
Home > Other > Untitled > Page 21
Untitled Page 21

by Jackie Chanel

  With her phone to her ear, Jaicyn sashayed over to a quiet corner of the studio. Sunny grabbed my arm and pulled me away from everyone. What the hell is she mad about now?

  “What the hell are you thinking?” she hissed. “Did you not hear what I said?”

  “About what, Sunny?” My eyes were still glued to Jaicyn’s ass.

  “Jaicyn Jones owns a fucking record company!” she whispered loudly. “She’s not here to fuck you, stupid! Her husband is thinking about signing your horny ass to Power Music! My God, do you only think with your dick?”

  “Sunny,” I rolled my eyes. “Power Music is a hip-hop label. Why would they want me? When the hell have I ever played a hip-hop song?”

  “Next to So So Def, Power Music is the biggest label in Atlanta,” Sunny argued. “Don’t worry about why they want you. If Jaicyn and Rayshawn want to sign you, they will.”

  None of what she’s saying makes any sense. No one does that. I knew Roxy was making a mistake by letting Sunny manage my career. She doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing.

  “Sunny, stop it,” I insisted. “You are not making any sense and I’m here to play on this record. Don’t start with this drama, okay.”

  She groaned and threw her hands up in the air.

  “I cannot believe you! You are so damn stupid. A major label is actually showing some interest in you and you’re acting like the shit doesn’t even matter!”

  “Go play your little song, Aiden,” she waved me off with a flick of her hand. “I’ll take care of this. And get any thoughts of fucking with Jaicyn out of your head. She does not fuck around when it comes to her relationship.”

  Sunny stormed away. Her first stop was the control room to talk to her uncle. I ignored her for the rest of the night, especially after Jaicyn left and I had to concentrate on playing.


  I walked into the apartment, exhausted after a long day of rehearsing with my own band and then recording with Autumn. For the last two weeks, I’ve been the lead guitar player on her new CD.

  All I really want to do was take a hot shower and go to bed. That idea flew out the window as soon as I walked into the apartment. Erica, Paulie, Sunny, and Mike were all sitting around the living room. I sat my guitar case down and said a tired hello to everyone. But I didn’t stop walking. I kept going, straight to my room. Sunny followed.

  “What?” I groaned.

  I’m not in the mood for her shit tonight.

  She sat on my bed.

  “Well,” she said slowly then paused. “It appears that you and I have a little problem.”

  Appears? We’ve been having a problem for over a month and she’s just now realizing it?

  “I guess so,” I replied.

  “You guess? You haven’t had a real conversation with me in weeks. All you ever do is text me. You rarely come home. Last month you gave me your half of the rent and then spent the rest of the month over Mike’s.”

  She looked down at the floor tracing a circle in the carpet with her foot.

  “Roxy said you were looking for your own place.” She mumbled those words with so much sadness in her voice that for a brief moment, I felt kinda bad.

  “Yeah,” I admitted. “I haven’t found anything though.”

  “Aiden, I don’t want you to move out,” Sunny mumbled, still staring at the carpet.

  I stared at her. Her words sound sincere but her actions always show me otherwise.

  “Yeah right. You certainly don’t act like it.”

  “Why?” she questioned. “Just because I told you how I feel about you running around Atlanta, screwing as many girls as you can?”

  “That’s part of it,” I answered. “You are not my mother. It doesn’t matter if you don’t like what I’m doing. It’s not your business. I haven’t liked any of the dudes you’ve dated but you don’t see me banning you from bringing those losers back here.”

  “Then I won’t do that anymore,” she spoke up. “You can bring whoever you want back to the apartment,” Sunny promised.

  “I don’t believe you,” I laughed. Sunny laughed too.

  “Come on, Aiden. Don’t move out. I’m sorry for being a bitch and acting like your mama. Just don’t leave.”

  “Fine, Sunny. I won’t move out.”

  I haven’t really been looking for another apartment anyway. I’ve been too busy. I think Sunny knows that but she didn’t say anything.

