Children of the Moon: Book Four

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Children of the Moon: Book Four Page 10

by Yvonne Robertson

  “You look amazon, Cassie,” Bree smiled at the younger girl, “How are you feeling?”

  “Still a little weak, but already so much better than I have for the last few months.” she smiled back and Bree thought how cute she was when she smiled. She had a dimple in one cheek and it was much easier to see the family resemblance now with her and Leo.

  “We have a little surprise for you both, but in a couple more days when you are feeling much stronger.” Bree grinned and shared a look with India, her co-conspirator.

  “I can’t wait, I love surprises,” she said, taking a sip of her soda.

  Kandis and Rylee arrived back and there was a flurry of activity as everyone else sat down to eat and Bree helped Nate put all of the dishes in the middle of the extended table.

  “Now that we are all settled I can tell you that the meeting with Jane was good,” Kandis said, “Her Dad is still resisting and she had been trying to get him to move in with her family but he wants his independence. I told her how much we were offering for the cabin and she was pleasantly surprised, it was more than she thought she would get. She is going to suggest they use some of the money to convert their unfinished basement into an apartment for her father so that he can still have his privacy but she is there to keep an eye on him. I have a good feeling about this one.”

  “That’s great news, babe,” Liam said as he maneuvered his little daughter into the crook of his arm so that he could eat with the other hand.

  “What was the news you had for us, Nate?” Bree asked as she filled two hard shell tacos with lettuce, beef, sour cream and chopped tomato.

  “You are not going to believe this, but Summer Blackwood, the woman who owns the herbalist store and the other cabin, knows what we are. She called me ‘wolf’ to my face. She has known for months since we started coming out here and buying up all the vacant property.”

  The silence in the room was deafening as they all looked at each other in horror and then fixed their stares on Nate.

  “Seann isn’t going to like this one bit!” Hope said speaking everyone else's thoughts aloud.

  Bree nodded her head in agreement.

  “Did she see us shift, is that how she knows?”

  “No, she didn’t, Bree, it wasn’t anything that you or anyone else did, but rather what Summer herself is.” Nate continued.

  “What do you mean?” she asked, a little confused, her brow crinkling.

  “Summer Blackwood is a witch and although she didn’t say it in so many words, I think she has been hiding away up here. I don’t know why or from who, but she has just as much to lose as we do by revealing our secret.”

  “Wow.” Bree said with a grin, “A real live bonafide witch!”

  Everyone at the table erupted with laughter at the absurdity of the statement and Bree just shrugged off their teasing. She didn’t care if they thought her strange, she couldn’t wait to meet her first witch. She knew they existed of course, but she had never met one in the flesh, that she was aware of anyway.

  She didn’t say it out loud, but she planned to slip out unnoticed when she had a chance and pay the witch a visit.



  He was watching her as he cleared away the last of the dishes and everyone else dispersed to go about their own business. He knew Bree was up to something but he couldn’t quite put his finger on it, she looked like the cat that got the cream.

  “Hope and I are going out for a while to do some shopping, does anyone need anything while we are out?” she asked but Cassie lifted her head from her book and shook her head and Leo was totally engrossed in his video game.

  “No, darlin, Leo is going to do some grocery shopping for us later today at the corner store, you two go and have fun.”

  Jay, Roisin and Anjelica had already left to go home to the compound and everyone else was going home tomorrow. Nate knew that he and Bree should go back to the compound for a few days too and update Seann in person, show him the plans and most of all tell him about Summer.

  Hope and Rylee were staying for another week and he knew she was avoiding being with Rafe at the clinic, but it would be helpful to the pack if they were there to answer questions from sellers while him, Bree and especially Kandis were out of town and he didn’t want to leave Cassie and Leo on their own just yet. Bree had shown him photos of what they had done to the cabin and he knew they would like to move into their own place but he wanted Cassie to have another few days here at the townhouse first to make sure she was strong enough.

  He pulled her close and kissed Bree on the lips as Hope rolled her eyes dramatically. He stood in the doorway and watched them walking down the street arm in arm. To the outside world, they were identical but he would never mistake one for the other, their scents were completely different for one and Hope’s penchant for red, pink, or even purple hair was a dead giveaway.

  He closed the door and made a list of essentials for Leo to pick up for him at the grocery store. He and Cassie would be okay on their own for a few days now that she was healing and Hope would only be a ten-minute car ride from the townhouse if they needed her.

  He also wanted to update the master plan on the wall of the office as well as his notes. Seann would want to know down to the last cabin how everything was progressing, but Nate thought he would be pleasantly surprised with how much they had achieved, most of it down to Kandis. He would also want to meet Cassie and Leo but that could wait until Seann and Imogen’s visit to their cabin in a couple of weeks’ time.

  He went upstairs to pack a bag, they would get on the road first thing tomorrow morning. He would enjoy the two-hour ride back to the compound with just him and Bree. It had been a little crowded around here for a newly mated couple. Still, that would mean staying with Seann and Imogen at the Den and much as he liked the alpha, he was still Bree’s overprotective brother.

