Ted Marsh on an Important Mission

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Ted Marsh on an Important Mission Page 1

by Elmer Sherwood




  Author of "Ted Marsh, the Boy Scout", "Buffalo Bill's Boyhood","Buffalo Bill and the Pony Express", etc., etc.

  Illustrations by Alice Carsey


  Whitman Publishing Co.


  I. Ted Decides to Accept 11 II. Plans Are Made to Meet Ted 24 III. Ted Arrives in Chicago 33 IV. Ted Meets Strong 39 V. Setting a Trap 47 VI. Strong Seems Checkmated 57 VII. The Dictaphone at Work 68 VIII. Winckel Calls a Halt 80 IX. At Ottawa 87 X. Ted Receives a Reward 94 XI. Ted Goes Back 101 XII. The Marshes Reunited 108






  "Ted, oh Ted."

  The speaker's hail was not altogether unexpected. The boy called Tedturned about and met Captain Wilson half way.

  The familiar figure of the boy proves to be Ted Marsh who had come outto Western Canada with his friends, John Dean and Mrs. Dean. After anumber of months on the Double X Ranch, months which the boy had foundboth exhilarating and tremendously to his liking, he had been sent toWayland Academy. To those of us who have read Ted Marsh the Boy Scout,the following facts are familiar. A brief resume, however, is setforth herewith for those readers who are new so that they can safelygather the threads of our story.

  Ted Marsh, a likeable newsboy, living in Chicago, makes theacquaintance of John Dean, a Canadian rancher. Ted takes him to theSettlement to which he belongs. Dean's interest in the boy grows. Thenas the boy begins to show the man the Chicago that he knows, there isthe startling clamor of fire engines and all the evidence of a nearbyfire. It is in the tenement in which Ted lives. The boy cannot be heldback. He rushes into the building to try to save his mother.Fortunately, his mother has already left the burning building. The boyis caught within and only makes his escape by jumping from the windowon high into the firemen's waiting net below.

  After a stay in the hospital John Dean and his wife take the boy Westwith the consent of his mother who unselfishly lets him go becauseopportunity, so she feels, is there. Ted's father had left home justbefore Ted was born.


  Strong interest centers around the doings of Ted and his new-foundfriends both at the ranch and at the academy. Adventures are many. Theboy is found to be cool in emergencies. He has qualities which bringrespect and liking. The end of the story finds him suggested for animportant mission to Chicago--and his youth is considered of greatadvantage by the gentlemen who wish to send him. The opening of thepresent story finds Captain Wilson hailing Ted, ready to broach thesubject and find out if the boy is willing or unwilling to undertakethe mission:

  The boy saluted. He stood at attention while the captain studied himfor a few moments.

  "Ted, boy, I come to you on very important business. Not as Scout toScout, but as man to man. For you can safely refuse to do this--itwill not count against you as Scout. Did Mr. Dean see you?"

  "Yes sir," the boy replied. "He told me that in all probability youwould wish to see me in reference to an important matter. And he toldme that when you did ask me, I was to be sure to decide with no otherthought than that of either wanting or not wanting to do it. Hedoesn't want my friendship for him or for anyone else to influenceme."

  "That's exactly it, Ted. What we are going to ask you to do, you must,first, want to do, second, feel that you can do, third, be sure it isin line with any convictions you may have. Now, I suppose you are evenmore anxious to know what it is all about?"

  The boy nodded his assent but waited for the other to continue.

  "Whatever we are going to tell you or which you may gather you dounder pledge of secrecy. And now let us go to meet Major Church. Whilewe are on our way, bear with me for a few minutes while I go into allthis for you.

  "Germany, we all feel, is getting ready to make war. Most peoplecannot realize it, but we have fairly good proof gathered both inLondon and in Ottawa that it is so. We also know that over in theStates a big army of so-called German Americans but who are Germans inreality, men who have never severed their allegiance to theFatherland, are getting ready, preparing to invade Canada. They arealso to have the help of many Irishmen who hate England.

  "The reason for this conference is to get Canada to also prepare. TheGermans are working quietly, secretly. We cannot get the evidence toshow what they are doing although we have tried. Here in Canada, theysimply will not believe, and cite the fact that Germany has repeatedlydeclared its friendship as the best kind of proof of our being allwrong.

  "Is all this too complex for you, my boy?" Captain Wilson interruptedhis discourse with the sudden thought that he was not making it clearto his listener.

  "I understand you, Captain Wilson," the boy answered. So the captaincontinued.

  "We think we have found out one source through which we can getinformation. We must, however, proceed with great caution. Nothingwould please the Germans more than to show us up and give surfaceproof of their good will and good intentions. Incidently, they wouldgive a lot to make those of us who are watching, the laughing stock ofCanada and the United States. That is why we must be very careful. Wemust try to get Washington to see the truth not through any suspicionthey may have but by actual, obvious, undeniable evidence. If we canfurnish such proof the Government at Washington will find good reasonfor watching these German-Americans.

  "It is for us to get the proof. Once we get that we will not have toworry as to trouble from the other side of the border.