  “So...are we good?” she asked. “Are you going to stop being mad at me and stop with the silent treatment?”

  I nodded.

  “Good because I have some good news that I’ve been waiting to tell everyone until you came home. Come in the living room.”

  I followed her out of my room and watched as she shut off the television that pretty much ruined Paulie and Erica’s game of Madden.

  “Oh be quiet,” she huffed at their protests. “I have good news.”

  “You’re pregnant!” Erica squealed.

  “Ha!” Mike laughed. “You gotta have sex for that to happen.”

  “What’s up?” I asked.

  “Well,” Sunny said. “For the last week, I’ve been meeting with the people at Power. They’re looking to take Power Music to another level, and in order to do that, they need a more diverse roster. Aiden, they want you to be the first non hip-hop artist on their label. They’re interested in signing you to a three album deal!”

  She reached into her suitcase sized purse and tossed me a stapled packet of papers. My jaw hit the floor.

  “You’re serious?” I muttered. “They really want to sign me?”

  Sunny nodded proudly. “They love you. Rayshawn and their A&R guy, Dre, are definitely interested. I’ve been negotiating this thing for weeks.”

  I flipped through page after page of legal jargon seeing words that I don’t understand. It doesn’t matter. It’s a fucking record contract! It has my name on it!

  “Where do I sign it?”

  Sunny laughed. “I think Roxy should take a look at it first. And a lawyer.”

  “Let me see that,” Paulie reached for the papers and flipped through them.

  “I’ll see if my mentor will look over this,” he said. “Just to make sure everything is legit.”

  “Good idea,” Sunny said and looked at me. “Aiden, what do you think.”

  I blinked my eyes, trying to figure out if this is all just a dream. I was dead tired when I walked through the door. This could be a dream, but it surely feels like I’m awake.

  “I think...” I started with a grin, “I think that it’s time for us to start looking for a bigger place because we are about to be rich!”

  Sunny leaped into my arms and hugged me tightly.

  “We’re doing it,” Aiden,” she whispered. “We’re actually fucking doing it!”

  Chapter 25

  “Fuck!” I yelled and threw my guitar pick across the living room.

  “What is wrong with you?” Sunny asked without looking up from her sketchbook.

  “I’m trying to write and this fucking phone keeps ringing!”

  “Turn it off then, Aiden. Don’t have a hissy fit about it.”

  The real problem isn’t the phone ringing. It’s this song. I can’t get it right and it’s frustrating. It has to be right. I go to L.A to record with Joey in two days. Joey is not fucking around. His time is money and since he’s producing my first album, I have to have my shit together. This song was supposed to be done weeks ago.

  “Sunny,” I whined. “I need your help. Let me play you what I have so far and tell me how it sounds.”

  “Aiden, I’m busy too,” she argued.

  “All I’m asking you to do is listen,” I said.

  “You never just want me to listen,” Sunny huffed. “You always want my input then argue because it goes against what you like. I can’t do that with you right now.”

  “Come on, Sunny,” I pleaded. “Joey’s expecting this song to be done when I get out there. This shit has to be p

  “Why are you writing all of these new songs?” she asked. “You have a hundred finished songs already.”

  “This is my first album, Sunny. Just listen.”

  I started to play the opening to the new song I’ve been writing. It’s called Check Mate. It’s about two people in a relationship struggling to be the dominant one.

  About two minutes into it, I looked at Sunny’s face. She wasn’t feeling it. I stopped playing.


  “I don’t like it,” she stated.

  “What’s wrong with it?”

  “First of all, it’s not your style. Are you having a rapper do the hook or something?”


  “Well, it sounds unnatural. Jazz it up or something, but make it sound like you and less like something that’s going to get played on V-103. They aren’t ever going to play your music and you know it.”

  “What about the lyrics?” I asked her.

  “The lyrics are fine, Aiden.” Then she was quiet and focused on whatever she was doing online before I interrupted her.

  A few minutes later, she shut the computer.

