artist at the Grammys this year.”

  I gas
p. “You’re kidding me.”

  “No kidding. I’ve already cleared my schedule. You’ll be here from February eleventh through the thirteenth. Unfortunately, you’ll need to leave your entourage at home because your trip will be short and we have a lot of business to discuss.”

  I blow out a breath. “Okay. I understand.”

  “I just got off the phone with Miles Townsend. Alex is scheduled to meet with him for his interview as the new lead vocalist for Royal Mayhem. Miles is probably going to want to ask you a few questions too. This is it, sweetie. Are you ready?”

  I take a deep breath and nod even though he can’t see me. “I’m ready.”

  THE LIMO ROLLS to a stop at the curb. Levi steps out first, then Bass follows.

  “Listen up,” Mom says as we’re all still tucked inside the limo. “Evangeline, I know this isn’t your first rodeo and, Jayla, we’ve been over this a million times, but I’m gonna say it anyway. Smile pretty for the cameras and move on. Don’t answer any personal questions. Stick to who you’re wearing and the award you’re presenting tonight. That’s it.”

  I nod. “Got it.”

  Mom turns to look out the window and smiles fondly when she sees my dad’s bandmates, Andrew, Tommy, and Chaz. Beside them are Lucas, Ace, and Wes.

  “Stay with Lucas and we’ll be right behind you.”

  “I see my parents,” Evangeline says, looking out the window, then turns to me and winks. “Come on, Va-jay-jay, let’s make this red carpet our bitch.”

  Mom shakes her head before tapping on the window to let Bass and Levi know we’re ready. The back door opens and Bass helps her out first. Alex gets out next and offers his hand to Evangeline. The crowd roars when she emerges from the limo.

  This is it.

  The first time I will officially walk the red carpet as Jaybird.

  God, I wish Zach was here.

  The sound of the screaming fans is muted by the pounding of my own heart. Bass holds out his hand and as I set one foot outside the limo, he leans down into my ear and says, “Princess, listen closely. Keep your eyes on me and don’t look directly into the cameras. Then turn to the stands and wave to the fans.”

  The moment I’m out of the limo, camera flashes come at me from all angles. Lucas appears at my side and places his hand on my back. “You ready?” he asks, giving me a side squeeze before releasing me and taking my hand in his.

  I smile and nod once. “Let’s go.”

  He tugs my hand and leads me over to the bleachers where people are screaming. I look over my shoulder and see that Ace and Wes are right behind us, waving to the crowd.

  “Jaybird, Jaybird, Jaybird,” the crowd chants over and over. A rush of adrenaline pumps through my veins and a cocktail of emotion causes tears to prick the corners of my eyes. People are leaning over the barrier with their cell phones; little girls are crying and waving posters. I catch a glimpse of one of the posters held up by a young girl that reads “I love you, Jaybird” and a girl beside her holding another that says “The Royal’s Princess.” I point to the girls, then blow them a kiss and wave. Lucas grabs a phone from one of the fans and turns it around so that we can take a selfie with them in the background. We pose for more pictures, sign autographs, and high-five a few hands hanging over the wall before Bass and Levi walk over and steer us back to the line.

  Mom stands there shaking her head, but she’s smiling. Lucas and I continue to make our way down the red carpet, stopping for photos. I pose with the band, pulling Alex into a few more and confusing the hell out of the photographers. We haven’t made any formal announcement about Alex being the new lead singer for Royal Mayhem. We plan to do that tonight.

  Yesterday, Alex and I met with Miles Townsend at Rhythm & Riffs for our interviews and photoshoot. The Marcus King Tribute issue came out at the beginning of this month with a young Marcus King on the cover. The story was told by people close to my dad, including Miles himself, and my mom. I wasn’t lying when I said Alex could pass for a young Marcus King and the fans will see for themselves in the May issue, right before the release of Jaybird.

  “WELCOME BACK TO the Grammys Red Carpet Special coming to you live. I’m Julia Rappaport. Let’s check in with Ross Sterling.”

  “Julia, I’m here with the lovely Jayla King and Lucas Wild.”

  “Hello, Miss King. It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. We were beginning to think you were a mythical creature.”

  Jay smiles. “It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Ross.”

  “She looks so hot,” I say out loud to no one in particular. Logan bristles beside me.