  "I suppose," the captain concluded as they entered the building andmade their way to the room in which Major Church was waiting, "youknow who some of the men at this conference are. Besides Mr. Dean andmyself, Major Smith, our chief, is an ex-army officer. Colonel Grahamis Syd Graham's father. Mr. Smythe comes from Toronto; he is in theemploy of the Government. Well, here we are."

  They entered a small room. Major Church put aside some papers onwhich he had been engaged.

  Captain Wilson introduced Ted.

  "I have heard of you, young man," was the major's greeting. "You are acredit to the school, I find. And we have called you before us becauseof qualities we find you possess.

  "I don't know how much you do know, lad, but war with Germany is near.Germans masquerading as German-Americans are planning an attemptagainst Canada and they intend to carry out that attempt just beforethe immediate declaration of war. We believe that the meetings of theprime movers are held in Milwaukee, possibly in Chicago. It isimportant for us to know their plans."

  "We perhaps could decide on anyone of several men but it occurred tous that to send one so young as you are would in itself lull anysuspicions they may have. They will not connect you with our work,which is in itself half the battle. But, of course, it would not do tosend any one who, though young, is not also endowed with a fair amountof good common sense and discretion."

  Ted listened. Nothing that the
Major said escaped him. He realizedthe weight of the speaker's words.

  "I understand that you have lived in Chicago. That is correct, is itnot?"

  "Yes sir," Ted replied.

  "Well, it will help in case the point to cover is Chicago. With yourknowledge of Chicago very little time would be lost."

  "In the main," the Major continued, "it is mostly a question of beingalert--eyes, ears and mind."

  "Captain Wilson," the Major turned. "Is Mr. Smythe obtaining thenecessary information, do you know?"

  "Yes, we will soon know," was the reply, "who is the operative in thatdistrict and whether Chicago or Milwaukee is the point to cover. Mr.Smythe is waiting for the answer."

  Major Church gave Ted an account of how their secret service menworked and how information was obtained.

  "Despite the fact that we have all these men, I feel sure that youwill be able to get the information we desire more readily than any ofour men. In a way, you will be a temporary secret service man."

  He carefully outlined his reasons for believing that Ted might besuccessful in getting information.

  "My boy, Canada is not your country. There is no call for you to doit. You may wish to remain neutral and we do not want you to go unlessyou wish to, heart and soul. But should you go, successful orunsuccessful, you will be rendering us a great service."

  "I want to go," Ted answered very quietly. "Canada is second only tomy loyalty for my own country."

  Major Church and Captain Wilson gave Ted a hand-clasp which showedtheir feelings.

  "You are true blue, my lad," said Major Church. "We will haveinformation as to location from Mr. Smythe very soon. You canunderstand the need of secrecy when our wires are coded. By the way,Wilson," he turned to the captain, "you have an instructor in Germanhere, have you not?"

  "We have," was the reply.

  "Better watch him a bit. My theory is that all of these Germans willbear watching."

  Three hours later Captain Wilson and Ted joined Mr. Smythe, Mr. Dean,Colonel Graham and Major Church. Mr. Smythe presented the followingwire:

  "Smythe, "Wayland. "Ekal stroper On. 2 ecalp Ees H."

  "As you know, gentlemen, they have used the simplest code because theinformation would only be information for us. It is the reversal ofthe letters of a word. Let us see:

  "Lake Reports No. 2 place. See H.

  "H is Strong. No. 2 is Chicago. Strong is our chief operative there.Ted will have to see him to get his information and also such help ashe may need. But one thing we know--their headquarters just now are atChicago."

  "I am glad of it," said Ted. "Since Chicago is my home town, I can dothings there and may be successful."

  "Suppose," said John Dean, "you start tomorrow, Ted. You see, speed isthe thing. That will give you a chance to see your mother and sister,too."

  "I need hardly say," said the major, "that even your mother had bestnot know about this, unless it should be actually necessary. Secrecyis imperative."

  "I knew that, sir," Ted replied.

  "One thing more," Major Church added, and he spoke to the men in theroom. "No matter who asks about Ted, he has gone home to see hismother; someone is not well, let us say. The slightest hint orsuspicion as to the purpose of his trip would frustrate it. Will you,Mr. Smythe, telegraph to Toronto, and tell the chief just what hasbeen done?"

  Mr. Smythe nodded his head.

  Ted went out first. As he closed the door, another door far down thehall opened, a head came out, a very German head--the head of Mr.Pfeffer, instructor in that language. Quietly and quickly it waswithdrawn. Ted did not observe this; if he had, it probably would nothave had any meaning for him. Mr. Pfeffer was a very curiousgentleman, he would have given much to know the purpose of themeeting; even now, he was debating with himself whether he should dosome innocent questioning of Ted. He decided against it.

  Just before retiring, Captain Wilson came into Ted's room.

  "It seems silly to distrust Pfeffer, Lucky, still when you get to astation, say Winnipeg, I would telegraph your mother that you arecoming. If any questions should be asked of her, she should say thatshe knows you are coming. See? It is best to be safe and to guardagainst everything."