  “Done?” I asked.

  “Not even close,” she mumbled. “I can’t work right now. I have to go meet with that lady who wants me to make some tacky ass homecoming dress for her daughter.”

  “I thought you weren’t going to take any new projects until Roxy comes back,” I commented.

  “Well, we have bills. If I don’t sew, we don’t eat.”

  I laughed. “Hey! I contribute around here. You’re not my sugar mama. Plus I just signed a major label deal!”

  Sunny didn’t laugh which surprised me. She must be more stressed that I originally thought. We’re flying out to Los Angeles in two days and we both need to relax before we get out there. I propped my guitar against the wall and looked at my friend.

  “Cancel your meeting and let’s just chill,” I suggested. “We can order a pizza or something. But no more work. We can work tomorrow.”

  “I’m in the mood for ribs,” Sunny sighed.

  “Alright. I’ll get us some ribs. Why don’t you take a nap until I get back?”

  “Tell my aunt I said hello,” Sunny said. “I’m going to take a shower.”

  “What are you doing here, baby?” Kat said when I walked into Rabbit’s.

  “Just getting some food for me and Sunny.” I gave her a quick peck on the cheek. “You look different.”

  Kat beamed proudly. “Just had a little work done. All these young gals coming in here be tryin’ to get with my husband...I had to do something.”

  “What did you get done?” I asked.

  “Oh, not much,” Kat laughed. “A little liposuction, a tummy tuck, and one of those face tightening things.”

  “Whoa, don’t be goin all Hollywood on me, yet,” I teased. “We’re not walking any red carpets yet.”

  We walked to the kitchen together while Kat caught me up on all of the drama that’s been going down at Rabbit’s since I’ve been away.

  “Why do I see Sunny here more than you? What’s going on?”

  “I’ve been writing with the guys and doing things with the label. I can’t get down here as often because of the new deal,” I explained.

  “The guys? Did you get rid of Erica?”

  I laughed. “Nope. She’s one of the guys.”

  “I’m so happy this is finally happening for you,” Kat smiled proudly. “You’re going to make it, baby. I know you are.”

  She’s right. The deal is done. My dream is coming true. Rayshawn and Dre have a lot of expectations of me. They believe I can do a lot for Power Music.

  Roxy isn’t thrilled about this, that’s for sure. She doesn’t believe that a hip-hop label will be able to do anything for my career. Her fear is that they won’t know how to market my music. She doesn’t understand what they are trying to do with Power Music, though. My music is going to sell. As long as I can tour and play shows, my music will market itself.

  “What did your parents say when you told them you got signed?” Kat asked.

  We were sitting at the counter in the kitchen waiting on Jo-Jo to finish my food. Her question through off my entire thought process.


  “What did your parents say when you told them you got signed?” she repeated.

  “I haven’t talked to my parents. Just my sisters.”

  “Aiden,” she scolded. “How long has it been since you talked to them? They need to have some idea of what’s going on in your life.”

  “They do,” I argued. “I’m sure my sisters keep them informed. They don’t care.”

  It still bothers me that I can’t share this part – or any part – of my life with my parents. I know in my heart that it’s mainly my dad’s disappointment in my career choice that causes them to act like this but my mother, due to her inaction, is a co-conspirator...an accessory to his crime.

  Jo-Jo brought my food over to the counter and shuffled away without speaking.

  “So, what did you do to Sunny this time?” Kat asked.

  “Nothing, I swear,” I laughed. “We both just need a break. We’ve been working really hard and we go to California in a few days.”

  “Sunny’s going to L.A with you? Why?”

  “Because I’m going to record my album,” I answered, confused by the question.

  Kat raised her eyebrows. “When is that manager of yours coming back?” she asked.

  “She is back,” I told her, “but you know how Sunny is. She’s been handling things for so long that she doesn’t want to give up control.”

  Kat frowned. “She can’t manage your career and hers.”

  “I know.”

  “Why don’t you just let Roxy handle things? I bet the thought of Sunny not working for you never crossed your mind, has it?”