  “Look at you. I’ll bet you have all the boys falling at your feet. Do you see this gorgeous girl, Julia?”

  “She’s stunning.”

  “That she is. Who are you wearing?”

  “Thank you. This is a piece from the Project Mayhem T-shirt line designed by Anna Sizemore and myself.”

  “That’s amazing. You modeled for Miss Sizemore, correct?”


  “And you’re still in high school, correct?”

  “Yes, I’ve made a lot of friends at my new school. Hi, guys.” She blows a kiss to the camera. “I miss you!”


  “I’m dating, but nothing serious.”

  My eyebrows shoot straight to the sky. Ouch! What the fuck?

  “Don’t get all salty over it,” Cole says. “She’s sticking to the script.”

  “He’s right,” Logan adds. “If she’d said yes, we’d have reporters hiding in our bushes by the end of the week. Then you’d find out real quick who your true friends are.”

  “That’s a little extreme,” I say.

  “It’s not. She’s ‘Jaybird.’” Cole throws up his hands. “Do you have any idea how long people been waiting for this? The media is probably going apeshit trying to dig up dirt on her.”

  “Congratulations on Jaybird. And ‘Piece of Me’ is already in the top ten on the charts right now.”

  “Really?” She smiles. “I didn’t know that.” Jay smiles over at someone off camera, probably Emerson, and gives a thumbs-up.

  “We’re joined by Andrew Wild, Tommy Stone, and Chaz Vargas of Royal Mayhem. Hi, guys. Come on up. And who is this?” He gestures to Alex.

  “Ross, this is Alex,” Andrew says. “He’s our new lead vocalist.”

  “Well, hot damn.” Ross fans himself. “Pleasure to meet you.”

  Alex smiles uncomfortably. “Thank you. It’s good to meet you, Ross.”

  Ross presses his hand over his heart. “Has anyone ever told you that you could totally pass for a young Marcus King?”

  “He does resemble Marcus a little,” I admit.

  “It’s the Latin features,” Cole says. “Dark hair and light eyes.”

  “Have you seen his mom?” I ask. “Jay said she’s a blonde.”

  “Never met her.”

  Alex laughs. “I’ve heard that, yes. I actually knew Marcus for a few years before he passed and he used to joke about it too.”

  “Alex is an incredible performer,” Andrew adds. “He’s worked with Marcus in the past. Marcus would be pleased that Alex was our choice for lead vocalist.”

  “Well, you’ve got some pretty big shoes to fill, my friend.”

  “Don’t I know it.” Alex smiles.

  “You guys are presenting the award for Best New Artist, yes?”

  “We are.”

  “And LAW is a nominee.” He turns to Lucas, Ace, and Wes.

  Lucas nods. “We are. It’s surreal to be grouped in with so many incredibly talented artists.”

  “Well, good luck to all of you.”

  “Thank you, Ross.”

  Jay smiles and waves to the camera once more before latching onto Alex and continuing down the red carpet. Ross watches them walk away, then turns back to the camera and mouths “Wow.”

  Julia’s face pops up on one side of the screen. “Wow is right. She’s gorgeous.”

  Ross nods in ag
reement. “For sure. And that Alex? Now that’s a nice-looking man.” They both laugh.

  My phone vibrates with a text from Lexi. I saw Jay on TV. You know she loves you and that’s all that matters.

  I know.

  My phone buzzes again. This time it’s from Jay. I love you, Z, but I’m not ready to share you with the rest of the world just yet.

  I chuckle and text her back, I understand. I love u too.

  I miss you so much. I hate being away from you. How am I gonna survive months away from you when I’m on tour when I’m already going crazy after two days?

  We’ll figure it out.

  It’s me and you, Z. We’re a team. Always and forever. Xoxo

  Always and forever.

  Losing her isn’t an option.

  We’ll make it work.

  “HEY, ZACH,” REAGAN says, leaning against the locker next to mine.

  “What?” I shove my books into my locker and check my phone. It’s against school policy to carry our phones during school hours because of something to do with invasion of privacy.

  “Have you talked to your girlfriend today?”

  “No, why?”

  “Maybe next time you talk to her you should ask her to explain this.” She thrusts her phone in my face. Grabbing her phone, I take a closer look at the screen and my heart sinks in my chest, when I see a picture of Jay kissing some guy. He looks familiar.


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