  They would surprise Leo and Cassie with their own cabin when they came back again in a few days. His housekeeper would be coming in to do her weekly clean and knowing her would probably fuss over the two of them by cooking some of their meals. He told her they were his cousin’s kids that were staying for a while and she accepted it without question.

  She lived in Bear Falls so she wouldn’t be a problem for an all wolf community and humans would still be coming into town to shop and work, but Nate couldn’t have her coming out to the farm or up the mountain to clean for him when he moved on to his and Bree’s new home. He needed to address that before he moved out, maybe Rylee would be happy to have her continue to clean the townhouse as well as his offices. She was only a couple of years from retirement anyway so the problem would eventually fix itself.

  Early next morning, Bree climbed in beside him in the truck and they pulled out onto the street and turned in the direction of the compound. She settled back in her seat and he reached across and took her hand in his, just enjoying the alone time after the hectic week they had just left behind them.

  She brushed her dark hair away from her face with her hand, it reached past her collar now and he knew from experience, it was a shifters curse. Their hair grew at twice the rate of a human and why many of the men kept their hair longer. Nate kept his short but it meant a trip to get a haircut twice a month and he had fallen into the habit of alternating between two different barbers to avoid suspicion.

  “Your hair has grown six inches since we got together again,” he smiled.

  “I know, it’s a pain to keep having it cut so I think I am going to grow it out for a while. It’s been years since I had long hair.”

  Nate didn’t care whether her hair was short, long, or somewhere in between, he thought she was beautiful no matter what.

  They talked about the best site to build their new home and although he would have liked to build or buy something on the mountain, Bree mentioned the farm more than once and he guessed that she was leaning toward being closer to Seann and Garrett out there. He didn’t mind either way and just wanted her to be hap

  “I thought the spot behind the orchard out at the farm would be perfect to build a new home for us, or there is the old stone building on the opposite side of the farmyard from the dairy that we could convert into a decent-sized house too. No-one else has claimed that yet but both would be within walking distance to Imogen and India. I would need to get Lachlan to have a look but I think with an upper floor it would be about three thousand square feet, more than enough room to house a family. If we build new, you can have any size you want.”

  Bree’s face lit up and she turned in her seat to face him.

  “I thought for sure you wanted to be on the mountain, Nathaniel. I would have been happy to live anywhere with you, but I do love it out on the farm, it just feels right, you know.”

  “Do you think you would want a new house or the old building converted?” he asked, smiling at her enthusiasm.

  “I don’t mind either really but the old building has a lot of charm. Did you see the huge fireplace in the main room, the one with the missing windows? India thinks it was the original farmhouse before the existing one was built, then it was converted into a bunkhouse of sorts for the farmhands and then with the addition of modern machinery it fell into its current state as the need for manual labor decreased over the years. It shouldn’t be too difficult to convert it back to its former glory.”

  Nate was glad that she seemed to be leaning towards the old building. A new house would be simpler, choose a plan and have it built but there was a real old-world vibe about the existing building that he loved. He could picture them in a few years from now, with their own little family gathered around that fireplace that Bree loved. Number one priority was to make sure that Lachlan’s team preserved that fireplace.

  Changing the subject for the moment, Nate asked her what she thought Seann would say about Summer Blackwood, the witch he was trying to persuade to sell her home and business.

  Bree looked a little guilty as if he caught her off guard but she quickly composed herself before she answered.

  “I was planning to go visit her yesterday, just out of curiosity, but she wasn’t in the shop when Hope and I went and I never got the chance again before we left. As far as Seann goes, it’s difficult to predict with my brother. His number one priority has always been keeping us safe and our way of life secret from the general population. He has certainly mellowed since Imogen’s arrival and she holds a lot of sway with him. I always find it prudent to have her present when I give him news that I don’t think he is going to like very much. I guess we will find out soon, he will want a full report on how we are progressing with the move.”

  Apart from Imogen, Bree and Hope seemed to be the only two people in the pack who weren't just a little afraid of their alpha and his domineering personality. In fact, tiny Bree would square up to him, face to face, any time she didn’t get her own way, Nate was more than a little impressed by her balls.

  “Imogen sent me a message, Roisin is cooking at the Den tonight and Seann would like an impromptu council meeting while we eat to go over the plans. Jay, Liam, Kandis, Garrett and India will join us all. Hope won’t be there but we can fill her in later.” she said closing her phone and returning it to her purse.

  “I’m not on the council.” he reminded her.

  “You will be, as the alphas sisters’ mate. In my Father’s Day, mates replaced female family members on the council but thankfully my brother isn’t as archaic and misogynistic. He likes to get a wider perspective and although the final decisions always rest with him, he will do us the courtesy of listening to anything we have to say.”