  I didn’t answer, because I haven’t pushed Sunny to quit like I should. I haven’t even mentioned it to her. I like how she negotiated my deal and how’s she’s been handling things so far.

  “You don’t have to answer,” Kat replied. “I can tell by that stupid look on your face that you haven’t said anything.”

  I quickly gave Kat a hug and peck on the cheek.

  “I’ll see you later,” I told her. I really don’t have time to talk about Sunny with Kat. The only thing that can possibly come out of it is a long lecture on how selfish I am. I don’t need to talk about that. I already know how selfish I am.

  When I walked into our apartment, it was cleaner that it had been when I left. Sunny had finally put away all of the swatches and rolls of fabric that had been haphazardly strewn about the living and dining rooms.

  We sat on the sofa, watching Purple Rain, and ate our dinner. We didn’t do much talking. Just relaxed. My mind and body have been so wired lately. I need to think about nothing for a couple of days because when we get to Los Angeles, I have a feeling that I’m going to be on an adrenaline high the entire time.

  Purple Rain is not one of my favorite movies. The soundtrack is one of the best albums ever made but the movie, for the most part, sucks. I understand “The Kid’s” fascination with the white guitar though. That’s exactly how I felt about Dee-Dee when I didn’t have her. Even though I have other guitars, I still wanted my Strat. Nothing plays or feels better than Dee-Dee.

  Halfway through the movie, Sunny changed positions on the couch and rested her head against my shoulder.

  “I booked you at the Hilton that’s close by the studio,” she said. “I know you’re going to want to be as close to the studio as possible. Have you started packing yet?”

  “Did you get a room close to mine?” I asked Sunny, ignoring her question about packing. Of course I’m not even close to being packed.

  “I’m not going,” was her answer. “Just you, Mike, and Eddie.”

  I sat up straight on the couch and paused the movie. This is news to me.

  “What do you mean you’re not going?” I
asked. “You’re my manager. How the hell can you not be with me while I’m recording my album?”

  Sunny sighed and leaned against the back of the sofa. “Roxy is your manager.”

  “Roxy already said she’s not coming! Are you seriously telling me that I’m going by myself?”

  “Aiden, I can’t go,” Sunny said mournfully. “I have to get these dresses done. I have to work, Aiden.”

  I scowled. I wasn’t expecting this. Sunny’s not coming to L.A with me? This has to be a joke. I know she has her own career to focus on but this is my first album we’re talking about. This is Los Angeles, California. I can’t do this without her.

  “You have to come, Sunny.”

  “I can’t,” she muttered softly. “Who knows how long it’s going to take you to record your album. It could take months.”

  “It’s not going to take months,” I argued. “Besides, you don’t have to stay the entire time.”

  I need her there and I’m not giving up until she says yes.

  “Just come with me and stay until I get settled.”

  “No, Aiden,” she insisted. “I’m staying in Atlanta. You won’t be alone. Joey, Eddie, and Mike will be there. Erica will be there in two weeks. You’ll be fine.”

  “I don’t care about them,” I looked at Sunny. “I need you there.”

  Sunny has been the reason I’ve been writing and playing so well. She’s the only one who’s not afraid to speak her mind. Her opinion is the only one that I fully trust, one hundred percent. There’s no way I can record an entire album without her input. It’s not going to happen.

  “Either come with me,” I said to her, “or call Dre and tell him to make arrangements for me to record in Atlanta. I can’t do this without you. I need you.”

  “You need me?” Sunny looked up at me with her wide hazel eyes.

  I put my arm around her shoulder and squeezed. “You know I do.”

  She smiled. “Okay. I guess I can get some work done from L.A, but it’s only for a week or two, Aiden.”

  “That’s fine with me,” I replied.

  Everything is going to work out fine. When my record is a huge hit and I’m a big star, Sunny’s going to reap the benefits more than anyone else. I’ll do anything and everything in my power to help her like she’s helped me.


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