  Early morn saw Ted on the train. It was announced to those who madeinquiries that Ted had been called home. Mr. Pfeffer received theinformation with private wonder and doubt.

  He took occasion to stroll down to the telegraph office later thatsame day.

  "Hello, Peter," he said to the operator.

  Peter turned around to see if anyone was about, then brought out acopy of the coded telegram.

  "Easy code, professor--what does it mean?" His copy already hadtranslated the words properly.

  "It may mean nothing or it may mean everything. The boy is going toChicago--perhaps Chicago is No. 2--perhaps not. Peter, you had bettersend a telegram. Better be sure, eh?"

  "Why would they be sending a child and for what?" Peter wasincredulous.

  "Did the boy send a telegram?" Mr. Pfeffer asked. "I had better seethem all."

  But there was none that had been sent that morning to Chicago.

  A long wire, also in code, went forward from Mr. Pfeffer to Chicago.Then that worthy strolled back to the Academy.



  In a room in one of the West Side streets of Chicago, in anold-fashioned office building, which also rented rooms to lodges andsocieties, eight men were engaged in earnest conversation.

  "You are wrong, O'Reilly," said one of them. "England will not darecome into it. There are men in England who would want the country towar against my land. But the powers that be, and the people, too, willbe against it."

  "I hate England, Berman," said O'Reilly. "There are Irishmen who arewilling to lick the hand that has beaten them and has held them insubjection, but they are not true sons of Erin. I am against England,but I do not despise the English as you Germans do. Once they arearoused, mark my words, slow as they may be at the start, they willbe a mighty force." His eyes flashed. "Many people call me a traitor,but Ireland, not England, is my country, and all Irishmen should beagainst the country that holds it slave.

  "But to business, gentlemen. Will you, Mr. Schmidt, explain the callfor this meeting?"

  "That I will," answered he who had been addressed. "There are twothings for us to take up--the less important first. I have a telegramfrom our good friend Pfeffer up in Wayland, in Alberta, Canada, wherehe is doing our work, but is presumably a German instructor. Ah, hereit is--"

  He drew out the coded wire that Pfeffer had sent. "I have figured outthe code and it reads as follows:

  "'Ference eld erecon urday h atch h oysat ed w arsh b adian t cific Meftcan erepa en l am h alledsev ome y c ther h pect b emo ssus n h ayi ee o trong w haps s as s persper ay h eekpa formation m atchin sw.'

  "'Conference held here Saturday. Watch boy Ted Marsh, CanadianPacific, left here seven A. M. Sunday. Called home by mother. Suspecthe is on way to see Strong. Perhaps he has papers, may seekinformation. Watch.'"[A]

  There was a discussion as to the telegram. "Who is Strong?" askedO'Reilly.

  "He is the chief operative--secret service man--stationed in Chicagoby the Government at Ottawa. We have him watched. We have eveninstructions out that if he becomes dangerous he will disappear verysuddenly."

  "That is bad business," said a little man named Heinrich.

  "Bad business nothing!" answered Schmidt. "No one must stand in theforward way. Germany first, last, forever. What is Strong, what areyou, what am I--poof, nothing! But Germany--ah--" the speaker's eyesgleamed.

  "It will give those who are suspicious ground for proof that theirsuspicions are more than suspicions," answered Heinrich.

  "Let us not wander from the point, gentlemen," another maninterrupted. "As I gather from the telegram, this boy may be coming tosee Strong. Now, we must first make sure of that fact, then find outwhat it is he is coming for and stop him in his attempt, if
itconcerns us."

  "O'Reilly," asked Mr. Winckel, a man with spectacles which carriedthick lenses, "can you or one of your friends, perhaps, meet the boyand pose as this man Strong? Schmidt, you or Feldman had better go toMilwaukee and try to place the boy and get such information as youcan. But do not let him suspect you."

  "I'll go," said Schmidt.

  "When is he due?" asked Mr. Winckel.

  "Why, I should think it would be some time tonight," answered Schmidt."I'll look and make sure."

  "Find out his home address," added Winckel. "Telegraph it to us andone of us will hurry up and find out if his mother really expects him.How about your part, O'Reilly?"

  "I'll see to it," answered the Irishman.

  "That is finished now. Oh, yes, one more thing, Schmidt, better haveStrong watched even more closely. What is the other business?" Itcould be seen that Mr. Winckel was the moving spirit.

  "Tomorrow, eight o'clock, here--the chief will come from Washington.When Captain Knabe comes, he will tell us just when the day will be.It is very soon, very soon; the long wait is over. Then, too, he willtell us what we shall do. You will all be here? Now we shall go to ourwork."

  They broke up. They were very thorough, each man had his work assignedand would see it carried through.

  We shall turn to John Strong, who early that morning had been slippeda memorandum in code by the waitress serving breakfast to him,announcing that Ted was to come and to meet him. Also, Ted's homeaddress.

  John Strong was a clean-cut Canadian, hair graying at the temples. Noone knew better than he how carefully he was watched. That he was ableto be as useful to his government as he was, showed his ability.


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