  Nate already suspected that Seann Donovan was a first-class leader, despite the crusty exterior and he was pleased to know he didn't have to be dragged kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century like so many pack alphas. Female wolves were not always treated very well in some of these packs. Protected and coddled for sure, but quite a few treated their women as if they were fragile and couldn’t think for themselves and he was insulted on their behalf. Even Renee’s father had been a little old fashioned in his thinking and his ex-fiancée had never held down a single job in her life. She was daddy’s little princess and Nate was surprised that she hadn’t turned out to be a spoiled brat.

  “If it wasn’t for Seann, Hope and I would never have gone away to college.” she seemed to read his mind. “Our father would have us waiting around until we could be paired with a suitable mate and then produce babies to populate the pack. It’s what he expected from our Mom too. But at a push, teaching and nursing were acceptable courses for a woman and Seann told him our skills would be useful to the pack.” she shook her head.

  “Isn’t that what you wanted to do?” he asked gently.

  “I wanted to be a writer, first and foremost, but doing an English degree and becoming a teacher didn’t turn out to be too bad. I love teaching now so in my case it worked out for the best and now I can’t wait to coordinate getting a new school up and running for the younger kids. We have never been able to do that before. I thought we would still have them registered as homeschoolers, just with a much more structured day but Jay knows people on the board of education and he thinks he can have us licensed and registered as a proper school. The high school is already, we just have to encourage more shifters into the teaching positions, but we knew that could take years to achieve anyway.”

  “Is there anyone he doesn’t know?” Nate asked with a grin. “Jay Donovan is certainly a man of mystery.”



  He parked the car around the back of the Den and Bree stretched her arms and legs as she got out. They hadn’t stopped to eat again and she was famished. The scent of chocolate and caramel was in the air and she hoped Imogen had been on one of her baking frenzies since they had been gone.

  She pushed open the back door and Imogen was in the kitchen, flour on her face and hands which she dusted off and wrapped her arms around her sister in law, squeezing tightly.

  “It’s so good to have you home again, Bree, this place is too quiet with all of you gone.”

  “Please tell me you have some of those cakes ready to eat, I am starving,” Bree said as Imogen released her and Roisin came forward and put two cups of coffee on the table for her and Nate.

  “Eat this first and then I will cut you a slice of the chocolate cake that she made yesterday.” Roisin put ham and cheese baguettes beside their coffee and they both pulled up a chair.

  “This is delicious Roisin, thank you,” Bree said between mouthfuls.

  “Imogen baked the bread, I only put it together. She has baked enough over the last week to feed an army, I don’t know what’s gotten into this woman.” she shook her head and put two huge slices of chocolate cake on the table.

  “The last time you went on a mad baking spree it was because you were pregnant.” Bree laughed and when Imogen fell silent they all turned to look at her.

  Imogen’s cheeks were tinged pink but her eyes sparkled with unshed happy tears and Bree knew she had hit the mark. Imogen and Seann were having another baby.

  “You’re pregnant again!” Bree gasped.

  “Yes, only a few weeks. Seann and India know and Rafe, who was sworn to secrecy, but no-one else at the moment, it’s still early days.”

  “I think it’s wonderful, Imogen.” Bree got up and walked around the table to hug her. She was delighted for her sister in law but she felt a pang of envy too and pushed it aside. This was Imogen’s moment and she wouldn’t spoil it.

  “Congratulations, my lips are sealed,” Nate added and Imogen nodded, the huge smile on her face showing how happy she was.

  “We were going to let everyone know at the run next weekend but nothing stays secret long in the pack.” she shrugged unconcerned and Bree knew she was right. Shifters were notorious gossips!

  Bree popped the last piece of cake into her mouth and sighed contentedly.

  “We have some updates, but I think Nathaniel and I will g
et unpacked and I want to have a shower before dinner. We will fill you all in when everyone is here for dinner tonight.”

  Nate carried their bags to their old room and dumped them on the floor. As soon as the door closed behind Bree, he pulled her toward him and they landed on the bed as they struggled to get their clothes off.

  “Thank god for soundproofing in shifter homes!” Nate grinned as he pulled her jeans down her legs and discarded them with the rest of her clothes. She yanked the shirt over his head and smoothed her hands over the rippling muscles of his broad chest and shivered.

  “Those silent quickies are okay for a day or two but when we go back to the mountain, Cassie and Leo are moving out!” she grinned as he scooped her up and carried her naked to the bathroom.

  He turned on the shower and stepped under the spray and she cried out as the cold water hit her bare skin.

  “It's freezing!”

  “It will warm up in a few seconds.” he smiled as his mouth captured hers and she forgot about the cold or anything else as his tongue explored her and his hands cupped her ass.

  “Oh Nathaniel.” she cried out and threw back her head as he lifted her higher and sucked a turgid nipple into his mouth.

  Her senses were on high alert and she was ready for him in seconds. It had been too long since she could let go without worrying about being heard and she was ready for much more than a silent make out session with her mate.

  She wrapped her legs around him tightly and his erection pressed against her opening driving her into a frenzy. She rubbed against him, urging him inside her until he gripped her ass tightly and thrust all the way home.


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